
"Captain Baigu is the strongest!"

"Right, right, right. The pirates in Mogu Town are nothing but chickens and dogs compared to you, Captain. As long as you give the order, we brothers will be able to kill them all. Then, you only need to raise your arms and shout, and they will all bow down and beg to join your army!"

A sharp-nosed and monkey-faced pirate henchman lifted up the captain's stinky feet and blew hard.

""Hahaha! Well said! Reward!"

Apparently, Captain Baigu was very pleased with the flattery. He immediately took out a small gold cake from his bag and threw it at the pirate's head.

""Ah, my!"

The pirate cried out in pain at first, but then he realized that what hit him was gold. He immediately laughed again, so happy that he forgot the pain and shouted excitedly:

"Thank you, Captain! Thank you, Captain! Long live the Captain!"

When the pirates saw that they could get a golden reward by flattering the Captain, the scene immediately exploded.

The pirates on the deck rushed to flatter the Captain.

However, their cultural level was too average, and the words they said were all the same, either saying that the Captain was great or that the Captain was the strongest and the most awesome. Baigu listened with a smile, but he despised in his heart: There is really nothing new, and do I need you to say these? Don't I know it myself?

Gel's eyes lit up in the crowd. This was a good trick. He also wanted to be flattered by his own crew members like this.

""Hey, tall guy! Are you going to die?"

A nearly 3-meter-tall bamboo-shaped pirate thought he had some knowledge and wanted to show off his eloquence to ask for a reward, but his voice was relatively small. In order to let the captain hear his shocking flattery, he squeezed forward with all his strength and wanted to step on the wine barrel next to him to stand out from the crowd, but was pulled back by a middle-aged pirate with a vicissitudes of life next to him.

He shook off the other's hand, looked back at the man, and said in a dissatisfied tone:

"What are you doing? Let me go! If you want to make money, find a way yourself. Why are you trying to stop me from getting rich?"

The middle-aged pirate was also annoyed when he heard this, and immediately cursed:

"Damn it, your kindness is taken for granted. You are new here! If you want to die, just stand up there and try! I don’t care whether you live or die."When the tall man saw the middle-aged pirate's expression, he realized that the other party really stopped him out of kindness. He quickly stepped forward to apologize and humbly asked for the reason.

Seeing his sincere attitude, the middle-aged pirate pretended to calm down, drank the wine in the glass, and motioned him to come closer.

The tall man hurriedly did as he was told.

"You are new here and may not understand the taboos on our ship. Let me tell you, our captain hates it most when someone stands taller than him and looks down at him when talking to him! This is a big taboo! Except for Gangdan, who is a fool and the captain's most important subordinate."

"If anyone else dares to talk to him while looking down at him, he might just shoot you to death if he's in a bad mood. He might not kill you on the spot if he's in a good mood, but next time when there's a firefight with other pirate groups, you'll definitely be placed in the front and the most dangerous cannon fodder position. Don't you realize that among the hundred or so people on our ship, tall people like you are rare?"


The tall man took a breath of cold air!

"Hehe, because they all accidentally violated the captain's taboo and were..."Kacha!"

The middle-aged pirate gestured with his thumb on his neck, and the meaning was obvious.

"Ah! This...Thank you so much for your reminder, brother! I almost lost my life! Brother! You will be my real brother from now on!"

The tall man shuddered all over, and was already sweating coldly after hearing these words. He hurriedly shook the middle-aged pirate's hand and thanked him repeatedly, and also took the opportunity to acknowledge him as a relative.

""Okay! Then I'll accept you as my little brother. Just be more careful in the future. I still have some strength on this ship, and I'll protect you in the future!"

The middle-aged pirate agreed with a smile. Although the things he said before were true and he didn't lie, his purpose of saving people was not out of kindness. He just wanted to pull this new tall pirate into his own small group.

On such a disorderly pirate ship where the strong are respected, some ordinary minions will naturally form gangs and factions to survive.

Although so many small groups are split up internally, they usually oppose and calculate each other, which will obviously reduce the unity of the pirate group, but the pirate captain will not care about this phenomenon at all, let alone care about it. Pirates

, after all, are a group of people with their own ulterior motives but for a common goal. What unity is needed for villains who are temporarily bound together by their own interests?

As long as the captain's own strength can suppress them, he can make these cannon fodders work for him, otherwise he will replace them with someone who can suppress them as the captain.

And most pirate groups follow this route of big fish eating small fish, rapidly expanding by annexing other pirate groups. At this time, these small groups inside will reflect the value of their existence, just like what happened just now. This kind of old leading new people to join the group can quickly help the pirate group digest the newly annexed minions.

Just when Captain Baigu thought he could save the bag of gold cakes in his hand, the man spoke:

"I have never seen a hero as handsome, elegant, and tall as Captain Baigu! Even if the Pirate King Roger were alive, he would be ashamed to stand in front of the captain. My admiration for the captain is like the endless torrent of the river, and like a tsunami that can't be stopped!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Bai Gu's face flushed, his back straightened even more, he clapped his hands excitedly and said"good" three times in a row

"Very well said!"

"Thank you, Captain Baigu!"

Gel took the two gold cakes thrown to him and bowed to the pirates who were envious around him.

"You are a good speaker, and you have a bright future, but I still have some self-knowledge. Compared with the Pirate King Roger, I am still a little bit worse. There is no way that the title of Pirate King will make Roger the focus wherever he goes. His brilliance should overshadow everyone, but fortunately he is dead! Hahahaha! When I take off the title of Pirate King, no one will be more dazzling than me!"

Bagu shouted excitedly, and a group of pirate minions also cooperated and shouted that the captain is invincible and will become the new Pirate King.

Gel admired this guy's arrogance and continued with a smile:

"I didn't expect that Captain Baigu, with all your achievements today, could still be so low-key. You are truly a role model for our generation and are very worthy of learning for us young people. However, Captain Baigu, it is useless for you to be low-key. A man as outstanding as you is like a firefly in the dark, so bright and outstanding no matter where you are!"

Fuck! You have such a mouth!

The pirates had never heard such a literary and layered flattery. They all turned their heads and looked at Gel who was speaking with a look of surprise on their faces.

"This man's strength is unfathomable! I am really not as good as him!"

The tall man shook his head and said he was inferior to him, and then he quietly retreated to the back....

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