Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

“Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, give up, this Immortal Gu can’t save it.” Bi Chentian advised.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord did not answer.

At this point, his hands were squirming, giving off a warm orange glow. One Immortal Gu was almost smashed in half, and was hanged by orange light. The breath was strong and weak, and it was very unstable.

Lian Jiusheng is also full of grief.

He is the Great Expert of Refining Dao. According to him, this Immortal Gu has been sentenced to death. Even if Lian Jiusheng takes the action himself, he can’t save it.

But Supervising Heaven Tower Lord will try on obsession.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is in charge of Supervising Heaven Tower, which is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. Anyone who has reached his level of Gu Immortal, even if he specializes in one, is also proficient in one, and knows a hundred.

There is no weak point at all, and Wisdom Dao can be used to simulate what other genres are best at, even because it is another way.

At the moment, Lian Jiusheng has no way to this Immortal Gu, but the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord has Wisdom Dao means, there is a hint of hope.

It’s just that he used this method. In Bi Chentian and Lian Jiusheng, it’s too risky.

With a few mistakes, Supervising Heaven Tower Lord will be backlash, and Dao Marks has been disordered since then. If you are seriously injured, you can no longer push any Immortal Gu within 30 years, otherwise the injury will become heavier and heavier.


Suddenly, from the body of Immortal Gu, a sharp invisible Sword Qi was shot.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord didn’t even have time to react, but thanks to this invisible Sword Qi, just wiped his ear and cut a frosty white hair.

Bi Chentian was a little scared.

“Okay.” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord’s face was a little slower. He spits out one mouthful of impure air , happily said , ” Pulling out Sword Qi in the shackles , this Immortal Gu is finally saved . “

Since the Fallen Heavenly River, there have been countless sword lights. Sweep the Central Continent.

A sword light, sharp and extraordinary, like the previous life, actually penetrated the Heavenly Court and cut the Supervising Heaven Tower into two halves.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord will urgently recall Bi Chentian, Lian Jiusheng and Bai Cangshui. After the four immortals, Bai Cangshui went to the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River to find out, while the remaining three immortals took advantage of Sword Qi’s eroded Supervising Heaven Tower. The injury did not worsen. Hurry to fix it.

Soon, the Immortal Gu in the hands of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, under the orange light, the injury quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lian Jiusheng is the eyes of the eyes, and the clap is praised: “Tower Lord, you sacrificed your emotions and repaired Immortal Gu’s Wisdom Dao means. It’s a must! It’s really alive and back, great. But… why are you so risky? This is just a Rank 6 Immortal Gu. We have a rich collection in Heavenly Court, and we can refining it. Conversely, if you are injured, you can’t do it for 30 years, it will be a huge loss for Heavenly Court’s.”

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord shook his head, slowly said: “I don’t know why, recently, starting with Gu Refining Grand Meeting. I feel wrong. It seems that there is a potential crisis, brewing somewhere, once it happens, There will be very terrifying consequences. We just fixed a Fate Gu that will give it half the power. But when I first got into Supervising Heaven Tower, there was a sword light, so it’s a coincidence. Supervising Heaven Tower is split in half. Is it all coincidence?”

Bi Chentian and Lian Jiusheng looked at each other and their looks diignified.

“I don’t want you, I have this feeling recently.” Bi Chentian said solemnly, “But my feelings were only started when I repaired Fate Gu.”

Lian Jiusheng also said: “It turned out that this is not just the induction of one person. I thought that my grand disciple was robbed by the younger generation, which made me feel in the midst of it. Now, I am afraid it is not so simple. Tower Lord, you are Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, you are in charge of Supervising Heaven Tower. It feels stronger than us. I am afraid there is really something going on.”

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord Looking at the hand, Immortal Gu is being repaired: “So, I have to take risks and repair this Immortal Gu as soon as possible. This is not the Supervising Heaven Tower’s core Immortal Gu, but to save it is to solve it. The biggest problem in the Supervising Heaven Tower injury. We can fix the Supervising Heaven Tower as soon as possible, and then use its power, combined with our induction, to calculate the truth.”

“And, Bo Qing’s fall under Disaster and Tribulation, why is it now suddenly? There seems to be some close connection between the two. Next, I will continue to use this method to fix other Immortal Gu. In the process, I have to concentrate on one heart and one mind. Fairy Bai Cangshui Once you have any reply, you must inform me as soon as possible.”

Bi Chentian and Lian Jiusheng answered in unison: “Understand.”

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing’s events, over time, continue to ferment and form a central influence on Central Continent, including Heavenly Court’s.

At Central Continent Gu Immortals, they all focused on the Fallen Heavenly River’s.

Fang Yuan has intercepted the biggest gains in advance, cultivation on Soul Shaking Mountain.

At this moment, he stood at Soul Shaking Mountain, and a big palm waved, releasing tens of thousands of souls.

These souls are mostly based on the beast soul. What is the rabbit soul, the sheep soul, the horse soul, etc., the most, the Wolf Soul, the tiger soul and other ferocious beast souls are slightly smaller. There is also the soul of plants, and the number of nonhuman souls and Human Soul is the least.

In fact, the sale of souls has always existed.

Because, this world, Gu Immortal of cultivation Soul Dao, is also in the minority.

Soul Dao’s Gu insect, which actually appeared from the Immemorial period, has never formed a system.

It was not until the rise of one Gu Immortal that Soul Dao was created and prospered.

This Gu Immortal is the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable of one of the Ten Great Venerables in Human Race history.

He is the founder of Soul Dao, and he is single-handedly, bringing Soul Dao to the top of history. In his time, almost half of the ten Gu Masters chose cultivation Soul Dao.

Soul Dao’s cultivation, soul is one of the most important resources.

Refining Soul Dao Gu insect, most of them need the soul to act as a coffin.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable In order to refining Soul Dao Gu insect, crazy slaughter, hunt for souls. Therefore, in history, he was also rated as the first murderous nature among Venerable.

And he brought Soul Dao’s glorious and flourishing, which also made his age, slaughter boiling, dark and turbulent.

Because many Gu Masters, Gu Immortal, and cultivation Soul Dao, naturally, they must also be slaughtered, hunting for souls, and serving as a cultivation.

It was also in that era that the sale of souls came into being, and it was a big fanfare.

After that, Gloomy Soul passed away and Paradise Immortal Venerable was born.

This kind and benevolent Immortal Venerable is not inconsistent with people, hobby peace. In his growing up, he knew the suffering of the people and knew the Gloomy Soul’s legacy, so when he became Immortal Venerable, unrivaled beneath the heavens, he did a major event, which was to suppress Soul Dao.

Therefore, Soul Dao Gu Master was sharply reduced, and the sale of souls was also forced from the stage.

The world of Five Regions began to recuperate, the murderous nature disappeared, and the turmoil subsided.

What is most fascinating to the world is that Paradise Immortal Venerable is not forced by force, but is to serve people with morality and to influence the world with action.

So until now, even in Treasure Yellow Heaven, the largest and most free market in the world, the sale of souls is very rare.

Fang Yuan’s These souls are made by Fairy Lishan and Hei Loulan.

Since Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan have cooperated with each other, they are basically responsible for the soul, and they have saved a lot of trouble from Fang Yuan.

They are Northern Plains’ local tyrant, especially Fairy Lishan, the third hand in the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land. With the Mountain Alliance, you have a wide network of contacts.

These souls fell on Soul Shaking Mountain and immediately suffered.

After Soul Shaking Mountain’s shock and washing, the souls are shattered into countless souls and completely melted into the mountains.

Soon after, because of the essence of these souls, a new batch of Audacity Gu will be produced on the fallen hill.

“In general, the more powerful the life, the higher the quality of the soul. At the same time, the higher the spiritual life, the higher the quality of the soul. The quality of the soul is just average. Because the ferocious beast is rare, there is no Desolate. Beast, nonhuman and Human Race have the fewest souls. The number of Audacity Gus produced is not much.”

Fang Yuan estimated while walking in Soul Shaking Mountain.

These souls are not from the side of Fairy Lishan and Hei Loulan, but by Fang Yuan himself.

He is now different from before.

You don’t need to rely on Fairy Lishan, you don’t need to take action yourself, you can get a stable soul.

Of course not from Treasure Yellow Heaven, but from Western Desert.

The Western Desert is the most developed place in the Five Regions. Fang Yuan was there, and he was not familiar with the first-time life. He had been working with Western Desert Xiao Family for a while and got a certain degree of recognition, and the key token was received.

Western Desert Xiao Family is a super power, it is not difficult to get the soul.

But if the soul trading is exposed, Xiao Family will never admit this sale. The soul of the sale can not be seen, and Xiao Family after all is Righteous Path.

Fang Yuan bought and sold from Western Desert and got the soul, naturally to guard Hei Loulan, Fairy Lishan and Burning Heaven Enchantress.

Although they signed a covenant with them, it does not mean that after that, Fang Yuan will not need to guard against them.

Fang Yuan has a heart-warming heart. Fang Yuan is a lot of people.

Fang Yuan suddenly started the cultivation of the soul, and he will surely provoke Hei Loulan and Fairy Lishan of their suspicions. A little bit of clues, Fang Yuan did not want to leave them.

He secretly used Audacity Gu cultivation, which will definitely reduce the number of Audacity Gu. In order to make up for this flaw, Fang Yuan quietly puts on the soul to fill the gap.

Uncommon’s Audacity Gu, at the foot of Fang Yuan’s, is on the lookout.

Fang Yuan did the same.

Once Audacity Gu is out of Soul Shaking Mountain, it will be destroyed immediately. However, if the Airbag Gu invented by Fang Yuan can be packaged and sold.

Consuming a lot of Audacity Gu, Fang Yuan’s soul is expanded to the limit, and then blindly grows, the soul will collapse.

Fang Yuan felt that even the body of Immortal Zombie had some illusion of crowding.

It seems to be an adult, dressed in his youth, the same size as the clothes.

Ps: Continue to double today.

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