Captain Gel, who had just come out of the port and didn't want to step on the hot sandy road in slippers, spent another 2,000 Baileys to rent two turtle cars full of Alabasta characteristics.

Everyone drove to the town.

Weeble and Moria were too big to carry the animals they made, so the two could only solve the problem in their own way.

Fortunately, the distance was not far, and the group soon arrived at the oasis city of Eruma in the desert.

The buildings in this city use a lot of stable geometric elements such as squares and triangles. The square houses made of stones like to add conical tower tops, which are full of ancient Egyptian cultural imprints and strong religious meanings.

The group is like a group of sightseeing tours, except that Gel is holding a small colorful flag in front.

It has only been a few days, switching from the ice and snow of the Winter Island Drum Kingdom to the desert oasis of Alabasta. In terms of appreciating the natural scenery and experiencing the different customs and customs of various places, the Grand Line is indeed a very good tourist route.

Because there is almost no communication between the islands of the Grand Line, there are relatively few outsiders, and most of the merchants and tourists are citizens of other cities in Alabasta.

At this time, the unique clothes and attire of Gel and his group clearly showed their identities, but no one cared about the Kung Fu Sea Cow that could walk upright on the road.

The group walked on the streets of the city, and the pedestrians coming and going on the street stopped and cast curious eyes, especially Moria and Weevil in the team, whose heights stood out from the crowd.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Gel first took everyone into a clothing store and picked out a set of clothes with local characteristics for each person.

There was no size suitable for the special body types of Weevil and Moria, and Moria was so angry that he almost tore down the door.

The boss was also a man who knew how to do business. Seeing that Gel never bargained and was very generous, he was obviously a noble merchant, so he gave two pieces of good fabric for free and helped Weevil and Moria to wear them as headscarves. Only then did the two of them barely match the style of others.

"Boss, please take a picture for us."

"Ah, how do we take a photo?"

Funny pulled the boss and briefly taught him how to use the camera, then she ran back to the team. The whole group of people prepared to take an exotic family photo with the unique buildings on both sides of the street as the background.

Mosan held Xiaobai, Funny leaned beside him, and Lab sat on Gel's shoulder.

Po wanted to learn to make a"yeah" gesture like Bi Ya, but his little hands, which were similar to Doraemon's, couldn't make a scissors hand gesture, and in the end he could only make two fists as if to cheer each other up.

The three mature men, Senior, Fate and Kulokas, all seemed to strike a pose that was not so deliberate but very handsome in front of the camera.

And Weevil and Moria, who were standing at the back, stood on tiptoe to make themselves look taller and more powerful than the other.

"Three, two, one, click!"

As the clothing store owner's finger pressed lightly, the picture froze, and everyone in the photo had a smile on their face.

"Let's go, as usual, it's free time."

Ger took out Bailey and said with a smile


Thinking that the next stop would be Sky Island, Gel couldn't wait and reminded:

"By the way, we won’t stay long this time. We’ll gather at the East City Gate at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Don’t forget about it while having fun!"

"Got it, Captain!"

After receiving their pocket money, everyone went shopping in groups of two or three.

Gel shook his head. It was hard to find a boss like him. He didn't have to work so hard, and he had free food and lodging. He could eat, drink and have fun every day, travel around the world, and every time he arrived at a place, he could get millions to spend freely. If he had heard this kind of treatment in his previous life, he would have been kidnapped to commit telecom fraud.

"Come on, brother, let's go taste the specialties of Alabasta."

After everyone left, Gol called Weevil behind him to leave.

"Eat! Eat!"

Weeble also shouted excitedly.

With that, the two of them walked towards the best restaurant in Eruma introduced by the owner of the clothing store. Along the way, they looked at the busy people with smiles on their faces.

Gel couldn't help but think of why Crocodile, who almost destroyed the country, was whitewashed by many people just because he helped the protagonist once?

Three years of drought and a rebellion of millions of people, behind this simple sentence, how many innocent people lost their lives, and war and famine brought endless suffering and tragedy to the people."Exchange children for food, and cook with bones, this sentence does not use exaggeration.

I used to read stories, and not many people died in One Piece. Now I have traveled through time and the story has become reality. These are all living lives. It can be recognized that Crocodile and Blackbeard are the kind of heroes who will do anything to achieve their goals. They are villains with unique charm, but Gel will never agree to say that he is actually a good person....

"The sun in this damn place is too strong! I feel like my skin is about to peel off!"

Molia, who was walking alone on the road, couldn't help but speed up his pace. Because he hated the strong sunlight, he covered his entire face tightly with a headscarf. He just wanted to find a dark and cool place to stay.

"I don't know if there is a cemetery or graveyard nearby? I still have the ability to experiment."


Moriah originally had small eyes and was tall. After he covered his face with a headscarf, his blind spot increased a lot. He passed by a crowded intersection and bumped into someone coming from the opposite direction when he turned a corner.


The man felt as if he had hit a wall. He cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

Feeling as if he had hit something, Moria lowered his head and saw someone lying on the ground.

Moria saw that the man had covered his entire face with a headscarf like himself. He felt that it was not his fault and wanted to leave. However, thinking of the boss' usual teachings, he still asked politely:

"Hey, sorry, are you okay?"

The masked man who was knocked to the ground looked up and saw Moria's tall physique and triangular eyes full of darkness and evil under the headscarf. He was startled and stopped when he was about to get up.

"Ah, I'm fine."

Hearing him say that he was fine, Moria was about to leave. At this moment, two men with swords and dressed like guards hurriedly ran over from behind the man.

"temple...Young Master!"

The old man with a mask, a white robe and silver hair ran over to help the masked man up.

The other young man in a blue-gray robe and a hood on his head directly blocked Moria's way and shouted:

"Don't you have eyes when you walk? And why are you still laughing after you bumped into someone? I think you did it on purpose.!"

"Qing, get out of the way quickly, he didn't hit me on purpose, we bumped into each other accidentally, it's just that my body is not as strong as his, so I was the one who fell!"

The masked man stood up and patted the dust on his body, explaining for Moria


"Qing, the young master's words are orders!"

The old man in white robes beside him reminded softly.

"Yes! Young Master."

The young man in green robe, who was only in his teens or twenties, looked at the teasing and disdain in Moria's eyes. He was very unconvinced, but he still gave way obediently because of the order.

Moria didn't say a word. Although this group of people were mysterious and either masked or covered, the sun seemed to be melting him. Moria didn't have the energy to explore now, and immediately raised his leg and walked past the three people....

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