In fact, the body of Immortal Zombie, carrying the limits of the soul, is even higher than the common flesh and blood, but less nourishing the soul.

Only the living flesh and blood can nourish the soul. Among the dead bodies, the soul will be more and more withered.

Fang Yuan’s soul can support the present, Audacity Gu played the most important role. In addition, he used other Soul Dao means to support nourishment.

Although Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable brought the world to life, but because of his time in Soul Dao, countless Soul Dao outstanding figures have emerged, creating a massive Soul Dao means.

Despite the era of Paradise Immortal Venerable, there are still a lot of valuable Soul Dao means, which have been passed down and passed down.

“I don’t practice Soul Dao, Soul Dao Gu Immortal, and Soul Dao’s Dao Marks, so that the body can carry a more powerful soul.” After realizing that he reached the limit, Fang Yuan left Fox Immortal Blessed Land. Star Form Blessed Land.

Unrestrained Valley is here.

Fang Yuan enters the Unrestrained Valley.

Unrestrained Valley original was transformed by Shadow Sect and became unrecognizable. However, after Fang Yuan let Taibai Yunsheng take action, Unrestrained Valley restored its original ecological environment.

The terrain in Unrestrained Valley is complex and looks like a maze. According to Human Ancestor Biography, Human Ancestor was trapped in a maze and could not find a way out.

Fang Yuan Now, follow Human Ancestor and come to Unrestrained Valley.

He directly let the soul leave.

A burst of gray mist filled the air.

This is the famous ** fog.

Fang Yuan’s soul was shrouded in fog and gradually loosened.

After the fog, another gust of wind blew.

This is the famous hurricane.

The wind is like a knife, and Fang Yuan’s soul is cut by the wind blade, causing countless wounds. Unbeatable pain, let Fang Yuan almost go crazy. This kind of pain is rooted in the depth of one’s soul, which is even more painful than Lingxiao!

Fang Yuan roared up, but he lacked the flesh and could only make a sharp scream.

Supported for a while. Fang Yuan with difficulty realized that he reached the limit again.

He wisely chose to retreat, and the soul was attributed to the immortal zombie body.

With the protection of the immortal zombie body, ** fog, falling hurricane’s formidable power. Suddenly fell a lot.

Fang Yuan was able to exit the Unrestrained Valley safely.

Check your soul.

After experiencing the ** fog and the devastating hurricane, Fang Yuan’s soul was a little thin, and it was obviously not a small one.

Waiting for it, although it still does not reach the severity of soul destroyed. But the slave lives in Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong. I am afraid I will be out of control.

This is because the soul is the cornerstone of the slave. The soul is severely damaged, and the effect of the slave will be greatly reduced, so that the party being slave has the possibility of resisting disengagement.

“I don’t know how Human Ancestor stayed in Unrestrained Valley for so long.”

Fang Yuan felt a bit and returned to Soul Shaking Mountain.

He continues to use Audacity Gu.

Audacity Gu is a mortal gu, but it is a legend. It is used to treat the wounds on the soul, and it is immediate.

quickly. Fang Yuan’s injury on the soul disappeared completely, completely disappeared, and healed!

At this point, Fang Yuan checks his soul again.

Obviously, he found that his soul was at least twice as strong as before! And the soul itself, like a layer of oil, exudes a slight gleam.

Re-sensing, because of the burden of slave Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong. It is also smaller than 30%.

In the Unrestrained Valley, the inhuman torture and pain suffered by Fang Yuan was worthwhile.

It is because in the Unrestrained Valley, impurities in the soul are removed. It is like a piece of iron being forged and smelted countless times, and finally turned into steel! The quality of the soul immediately went up a step.

On Soul Shaking Mountain, Audacity Gu is constantly consuming, and the soul grows at an incredible speed. The number is climbing.

“Unrestrained Valley refine soul. Soul Shaking Mountain strengthen soul. The combination of qualitative change and quantitative change, the soul background is a thousand miles. This huge success is so fast. No wonder the previous life, Hei Loulan, Fairy Lishan obtained Unrestrained Valley, all day long Going back and forth between Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley, growing the soul background. They are practicing pleasure!”

Fang Yuan sighed.

He also wants to follow Hei Loulan and Fairy Lishan, but there are still many things he has to do. The most important thing to look at in front of him is the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage.

There is no doubt that Fang Yuan’s strength is stronger, and at a crucial moment, he is more likely to capture the Graceful Battle Stage.

Fang Yuan can only think about every possibility as much as possible, and arrange every task more reasonably. He squeezed every minute of every minute and raced against the cultivation!

Finally, Fang Yuan got the news of the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage.

“What happened? I arranged a lot of means near Righteous Heavenly Mountain, and I was silently pulled out.” Fang Yuan was busy, pulled out and went to the Southern Border to investigate.

But he did not find any valuable information.

Just like the previous life, the Angry Heavenly Mountain repeatedly shows an ancient battle.

In the fierce battle, the forehead engraved Red Lotus’s mysterious Gu Immortal, and finally on the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage, the Vigorous True Martial Physique, Rank 8 strong enemy difficult to suppress.

“This Gu Immortals has a Red Lotus mark on the forehead. Does it have anything to do with Red Lotus Demon Venerable? When I was born again, it has failed, but in the River of Time, a Red Lotus suddenly appeared, which made me lose. Victory, successful rebirth. What is the connection between Red Lotus in River of Time and this mysterious Gu Immortal?”

Fang Yuan was so confused that she shook her head and left.

He still has a lot of things to arrange.

Graceful Battle Stage Although born, there is still a time from the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

In this period of time, Fang Yuan should at least eliminate the repercussion of slave Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong.

Through Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley’s round-trip cultivation, Fang Yuan’s soul background has skyrocketed, and Zhou Zhong’s soul is still in place.

“With the burden of Slave Gu Xian clean, I can easily sneak into Righteous Heavenly Mountain and secretly refine Immortal Gu Home.”

The flesh nourishes the soul, and the soul is full of spirituality, producing thoughts, wills, feelings, and promoting thinking.

Soul background upgrade, for the Fang Yuan refine Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage, will have great benefits.

“In addition to the soul, if I can turn Bo Qing’s Sword Dao Immortal Gu into my own use, it will be a huge improvement for my battle strength. It would be even better!”

Going All-Out Immortal Gu has tried several times but has never been successful.

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s rebirth plan has reached the last minute.

He resolutely gave up the refining of Going All-Out Immortal Gu and was not struggling in this pit.

In the final this period of time, Fang Yuan tried his best to prepare.

Central Continent.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing leaves the Fallen Heavenly River and rises slowly.

At his feet, the Fallen Heavenly River was choppy, slamming the shore and rolling up thousands of snow.

The blood has faded, the ferocious beast in countless rivers, the feeling of Bo Qing, and all around the horror.

At the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River, a large number of Gu Immortal lost their lives, and even Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal Bai Cangshui was not spared.

“My Immortal Gu has lost a lot, and the battle strength has to be discounted.” Immortal Zombie Bo Qing is open and the voice is low. “What should we do next?”

At this time, standing beside him are the Lord of Starry Sky Celestial Grotto, Shadow Sect Blue Envoy, Immortal Zombie Seven Stars Child, Blood Dao Demon Immortal Song Zixing, known as “Blood Dragon”, and Hairyman Refining Dao Gu Immortal Yu Muchun.

I don’t know why, this situation is different from previous life produced.

In the previous life, Seven Stars Child and Song Zixing all died in Bo Qing’s hands. But now, both survive.

Perhaps this is Fang Yuan’s early action, using the Mo Yao False Intent to evoke the true body of Bo Qing Immortal Zombie.

Song Zixing and Yu Muchun are closed, by Immortal Zombie Seven Stars Child started talking: “Next, I teamed up with Song Zixing and Yu Muchun to show Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and send us all together to the northeast of Central Continent. Crusade Sky Lotus School!”

He has already had a plan.

Previous life, Seven Stars Child, Song Zixing is dead, only Yu Muchun alone, can not launch this powerful Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

But now, it is different.

In the Heavenly Court, Supervising Heaven Tower Lord surprised and angry.

He looked at the murals of four immortals headed by Immortal Zombie Bo Qing, killing one of the Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, the Sky Lotus School, he could no longer be on the wall.

Because of his Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, it is Gu Immortal from Sky Lotus School.

In Sky Lotus School, he has a large number of disciplines and grand disciples.

At this moment, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing wakes up and Sky Lotus School is at stake. Only Heavenly Court Gu Immortal can save!

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord flew out of Supervising Heaven Tower and recalled Lian Jiusheng, Bi Chentian: “Fallen Heavenly River was shocked, Bai Cangshui was killed, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing recovered, and now kills War Immortal Sect. We are speeding to rescue! ”

The second fairy was shocked. The words of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord contained too much information.


The vibration of the second fairy is just a moment.

Immediately, they reacted, and three immortals walked into Heavenly Court’s Transmission Gu Formation, a moment later and came to the headquarters of Sky Lotus School.

At this time, Bo Qing and the others have just arrived. By their side, the residual brilliance of the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move for transmission has not completely dissipated.

Two sides Gu Immortal Contrast, the fighting intent is in the blink of an eye.

“What happened?” Gu Master and Gu Immortals of Sky Lotus School are still ignorant.


A super battle of Rank 8 level, suddenly broke out…

Central Continent, Fox Immortal Blessed Land, underground grotto.

“Successful!” Fang Yuan looks at the gu formation in front of me, and the eyes are filled with joy and regret.

These days, he is on on Wisdom Halo and constantly thinking about calculations, sheltering a powerful gu formation of refine Bo Qing Sword Dao Immortal Gu.

This set of gu formation, which is based on Wisdom Halo, uses Mo Yao False Intent, support Poison Dao Immortal Gu Lady’s Heart, and Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu Solving Riddle to achieve the goal of refining Bo Qing’s Immortal Gu.

“Unfortunately, for three days, using this gu formation, only refined one Immortal Gu. But I don’t know, what does this Immortal Gu do. Can’t wait any longer, Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain has started, the more The better the Immortal Gu Home is, the more nights you can save!”

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