Revival of the Gods

Chapter 999: Battle Water Demon (2)

How far! "Jiang Meihua's tone is that the dying man is not paying for his life. He took a shot of the waist and swallowed it. "Hey..." A golden light came out from the low head of the dragon. Jiang Meihua’s right hand was caught in the air, and a dragon fell in his hands. The dragon is round and round, and the unyielding roar is turned into a dragon-shaped rifle!

Xiao Hua shot his forehead, and it was quite annoying. "I must have heard that there is a demon atmosphere here, then come over and show it, go, go, don't let the younger brother look sad..."

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua squirmed a rifle, and the sound of the dragon screamed and laughed. "You really said it right. After a family worshipped the armor, it immediately felt that there was a change. This dragon gun For a long time, don't drink blood and eat meat, I think I will fade out the bird in the mouth! You are here, let a family kill a few demon people and say..."

After that, Jiang Meihua gave birth to a golden light and danced the dragon gun to the darkness.

"Hey, smart people!" Xiao Hua saw Jiang Meihua not asking himself about his income in the Xuan Guijing. He didn't feel it was sighing. He could afford to let it go. This is the cultivation of the disciples!

However, looking at the back of Jiang Meihua, Xiao Hua suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Be careful, these water demon named Fire Dance, probably have the strength of the two high-level and the first stage of Juyuanxian..."

"I am going!" Jiang Meihua stunned, and the body of the dragon trembled violently, almost mourning. "How the demon of the demon league is so powerful!"

Of course, Jiang Meihua just said a word, and his body shape kept going, and he still rushed to the water demon.

"Sure enough, it is a real man!" Xiao Hua praised, look at the axe in his hand, and said to himself, "Chong Yungan, Xiao Mou borrowed your axe, but also fulfilled your wish to kill the demon!"

"Oh..." The two axes of axe bloomed with bronze light and shadow. Although this light and shadow is weak but persistent, it is like the low-lying of Chongyun.

Before Xiao Hua plunged into the current, Jiang Meihua had already fought with the fire dancing water demon. Although Jiang Meihua is the first stage of the second qixian, he has the dragon armor, and he is not afraid of the erosion of the fire dance. Moreover, his gunwork is exquisite, the dragon gun is powerful, and the fire dance is inadvertently penetrated by the dragon gun. The dragon gun penetration is different from other fairy instruments, but it is similar to the chongyun dry axe, except that the dragon gun's dragon pattern kills the fire and dance pieces, and does not let it continue to evolve!

"Kill, kill, kill..." Seeing Xiao Hua come over, Jiang Meihua's spirit is a masterpiece, and he screams and screams. The dragon guns are flashing, and there are seven births. The "噗噗噗" piercing seven fire dances.

"Oh..." The fire dance naturally did not show weakness. Two of the giant earthquakes turned into water and escaped from the dragon gun and flew into Jiang Meihua.

One of them forced Jiang Meihua's chest and the other one rushed to the right side of Jiang Meihua, and it seemed that the strength was not inferior to Jiang Meihua. Xiao Hua feared that Jiang Meihua had lost and just wanted to sacrifice the thunder sword.

"Oh..." But listening to the sound of the dragon's whistle in Jiang Meihua's protective mirror, I immediately saw the dragon condensed into a black dragon and threw it out. Zhangkou will bite the dragon dance, and "嗷嗷" fire dances and screams. Fight with the Black Dragon.

As for the fire dance on the right side of Jiang Meihua, it is not waiting for it to fly near, "brushing" under the dragon pattern, there is a ray of yellow light and a shadow, a unicorn law and the claws dance to the fire dance.

"Interesting!" Xiao Hua smiled and knew that there are so many disciples in the family that they don't have to worry about themselves.

"Ah..." Just thinking, not far away, a fairy will be thrown into the fairy body by the fire dance, screaming that the fairy body is corroded.

"Kill..." Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, the axe waved, "brushing..." killing several fire dances in succession!

However, after killing for a while, Xiao Hua discovered that the source of red water was coming in, the fire dance was too much, and the guardian of the fairy would not be able to cope!

"Kill!" Xiao Hua helpless, the Star Palace India sacrificed, "Boom and Boom" a star of the moonlight column, and each of them fell to kill a demon.

After a while, the water flow of Xiao Hua’s side has been turned into a trickle by the waves of the sky. Looking at the water, there are still some weak fires that shrink their heads and dare not show up. Xiao Hua thought about it, his body shape, He rushed to another place, followed by a star-studded beam of light.

"Looking for luck..." Looking at Xiaohua's great show, Bao Biao screamed for luck. "I don't think this person is so powerful, but it is just a stepping up to the Yuanxianxian, there is high-level strength. If it is not a fire dance demon break The world enters the glazed environment, I am afraid that it is to be folded in his hands. This is the result of the abalone, that Huan Ji said, this person is from the forgetfulness of the river, the immortal who can return from the forgotten, that How much power is there!"

"Oh, I understand, Baoshan did not take this sentence seriously, she thought that people are cheating on Hyun Ji."

"Well, it makes sense. This person didn't believe Huanji's words from the beginning, otherwise it would not be possible to let Shasu be fooled."

"But it, nothing, this person is not what I can resist. This is a battle in the Yuan Dynasty. I am afraid that the Xuan Tianfu garrison will also be associated with him. If the squadron of the Xuantian government is to fight with him, where will my face be?"

"Hashan...but it is a little careful. This is a movie, she will tell me, and then I can't control it..."

I just thought of it here, "Hey..." The water flashed, and there was a fire dance flying out, and the previous two rounds attacked Bao Tong. "Boom..." At this time, Bao Tong also mastered the 诀窍, he used the circle. The ring fairy does not directly kill the fire dance tentacles, but draws a circle from it, kills the debris in the circle first, and then finds other fragments.

After all, Bao Zheng is Ju Yuanxian. These fire dances are not the star of the white star. It is equivalent to the strength of the two gas scent. It is just a bit of a smashing, but it won’t be as good as before.

About half an hour, the water has begun to dry up, Bao Yu long breathed a sigh, whispered to the surviving immortals will continue to kill the water demon, and they flew out.

Bao Wei looked around for a long time. There are not many survivors. As for the immortals who participated in the election, I am afraid that one will not stay. But it is worthwhile to block the fire and dance water in the glass.

At this time, Xiao Hua had already stopped. He was very kind, and after killing many water monsters, his heart could not bear it. In his eyes, fire dance was also a life.

"Xianyou..." Bao Xisi thought for a moment, arched the hand, "I don't know how the fairy friend called it? If it is not a fairy friend today..."

Who knows Xiao Hua looks back at Bao Tong, but it is a moment, suddenly his face changes greatly, and the one-handed star palace prints a big voice: "Where to go!"

The Star Palace imitation spurred the thick starlight moon column "Boom..." and slammed behind Bao Yu, where the red water flow was exhausted!

The moonlight beam has not fallen, and it is extremely weak, but it sounds like the waves rolling in the ears of the ears: "Damn!"

"Ah, ah..." With this voice, the three or five cents will immediately drop their ears from the air, seeing the ears around them, the blood is high, and even the blood of a fairy has burst, and blood is pouring out.

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The real fight... just started, you are not in a hurry!

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