"Control them all. Anyone who dares to resist will be shot on the spot!"

"Yes! Vice Admiral!"

Following Gion's order, several navy officers immediately took ropes and tied the man up.

The two navy officers who had been beaten for no reason were feeling aggrieved. When they heard the order, they ignored the pain in their bodies and immediately rushed forward to join the kidnapping. They hoped that the unruly people who took advantage of the chaos to attack them would jump out and resist. Unfortunately, these people were notoriously spineless. When they met someone who really dared to attack them, they were more obedient than dogs.

"There's no need to tie up that little devil."

"Yes, I saw that he had stayed where he was and did not join the riot.

Seeing the little boy cowering in the corner in fear of the musket, the two navy officers spoke up to defend him.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant General, I didn't handle it properly."

Peng En, who was also bruised and swollen, got up from the ground, walked to the side of Gion and bowed his head and said

"Major Peng En! Didn't the Marine Corps teach you how to deal with pirates who use civilians as hostages to threaten the Marines to give up resistance and surrender? ?"

Gion was very angry at this time, and his tone was also very impolite.

"In the report, Chapter 3, Article 2: When pirates use civilians as hostages to threaten the navy to give up resistance, the commanding officers can take various measures according to the actual situation: negotiate to stabilize the situation, delay time to find an opportunity to rescue, etc. Remember, the only thing you can do is not to lay down your weapons and believe that the pirates will be honest!"

Peng En honestly recited the contents of the book word for word, and then continued:

"But, but Admiral, these people are not pirates, they are civilians oppressed by pirates...."


Gion slapped him in the face with a crisp slap. The scene was suddenly silent. The marines all looked at the tips of their shoes tacitly, while the unruly people buried their heads in their knees, fearing that this angry female general would take her anger out on them and directly ordered the whole army to collapse.

"Tell me, how did they behave like innocent civilians? Do they use the pirates' methods to threaten our navy with their own lives just because they are civilians? How is this different from what I said about pirates threatening the lives of civilians?"

"If we hadn't arrived in time, were you prepared to let your men be beaten to death along with you? As a commander, are you worthy of your men's trust and their families with your foolish behavior?"

"If you were really beaten to death, tell me, what would be the fate of these people who killed the navy!"

Peng En's pupils trembled.

If the three of them were really beaten to death, then this group of people would not be killed on the spot by the vice admiral who rushed over later, but would also be convicted as pirates and imprisoned in the city of Impel Down. With their ordinary physique, they could not even survive the disinfection ceremony of the city of Impel Down, which was basically no different from being killed on the spot!

Peng En turned his head and looked at the two wounded soldiers. Both of them avoided his gaze and were unwilling to look at him, but the disappointment on their faces could no longer be concealed.

Even the other few people who arrived later had the same emotion. They chose to be navy soldiers not only for justice, but also for life. Their lives were also lives. Perhaps they were not afraid of heroic sacrifice in the battle with pirates, but if they were beaten to death by the mob because of the commander's insistence, no one would accept such a suffocating death!

"Are you more awake now?"

"Unconditional kindness and self-sacrifice are not only meaningless! In the end, not only will you not be able to save anyone, but you will also kill yourself and your subordinates in vain. This is a stupid act that brings shame to justice!"

"When this mission is over, I will submit my self-review when I submit the mission report after returning to the headquarters! If you still cannot deeply understand your mistakes, I will suggest that the headquarters arrange for you to return to the recruit camp for retraining!"

""Yes! Thank you, Lieutenant General!"

Peng En answered loudly. He was awakened by a slap in the face, and now he realized from the eyes of all his teammates how stupid he had done.

"Go back and think about it carefully!"

"The others will be divided into two teams to take turns guarding. Tomorrow, all of them will be taken away by the branch’s warship and go through the normal trial process. Remember to also record the crime of beating naval officers!"

"Yes! Lieutenant General!"

Gion handed the musket in his hand to the person next to him, then turned and walked out.

Peng En felt that it was a bit of an eyesore for him to stay in the hall. He picked up the saber that fell on the ground and the medal that was stepped on by countless footprints, and walked out with a dull expression.

Little Glasses sighed at Peng En's lost back, but he did not chase him. Instead, he turned around and said to everyone:

"There are nine of us. You two have just been seriously injured. Go get some medicine and get some rest. The seven of us will take turns guarding tonight."

"Yes, you two should go and have a rest."

The others also nodded in agreement.

"Come on, brothers, these ungrateful bastards who took advantage of the chaos to beat us up just now are trying to kill us!"

"Yes, all the monkeys who stole peaches and kicked in the crotch were involved! I almost regretted it for the rest of my life. Let us two brothers stay and watch over it. We want to see who dares to play tricks. It's a good opportunity for us to settle our personal grudges!"

The two navy men who were beaten insisted in pain. Among the civilians who overheard the conversation, several middle-aged men couldn't help but shrink back.

"Okay, stop messing around, go and apply the medicine, look at how swollen your face is, don't wait until tomorrow when there are young female marines coming from the branch, and think that the elites from our headquarters are all idiots."Little

Glasses said a reason that they could not refuse in a teasing tone, and instantly controlled the two of them.

"Hahaha, right, right, don't lower our appearance level."

The two were convinced and supported each other and left the hall

"These damn bastards, luckily I tried my best to protect my lower body, I didn’t even have a girlfriend yet, I almost got ruined"

"What sympathy is there for such a thug? It hurts me so much. Captain Peng En is so..."

"What? Why are you suddenly confronting me?"

The two marines were complaining as they walked. When they had just walked a short distance out of the door, one of them saw Peng En standing by the roadside, looking like he was waiting for them. He quickly nudged his teammate with his elbow, signaling him not to continue.

"I'm sorry! I almost hurt you. I failed your trust in me!"

Peng En walked up to the two men and apologized sincerely. He was about to kneel down. Seeing this, the two men hurried forward and held him on the left and right.

"Hey, Captain, please don't be like this! In fact, we have already forgiven you in our hearts!"

"Yes, we have forgiven you. We were just a little angry just now. Now I understand. Captain, you are an extremely kind person. I think there is nothing wrong with being kind. The wrong ones are those who have ulterior motives and take advantage of others' kindness!"

"Really? Are you really willing to forgive me?"

Peng En was shaking all over, tears welling up in his eyes.

One of them rolled up his sleeves, shook the black cloth bandaged on his forearm, and said with a smile:

"Of course it’s true. After all, we have always been the beneficiaries of the captain’s kindness!"

"You guys! Woo woo woo!

Peng En excitedly hugged the two of them in his arms and burst into tears, venting all the depression and sadness in his heart.

"Uh-huh, let go! Captain Peng En!"

"You're holding me too tight! Huh, I can't breathe, ah! I'm dying~ I'm really dying! Asshole Captain! I don't have a girlfriend! I can't just die like this!"...

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