
"Captain, it's almost lunch time, how can it still be morning?"

Biya, who was sitting on the side wiping his sweat after finishing his exercise, joked

"Well, don't worry about these details. Captain, I was half asleep. I saw you guys as soon as I came out. It was like seeing the rising sun, so I thought it was still early."

"The captain is talking nonsense again.

Gel's words made the girl giggle.

Gel waved his hand in response and continued to walk lazily towards his throne at the bow.

"Here, Captain, the latest issue of the newspaper contains news about Gaya Island. I think you will be interested."

Funi handed over a newspaper and turned around to look at Barrett who was exercising seriously.

"Thank you, you are still so beautiful today! Dear Miss Funi!"

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, Captain."

Funi pressed her right hand over her left hand, placed both hands on her left hip, put her legs together and slightly bent her knees, nodded and performed a standard blessing.

Gel didn't have a hat, but pretended to hold an invisible hat in his hand, and returned a gentleman's hat-taking salute, which made people laugh again.

Taking the newspaper from Funi and tucking it under his armpit, Gel came to the bow and sat down, chewing on the fried dough sticks while spreading out the newspaper and reading it.

The first thing that caught my eye on the front page headline was a large headshot that occupied a quarter of the page, and printed on it was T-bone's dead face that could stop a child from crying.

Seeing that the navy will completely wipe out the twenty pirate groups in the Demon Valley Town, Gel was so angry that he couldn't help but laugh. All the credit was attributed to the hunter"Death", and Gel didn't react much. This was expected.

But as he continued to read on, the expression on Gel's face gradually became interesting, and he understood why Funi, who had read the newspaper, looked at Barrett curiously.

Because the report said:

Douglas Barrett, a former crew member of One Piece and known as the Devil's Heir, suddenly appeared on Gaya Island and had a fierce battle with the bounty hunter Death. The aftermath of the battle almost destroyed the entire island.

Maybe they were worried that if they boasted too much, no one would believe it, so they didn't let Death win in a single fight, so there happened to be an elite from the headquarters. They passed by this place, and the two of them fought hard for two days and two nights. In the end, the navy and the bounty hunter Death successfully defeated Douglas Barrett, and now Barrett has been imprisoned in the underwater prison.

Sure enough, this is another inspirational story that justice will eventually triumph over evil.

At the same time, the navy also extended an olive branch to this bounty hunter full of justice, and then Death accepted the recruitment and officially joined the navy camp and became a rear admiral of the navy headquarters!

After the war, Death also accepted an interview with reporters.

Gel glanced at a long Q&A section.

The main purpose was to send a signal to all bounty hunters on the sea: as long as you fight the pirates bravely, kill as many as possible.

Several pirates with high bounties and great dangers, after making a name for themselves, will have the opportunity to be hired by the navy with a large salary like him and become high-ranking officials in the headquarters!

I believe that for practitioners of the profession of bounty hunters, this must be explosive news!

So far, the god-making plan led by the navy and Captain Gill as a half-participant has come to a perfect end. As for how much effect it can have on the increasing number of pirates in the sea, it can only be left to time to test.

However, what Captain Gill thinks is the most wonderful thing is that the report mentioned at the end: In view of the fact that Barrett has been brought to justice and can no longer endanger society, the world government has decided to revoke his bounty order.

"Hahaha! Interesting!"

Captain Gel couldn't help but slap his thigh and sighed:

I really underestimated the heroes of the world! This guy is even more shameless than me!

He was caught in a weak spot and had no choice but to compromise, but he could say it so high-soundingly. Why didn't the pirates who were imprisoned in Impel Down cancel the bounty order? These guys in the World Government may not be good at other things, but they are really good at playing word games.

Of course, the World Government would not believe what Barrett said: He didn't want to be a pirate anymore, and asked for the bounty order to be revoked in order not to be disturbed in his new life. However, with the shamelessness of the Five Elders, Gel felt that even if Barrett appeared in the public eye again tomorrow, they would definitely have thought of a response.

Hide it if you can, and if you really can't hide it, just say:

"Oh, he accidentally escaped from Impel Down."

Who else dares to hold them accountable?

Lord Yim?

Douglas Barrett's name doesn't even have a D, so how can they report him to Lord Yim?

Besides, escaping from the Impel Down, which is known for its iron walls, is nothing new. Although the Golden Lion has just been in there for a short time and has not yet escaped by cutting off his own legs, it seems that someone has successfully escaped from prison before him, but it was just concealed....

At the same time, future bigwigs around the world were looking at the newspapers in their hands with different expressions.

"Really amazing! Did you defeat that monster? Is it the Death God Peng En? What an amazing person! Did you join the navy? That's such a pity! I was thinking of inviting him to the ship when I had the chance. Hahaha, it would be bad if I met this guy!"

On a small fishing boat, a red-haired boy wearing a straw hat looked at the intimidating face of Peng En in the newspaper and said with a smile

""Hey, Shanks! The pirate group and pirate ship you are talking about are not the two of us and this small boat, are they? You are more boastful than me! Damn it, I thought you parked the big ship in a hidden place. This is just a lifeboat. Can I apply to withdraw now?"

Behind him, a young man with thick and fluffy curly hair, a headscarf on his forehead, wheat-colored skin, and thick lips complained angrily. At this time, he was repairing the boat with a hammer and a flintlock pistol on his waist.

The young man was in his early twenties, but his face no longer had any youthfulness. Instead, he looked a little old, like a middle-aged uncle in his 30s.

"Haha, don't be so ruthless, Jesus, we will have crew members and big ships in the future. Without the first crew member, how can the second crew member come? Having fewer people also has its advantages. You see, we don't have to worry about the small ship at all now! It's still spacious for two people!"

Shanks put his hand on the straw hat and said with a heartless smile.


Jesus patted his forehead and sighed.

Why did he agree to join on impulse?

Although the sea is calling for brave men like him, it would be difficult for him to go out to sea rashly and meet such a captain!

He could only say helplessly:

"All right, Captain, come and help quickly. The storm is coming. If we don’t reinforce the boat well, we’ll be in big trouble before we encounter the navy!"

"Hey, no problem, here I come!"

Shanks put down the newspaper, walked from the bow to the stern in three steps, and helped to reinforce the pirate ship that carried their dreams....

"Hehe, what new tricks is the World Government doing? How could that bastard be defeated so easily! Douglas Barrett! How could that man be defeated by a mere navy and bounty hunter! I should be the one to take his head off!"

In the dim bar, a figure wearing a fur-collared coat sat in front of the bar, but it was obvious that he was not in a good mood at the moment, and the glass in his hand had been crushed by him.

Seeing that the man had a big back hair and was biting a cigar, his dress and temperament were very much like a gangster boss. The pirates drinking around him all stayed away tactfully. The bartender standing opposite was already sweating profusely, not knowing whether he should give the guest another glass of wine.

Crocodile eroded the newspaper in his hand and turned it into a pile of fine sand in an instant.

Just seeing the name Douglas Barrett made him grit his teeth, and the cigar in his mouth was bitten off and fell to the ground, splashing sparks, and then slowly extinguished.

(Gender is not confirmed, so it is male)...

In the East China Sea, there is a small island that is said to have a treasure.

"Nani~~! How could that guy..."S! As expected, we must not go to the Grand Line! It's too dangerous! Has even that devil been caught? Fortunately, I am smart. Isn't it better to stay in the East China Sea and look for treasures than to be the Pirate King? Hahahaha!"

A red-nosed young man wearing a miner's hat with a searchlight on his head and a pickaxe on his shoulder said to himself. The content of the newspaper shocked him deeply and strengthened his determination to stay in the Weakest Sea....

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