
In the pirate team, three strong female pirates who were more manly than men licked their sexy thick lips and stared at the handsome Gel in the crowd. The man was suave and his style was obviously different from the other ugly male pirates on the ship.

This guy was so eloquent, so he must have a very flexible tongue, right?

The three of them had the same idea, so they could only play rock-paper-scissors to decide who had the right to go first. If Gel knew the dirty thoughts they had about him, he would definitely crush them to ashes!

"Hahahaha!! That's really well said! All my hidden strengths have been discovered by your eyes. Why didn't I realize there was a talent like you on the ship before! You are a good kid. You are new here, right? You will work in the logistics team in the future! Come on! Go on!"

Captain Baigu, who was in a good mood, waved his hand and threw a whole bag of gold cakes to Gel. All the pirates looked at Gel with envy and jealousy. Not only did they get so many gold cakes, but they were also appreciated by the captain and even directly placed on the ship.���Working in the logistics team, which is both safe and lucrative.

This treatment is considered a step up in the pirate group. How come such a good thing can't fall on me?!



A small bag of gold cakes was quite heavy, and it made a muffled sound when it fell on the deck. Two gold cakes popped out and rolled on the deck.

The ship suddenly fell into a dead silence, and no one was stupid enough to bend down to pick up the gold on the ground at this time.

The pirates looked at each other in surprise. The spirited young man actually dropped the gold rewarded by the boss on the ground in full view of everyone. They saw clearly that the young man did not miss the gold by mistake, but he had no intention of reaching out to catch it. Many people who were jealous of Gel just now showed a gloating expression at this moment.

""Hey! Boy!"

If it were someone else, the hot-tempered Baigu would have ordered him to be taken down and chopped off to feed the fish, but for Gel's sake, Baigu suppressed his anger and decided to listen to how the boy explained.

However, Gel's mouth corners slowly curled up, and he was not panicked, but laughed out loud.

Then he looked directly at the pirate captain who was only slightly worse than Roger, and said with a smile:

"Then we can really be considered to be sympathetic to each other! I also think you are a great guy! Your ignorant arrogance and thicker skin than the Red Earth Continent really taught me a lesson, making me realize that I still have a lot of shortcomings in terms of shamelessness."

"Hey! Is this guy calling Captain Baigu shameless? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Shut up! Do you want to die?"

The surrounding pirates were almost shocked and could not believe their ears. Their eyes wandered back and forth between the two people who were confronting each other.

"Good! Very good! It seems that you are really new here and don’t know the rules on the ship, but it doesn’t matter, just be careful in your next life!"

The furious Bai Gu waved his hand and shouted crazily:

"Come! Capture him, I'm going to torture him! First, chop off his fingers and toes one by one, then cut off his ears and nose, dig out his eyes, and finally chop off his limbs bit by bit. I'm going to chop you into eighty-nine pieces alive!!"

The three female pirates shook their heads, feeling it was a pity. Such a good and strong young man was going to be executed by the captain before he had time to enjoy himself. Especially the female man who had just won the finger-guessing game was so heartbroken!

"Hahaha, I'm not even on your ship, what ship rules are you talking to me about? We are invaders, right?"

Gel spread his hands indifferently and said domineeringly:

""Swoosh! Pirates! You are surrounded! Pick up your weapons! This is a life-or-death battle! Dance with the determination to die!"

All the pirates on the deck were shocked by Gel's powerful aura. No one dared to step forward. Even Captain Baigu was a little flustered, with a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

The pirates began to look around to see if there were any enemies around the ship. Looking at Gel's posture, those who didn't know would think that they had been surrounded by the Navy's Demon Slayer Fleet.

"Captain Baigu, no enemy is found ahead!"

"No enemy was found on the left wing either!"

"Neither does the right wing!"

"Captain Baigu, there is a ship a few kilometers behind us. We didn't see any flags flying. It looks like a merchant ship!"

After listening to his subordinates' report, Baigu finally felt relieved. He thought that this kid was going crazy, and his face regained its initial arrogance.

"Boy, you dare to scare me when you are about to die! I will make you wish you were dead today!"

"I'm not kidding you! You've been surrounded by the two of them, so fight hard. By the way, where is your treasure? Can you tell me first? That way I don't have to look for it room by room if you die later."

If taunting has a rank, Gel, who has scrolled through countless keyboards, is at least a diamond level, but in this world, he can definitely be ranked in the top three.

Just look at the pirates on this ship who look like they have pink eyes, and you will know Gel's strength. Retire after success! Captain Gel silently gave up the C position.

Jin and Senior, who had been watching Captain Gel's performance from behind, were almost defeated by Captain Gel. Finally, they could take action, and they stood up with helplessness on their faces.

Get ready for battle!

Po waved his little fist to protest to the captain, blaming Gel for not counting it in his combat power. It's obvious that it can fight well.

""Okay, okay, I'm sorry, the captain was wrong, it should be two people plus a pet!"

Gel corrected him insincerely, and the little guy nodded with satisfaction.

"Captain, you are such a fool. Why did you help boost the morale of the enemy before the battle? Look at them now, they are so eager to tear us apart!"

Feeling the angry eyes around him, Ajin couldn't help but complain.

"As usual, I will take care of the pirate captain. Brother Senior, the rest is up to you. Po, you can do whatever you want and protect Captain Gol."

Jin said without hesitation and rushed towards Baigu.

"Just leave it to me, I won't let these rubbish disturb your battle!"

Senior pushed his sunglasses coldly, his fingers turned into sharp claws.

""Hahaha! This is really making me laugh! Just because of you three little brats, you dare to say that you want to kill us! Guys! Kill them for me!"

Bai Gu looked down at the three people and a turtle in front of him and gave an order.


The pirates roared with high morale, drew their swords and slashed at Ajin and Senior who were in the front....

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