
Moria turned around and stared at the masked man who called out to him with some impatience.

"What else do you want?"

The masked man was not annoyed by Moria's unfriendly tone. He spoke slowly:

"Meeting is fate. It is also time for dinner. My guard offended you without knowing it just now. I wonder if I can treat you to a meal to apologize. Let's sit down and have a good chat. Maybe we can become friends! What do you think?" The green-robed guard heard that the young master was going to apologize to the other party for his behavior. He felt angry and wronged. When he was about to speak, he was stopped by the old man in white robe, who winked at him and shook his head.

"I'm not interested in eating with you guys, so forget about the apology. You're so small that you didn't hurt me anyway, so don't take it too seriously. I forgive you! Hehehehe!"

Moria was not polite at all. He laughed loudly and walked away, leaving the three people speechless.

I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen such a shameless person.

After a long while, the three people came back to their senses.

"Damn it! This arrogant bastard."

The young man in green robe was the first to curse. He was so angry that his dark skin turned red. He clenched his fists tightly and wanted to chase him and"get beaten up by him."

Seeing that there was no one around, the masked man untied his veil to breathe, revealing a young, handsome and somewhat majestic face in his twenties. At this time, the handsome man frowned on his face and stood there staring blankly at the direction where Moria left.

""Your Highness, do you want to teach him a lesson?"

The man was still thinking and did not answer the suggestion of the green-robed guard.

The man who could be called His Highness in Alabasta was none other than the prince of Alabasta, Nefertari Cobra, who was arranged by the old king to travel abroad. He was also the heir to the throne who would become the 12th king of Alabasta in the future.

In fact, Cobra saw that the little giant in front of him was not ordinary in strength. He didn't know why such an unidentified strong man would appear here. He wanted to talk to the other party on the pretext of having a meal together, so as to find a chance to inquire about the other party's details and intentions. However, he was directly rejected by Moria.

Thinking of the strong dark aura on the other party and the eyes that didn't look like a good person, Cobra felt very uneasy.

"Your Highness, how about I go and keep an eye on him?"

The old man in white robes saw the worry of his highness at a glance and immediately offered himself.

Although Cobra was only traveling in the country, he was a rich man after all, so the old king still arranged two powerful guards for him. The strength of these two people can be ranked in the whole Alabasta.

Among them, the young man in green robe is named Gaka, a very promising warrior of the kingdom, and is also a young man being trained as the next guardian of Alabasta.

The old man in white robe is Kit the Falcon, one of the two current guardians of Alabasta!

"Senior Kit, you are old and your legs may not be as convenient as before. Your Highness, why don't you let me follow you?"

Jaka said, and Cobra nodded and was somewhat convinced.

"Little devil, you dare to complain about my old age? I can still eat three bowls of rice a day. If you don’t believe me, let’s find a chance to fight you for three hundred rounds!"

""I'm sorry, Senior Kit, that's not what I meant."

Gaka hurriedly defended himself. He didn't dare to underestimate the old man in front of him.

Although Kit was over sixty years old and looked like a frail old man with one foot halfway into the coffin, Gaka knew that as long as he didn't die, he would still be one of the strongest guardians of Alabasta!

"Okay, I'm just kidding. I know what you mean, but can you fly? My ability is definitely more convenient and covert when it comes to tracking."

At this point, the two could not make any rebuttal. As the ability user of the Animal-type Bird-Bird Fruit Falcon Form, he can fly at a very fast speed in the air. It is true that Kaka can't do better than him in secretly gathering intelligence.

"Mr. Kit, thank you for your help. You just need to follow them from a distance to see what they are doing in Alabasta. If you are exposed, use your flying ability to retreat quickly. Don't engage in battle with them."

"Don't worry, Your Highness. You know my character well. I won't act rashly."

"Please, Mr. Kit!"

Cobra said solemnly

""Yes, Your Highness!"

Kit said, and then he walked to a secluded corner. His body began to change, and finally he turned into a huge falcon wearing clothes.

He flapped his wings and flew straight into the sky.

Cobra stared at the sky in a trance until the black spot in the sky completely disappeared from his sight. He always felt uneasy, and a kind of ominous premonition lingered in his heart.

""His Highness Cobra!"

Gaka whispered to the side.

Cobra shook his head and consoled himself:

I hope I just stayed up too late last night listening to music in the brothel and my body is a little tired.

"Let's go, find a place to eat, and then we'll go back to Aruba when the old man comes back."

"Your Highness, but according to His Majesty's order, we have to visit all the cities in the country before we can go back. We haven't even gone to Joba yet. If His Majesty finds out that we are lazy, will we be punished?"

Gaka asked, scratching his head and looking a little worried.

"Haha, don't worry, I have already understood the real intention of my father to let me travel to all the cities across the country. It doesn't matter whether I go to Yoba or not. Even if my father knew, he would not blame me."

Cobra patted Jaca's shoulder confidently, then looked in the direction of the capital, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up:

Father, the so-called"country" refers to the"people"! Is this the truth you want me to understand?...

""Hey, give me two servings of your signature dish: the fried rice of ecstasy!"

Cobra and Gaka walked into the restaurant, and a waiter from the restaurant came towards them. Gaka went up to him and took him to order food.

""Guests, why don't you go to another restaurant? The food in the restaurant today is almost eaten by that table of guests. I'm in a hurry to buy ingredients. Sorry, please make way for me. If you are late, the boss will deduct your salary. I'll take my leave now. If you are willing to wait, you can sit down first. The guest should be almost full. The chefs who collapsed are already trying to rescue him."

The waiter said and ran out in a hurry.

Cobra's eyes twitched. How could someone collapse the chefs while eating?

The two were still wondering if the waiter was talking nonsense, but when they looked into the restaurant, they saw that all the diners in the hall were not moving their spoons, and all their eyes were dully looking at a tall figure in the corner. Blond hair and blue eyes, the perfect figure made countless men drool.

Well, this person is Weibull among the dry rice!

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