Although the party last night lasted all night and everyone slept until noon, they wanted to take a rest, but under the temptation of money, Captain Gel resolutely decided to set sail today.

After all, they still have to wait for the special natural phenomenon in the waters near Gaya Island, and then they will have plenty of time to rest.

Although the upwelling current is more diligent than relatives, and there are several times a month, but the exact time and place of its appearance cannot be determined. Gel thinks that the earlier the departure, the better. Maybe it will happen today? If you miss it, you will have to wait for several days....

""Eh? Are there really islands in the sky? Captain."

Looking at Captain Ger standing at the bow, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, Bi Ya asked curiously.

"Is the legend of Sky Island true?"

Funny also came over excitedly.

Captain Gel turned his head and looked at the two of them, nodded affirmatively, and said with a smile on his face:

"Ah, yes, it's magical, isn't it! The island at an altitude of 10,000 meters, not only does the Sky Island really exist, but the legend of the Golden Country is also true. Soon you will have the opportunity to witness it with your own eyes! Our next stop is to go to the Sky Island to search for gold treasures! Cough cough cough!"

After yelling all night last night, Gel's voice was a little hoarse, but when he talked about the gold treasures, he was still a little excited and couldn't control the volume, and he couldn't help coughing after he finished speaking.

"Great! Are there humans living in heaven? Are there angels with wings?"

Looking at Bi Ya with a curious face, Ge Er didn't want to recall too much of the plot and spoil his unknown adventure in advance, so he could only change the subject:

"Maybe. By the way, it seems that Kurokas has been there. Bia, you can go ask him. But isn’t it more interesting to leave the adventure in suspense?"

"That's right! Then Captain, don't tell me yet."

Bi Ya said and ran away happily, without pestering Kurokas to ask questions. Captain Gel easily controlled the child's nature.

"It sounds really great! This will definitely be an unforgettable adventure!"

Funi also looked up at the sky with an expectant smile on her face.

She was once again moved that it was great that she and Mosan had made up their minds to leave the peaceful island in the East China Sea and choose to follow Captain Geer on an adventure. There were too many landscapes to appreciate with one's own eyes and too many new things to experience in person. These were things that could not be appreciated simply by reading books.

"No, I have to check my camera, logbook, paints, pens and other things first. See you later Captain!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Funi said and ran back to her room. She wanted to prepare everything carefully in advance and record this trip well. When she gets married and has a baby, she can read the adventure journal and tell him about the wonderful scenery and wonderful adventure stories that her parents saw when they were young.

"Gurgle, gurgle!"

A string of bubbles appeared on the sea surface ahead, and then Weibull's big head emerged from the sea.

"How is it, did you find it, brother?"

"I found my brother, but there are so many of them! There are several big holes like the ones you mentioned under the seabed!"

Weibull said while gesturing with his hands.

Gel frowned. He vaguely remembered that the formation of the ocean current seemed to be due to the huge cavity on the seabed. When the low-temperature seawater flows into the cavity and encounters the high temperature of the geothermal heat, it will generate huge steam pressure. When the pressure exceeds the critical value and explodes completely, it will spray the seawater above to a height of ten thousand meters, thus forming an ocean current.

So Gel tried to let Weibull go to the seabed to find the location of the huge cavity. Unexpectedly, he found it, but if there are several, he doesn't know which one will explode next.

""Okay, you pull the boat to a place with more holes first, and the rest will depend on luck."

Gel rubbed his temple and said. The two sea beasts pulling the boat could not stay on the sky island together, and Gel had left them in the waters near Gaya Island to move freely, so Weibull had to tow the boat over.

"OK, brother."

The boat stopped at the designated location, and all that could be done next was to wait patiently. Gel brought a recliner to the deck and caught up on his sleep.

Everyone on the boat was doing what they had to do, and everything was normal.

In order to restore the image of Barrett in his memory, Captain Gel bought him a pair of black headphones.

At this time, listening to the passionate BGM dedicated to sports, Barrett didn't like anyone when he put on the headphones. He immediately joined the crazy weightlifting team on the deck, sweating profusely while exercising. Compared with complicated interpersonal relationships, this simple life where, except for sleeping, he only had to do two things every day, namely, improving his strength and eating, made Barrett enjoy it very much.

And every meal was very delicious.

taste, especially he could clearly feel that his body was getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye after absorbing the energy from the food, it was not an illusion!

This discovery made Barrett ecstatic, from then on he would eat until he was full at every meal before he was willing to put down his chopsticks, which could be regarded as hard training for Fate.

The intensity of daily training was also rising, Barrett even had strange thoughts about why he had not met Captain Gill earlier, regretting the years he had wasted in vain!

However, no matter how strong he was, Captain Gill raised his hand, and as strong as Barrett was, he could not escape the treatment that Wilbur had received when he first started training - he had to be caught by Captain Gill every day and forced to train his legs.

For three consecutive days

, when the crew were immersed in their own affairs and lamented that they did not have enough time, Captain Gill was like a salted fish, turning over on the deck every day to dry in the sun, slowly dying in the boring wait.


""Good morning, everyone!"

It's a new day again.

Captain Gel, who woke up naturally, pushed open the wooden door and walked out of the cabin. He stretched and greeted everyone, holding two fried dough sticks and a cup of soy milk in his hand, as leisurely as a retired old man. The sports enthusiasts on the deck were very enthusiastic. Those who got up early in the morning for morning exercises were already sweating and panting....

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