
The two marines were a little confused.

When they first found this group of survivors, they were obviously trembling with fear and hiding in the corners.

After Captain Peng's repeated explanations and assurances, these civilians believed that they were different from the murderers who killed the pirates. After repeated assurances that they would never hurt them, these people had the courage to slowly stand up and speak.

Then, for some reason, after a few words, they turned into what they are now. After these people found out that the navy really wouldn't do anything to them, they immediately became arrogant and unreasonable. Now they are even throwing tantrums and asking them for money.

"Do you believe in our navy now?"

Peng En took out all the Baileys without hesitation and put them in the woman's hand. His sincere eyes made her feel guilty for half a second.

""Cut, this is all the money? It's not even enough for me to make if I spread my legs! How stingy! By the way, the necklace on your neck looks nice, give it to me too!"

The woman said disdainfully after seeing the Bailey in her hand.

"Bastards! Don't go too far, Captain Peng En! Don't listen to these people! Their rudeness and greed are written on their faces!"

Peng En looked at the golden medal tied with a thick hemp rope around his neck and fell into a brief memory.

Before joining the navy, he had served as a knight of the kingdom.

Once, the king's favorite little princess went out for an outing and encountered bandits.

He happened to be one of the guards protecting the princess.

Facing dozens of ferocious bandits, he led the other guards to fight to the death and insisted on fighting until the reinforcements arrived.

The bandits were completely wiped out by internal and external attacks.

That time, he was stabbed 36 times and had to lie in the hospital for half a month before he could get out of bed.

In order to commend his heroic deeds, the king personally awarded him this medal of courage!

He has been wearing it on his body for so many years.

"Good! If this is the case, you will trust the Navy again! Be willing to believe that there is still justice in the world! Then take it!"

Seeing that the big fool in front of them really reached out to take his gold medal, everyone could no longer sit still and rushed forward to grab it.

Except for a little boy hiding in the corner, looking at the scene in front of him with a dull face, he did not rush to grab it, but just held his small wooden box tightly.

Although it only contained some tools for shoe polishing, and no one might pick it up if it was thrown on the street, but this was the thing he relied on for survival. If he lost it, he would starve to death, so for him, the box was as precious as his life.

"Hey! Get out of my way! If you keep squeezing me, I'll get angry! It should be given to me! My weapon shop was destroyed. I'm much worse off than her!"

""Don't try to steal it! It's mine! I'm the one who's going to take it! You bastards! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

At first, everyone was just shouting to prove that their experiences were worse, their losses were greater, and they needed compensation more than that stinky whore who was enjoying selling her body.

But soon it turned into all kinds of insults and vicious words, and their greedy and ugly faces were all exposed. No one's mouth was clean.

In the end, they started pushing and elbowing, and fighting.

The situation was completely out of control!

Those who couldn't grab the medals even grabbed the sword on Peng En's waist, trying to snatch it away, because the sword looked good and should be able to sell for a lot of money!

Knowing that this stupid navy wouldn't do anything to them, this group of unscrupulous people were completely unscrupulous, and no one took Peng En's identity and terrifying appearance seriously.

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"

Peng En's eyes were dull, and he couldn't understand why things had turned out like this. Even though he was in the center of the chaos and was beaten and kicked by the people around him, he couldn't wake up.

""Captain Peng En! Captain Peng En!"

The two marines tried to wake him up, and after the attempt failed, they desperately tried to pull him out of the chaotic crowd, but they didn't dare to kill these"civilians" and couldn't get away at this time.

There were also many people with ulterior motives who took advantage of the chaos to attack the marines, and even daggers and glass bottles with sharp broken ends were all used, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to kill them.

Fortunately, these ordinary people were not strong, and the weapons they used were defended or avoided the vital points, but the long defense would lead to the loss, and the three of them were gradually injured.

They were still too young and didn't understand that some pitiful people often have hateful aspects.

These people in front of them were the best representatives.

Even if they were given a hundred guts, they would not dare to act like a spoiled child to killing gods like Senior and Akin.

In order to survive, they would only keep proving that they were not pirates and promised that they had never done anything bad.

Dealing with pirates was really forced and helpless, and they begged for mercy.

When facing the righteous navy that could be morally kidnapped, they would instantly expose their greedy and shameless nature.

This is human nature, never gamble

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just as the two soldiers were feeling desperate, three gunshots were heard nearby, causing the looters to shrink their necks in fear. They stopped what they were doing and began to check if they had been hit by any bullets.

"Gion! Vice Admiral Gion!!"

The two marines who were beaten black and blue in the chaos were so excited when they saw Vice Admiral Gion with his other brothers at the door that they burst into tears.

Gion was holding a musket in his hand, and the muzzle was still smoking.

""Raise your guns! Get ready to shoot!"

Gion gave the order and several soldiers behind him picked up the muskets they had picked up on the road and aimed at the dozens of unruly people.

Everyone began to retreat in panic, and everyone wanted to hide behind others, but they were all smart and no one was an idiot, so the crowd was in chaos again.

"All of you, squat down with your hands over your heads! I'll count to 3! Anyone who dares to stand up will be shot dead!"

Gion's domineering roar suppressed the whole audience


The Marines responded in unison

""Dong, dong, dong!"

Without waiting for Gion to count the first number, these bullies who only feared the strong and bullied the weak immediately squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. Some of the taller ones found that they were much taller than the others after squatting. They were so scared that they lay on the ground directly, fearing that the navy would mistake them for standing.

The hall instantly became quiet.

No one dared to speak, and even those who wanted to fart were afraid that it would make a sound, so they could only hold it in....

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