Revival of the Gods

Chapter 989: Battle demon

"Oh..." Bao Tong was naturally not afraid of these fragments. He snorted and raised his hand to sway a cluster of fires, igniting the fragments, and then looked into the distance and said, "The public will..."

However, before he could say to me, "Oh..." In the thousands of pieces, half of the pieces were able to fly out of the flame.

The water demon seems to be very proficient in the rules of space, and these fragments are not more than a hundred feet away from Bao Yu, and Bao Biao finds that the water monster fragments have been deceived.

Even if the water monster fragments are approaching, Bao Tong will not care too much, but what shocked Bao Tong is that these water monster fragments have rushed to his eyebrows. It is a long-term plan to think about this attack.

Bao Tong was shocked and angry. At this time, in addition to retreating, he did not have a particularly good response! And he retreats, not to mention that the immortals will greatly reduce morale, that is, the fairy tales also have the risk of being defeated!

Just as Bao Yu hesitated, the sound of "brush!", a five-color fire curtain out of thin air is in front of his eyes!

Thousands of water demon fragments fell into the fire curtain, and the light sound of "噗噗噗..." was like the annihilation of a moth.

"Xianyou is too careless!" Xiaohua’s voice whispered in Bao’s ear.

"More... Thank you..." Bao Yu’s vest was a little cold sweat, he whispered.

"I don't thank, don't thank..." Xiao Hua Yang took the five-color fire and lifted the two axe in his left hand and smiled. "A certain family just forgot to take this thing away and turned back to take it!"

Bao Xiao smiled, and he had to open his mouth. The loud noise of "Boom...", in the red water wave, a tentacle with a thousand feet explored and caught Xiaohua.

"Hey, look for death!" Xiao Hua sneered, the body-shaped "brush" of the wind flew up, the left hand axe "squeaky" slammed.

"Oh..." The axe passed over, the water demon tentacles were smashed into two sections, and the cracks of the tentacles, the weird withered spread around.

"Boom..." The broken tentacles broke out unexpectedly, but in the cracked pieces, the withering spread as usual, so there is no need for Xiao Hua to shoot again, and the pieces of the water demon will turn into the withered leaves. !

"Hey, hehe..." In the red water wave, a huge water demon slowly emerged. The red demon star flashed on the tent of the water demon, and it was healing at a rapid speed.

"Yujun adults..." At this time, in the distant stars and moons, ten centuries will fly with thousands of celestial soldiers. The current one will see the water demon, exclaimed, "This... this It’s a fire dance, you are careful!”

"Don't care about me!" Seeing the fairy will come over, Bao Biao cried, "Get up and kill the fire dance, don't let them..."

It is a pity that the sound of Bao Yu’s voice will not fall, “Booming...” There is a sound of water flowing, and in the distance darkness, several red light rays come and go!

"Damn!" Bao Shu exclaimed. "This... what is going on?"

"Is it still used?" Xiao Hua coldly said, "There must be a gap in the place where the interface is staggered. There is a strong demon to enter my fairyland!"

"You... how do you know?" Bao Tong was stunned.

"How do I know is not important!" Xiao Hua said, "How to block these water monsters is the most important thing. These water demons named Fire Dance are comparable to the second-order high-level. If you enter Huang Zengtian, you must cause A disaster."

Said, Xiao Hua looked up and looked at one place, chuckled and said: "Is this Fujun adult only want to be on the wall?"

Bao Tong did not look up. He had a bitter look at Xiao Hua. He really didn't understand how Xiao Hua discovered Hashan.

Sure enough, with Xiaohua’s voice, Baoshan flew out of the sky and moonlight in Gaotian’s place. However, at this time, the cedar has changed another palace dress, and there is silver light on the face, which looks like a mask. .

"You... how did you find me?" Abalone was equally curious.

How can Xiao Hua answer her? Xiao Hua waved: "This matter is not important, and I want to know **** the fire and dance demon!"

"It’s easy to kill fire and dance water demon!" Baoshan smiled bitterly. "While the fire dance is a water demon, it has a fire attribute. It doesn't say that its strength is comparable to that of a second person, even if it is the instinct of broken arms. It’s not that I can kill it!”

"What about it?" Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "Can't you let them enter Huang Zengtian?"

“How about entering?” Abalone asked faintly. “There are countless immortals of Huang Zengtian, and some of them are afraid that even Heaven will be happy!”

Xiao Hua just wants to talk, and Bao Shan goes on to say: "And Huang Zengtian's immortals have been comfortable for too long. They have forgotten the edge of the world. I will guard the safety of them. All of them are the soldiers of the squad. I changed my life. Why can't I die in the Battle of Da Kun, and they can't die?"

"Abus..." Bao Tong frowned at the side and said, "Don't talk nonsense, the task that my Majesty gave me is to keep the broken pillars and select qualified warriors for the squad! And, these fire dancing demon Since it is possible to get to the glazed environment, it must be because of the opening of the Senluo Road, so that they have the opportunity to take advantage of it. This is also the fault of my big Kun State! Since there is something wrong, then... it is necessary to correct it!"

"As for you, these immortals will be?" Abalone looked around and sneered. "Do you know how powerful this fire dance demon?"

"I know!" Bao Tong said in a word, "Although I am less likely to break the sky, when I saw the water demon, I already knew that they were fire dances, but I only heard their fierce names and never saw them. They are amazing..."

"Booming..." After waiting for Bao Yu to finish, hundreds of thousands of fire dancing water demon rushed out of the red water stream, and the claws fluttered toward the squadrons who had formed the team!

Then the "唧唧" humming sound and the "吼吼" roaring sounds are intertwined into pieces of music, chapped fire, raised water, torn silver, broken flesh and blood into the graffiti of the invisible brush.

"See it?" Abalone has been around. "Your battle will not be their rival at all!"

"It's not an enemy to fight!" Bao Wei said faintly.

"That's a dead end!" Abalone persuaded. "We still leave the glass in the early days. These fire and water demons fall into Huang Zengtian, but they will kill some immortals, but Huang Zengtian also has countless two qixian, Juyuanxian, they just take it. Can also kill these fire dances!"

"It won't be a dead end!" Bao Tong did not intend to convince Bao Shan, he explained, "Since these fire dances pass through the road to the fairyland, it will inevitably attract the attention of the squad, and I will wait until the rush. The team can come over!"

Then Bao Shu took a deep breath and yelled at Xiao Hua: "Xianyou, the previous things, can't be misunderstood, and they are clear to each other. The ancestors have layout here, and I will follow the orders of the juniors. The past is based on Xianyou himself. Now there are demon people invading my celestial world. This is only the strongest of you and me. In order to ensure the safety of Huang Zengtian, I would like to ask Xianyou to shoot!"

After that, Bao Wei never looked at Xiao Hua again, urging his body to pounce on one place!

Abalone hesitated for a moment, waving at the well and waiting for the cold, and also flew to another place.

Looking at the two cents flying away, Xiao Hua touched his nose and frowned. In fact, he didn't have to bow his mouth. He would never stand by with the nature of Xiao Hua. But Bao Shu said so, let Xiao Hua do not understand Bao Zheng’s true intentions. Is Bao Shu another arrangement? Or is Bao Shu also a bright and upright person?

However, a little bit of thought, Xiao Hua is a smile: "This Bao Shuo is also a gathering of Yuan Yuan, what is the government of Xuantianfu, this person will certainly calculate, but definitely know the big picture, how is he at this time? Maybe you can use the small means? Look at the abalone, although there is already the idea of ​​taking Xiaomou, but there is no sinister means to deal with Xiaomou at the beginning, but, now, since it is here..."

Xiao Hua’s mind has been decided, just to push the figure, and there is a voice coming from behind: “Ah? How are you here?”

Xiao Hua smiled and turned his head and said: "I still want to ask you, what is your chance in the Xuan turtle?"

Xiao Hua turned back, Jiang Meihua was flying on the foot of the nebula, watching his face with excitement, where did Xiao Hua know that he had benefited?

"What about you?" Jiang Meihua did not answer, but asked.

"What do you think I can get?" Xiao Hua also asked.

Jiang Meihua looked at the fairy squadron killed in the distance, and the red water flowing out. He smiled and said: "It seems that you are coming early. If so, you are afraid to run empty!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua brows a pick, wonders, "How do you know? Well, I understand, you got the river map!"

Xiao Hua is naturally empty-mouthed, and the river map is clearly in his space.

"Shit!" Jiang Meihua shrugged and said, "How can there be a river map in this place? Don't listen to what the predecessors said!"

Said, Jiang Meihua shot a chest, "brush" a spiral of copper light from his chest gave birth ~ ~ that a bronze armor appeared in the copper light spread in front of Xiao Hua.

But seeing that the birth of the copper light is a protective mirror, the protective mirror is clear and faint, and there is a heavy dragon in the glow. Look at the armor, forged from a piece of dragon scales, the beasts of the shoulders, knees, arms, etc. are all faucets of different sizes.

The copper light overflowed, and a dragon phase circled out, and Jiang Meihua was protected! The powerful Longwei is really a kind of exfoliation.

The armored helmet shields Jiang Meihua from appearance and replaces it with a beastly animal head. This animal head is not a dragon head. Instead, it is like a unicorn. Especially Jiang Meihua has a sword hanging between his left hand, and there is a unicorn ghost roar on the sword.

"Oh my God!" Xiao Hua's tone was a little embarrassed. "You are so lucky, you have gotten such a baby!"

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Jiang Meihua also has an adventure, it seems that the big battle is about to begin!

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