Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1002: Fall into desperation

The fuzzy human figure heard the sound of the wind and the beast roaring above the head, knowing that the wind and the beast attack did not work, so he gritted his teeth, raised a hand and gave a gray-white bead to sacrifice, and then urged the body shape to chase the wind and the beast.

Xiao Hua is flying fast, looking down at the dozens of winds and madness, but it is a sneer! At this time, the situation is completely different from the previous attack. He is above Senluo Road, and the wind and the beast are under Senluo. Where will he be afraid of the attack of the wind and the beast?

The more the hurricane of the wind and the beast, the faster the Xiaohua's limping!

"Take me a strong wind of three hundred feet, and skyrocketing 90,000 miles!" Xiao Hua could not help but laughed loudly.

"Damn, **** it!" The fuzzy human figure has already stepped on the wind and the beast. When he saw Xiao Huaru’s wings, he knew it, and he couldn’t help but roar.

"Who are you?" Xiao Hua listened to the human form, and felt that his heart was moving. He said, "Dare to kill me and fight the team?"

The fuzzy human figure produces a twisted blue light, and the figure also begins to fly by the force of the wind and the beast, and ignores Xiao Hua’s question.

"Hey, don't say I know it too!" Xiao Hua snorted. "But it is a thief who is a father. I changed my fairyland to my own small profit. I am! A little beast..."

"Oh..." The fuzzy human form was completely angry. He whispered and his figure disappeared. Immediately, an unspeakable experience emerged from Xiao Hua’s heart. Xiao Hua was shocked. He really couldn’t think that the means of obscuring human form was so strange, but it was possible to kill himself in front of his eyes.

However, Xiao Hua still looked at this fascinating human figure. When Xiao Hua danced to protect his body shape, "Hey..." A glimpse of blue light suddenly flew out of the hurricane, and the sword was generally hit on the wishful stick!

Just at the moment when the Qingguang was broken by Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua could understand that within the spiral hurricane, a cluster of glimmers like the fish rushed toward themselves, and there was a fuzzy human figure in each glory.

"Xiao knows!" Xiao Hua spread his wings again, and he said in his heart, "Xiao Mou has a supernatural power in the light, and there is a magical power in the wind. No wonder he can drive the wind and the beast! I don't know if this person is a fairy. Still demon!"

Xiao Hua knows the law of the wind, but if he can deal with the immortal who can be accommodated in the wind, then he is not afraid of the axe of the class, so Xiao Hua looks up at the heights and still flees, but Xiao Hua flies while paying attention to the body, not to I quickly escaped and let people catch up.

After a scent of incense, Xiao Hua seems to be exhausted, and his body shape slows down. From time to time, some Xiandan is taken out of his arms.

"Small sample..." The fuzzy human figure sneered. "I thought you have the magical power of heaven! You have the time when Xianli is exhausted!"

"Oh..." But after listening to a gust of anger, the brilliance of the film turned into a sword and slammed into Xiaohua.

"Kill!" Xiao Hua saw that he couldn't hide, and only waved his wish!

If the wishful stick is fierce, the stick method from the Yaozu is also embarrassing. If you want to dance, you can't even let the water blow.

Seeing that the gleaming wind was blocked by the wishful stick, the fuzzy human figure was somewhat unexpected. He did not expect that a small tail behind Lei Ming would have such a supernatural power.

"Oh..." The fuzzy human form snorted, and the figure condensed after the light and shadow, and the dust in the hand was about to be thrown out.

However, when the fuzzy human figure wants to push the dust, "哎哟..." Xiao Hua screamed, and his body was shaped like a scorpion, which seemed to be hurt by a blue light. Then Xiao Hua did not dare to fight, and the whole body also produced cyan light and shadow. The wings suddenly shook, and it was like a sword rushing over Senluo Road!

"Damn!" The fuzzy human form has some pearl-dropping feelings. He bites his teeth and squats. "This is also a fine-ventilated system, and it seems to have a demon-like wind. I am alone, he is afraid. Good kill, smell it? Why not come?"

The fuzzy human form naturally does not allow Xiao Hua to escape, and he once again urges the art of the wind to catch up!

So many times, there are more than half of the time to stop and stop. Xiao Hua looks tired, but it is gradually approaching the Seven Miles!

Feeling the interface pressure, Xiao Hua dances more arrogant and more difficult, a careless, do not have to blur the humanoid shot, Xiao Hua himself was hit by the wind and the beast's shot in the Sen Luo Road!

In the blur of the human figure, it is necessary to throw out the dust to kill Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua suddenly struggled and flung to the edge of Sen Luo Dao. "Oh?" Looking at Xiao Hua’s escape, the fuzzy human form was somewhat unexpected.

But for a moment, when seeing Xiao Hua rushing into an extremely hidden gap, he blurred the human figure and laughed. He raised his hand and said: "You don't have to go in the heavens. You have no way to enter the world! You should be looking for death... ”

Said, the fuzzy human form is not in a hurry, he slowly took out the square box, smiled and said: "When you see the shadow, you are also in a hurry to come, and the commandment is directly rushed into the boundary channel that we used to open up with the fairy. The side of the passage has been closed, and the passage is surrounded by forces. He has nowhere to escape."

"Call..." The voice inside the box made a long sigh of relief and said, "That's good, scare me, but don't let him escape, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the voice is mad and ruined: "Smell the wind, you... what do you call my name?"

"Oh, sorry!" The fuzzy human figure named Wen Feng woke I hurriedly shot my forehead. "I forgot, oh, you don't know, I was so mad. Enough..."

Speaking of this, Wen Feng also woke up and said: "nnd, are you not calling me a name?"

"It's even!" said the faint voice. "Isn't it like a fish and a beast? If you don't have a wind and a beast, he has already escaped?"

"Yes, good!" Wenfeng gritted his teeth and cut his teeth. "I have to sacrifice the fairy dust several times, but I can slip away every time. It is really hateful."

"I have already arrived at the text, you wait!" Wen Ying said, "I am going to pass, but there is some trouble, Sen Luodao is closed, behind me is..."

Speaking of this, the sound of the sound is a bit fuzzy, and the wind is watching the glory of the annihilation, knowing that the Sen Luodao closed the sound of the sound.

After listening to the wind for a while, look at the edge of the Senluo Road, the rippled gap, some frowning, the dark road: "Sen Luo Road is closed, here must be annihilated, my hands and feet with the shadow must be Wipe it, but the person flies into it, but there may be another change. If I wait for the film to come, I may not have time to enter the passage to kill the man!"

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Xiao Hua actually has no intention of breaking into desperation? Trouble...

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