"Hey, hey, how many plates of fried rice is this?"

"Two hundred and twelfth, I’m counting!"

"It's so freaking scary. Although it's big, it eats so much! The word"glutton" is not enough to describe it!"

"Yes! This guy is such a big eater. What kind of family can afford this guy?"

Listening to the heated discussions around him, Cobra finally understood what was going on.

Everyone in the room was curious about how many servings of fried rice this little giant could eat. Some people even started betting.

"The market is open! Guess how many plates this warrior can eat in the end, place your bets! Small bets are fun, big bets make you rich!"

A shout immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Hello, how do we play?"

Someone immediately asked the dealer with interest.

"You can guess single numbers, or buy ranges, 230-239, 240-249, etc., 10 numbers in a range, or you can buy odds and evens! If you guess the range correctly, you will get 10 to 1, if you buy single numbers, you will get 100 to 1, and if you guess the odds and evens correctly, you will get 1 to 1."When everyone heard that this game was simple, the odds dealer would also suffer a big loss, and it was obvious that he was an amateur, and someone immediately became interested:

"I want to place a bet!!"

"I bet on him to get the 250th to 259th portion! I bet 100,000 Baileys!!"

"Hey, you are stupid, with such high odds, aren't you afraid that the dealer will have no money to pay out later?"

The man who wanted to place a bet was reminded by his friend, but before he could finish his words, the dealer who opened the market took out several thick stacks of Baileys and put them on the table. It was at least 20 million Baileys, and the hall was immediately in an uproar.

"You are too narrow-minded, brother! I think at least 300 copies, I will bet on a single number 300 copies! I bet 200,000 Baileys!"

The brother who was just trying to dissuade others shouted loudly

"A little gambling is fun, so I'll join in the fun. 300 portions is a bit too much, how can I eat so much! I'll take a middle number, I'll buy 280 portions of 100,000 Baileys!"

"I'll buy...!"

As soon as someone took the lead, the scene suddenly became lively and everyone rushed to place bets.

"I'll bet 475! Come on, Qing, take the money."

Cobra finally squeezed to the front and shouted to place a bet. Jiaka behind him whispered with embarrassment:

"My Lord... Young Master, we only have the last 100,000 Baileys left for food. If we lose it all, we will have no money for food and accommodation!"

"No, I have a feeling that I can win today, 100,000 will become 10 million, I will take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food!"

Cobra snatched a small stack of Baileys from Gaka's hand, slammed it on the table and shouted:

"Odd number 415! 100,000 Baileys!"

"No problem!"

Gel smiled and accepted all the orders.

Finally, he looked at the statistics and saw that everyone was greedy and bought the intervals with high odds and odd numbers. Almost no one bet on the odds with low odds.

However, they were all small bets for fun, and no one gambled big. After all, who would bring all their property to eat out? The diners who could eat out frequently were already considered a small group of relatively wealthy people. Having hundreds of thousands of Baileys on them was already a lot.

The betting chips were concentrated between 250 and 350, and the highest guess was that they could eat about 400 servings, which was too conservative, which made Gel not need If you cheat, you can eat it all. For ordinary people, a normal portion of fried rice is just two bites for Weibull. According to Weibull's appetite, he wouldn't be full even if he had 500 portions.

So as the dealer, Captain Gill was careful and didn't bet on a large range of 300-399 or 400-499. He just bought in 10 numbers, which means eating more or less. Anyway, it's impossible for anyone to win. That's great.

After deducting the cost of the meal, I can still make a small profit of 2-3 million Baileys.

Gill smiled slyly.

""Where's the waiter? Hurry up and serve it! Hey, go away, let's do it ourselves!"

Those diners who felt they had a chance of winning helped Weevil serve the dishes themselves, for fear that they were too slow and that Weevil would get a rest and eat a few more plates, exceeding the range of his bet.

And those who had already lost were not in a hurry to leave, just as if they had paid to join in the fun and watch a show, and they all wanted to see how much Weevil could eat in the end.

Gaka and Cobra also squeezed in the crowd to watch the big eater show.

The more Cobra watched, the more frightened he was. Why is there another monster here! Is there some foreign force plotting against their Kingdom of Alabasta?

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the plates in front of Weevil's table piled higher and higher.

"How much is it?"

The diners in the back row who couldn't see asked anxiously.

"Stop pushing, stop pushing, it’s 403!"

"What? My God, doesn't that mean the dealer is going to kill everyone?"

All of a sudden, everyone in the room turned their eyes to Gel who was calmly drinking a drink.

"Ahhh! It’s 410!"

"Ah! It’s 415! Stop eating, stop eating!"

With the wail of the brother who bought 415, the last hope of the whole village, all the people who placed bets were out of luck.

"Haha, thanks for letting me win!"

Gel stood up and clasped his fists.

Everyone looked at Gel with envy and jealousy. How could they not be envious of being able to earn millions of Baileys in the time it takes to eat a meal?

In the end, all 8 chefs were"killed". The big eater challenge ended early, and the final score was locked at 476 plates. Weibull barely ate 70% full. No one bet correctly, and the dealer won the game directly.

"Boss, please pay the bill. 476 servings. Can you calculate the total amount?"

Ger walked up to the restaurant owner and said.

The busy and sweaty restaurant owner held the chair and stood up tremblingly. Fortunately, it was not difficult to calculate the money. He moved his fingers slightly and got the answer. He said politely to Ger:

"Hello customer, the total consumption is 571,200 Baileys. I will give you 571,000 Baileys after rounding off the decimals!"Your discount is too big, will it make a loss?"

Gel secretly complained in his heart, and couldn't help but look at the boss more. He saw that his face still had an expression of heartbreak because of the rounding off.

There was no trace of acting, he was really distressed, and this boss looked like a man who could do great things.

Gel was not stingy, anyway, this meal was funded by everyone.

He immediately took out a large stack of Baileys and put them on the table and said:

"Here is 1.5 million Baileys. After deducting the meal money, please give 100,000 Baileys to each of the eight chefs as medical expenses and nutrition expenses. Finally, the remaining 100,000 Baileys can be divided equally among these guys as tips. They have worked hard today."

"No problem, no problem!"

The boss agreed and took the money to divide it up.

There were so many old customers watching, and all the employees heard that this money was the hard work fee given by the customers. Geer was not afraid that the shrewd boss would ruin his reputation for such a small amount of money.

"Thank you very much!"

The waiters standing nearby were the first to receive the money. It was not much, 20,000 Baileys each, but it was almost enough for their wages for a few days.

A brave girl ran up to Gel and thanked him politely. The girl had freckles on her face, but she was still very cute and had a sunny smile.

Once someone took the lead, others followed suit and thanked him.

Gel just smiled and waved his hand....

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