Ignoring Atesan's shock, Barrett lowered his lips, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he asked seriously:

"Say it again? Who did you just say you wanted to surpass? ?"

Artesan was already feeling a little guilty, but some people would still be stubborn even if they were burned to ashes.

"I, I said I am the man who will surpass the Pirate King Roger! What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Barrett's eyes flashed coldly.


Dirk, who was standing nearby, was startled. He only heard a loud noise and didn't see what happened clearly. The next second, Artesan, who was still standing and shouting, disappeared, and a human-shaped hole appeared out of thin air on the wall on the right side of the tavern.

"Trash like you don't even deserve to mention that man's name!"

Barrett didn't look at him again. A real man never looks back at the explosion. He was 100% sure that the other party was dead and couldn't be made to sit up even if Jesus came. Barrett continued to drink the wine on the table.

Roger, why would a strong man like you choose to die in such a humiliating way at the hands of the navy?

Your own strength is the most important thing. Look at what kind of rubbish these pirates are under the wave of pirates you have set off! Such pirates with no faith and no strength have hundreds of millions of people. What can they do? Sure enough, you should die in my hands for the best ending!

Barrett thought to himself.

Pirate King Roger, The man who had defeated him countless times was the goal he wanted to surpass all his life, but in the end he failed to defeat Roger when he was at the peak of his strength. Instead, he still couldn't defeat Roger when Roger was suffering from a terminal illness and his strength was not as good as before. This made Barrett feel very frustrated.

So Barrett decided to leave. He didn't want to see Roger gradually weaken. There was no point in defeating Roger like that. He wanted to keep the strongest Roger in his memory and become the strongest in the world as soon as possible. He could do things that Roger couldn't do, in order to prove that he was stronger than Roger at his peak!

I drank a lot faster because I had something on my mind. When I came to my senses, the bottle was empty again.

"Boss, keep bringing the wine!"

"Ah, good guest, I'll be right there."

It took the boss a while to come to his senses. He saw this ruthless man kill the pirate with a bounty of tens of millions of dollars. He didn't even see how he killed him. But he knew what he needed to do most now.

""Enjoy your meal, sir!"

The boss enthusiastically brought a box of fine wine that he had collected for more than ten years and placed it on the bar, saying politely:

"That guy just said he was a pirate with a bounty, right?"

The boss didn't dare to neglect him and quickly answered:

"Yes, sir, he is King Kong Artesan with a bounty of 45 million baileys!"

"Oh, then his head will be your payment for the wine!"

Barrett said nonchalantly.

"Ah, this... Thank you, sir!"

The tavern owner was ecstatic. That was more than 40 million heads. It seemed that he was really lucky. This morning's shit was not stepped on in vain!

After saying that, Barrett walked to the side and found a wooden box to sit on. The chairs beside the bar could not support his big butt.


The wooden box let out a painful wail under the pressure that it shouldn't have to bear at its age.

Picking up a newspaper scattered on the ground at random, Barrett sat down leisurely, drinking whiskey and reading the newspaper.

And Dirk was completely ignored. He wanted to escape but knew that he could never escape. He had been in the New World for several years and knew very well that in front of these real monsters, his strength was no different from that of his minions. It was all a matter of one punch and no one could resist more. So he didn't dare to move at all. He stayed where he was and didn't even dare to sit down.

The tavern fell into a strange silence. After a long time, Barrett grinned and said disdainfully:

"Haha, how ridiculous! A man who killed a few small fish and shrimp dares to use the title of"God"! The nightmare of pirates?

I want to see how powerful you are! You, a bounty hunter, dare to stop Roger from causing a wave of pirates with his death? The only one who can surpass Captain Roger is me! I am the strongest in the world!"

"Hey, over there!"

Barrett put down the newspaper and shouted to Dirk next to him

"Ah! Yes! Sir, what do you want me to do?"

Feeling Barrett's eyes on him, Dirk shuddered. With the experience of Artesan, the reckless man, in order to survive, Dirk naturally switched his identity and became a lackey in seconds.

"Haha, can you help me find this guy or lure him here?"


Dirk swallowed his saliva, thinking, how can I say no to this situation?

"No problem! Absolutely no problem! Don't worry, sir, I promise to complete the task. To be honest, I was also very angry after seeing this report. A mere bounty hunter dares to be so high-profile. He simply doesn't take us pirates seriously! There is no need for you to do it yourself for such a small character. I can get rid of them!"

Dirk said confidently, he was eager to prove his worth.

"Don't do unnecessary things! Tell me when you find it or find a way to lure it here, understand?"

Barrett asked in a somewhat unhappy tone.

""Understand, understand! I understand, sir!"

Dirk stammered back. He felt like he was walking on a tightrope. If Barrett frowned, his life would be in danger.

"Wake up your men and do your work quickly. You can also try to escape directly, provided that you can escape."

Barrett showed a meaningful smile.

He had seen too many betrayals and was used to it.

Dirk looked at the playful expression on Barrett's face, as if he was looking forward to his escape. He quickly said that he didn't dare to

"I will wait here for your good news. I hope you won’t make me wait too long. My patience is not very good!"

"It's an adult! We guarantee to complete the task and we will not let you down!"

"Go ahead."

Barrett said and continued to drink.

The old face of the tavern owner fell.���Come on, it turns out that the 45 million is not so easy to get. It seems that this big Buddha will live in his small temple for a while. He will have to be carefully served with good wine and food every day, and he will have to be worried all day long and can't sleep well.


The boss sighed. He had no right to refuse and could only take things one step at a time....

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