The other Kung Fu Manatees ignored A Jin's provocative challenge and none of them stepped forward to challenge him.

All the Manatees looked at A Jin with stars in their eyes, which made him feel a little scared.

"What do you want to do?"

Fortunately, at this moment, the manatee that was knocked to the ground got up again, ran to Ajin, shouted solemnly, and then bowed again.

"Do you want to continue?"

Jin thought it was unwilling to give it another try, so he clenched his fists and prepared for a fight, but the manatee did not attack.

"What does this mean?"

Ajin was confused, but fortunately Kulokas was there to help explain:

"It said you were very strong and defeated it easily. It hoped to learn martial arts from you."

Captain Gill was already grinning from ear to ear.

"Haha, Ajin, these Kung Fu manatees are definitely fighters. They like to challenge the strong. If they lose, they will worship the other party as their master. Now that you have defeated the strongest among them, they will definitely chase you and worship you as their master."

"Huh? What should I do now?"

"Hahaha, Ajin, it's okay. Accept these disciples. First, teach them a set of boxing like you usually teach Bi Ya, otherwise they won't leave."

"Ah, what is this? Captain, did you know this would happen and deliberately not tell me?"

"How is it possible! Captain, I just remembered it, sorry."

Ah Jin was helpless, knowing that he must have been tricked by the captain again. He could only practice a set of basic naval boxing techniques with a group of cute sea beasts, like a radio gymnastics leader, surrounded by a group of manatees. The scene looked very funny. The

Kung Fu manatees learned very seriously, and their shouts were deafening.

Ah Jin was surprised to find that after only two exercises, more than half of the manatees had memorized the whole set of boxing techniques, and they could fight vigorously and in a very good manner. It seemed that their comprehension was much higher than that of ordinary people. Ajin couldn't help but secretly glance at Bi Ya who also ran ashore and was interacting with the manatees.

Before saying goodbye, Gel asked Kulokas to help ask the Kung Fu manatee who had dueled with Ajin. It has now become Ajin's chief disciple. It got a headscarf from somewhere and used black pearl powder to draw dark circles under its eyes, imitating the appearance of Master Ajin.

When Kulokas conveyed the captain's intention and asked it if it wanted to go on an adventure at sea together and continue to stay by its master's side to listen to his teachings, the invited little manatee instantly cried out with excitement.

""Wow wow wow wow!"

Fortunately, with Kurokas's ability, everyone knew that it had been repeatedly verifying: I am just a manatee, can I really go to sea with everyone?

Gel reached out and held its soft front paw that was a bit like a tentacle, telling it that as long as it was willing, they would be partners on the same boat in the future.

As expected, the little manatee was grateful and nodded immediately to show that he was very willing

"Wow wow wow wow! (Everyone keep working hard, I'm going out to sea first!)"

Finally, with tears in his eyes, he said goodbye to the other manatees, jumped onto the boat with his small luggage bag, ran to Ajin and hugged his thighs and rubbed against him.

"Ah Jin, Kung Fu Manatee has great talent and can even master Haki. You will be responsible for teaching it from now on."

""Okay, Captain!"

Ajin smiled and touched the manatee's head. After a short time together, he also liked this new disciple very much.

"Hey, Captain, is it time to give it a name?"

Moria reminded.

Captain Gel touched the little guy's smooth head and blurted out without thinking:

"Kung Fu Manatee, let’s call him Po. Your master’s name is Jin, and gold and treasures are my favorite, Captain!"


Po clenched his fist and bowed to Captain Gul, obviously liking this name very much....

The boat set out again, and was delayed for a while by this episode, but Gel felt that he had gained another mascot, and this trip to Alabasta was not in vain.

Soon the boat passed a constantly changing color line on the sea. This color band divided the water surface in the middle. The colors of the water on both sides were obviously different. The water on one side was yellow-brown, and on the other side facing the sea, the water was azure blue.

At this time, there was not even a single warlord, let alone the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Alabasta naturally did not have the Baroque Studio of Crocodile to do things in secret, so there was no nationwide drought that caused the Santa Dora River to dry up and seawater to flow back, so this landscape could be seen.

This is the so-called clear distinction, which is a special natural phenomenon formed in the sea area near the estuary when the river fresh water flows into the sea.

The river that appeared in front was the Santa Dora River in Alabasta, which was the river that Princess Weiwei said was 50 kilometers wide.

Gel stood at the bow and carefully observed the two banks, wanting to help the majority of netizens witness with their own eyes whether this river was as wide as Weiwei boasted, so that netizens would not have to argue about it anymore.

Well, judging by visual observation, the estuary is quite spacious. The distance between the two sides should be fifty kilometers, but the width of the upstream river may not be as wide as the estuary. Anyway, some believe it and some don't. There is no need to worry about it. The width of Tongtian River is eight hundred leagues, which is reasonable. They are about to reach the coastal city of Aluma in Alabasta. Everyone on the boat excitedly ran to the deck to wait for the dock.

In order not to cause excessive attention and unnecessary panic, Gel sent the two conspicuous sea beasts, Ada, back to the sea to play.

It was a rare opportunity for the sails on the mast to be used. Under the command of the old driver Kurokas, the few people without a driver's license finally managed to dock the boat in the port in a hurry. They were sweating profusely, and they breathed a sigh of relief, just like those who cheated in the second subject under the command of the coach.

""Ah, it's so hot."

Gel, who had just landed, stepped on the hot yellow sand and couldn't help complaining.

Compared with the cold in winter, Gel felt that the heat in summer was even more unbearable.

"Hello! This should be your first time to visit Alabasta, please cooperate with a simple registration."

This port is not natural, but artificially planned and constructed, so after everyone got off the ship, a servant wearing a headscarf and traditional desert country clothes ran over and asked to register.

"Are you coming to Alabasta for travel or business?"

"Travel and business"

"Oh, then can you tell me what you have brought to sell? Maybe I can recommend some suitable sales channels or give you some suggestions."

The boy in charge of registration said enthusiastically.

Geer thought about it and smiled:

"Thank you, but I don't need it for now. We don't sell goods, we come to purchase. We buy whatever we like."

"Oh, I see. Welcome to Alabasta."...

Gel looked around and answered casually, without making things difficult for the staff. He cooperated with the simple registration and paid the mooring fee of 1,000 berleys, and then he was allowed to pass.

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