
The battle started.

Ajin and Señor didn't hesitate at all. They rushed into the crowd in an instant. The flash of swords and shadows passed by their sides. It was extremely dangerous. If they were not careful, they would be bloody.

But Ajin had no expression on his face and his heart was as calm as water. Facing the various weapons whistling at him, there was no ripple in his calm eyes.

He relied on his flexible steps and agility to dodge the attacks again and again by sticking to the sharp blades. His posture was elegant and efficient, without the slightest unnecessary movement, like a dancer dancing on the tip of a knife.

Ajin had a clear goal and did not fight back. In an instant, he passed through the siege of more than a dozen people. Señor, who caught up with him, was completely different. He did not dodge or evade. His movements were open and closed. He waved his claws in the crowd and cut the pirates who rushed up one by one and the weapons in their hands into several sections! Like a sharp spear, it pierced the enemy's defense line straightly!

""Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Blood was splattered in the crowd. The man in the black suit was like a demon descending. Wherever he passed, the pirate minions were like the melons and vegetables in the phrase"cut melons and cut vegetables". They were broken into several pieces and fell to the ground.

The scene was very delicious. Gel's eyebrows twitched when he saw it. He wondered if the fruit of the animal-type insect would make people become emotionless like insects in battle.

After passing through the crowd, Ajin exerted force on his feet and instantly jumped high and rushed straight to the pirate captain Baigu on the high platform!

Baigu looked down and saw it clearly.

The strength shown by Senior had already made him feel daunted. Bragging without strength is called arrogance, and having strength is another matter. The three little ghosts in front of him were really not bragging. They were really preparing to attack their entire pirate group with three people!

Baigu naturally did not dare to continue to underestimate Ajin who rushed up. He stepped back a few steps and drew out his sword. It was a gorgeous Western sword with broken diamonds inlaid on the guard, but this sword was very long. , the blade alone was about two meters long, and it looked a bit awkward to be held in the hands of Baigu, who was less than 1.5 meters tall. It looked funny no matter how you looked at it.

Ajin didn't think much about it. His fingers turned into dragon claws and black, and he went forward to fight with Baigu.

Gel sat on the side of the ship admiring Senior's killing aesthetics, holding a revolver in his hand and clicking the cylinder.

Po stood in front of Gel. He obeyed the order of Master Ajin and was responsible for protecting the captain.

Po was seen standing in a horse stance, with his fists clenched and his fists close to his waist on both sides. After a yo-hey sound, he bowed to the enemy.

After doing this action, it didn't move at all, looking at the enemy with expectation.

Fortunately, the pirates who were about to rush up had never seen a creature like the Kung Fu Manatee. Seeing its posture, they were still a little confused and thought that this strange creature was holding back some big moves.

Only Gel knew what was going on. It was waiting for the other party to start the salute. Gel immediately jumped up and gave Po's green helmet a slap, laughing and scolding:

"You little fool! They are pirates, just rush up and beat them up, this is not a normal competition, there is no need to wait for both sides to finish the greetings before starting!"

""Oh hey!"

Po touched his head and apologized a little embarrassedly.

The three pirates around him also heard what Gel said, and knew that the little turtle was not holding back any big moves, but was naively waiting for them to bow in return. They immediately rushed up and shouted.

Po was not afraid of danger, and his big round eyes were full of excitement.


Facing the three pirates who were slashing at him with knives, Po took the initiative to rush forward. When he rushed to the front, he suddenly lowered his body and lay flat on the ground. Using the turtle shell on his back as a fulcrum, he began to spin on the ground like a top.

The two pirates who rushed in front were caught off guard and tripped to the ground. Only the third pirate who followed behind reacted. He jumped back to avoid Po's sweeping kick. Well, it should be called a tail sweep, because the little manatee has no legs at all.

Just when the pirate was feeling a little proud.

Po, who missed the attack, directly used his tail to support the ground, and quickly bounced off the ground like a spring, and hit the minion's stomach with a rising dragon punch, making him spray out all the wine he had just drunk at the banquet.


Minion No. 3 lay on the ground in pain, vomited a few times and then fell to the ground.

The two pirates who had been tripped earlier also climbed up again. They looked at each other and after a brief exchange, they suddenly started to act separately. One of them went forward to fight with Po, while the other rushed straight to Gel, wanting to capture the thief and the king.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Without any hesitation, Gel indifferently took out his pistol and fired at the pirates rushing towards him, not sparing any bullets. The pistol fired like a machine gun, and the minion No. 2, who was shot into a sieve, fell unwillingly in a pool of blood.

He would never understand until his death why bullets could kill people!

Just at this time, Po also successfully dealt with the last pirate and ran over. Gel smiled and patted its shell and praised:

"Well done, Po, but you need to guard against arrogance and keep working hard. Hopefully next time I can let the captain watch the show without having to do it myself."

Po nodded and made a salute as if he had finished his work.

Gel turned his gaze to the most intense part of the battle, and saw that less than half of the hundred pirates who had surrounded Senior at the beginning were left.

The deck had long been soaked in blood, and some of it had been oxidized into a thick layer of reddish-brown sticky substance with the help of the sea breeze.

The blood that flowed into the sea through the drain also attracted hundreds of sharks with sharp fangs. Blood was their best stimulant. At this time, the sharks had entered the hunting state, circling the pirate ship in three layers, waiting for food to be dropped. Some of the impatient ones had already begun gnawing on the wooden boards at the bottom of the ship.

""Hey, this guy! Is he a monster?"

Fear has spread rapidly among the crowd. The pirates' ruthlessness and impulsive red eyes were cured by Senior's physical methods. Now no one dares to rush up and die.

A large number of them have just joined this pirate group.

They have no sense of belonging to this ship and the people on it.

These minions who have been able to survive in the many battles between pirate groups are all used to being fence-sitters.

None of them has any moral integrity.

It doesn't matter who you serve as a younger brother to, of course, your own life is the most important, so when you see that the situation is not good, one by one, you start to think about surrendering and looking for the next home directly.

With the strength shown by this group of people, they are worthy of being their younger brothers willingly....

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