Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1003: Escape from birth

Xiao Hua has no time to take care of the life and death of the film, because the passage of the annihilation, the power of destroying the earth and the ground roaring will also pounce on himself.

Xiao Hua hurried back, the burst of the channel followed him, and the light and shadow of the film was followed, but unfortunately no matter how the film gathered, it could not condense together, because he could not catch up with the speed of the channel.

"Boom..." Xiao Hua flew into Senluo Road, and the turbulent flow of the interface immediately rushed in. She had already scored two sections of Sen Luodao, and Xiao Hua refused to take a breath, and then went to the last heaven of the six days of Mo Yitian. The interface barrier rushed away!

However, when flying, Xiao Hua looked at his right hand, and the barriers to the passage were also rapidly swaying. It seemed that there was space raging.

It’s true that I heard it, there is also a passage there, which is what Murray found, and Xiao Hua’s memory from the ink and the dancing water demon is not far from the two passages. After the adventure of the smashing into the body through the interface, the two men will not only kill the two, but also ruin the two channels, and never listen to the hidden dangers of the snow.

"Boom!" Xiao Hua just flew, the channel barriers finally could not support, bursting across, a black shadow brush flew out from inside, crossed Xiaohua!

Xiao Hua’s eyes are sweeping, isn’t that whisky? Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and his eyes were fast and his heart was filled with space.

And just as Xiao Hua’s technique of urging the brilliance first broke into the interface barrier, a hysterical voice called: “Go to death!”

Immediately, I saw a gray-black knife flying out of the turbulent flow outside the Xiaohuasen Luodao, slanting to Xiaohua neck.

The knife is very fast, drifting like a shadow, Xiao Hua just had time to hide, the knife light has cut Xiaohua's right arm!

"Haha, haha..." The laughter of Wenying was drowned by the turbulence of the interface, and it became even smaller.

Xiao Hua looked at the blade that was deeply penetrated into the interface barrier like a willow blade. He said faintly: "Can you not send the fairy to Xiaomou? Thank you..."

Then look at the arm of his own cut, the black gas is eroding the flesh and blood, but where is the power of the body of the light, can you understand?

Waiting for Xiao Hua to close the blade, the black gas has been killed by the glory of Xiao Hua's body, and the blood of the arm disappeared and gradually healed.

Xiao Hua then took a look at the turbulent flow of the interface that fluttered down and shook his head: "It’s a pity!"

Then he pushed the light of the rushing into the interface barrier and disappeared.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua just flew out of the interface barrier, and a heavy pressure immediately rushed to the surface, and Xiao Hua's figure was once again compressed.

"Silk..." Xiao Hua had a wound on his body. He just tried to escape. He didn't feel anything. Now under the pressure of the interface, his whole body blood was splashed again. Xiao Hua couldn't help but take a breath. Air conditioning.

Xiao Hua just wants to repair the scars, "Hey..." The interface barrier underneath the sound of a sirloin, and the barrier began to undulate, as if there was a giant collision, Xiao Hua went to the interface barrier to see, that There are also chaotic fluctuations at the edge, and it is obvious that it will not collapse for a long time.

Xiao Hua looked at the top of his head and still had no end. He thought that Jiang Meihua would be sent out in a moment.

Jiang Meihua appeared, his wolverine was even worse, "Hey..." The body of the sound was almost reduced by 30%. "Hey..." Jiang Meihua is also a good person. The whole body has a yellow-light shadow, and there is a unicorn method in the interior. The force resisted.

“Escaped?” Jiang Meihua looked around and asked very worriedly. “What about Liu Hu’s?”

"I am wounded!" Xiao Hua explained, "This is the Seven Miles of Morro Road, and the road will be collapsed. You will take me high, let us go to the entrance..."

"Good!" Jiang Meihua listened. The big hand grabbed Xiao Hua and gave birth to a unicorn virtual shadow to rush toward the high point of Sen Luo Dao.

Jiang Meihua just rushed out of the miles, "Bang" Sen Luodao finally interface barrier finally collapsed, the interface turbulence once again rushed into the air, chasing behind Jiang Meihua.

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua screamed and his body speeded up!

Xiao Hua did not dare to show the gods in front of Jiang Meihua, only taking some refining Xiandan, obviously these Xiandan have little effect on Xiao Hua's body. After a fragrant, Jiang Meihua could not help but whisper: "Xiao Xiaoyou, Your immortal doesn't work, I am here..."

Just said here, Jiang Meihua shut up, the elixir in his bag is given by Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua's immortal is not easy to use, his fairy boat is also not easy to use.

"Nothing!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I have already spurred mystery. But the fairy of the humanoid shadow is too powerful, and it will not show any effect for a while. It will be fine later."

"Liu Huzhen..." Jiang Meihua finally asked, "Are they afraid of falling?"

"I saw Lei Huzhen and Lu Huwei killed and killed..." Xiao Hua said faintly. "I took you into the space and then fled to the interface barrier. I have never seen Liu Huzhen fight with them." , but... it should be fierce and less!"

"Oh..." Jiang Meihua sighed and said, "Even if they are all degraded, we can escape our lives, and we are lucky."

“Yeah!” Xiao Hua nodded. “I have helped Lei Hu to avenge them!”

"Ah?" Jiang Meihua was shocked and looked at Xiao Huadao. "Are you so powerful?"

"I am naturally not so powerful!" Xiao Hua pointed to her own scars and said, "I just use my own bait, lead them into the interface channel, and lead the interface channel to collapse!"

After he finished, he grinned again and said, "I wanted to go with them, but the Tao is compassionate. When the interface collapses, there is just a chance. I will escape!"

"I am going!" Jiang Meihua said, "Fortunately, you escaped, otherwise I will go with you."

As I said, there was a sudden sound coming from high altitude: "Who is in front? But three tigers are squatting?"

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua listened to, all of them were overjoyed and shouted: "Exactly, exactly!"

Jiang Meihua also hurriedly released his thoughts and wanted to explore what he was, but he only said that he had released more than a dozen feet, and the inexplicable fluctuations around him had shattered his thoughts.

"What's the matter!" On the top of the head, another voice hurriedly said, "Not only the three tigers don't return, but why don't you wait? Now that you have reached the end of the Senluo Road, you will also encounter the interface collapse. ......"

"Don't tell me, pick them up..."

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It’s not easy to escape from birth.

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