
The pirate boss would never have thought that these pirate minions knew that they were most likely to become cannon fodder, so they became smarter over time and had a tacit understanding with each other.

Generally, there was no blood feud like this in daily friction.

When their bosses and main forces were fighting, they were responsible for acting out fierce fighting on the side to create a good atmosphere.

No one would really kill them.

After all, although they were all worthless, they were their own lives.

No one wanted to sacrifice in vain because the boss drank and got angry.

The pirate brother found something wrong as soon as he popped his head out.

He was timid and shrank back.

Unfortunately, he couldn't hold his new good brother.

He saw the big brother rushing out decisively with his eyes closed.

With a handsome pounce, he fell to the ground in the middle in full view of everyone.

The pirate brother covered his face with his hands, crying bitterly, and silently said in his heart,"Brother, go well!

I will take care of my sister-in-law!


But when he turned around, he thought that his good big brother was also an old bachelor! I couldn't help but spit to the side.

Seeing someone suddenly rushing out, I thought someone was going to launch a sneak attack without following martial ethics. Both sides thought it was the other party's people, and as a result, everyone raised their weapons!

"Puff! Puff!"

The"clever" pirate opened his eyes in horror and stared blankly at the dozen bloody holes on his body, his eyes full of disbelief.

"for...Why is it like this?"

He tried to finish the last sentence, and then he collapsed to the ground like a grasshopper after autumn, kicked his legs a few times, and gradually lost his breath, becoming the first victim of this fight between the two sides.

Smart pirates don't know that after the 12 truths: Hesitation will lead to defeat, there is another one: Decisiveness will lead to defeat!


But this is the reality that pirates have to face every day. Maybe they feel very exciting and interesting in the last second, but they may lose their heads in the next second!

The pirates present saw blood, just like sharks smelling blood. The atmosphere was different in an instant. Everyone understood that if they continued to fight, they would have to fight to the death.

The captains on both sides also began to hesitate. The brief fight just now had given Artesan and Dirk a certain understanding of each other's strength. Both of them knew that it would be difficult to determine the winner between them in a short time if they really fought.

So is it necessary to continue fighting to the point of mutual loss? You must know that there are dozens of pirate groups of all sizes gathered on this island. Although they are the strongest echelon among them, their lives will not be as good as they are now after their family assets are destroyed.


Just as the two sides were still deadlocked over who should make the first move, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and all the pirates stared at them with murderous eyes.

"Excuse me!"

A subwoofer-like male voice reached the ears of the pirates in the field. For some reason, everyone felt their hearts tremble, their heartbeats began to speed up unconsciously, and the hairs on their bodies stood up. They instinctively clenched their weapons and pointed them in the direction of the door.

Then, they saw that the person coming in from the door was not a person, but a pair of giant hands reaching in.

""Hoo! Hoo!"

I saw the hands grab the door frame of the tavern's wooden door and roughly tear down the door and the wall to create a big hole.

""Da, da, da!"

The hard-soled military boots made crisp footsteps on the wooden floor.


"Hello! What's wrong with you?"


As the footsteps slowly approached, the pirate minions in the field began to fall one after another without any warning.

"Hello...You are..?"


In the end, only the two captains, Artesan and Dirk, were still standing. Both of them were sweating and looked at the direction of the door with a serious face.

Soon, a 5-meter-tall man who was so strong that his shoulder width was almost as wide as his height and looked like a cube walked in slowly. He had long light yellow hair with a hint of graying draped behind him. He was wearing an old military uniform from an unknown era. There were several collar badges on the collar of his jacket, and a logo similar to a football captain's armband on his left arm, with a number 09 printed on it.

The man had a devilish smile on his face, ignoring the pirates and two pirate captains lying on the floor in the room, and walked straight to the bar.

""Sa, aren't you going to come out and entertain the guests? Boss?"

The tavern owner who had been hiding in the corner and witnessed the whole thing wanted to die at this moment. The pirates on both sides had just stopped fighting, and now there was another guy who looked even more difficult to deal with. He stepped on dog shit when he went out today, and thought he was going to have good luck, but he didn't expect that he would be in big trouble.

Artesan's 3-meter height and strong physique were already outstanding among ordinary people, but compared with the guy in front of him, he seemed a little inferior.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing here? You're so tall, why did you suddenly come in? Didn't you see that this place is closed today?"

Ataisang raised his head and shouted at the burly man in an arrogant tone in order to regain his position.

""Boss! Bring us the drinks, the best and strongest whiskey!"

The burly man ignored Atesan who was yelling at him and continued to order the tavern owner.

"Ah! OK! Please wait a moment, sir!"

The tavern owner came to his senses, hurriedly took a large bottle of wine from the cabinet, carefully placed it on the bar, and quickly hid aside.

""Kacha, gulp, gulp!"

The man held the 1.5-liter glass bottle in his hand like a small test tube. He unscrewed the bottle cap, opened his mouth wide, and drank the whole bottle of wine in two gulps.

"Oh, cool! Boss, keep serving us wine!"

"Hey! You bastard! I'm talking to you! Are you fucking deaf?"

Ataisang saw that the other party treated him as invisible, and he immediately roared angrily. Dirk, who was standing next to him, was so scared that he couldn't take care of himself when he saw the man's face. He was shaking all over, his legs were weak, and he could only hold on to the bar to stabilize his body. His trembling lips made a sound that only he could hear:

"Why is this monster here! The former crew member of Pirate King Roger, the Devil's descendant! Douglas Barrett!!"

"Damn it! Go to hell, you dare to ignore me, who do you think I am? I am King Kong Artesan with a bounty of 45 million berries! I am the man who will soon surpass the Pirate King Roger!"

While speaking, Artesan had already jumped up and punched the opponent in the face.

Hearing the words"Pirate King Roger" and so on, Barrett could no longer continue to be selectively deaf. He slowly put down the empty bottle in his hand, turned around and just met the punch head-on.


With a loud noise,

Ataisang's fist hit the opponent's nose so hard that smoke even came out.

But the smile on Ataisang's face disappeared instantly. He found that after he swung his full-strength punch with hatred and hit the opponent's face, it did not cause any damage at all. The opponent did not even blink.、

"What's going on here?"

The strong sense of unreality made him take two steps back!...

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