Revival of the Gods

Chapter 991: The fire dance of the spirit of the spirit

"Boom!" At this time, Xiaohua's starlight beam has been smashed, the dry water is at the end of the stream, a waterline of a dozen feet in size is revealed, and the moonlight column has not smashed the waterline, but instead At the falling edge of the moonlight column, a black and white starlight shadow disappeared over the waterline!

Although the moonlight column is fierce, it falls on the rotating star. Most of it is absorbed by the stars, and only a small part falls.

Looking at the yellow and black of the stars, Bao Tong was shocked and shouted: "Xianyou is careful, this is the Li Xing of the Li Xing!"

After that, Bao Tong was afraid that Xiao Hua would not understand it. Add another sentence: "It is equivalent to my immortalized spirit fairy..."

"Silk..." Mo said that Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air, just noticed that the unusual Abalone here also had a transient change.

"Damn, how can I be so unlucky! I have never taken this immortal, and I have been injured by others. Now there is more Li Xing fire dance. This... it is difficult to escape!"

"What happened to this Senluo crossing? Actually let the Li Xing of the Li Xing pass through..."

Say, Sashan hurriedly looked around for opportunities.

It’s a pity that after Li Xing’s flash disappeared, the sound of the humming sound of “嗡嗡...” was born from the shui shui, which shook the whole glass, and the rest of the water was like a tribute. It rushes into the water, and the space is high. All the stars and moons are madly falling, and it seems to be several times stronger than the catastrophe of the Star Palace!

In the water, a huge fire dance is born in the blink of an eye, and it is more than a thousand feet in size!

As the fire dance appeared, the stars in the air were born, and the starlight was so fine that the hair was rotated at a very high speed, which closed the glass!

"Ha ha..." Some embarrassment, and the sound of extremely weird sounds was born from this fire dance body. "This is to sneak out. If so, then eat all of you!"

"Oh..." The sound of the fire dance never landed. The two farthest centuries explode the fairy, and the blood and water fell into the star halo. The two fairy babies in the body just escaped, "brushing..." The star halo has already pierced their baby body into a riddled hole.

Looking at the fairy will be shocked, Bao Xiao shouted: "Last!"

Bao Tong’s voice just landed, and a tentacle was born out of thin air on his head. “Brush...” slammed him down.

Seeing that the tentacles fell, Bao Shukou was extremely bitter, and there was no fairy spirit in the glass. The power of the stars and moons was still eroding his silver body. The tentacle looks like a ghost, obviously the force of the moon and the moon is condensed, but the shadow is full of the rotating Li Xing, the inexplicable fluctuations and light and shadow will close around him, and the mountain-like strength is really like the spirit of the predecessors. A blow!

"Broken..." Bao Tong did not dare to sneer, snoring, his hands smashed, "Boom" and the fire ring spewed flames and flew out!

It is a pity that the fire ring just rushed into the air, the sound of "hey...", the flame was already shattered, and a solitary ring was boring in the air, and Bao Yu could see shy from the ring of light!

Bao Tong was angry and turned his back to his own fairy mark. When his fairy marks were opened, "broken..." was a low-pitched voice. "Brush..." I saw a bronze light flashing through.

"Oh..." The flames reappeared on the ring, and the shadow that trapped the bunny was broken in half!

Looking at Bao Shu’s head, Xiao Hua took the axe and flew out, and the Star Palace was turned into a crown on his head!

"Looking for...death..." Xiao Hua is afraid that this fire dance is the most taboo of a fairy, otherwise it will not turn into a slippery water. At this time, see Xiao Hua shot, it whispers, a more condensed The real tentacle hit Xiaohua.

This tentacle is not like the previous Bao Shu, but the shape of the fist to Xiaohua!

Where is Xiao Hua afraid of this? He whispered a hand in the axe and waved, "brushing" and slamming his fist.

"Oh..." was loud, and Xiao Hua felt that his axe broke into the mud, and the toughness of the toughness was born from the tentacle, and he resisted his strength. When the force touched the axe suddenly increased, Xiaohua felt like The tide of the sea is coming, and it is forced to fly backwards!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua's body shape penetrated several stars, and he saw the stun of Hashan. Even Xiao Hua is not the enemy of this fire of Li Xing. Who can fight it?

At the time of the frustration of all the people, "Hey..." Xiao Hua gave birth to a faint glow, and his figure was gone.

"The ... death..." The fire dance is low, and the tentacles are caught in the air. However, after the interest rate, the tentacle suddenly disappears, and Xiao Hua’s figure has appeared in front of the fire dance!

Xiao Hua appeared, the axe has disappeared, replaced by the wishful!

But listen to him roaring: "Hit!"

Ruyi stick volley hit!

Although Xiao Hua appeared strangely, but he just appeared, the fire dance was detected by the starlight, and the tentacle was naturally blocked before the demon!

However, if the wishful stick is not better than the axe, when the force of the fall is over, the tentacles will be crushed, and although the water in the debris flashes wildly, it still cannot heal!

"Oh..." The fire dance was angry, and snorted, "brushing" a small fire group to fly out of it!

This fire group is different from what Xiao Hua had previously seen. There is a vague yellow-black color between the inner and middle rotations. There is a mad flow of stars and moons around the void. It is like this fire group has great suction!

"Hit!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, still only use the wishful stick, "呜", but the wish stick has not yet fallen, "brush..." The fireball suddenly accelerated, bringing a glimpse of the afterimage, "Boom" Hit it on Xiaohua’s shoulder!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua’s armor was turned into a quirky totem, but the totem’s light and shadow did not show up, and the fire group had already penetrated!

"Ah..." Xiao Hua screamed and his body fell!

"At least it is the mid-term strength of the spirit!" Xiaohua's face suddenly turned white!

Xiao Hua advanced to the first stage of Juyuan Xian, the strength is actually the high level of Juyuan Xian, facing a middle-class demon of the spirit, he is afraid that it is only the self-protection force, the surviving fairy in the glass, including Jiang Meihua To be killed!

Sure enough, Xiao Hua’s figure did not stand firm. “Ah...” is a few screams. Several cents will be pinched like a chicken.

"Hey...hey...hee..." Looking at the fairy beside them will be pinched by the invisible big hand, how can the remaining immortals form a battlefield? Their psychological breakdown screamed and fled everywhere!

"Kill..." Bao Tong and Bao Shan glanced at each other, and the silver and silver were all bleak, and there was only a residual image in the original place!

However, after a while, their body shape was revealed in the depths of the glass, at this time their body has been entwined with a lot of fire, obviously the fire dance has long been a secret hand!

Jiang Meihua had already flown to Xiao Hua, watching Xiao Hua whispered, "How is your injury?"

Xiao Hua looked down at the left shoulder. Although it was already pierced and there was flame and water corrosion, those flames and water could not stop his fairy from healing. Xiao Hua also let go of his heart and replied: "Nothing!"

Later, Xiao Hua chased a sentence and said: "You can go to the space fairy!"

"No!" Jiang Meihua smiled slightly. "I haven't been to the edge of life and death, I won't go!"

There are not many means that Xiao Hua can use at this time, and this Li Xingjing fire dance is too powerful, it is impossible to let Xiao Hua close!

"Ginger brother..." Xiao Hua looked at Bao Wei, who was far away, and said, "I have some means, but I can't get close..."

After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Jiang Meihua nodded tacitly: "I understand, I will help you!"

"Be careful..." Xiao Hua snorted, his hand licked the wound and slowly flew up. Pangu axe and tens of thousands of cockroaches have been used. Now you can try the seven treasures of the Buddha and the magic knife of the devil!

"Hey that little demon..." Jiang Meihua flew out, and the dragon gun swayed in his hand, screaming. "Can you dare to fight with Laozi?"

"it is good!"


Jiang Meihua’s voice never landed, and the depth of the glass was deep. Several praises sounded loudly, and then he heard the sound of breaking the air... The three immortals wearing the armor will fly out of the clouds. The celestial beings will be tall and strong, and the whole body will be gray and mottled, and they will not be able to see the appearance. However, the three immortals will hold different celestial instruments, or giant knives, or long scorpions, or long guns, compelling murderous, and thick. The thick blood is flying with them, filling the glass!

When Bao Biao saw it, he took a long breath and finally let go of his heart.

However, the three immortals will fly into the glazed environment, seeing the yellow and black starlight rotation inside the star mark of the fire dance, and they are all shocked. Lost the channel: "Li Xing water demon?? This... How is this possible?"

"Ha...ha..." The fire dance laughed a little bit, but in the laughter, "啪啪啪..." a burst of noise, the fairy will burst around the star, as the water star moonlight begins in the glass The territory is flooding.

At this time, the starburst is different from the previous one. "Zi La La" makes a sound, and the void is corroded.

The three celestial bodies will also be annihilated by the silver of the body, and the body of the sage will be revealed after a while!

"Silver..." Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the three men's celestial scent, and I was shocked by my this snail was damaged, the beasts were not complete everywhere, and even some places in the sacred There are dark blood stains, and this blood stain can not be dispelled even by the fairy sage!

"Oh, you little demon..." When a fairy will hold a long scorpion, he smiled slightly. "It’s a bit sane. I know that I will wait for the back road. But you think you can kill me." People...and this little brother?"

"No..." Jiang Meihua swayed in his hand and pointed to Xiao Huadao. "The seniors said that they were missing, and the Xiao brother!"

"Oh?" Another fairy holding a long gun swept over Xiaohua. Some accidentally said, "I thought he would be with the sin of the Kunming country! Sorry!"

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The water demon of the spirit of the spirits is amazing. However, there is a real fairy in the future, and the fireworks will be fired!

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