Southern Border ,Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Fang Yuan walked barefoot and strode forward.

His morphological appearance has changed dramatically. It is covered with shiny muscles, and the hair on the hair, the beard, the chest, and even the legs and feet are extraordinarily thick.

These hairs are all yellowish in color, and the clothes are almost rags.

The cheekbones on his face are protruding, and the joints of the fingers and toes are also beyond the thickness of ordinary people.

The bridge of the nose is short and short, and the two large nostrils are flushed outwards. The nose hair inside is also thick, and it is rushing from the inside of the nostrils.

Don’t look at this honour, it’s ugly, but it is Fang Yuan combined with the previous life memory, carefully selected.

Fang Yuan previous lifetime, this honorable original owner, joined Righteous Heavenly Mountain at this time.

But after Fang Yuan was born again, he secretly started and quietly killed this person.

Fang Yuan replaced him and came to Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Morning sun has just risen and is slightly misty.

Righteous Heavenly Mountain is still quiet, and the sound of birdsong is occasionally heard in the mountains.

At this time, the Roundeous and Demonic wars did not even start the first wave of confrontation.

Previous life Fang Yuan Camouflage identity, when joining the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, it was already when the Righteous and Demonic confrontation was in full swing, and there was Demonic Path at the foot of the mountain.

But this lifetime, Fang Yuan, a few months earlier, appeared here.

At this time, Xiao Shan was just exiled by Xiao Family. Together with Zhou Xingxing and Sun Panhu, he created Righteous Heaven Stronghold.

Fang Yuan walked through the foot of the mountain and saw no people smoking.

After climbing the mountainside, he finally saw a glimpse of Righteous Heaven Stronghold through the lush and green woods.

Righteous Heaven Stronghold is still under construction and has not been built yet.

“Who is this person? What is the blanket piece of Gu Immortals?”

“It doesn’t seem to be a pure Human Race, it seems to have Hairyman’s bloodline.”

“hmph, this hybrid-like thing, I am afraid no one will choose to be a chess piece? He He He.”

In the distance, Southern Border’s Gu Immortals talked to each other about Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan walking leisurely, my heart is confident and calm.

Previous life, he used Meeting Past Acquaintance. None of them have been seen by these Southern Border Gu Immortals. In this life, he adopted the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move with Manner Gu as the core—Meeting Past Acquaintance. If it is seen, it will be a ghost!

He swaggered. Going toward the mountain peak.

A moment later, when he approached Righteous Heaven Stronghold, he was finally stopped.

Newcomer is a Rank 3 Demonic Path Gu Master. But the character that Fang Yuan disguised was also the Rank 3 Gu Master, so he didn’t dare to care. The voice asked: “Who are you?”

Fang Yuan will cup one fist in the other hand, rude-ly said: “Hey is yellow sand, I heard about the Great Hero Xiao, I will come to you.”

Opposite to the Rank 3 Demonic Path Gu Master, the body is shocked.

It was not shocked by the name of “yellow sand”, but Fang Yuan’s voice was too big.

“Well, low voice, what kind of voice. Since you know the name of the big head, then I will go to see the big head.” Rank 3 Gu Master rubbed his ears, turned and left.

Fang Yuan snorted. Catch up and catch up.

He is taller than ordinary people, and his pace is very big. Three steps and two steps, he overtook the former.

The previous Demonic Path Gu Master was unhappy, and the end the hand came, and Fang Yuan was pulled: “What are you doing so fast? You have to join the Righteous Heaven Stronghold, you must understand regulation. Do you know? First, I will compare before the arrival. You are tall! Go behind me!”

“Oh, oh.” Fang Yuan was busy nodded, a physique. The brain is very small.

“The construction of this place must focus on the construction of kungfu. If someone attacks in the future, we will rely on it here. At least we must lay hundreds of iron snakes and vines.” Xiao Shan pointed to somewhere and took care of Gu next to him. Master.

At this time. I heard someone shouting: “The big head collar, your prestige spread all over the world, spread across the Southern Border! No, there is another hero who joined us.”

Xiao Shan heard the sound, and his heart was happy, turned and looked. See Fang Yuan.

The joy in my heart suddenly dissipated and was slightly disappointed. At the same time, however, his face showed a clear smile.

He walked up quickly and patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder: “A majestic man!”

Fang Yuan laughed heartily , cup one fist in the other hand said: “You are Great Hero Xiao? I am coming to you, you bring! I dare to face those Righteous Path!”

Said, Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up to Xiao Shan and said: “With this, you will serve you, willing to talk to you, but you have to eat three meals a day.”

Xiao Shan Seeing Fang Yuan is rude, and the disappointment in his heart is more prosperous.

However, on the surface, he did not show it at all, praised Fang Yuan for a few words, and then arranged him for a task on the spot.

After Fang Yuan left, Xiao Shan recruited Zhou Xingxing and asked: “What is this yellow sand, what is it? I am not too clear.”

Zhou Xingxing thought about it, said with a smile: “big brother, what level of character are you, normally, the clouds come to the fog, how does this unimportant person enter your eyes? This young man happens to know that his father is human, mother It was Hairyman. When he was born, he was a slaughtering sandstone on the sand hill. As a result, on the sand hill, he unexpectedly got an inheritance and became a Gu Master. Later, for a while, he and a Water Dao Gu Master occupied a section of the river and called it ‘White Sand II. Will be ‘. Later defeated by Tie Family Gu Master, Bai Jiang was killed, this yellow sand was escaped, the whereabouts are unknown. I did not expect him to admire the big brother, your name, came to join Righteous Heaven Stronghold!”

“So that’s how it is. I remember, there was a time when there was news that ‘Baisha II will attack the Tie Family merchant ship.” Xiao Shan nodded, looking forward to Fang Yuan’s, fell to the bottom.

Even the Tie Family merchant ships dare to move, it can be seen that this white sand two will be rough and rough, without thinking.

Coupled with the yellow sand, there is also Hairyman’s bloodline, which makes Xiao Shan look down.

Nonhuman such as Hairyman, Featherman, and Snowman are all slaves of Human Race. Will Human Race Gu Master treat these people equally?

If Fang Yuan’s cultivation base, there is a Rank 4, Rank 5, maybe Xiao Shan can break the stereotype and pay attention to Fang Yuan. But this yellow sand camouflaged by Fang Yuan is just Rank 3.

Although the status of Rank 3 is already higher than the average Gu Master.

But in this Righteous Heaven Stronghold, it is not eye-catching.

So Xiao Shan quickly left the yellow sand behind.

Fang Yuan works on the construction site.

“Now, I have joined Righteous Heavenly Mountain. I was sent by Xiao Shan to build Righteous Heaven Stronghold. It shows that this person has not put me in the eye. Very good, this is exactly what I want to achieve. So far ,Everything is going smooth.”

Fang Yuan If the cultivation base is higher and is valued by Xiao Shan, the next Roundeous and Demonic battle will have a heavy burden. If you don’t do it, you can’t do it, it will show flaws. If you go to it, it will waste time.

If the cultivation base is lower, it will be reduced to cannon fodder, arranged on the front line, attracting firepower, and wasting the enemy’s primeval essence. After several confrontations between Righteous and Demonic, they will be sacrificed.

Only the Rank 3 cultivation base, the high is not high, the low is not low, it is a small leader.

It won’t be entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and it will not be surprising to survive on the battlefield.

The Danger Realm on Righteous Heavenly Mountain is only for Immortal Aperture and not for Immortal Gu.

Previous life At this time, Fang Yuan is still deducing the method, how to seal Immortal Aperture. But in this life, he directly mastered this method, joining the Righteous Heaven Stronghold several months in advance.

Although he was sealed by Immortal Aperture, his body was still Immortal Zombie.

White Heaven | daytime, on the construction site, Fang Yuan does some physical work and is easy. In the evening, everyone else hu hu sleeps, he still consciousness 矍铄, it is secretly refine the Graceful Battle Stage under the mountain.

The Graceful Battle Stage suppresses the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie and is unbreakable.

This Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie has no soul fluctuations. It looks like the soul is completely dead.

But Fang Yuan combined with previous life memories, but did not dare to care.

He didn’t have any temptations on the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, but instead he turned his mind into a fighting intent.

In the Southern Border Gu Immortals, who are involved in this betting fight, to turn these fighting intents into their own, you need to be on these mortal Gu Master chess pieces, so that they can continue to fight and fight in order to respond to the intent. The pure fighting intent in Immortal Gu Home is gradually transformed into the Gu Master’s personal fighting intent.

But Fang Yuan came down in person, and it was Wisdom Dao Grandmaster. You don’t need to.

Even if he doesn’t fight, he can also increase the fighting intent in his mind and continuously transform the fighting intent in Immortal Gu Home, which is several times more efficient than Gu Immortal.

As long as Fang Yuan converts the “fighting intent” in these Immortal Gu Homes into their own fighting intent. Then he will complete the final step of the unfinished Rank 8 Immortal Zombie, which is the real master of Immortal Gu Home!

Therefore, Fang Yuan is going to successfully capture the Graceful Battle Stage, the is is still one, in the mouth of these Southern Border Gu Immortal.

At the last minute, the pure fighting intent in Immortal Gu Home was transformed by everyone.

But there are only one winner.

Therefore, between these fighting intents, they have to compete with each other for a fierce battle.

This fight, any loser, will be disappeared, and the winner will only have one.

“I am Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, fighting intent competition, I have a huge advantage. And then, I will definitely take the lead, transforming the intent to exceed the number of other people. The more the intent conversion, the more in the future fight, I will The more advantage there is. As long as I follow the plan, I won the Immortal Gu Home. It is no suspense! I am afraid of something unexpected…”

While Fang Yuan is thinking about it, the rest of the Southern Border Gu Immortals are also full of thoughts.

Xiao Family’s Reveded Family Elder is always on the lookout for the Battle of Heavenly Mountain.

His last transcends tribulation, barely survived. The next Disaster and Tribulation is approaching, and he has no hope, but the appearance of Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage has made this Gu Immortals see a glimmer of light in the dark.

So, this time is the betting fight of the world, he is taking all on one throw.

Almost all the net worth was taken in.

His bet is at the top of the crowd. According to the regulation of betting fight, one of theches pieces he chose, Xiao Shan, became the first to climb the Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s Gu Master.

Xiao Family Revered Great Elder, also the first one in the Southern Border Gu Immortal, the number one person who converted the interested intent in Immortal Gu Home.

“This time Immortal Gu Home fight, I must succeed, can’t fail!”

“If there is no Immortal Gu Home, then the next Disaster and Tribulation, I have no luck.”

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