Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1003: Kill 2 cents

"But..." I heard the wind and the beast kept under my own body. I said to myself, "If I enter the passage, the spirit is not easy to do. It is a wind and a beast, and it may cause channel changes!"

"If you can let it go, don't kill it yourself, you can't find that thing!"

"But it!" After thinking about it, Wenfeng smiled coldly and said to himself, "Do you want to kill a handful of Yuanyuanxian?

After that, Wenfeng whispered a few words to the wind and the beast, and the wind and the beast's body shape once again reduced to the shape of the armor and fell on the wind, and the wind looked at the flying gray beads and put a mouth. He swallowed the beads into the abdomen and he didn't want to leave any traces here.

Rushing into the gap, the face is a familiar channel. This channel is not stable. From time to time, some inexplicable stars and moon beams, as well as strong interface fluctuations, fall through the channel barriers. Occasionally, some of the residual light of the fire dance drifts out.

The wind did not release the thoughts. He gently patted his waist, and the wind and the beast trembled, releasing thousands of qis to protect him.

The wind flew into the entrance of the passage for more than a hundred miles, slightly paused and waved out the dust, the dust drifted with the wind, it looked quite elegant, no one could have thought that this is the weapon of Zhu Xian, just killed the Yuanxian!

Ready to stop, smelling the smile at the corner of the mouth, slowly flying, just like a cat chasing a mouse, waiting to push Xiao Hua to a desperate situation.

The channel is not only curved, but also a little distorted. The force of the interface will crush the occasional light of the stars and moons, and the light will shine on the face of the wind, revealing a smug smile. It’s as if I’m reviewing my own achievements, and I’m flying all the way, my eyes sweeping through the passages. Although he can't say that he is familiar with the points here, he will not let go if he can hide.

However, seeing the end of the passage, I have never seen Xiao Hua, and the wind is a bit uneasy.

"Isn't he..." Just thought of it here, in the distant glimmer, I saw Xiao Hua's body flashing silver, staring at his eyes like a beast.

"Ha ha..." Wenfeng saw a big laugh and said, "Do you know what is called 瓮中鳖鳖?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua replied with a gnashing tooth. "I only know what it means to be the same!"

"Haha, just because of you?" Look around the wind, "Do you believe that you have the power to break the border? And, are you sure I have no backhand?"

Xiao Hua looked at the wind and retreated slightly. She was not sure when she heard the wind. She couldn’t help but ask coldly: "Since you have a backhand, why not go forward?"

Wenfeng bit his lip and stared at Xiaohua. He was not afraid that Xiaohua would die. He dared to enter the passage and naturally escaped the magical powers. He was scrupulous in the hands of Lei Ming and others.

If you haven't seen thunder before, you will ignore the matter and you will see it. Of course, you don't want to miss this credit. However, Wen Feng could not tell Xiao Huaming that he was afraid of investing in rats and causing Xiao Hua to resist.

Xiao Hua looked at the wind, in fact, the same thoughts as the wind, he wanted to enter the wind and smell together, but only the wind came in alone. Just killing the wind, the matter is not perfect, he wants to wait.

Unfortunately, the wind did not give him a chance, but when he saw the wind in the hands of the fairy dust suddenly shook, 10,000 points of flashing light, he wants to kill Xiao Hua early.

It is a pity that Xiao Hua had already made a decision, and when he saw the wind, he hurriedly urged the technique of Guangxu. Under the light, the glaucoma is needle-like, surrounded by a round of blue light, such as circular hovering, Xiao Hua tried to avoid these light and shadow sideways flying from the edge of the wavy blue light.

"Ah?" Seeing Xiao Hua suddenly disappeared, the wind was extremely surprised, he hurriedly released his thoughts, but did not find Xiao Hua's trace. At this time, the wind and the beast's wind trembled, and the blue light of the dust also had some annihilation. Seeing that the trace of annihilation is close to oneself.

"Damn!" Wenfeng was shocked. He couldn't think of Xiaohua actually having such magical powers, so he snorted and his body shape changed. The wind and the beast rushed out of the hurricane to wrap Xiaohua's body shape.

However, the wind and beast tentacles just came out, "嗡嗡..." There are some winds and whimpers in the passage, and the space is extremely trembling, obviously unable to withstand the magical power of the wind and beast.

The wind is helpless, only one shot of the wind and the beast, the touch of the hand points out a stop to Xiaohua blurred traces.

"Brush..." What makes the wind even more shocking is that the tentacles fall into the air!

"Not good!" The wind suddenly realized what it was, and he was shocked. "He... he wants to escape..."

"Brush..." At this time, there were blood stains and winds behind the wind, and Xiao Hua’s broken light once again showed his figure in the passage.

"Want to escape? No door!" Wenfeng sneered, suddenly the body shook, "Hey..." Around the passage, there were thousands of winds condensed into a net, and Xiaohua’s head, which had been ruined to the left arm, came to his face.

This wind is originally used for self-rescue, and it is appropriate to use Xiaohua to trap it!

Who knows that Xiao Hua simply ignores the wind of the wind, he lifted his left hand, "嗡" the frost sword swung out, seeing the ice **** around, the ice will freeze the wind, the wind double eyes screamed: "Frost sword??"

"Brush" smelled the wind and rushed to shake the fairy dust, a very thin wind to seal the surrounding space, although the ice is still unmatched, but after all, the speed is much slower!

"Oh..." The wind and the beast are trembling, but the huge tentacles are once again found out and straight into the ice!

"Goodbye..." Xiao Hua suddenly smiled and closed the frost sword, his hands raised, "Hey..." The two fire dragons broke out and madly broke into the ice!

At this time, the ice layer was not completely condensed, and the fire dragon silk invaded the inside.

"What do you mean?" The wind is somewhat puzzled. After all, the hurricane of his wind and beast is also breaking the ice.

However, when Xiao Hua raised his hand again, a crystal lattice fell into the air, and the "bang" space fluctuated in the ice, fire and wind, and there was a great law in the channel!

"Not good!" Wenfeng soul flies out of the sky, he does not dare to let the wind and the beast to promote the hurricane, is afraid to provoke the surrounding wave of the interface, and Xiao Hua this law turbulence can be several times more powerful than the wind hunter!

These Xiao Hua cited the interface to kill themselves!

When the wind is swaying, the celestial dust is madly hit, and the wind and the beast are also detached from the body, turning into a cloud and rushing to the law, as if the dumplings are generally wrapped in turmoil!

"Booming and banging..." The sounds of countless blasting sounds, the demon body of the wind eternal beast was riddled by the law, and outside the passage, the turbulent flow of the interface also rushed like a tide, tearing the passage broken.

"Brush..." The wind was not in the body of the wind and the beast, and it flew out from the other side in a moment, but in the breath, his fairy body was already broken.

"Oh?" Wenfeng met Xiaohua again, Xiaohua did not fly far, he said coldly, "Do you want to come again?"

Said, Xiao Hua once again picked up the Frost Sword.

"Damn!" Just in the eyes of the wind, he made a decisive decision. When he was ready to break the boat, Xiao Hua heard the sound of the sound behind him.

The wind was overjoyed, and the fairy marks in his eyebrows were wide open, and the strange gossip light and shadow fell. This light and shadow was everywhere, and the wind-blown figure was washed like water, revealing a slightly fat face.

However, Xiao Hua did not see the look of the wind, because his vest, the horrible horror of the birth, the shadow of the human figure has been deceived behind him!

"This person's speed is too..." Xiao Hua didn't want to immediately force the technique of light, and secretly said, "I am afraid that it is not his opponent!"

Seeing that Xiao Hua’s figure disappeared, he heard the wind and said: “Block the passage, don’t let him escape!”

I don’t know what the wind is, but he waved his hands with his hands, and the black and black knife blocked the passage!

However, just before the knife light appeared, "Boom and Boom..." a burst of space roared, sounded from Xiaohua’s disappearing right hand, but seeing the fire, the water, the Jianguang, etc., like a meteor, suddenly born, The passage is rushing away from the thin barriers!

"Ah!!" Wen Ying and Wen Feng were shocked, and they all said the same thing. "He... he wants to die!"

Xiao Hua's crystal characters naturally contain the crystal characters of the space law. This time, it can be different from the first time. Then there is no wind and constant beast to protect the cracked crystal characters. The barriers in the cracking area are broken like paper, and the interface is turbulent. Into the channel, not only will the wind and the sound screen cut off, but also roaring to the sides of the channel, turbulent flow through the channel inch break!

"Smell the wind..." Wen Ying was in a hurry and shouted, "Fast..."

The wind naturally did not dare to neglect. He strewed into the interface and rushed into the interface. He wanted to rush to the spot, and the sound of the shadow also reached out. The big hand was extremely distorted in the turbulent flow, but it was still slowly approaching. Smell the shadow...

I feel that I have a big hand and it seems to have caught the wind, and I am very happy. I just want to use it to be a supernatural power. Behind him, Xiao Hua’s voice sounds: “This channel is what you set up? You will wait for this day. The place of burial is also a revenge for the thunder..."

"Ah?" Wen Ying was shocked. He looked back incredulously, but saw Xiao Hua’s half-skinned body broken, standing in the **** body, and in his intact right hand, he took a broken magic blade. !

Xiao Hua’s right arm is very sudden and hemorrhagic. The thousand devils are pouring out of the blood, and then Xiao Hua is extremely decisively waving the magic blade. “Brush...” After a **** light, the channel is broken~www.mtlnovel .com~ interface turbulent flow from the broken place, flooding the space between Xiaohua and Wenying!

"You... how did you get to me?" Wen Ying hurriedly sighed the wind, and his body shape turned into a shadow rushing into the interface. He was just Ju Yuanxian. How dare he fall into the interface hedging?

However, in the sound of turning around, he vaguely saw that the interface was broken, and there was also a channel that seemed to be the same, and it took out the same crash and flash.

It’s just that the shadow didn’t look carefully. His shadow fell into the interface and turned into a billion-dollar spot. He rushed toward Xiaohua...

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It’s not easy, Xiao Hua finally used the channel of the demon squad to break into the fairy world to kill two big enemies...

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