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, in the hotel room,

Geer is leaning on the sofa, covering his face with a newspaper, taking a nap.

"Blooper, blooper, blooper!"

"Whose phone is ringing? Answer it now, it's too noisy."

Geer seemed to be back to the time when he was sleeping in the school dormitory a few years ago, urging his roommate to turn off the ringing of his cell phone.

"Boss, it seems that your phone is ringing."

Moria reminded him gently.

He turned over and took a deep breath. He heard that the sound was indeed coming from him. Gel felt a little embarrassed, so he started to change the subject.

"Ahem, who the hell is this? Why did he call me just when I fell asleep, instead of calling me earlier or later? Doesn't he know it's nap time? I'm going to scold him!" After searching in his pocket for a while, he finally found the Den Den Mushi that was calling Bulu Bulu.

"Hmm? Navy?"

Gel looked at the blue and white Den Den Mushi in front of him and pressed the answer button with some confusion.:


"Call, call, this is Rice Fruit! Any instructions?"

"Hello, big rice cracker, this is small, small senbei.."

The kind voice of Vice Admiral Ahe came from the Den Den Mushi. She always felt a little awkward when he mentioned her code name. It was all because of what code names Sengoku had chosen.

"It's Aunt He.

I was saying that I saw a magpie flying on a tree branch when I went out today.

If it wasn't Daisen, we don't have to use his awkward code name when we chat in private.

He's an old navy, but he can't even come up with an action code name.

Look at what he came up with, they're so ugly.

Oh, let's not talk about him.

You must have something good to talk to me about, right? Let me guess.

You called me to inform me.

Could it be that my good brother Doflamingo has been captured by you and taken to Impel Down?"

Moriah: Boss, where's the scolding you promised?

""Ahem, Gel boy! I'm listening too!"

Sengoku's voice suddenly came out of the Den Den Mushi, making Gel feel embarrassed as if he was caught talking bad about someone behind their back, and he quickly laughed:

"Hehe, so you are here too, Great Senbei. Are all admirals so idle? Why do you come to Aunt He's place every day? Could it be that..."

"Ahem, what are you talking about, little brat? I'm doing this for official business!"

Zhan Guo's face turned red, and he hurriedly interrupted Gel's dangerous remarks with a guilty conscience.

Vice Admiral He was more able to keep the situation stable, and was not affected by Gel's nonsense at all. She only said calmly:

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, Xiao Geer. This time I'm looking for you again because of the last time."

"You say."

Geer picked up the coconut on the table, put it through a straw and started drinking.

"The people we have arranged have been almost done as planned. Now we need a shocking record to end it, attract enough attention and then announce joining the navy to achieve the result we want, so we need your help."

"Big news?"

Ger immediately understood what the other party meant. Isn't it that if you debut first and become famous before going into the adult entertainment industry, the attention and value will be higher?

"Yes, we need a big news!"

Seeing that Gel pointed out the core of the problem, Sengoku nodded affirmatively.

Gel touched his chin and began to think about what big event he could make.

Moria was a little surprised to hear that the person who was talking to his boss was actually a senior member of the navy.

Hehe, could it be that he is actually in the navy camp? Then wouldn't he be the future admiral of the navy?

Moria danced with sign language to communicate with Captain Gel, asking if he should go outside and avoid it for the time being. Gel understood what he meant and shook his head directly. It was just a small matter, and there was no need to deliberately hide it from his companions.

Moria: Please hide it, boss, I really don't want to know too many secrets.

Seeing that the Den Den Mushi fell silent, Sengoku and Crane looked at each other, and neither of them urged.

After a while, the Den Den Mushi, who was a little sleepy on the table, spoke again and asked:

"So, how do you two want me to help you?"

Zhan Guo said:

"We hope you can beautifully kill a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million, and then hand him over to the navy, or create a major event that has the same deterrent effect on pirates."

"Well, it's not a big problem to deal with pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million. The problem is that I have just entered the Grand Line. You all know the overall level of the pirates here in the first half. Where can I find pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million?"

Ger threw the question back.

You know, the bounty is not that cheap now, unlike 20 years later when there were so many pirates with bounties of over 100 million, and they would come up with a bounty of hundreds of millions of Baileys. At this time, those who have bounties of over 100 million are all real strong men.

Besides, big events that can deter pirates are not so easy to deal with. A Pirate King has just been executed and a legendary pirate, the Golden Lion, has been arrested. What other news can touch their numb nerves? Is the arrest of the former Pirate King crew a big event? If so, there is one on my ship, but I can't lend it to you for hype. Vice Admiral Tsuru thought about it and felt that what Ger said made sense.

But their navy really can't wait to close the net on this long-laid plan.

Now several high-ranking members of the navy hope that this plan can play some role. If it can really curb the current overly rapid development of pirates, Buying precious time for the navy is already a great achievement.

At present, the situation on the sea is getting worse day by day. After a few months, a series of reactions caused by the great secret treasure have begun to appear.

As the most important force to fight against pirates, the navy has been busy and exhausted. The navy branches in the four seas are crying and shouting every day, asking the headquarters to send more manpower and material support. Everyone said that otherwise they would not be able to stand it.

Many member states of the Grand Line have also been frequently robbed by pirates recently, especially those countries that are geographically located in the second half.

They complain to the World Government almost every day about the inefficiency of the navy and the lack of deterrence, and are unable to protect their personal safety and property safety.

He also threatened: If this continues, a large amount of wealth that should have been plundered by them will now be robbed by pirates, and they may not be able to pay the gold in the sky by then.

It's a pity that the World Government will never indulge them....

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