This Immortal Gu is only the size of an adult index finger, with a silvery white color and a dazzling luster. It is shaped like a centipede, but at the Baiju of the centipede, it is a soft, hairy hair.

“This seems to be… Sword Eyebrow Immortal Gu?”

Fang Yuan thought about it, and there was a flash of light in his mind.

This is one of the information he learned from the information given by Feng Jinhuang.

Sword Immortal Bo Qing had a Rank 7 Immortal Gu Sword Eyebrow that was not used for the attack but for Sword Dao cultivation.

Gu Immortal motivated it to transform Gu Immortal’s own pair of eyebrows. Each of the thin eyebrows is engraved with a Sword Dao’s Dao Marks.

Dao Marks has a huge increase in the power of Immortal Gu.

Regardless of the length and length of the human eyebrows, it is necessary to count down the number of eyebrows.

“The value of this Immortal Gu is very high, but for me, it is better than nothing. After all, I don’t take the Sword Dao genre.” Fang Yuan Similarly, this Immortal Gu is also wrap up with Mo Yao breath, carefully close .

A moment later, third Immortal Gu also appeared in front of Fang Yuan’s.

This Immortal Gu is special.

It is indefinite, as if it were a snake and shaped like a sword. Its whole body is like a light blue, translucent liquid.

After being attracted, he continued to dance around Fang Yuan.

The water forms a shape of a blade, vivid and lifelike. However, due to the constant swimming, the blade is silky smooth, but it gives Fang Yuan an extremely sharp feeling.

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Zombie’s body, its defense is not bad. But this Immortal Gu is around the body. Everywhere, Fang Yuan felt a sense of splitting when he felt the skin closest to it.

Combined with intelligence, Fang Yuan speculated that this Immortal Gu should be Rank 7 Sword Wave Gu.

According to the history of Spiritual Fate House, Sword Immortal Bo Qing started. Prepare to upgrade this Sword Wave Gu to Rank 8 level. but failed.

The failure of refining gu caused Bo Qing to lose a lot, and the Sword Wave Gu of Rank 7 was completely destroyed.

But later, Bo Qing spent a lot of time and effort re-fining the Rank 6 Sword Wave Gu. After that, the Rank 6 Sword Wave Gu was upgraded to the Rank 7 level again.

Fourth Immortal Gu. It is Flying Sword Gu. Look and see. It is a silver-winged dragonfly.

This Rank 7 Immortal Gu is one of the most commonly used Immortal Gus when fighting Sword Immortal Bo Qing.

With this as the core, he supported other Immortal Gus, and a large number of mortal gus, which formed a lot of Sword Dao ultimate move, which left a deep mark in history.

For example, the invisible Flying Sword ultimate move, the Flying Sword ultimate move, the Flying Sword ultimate move, the Flying Sword ultimate move…

Fifth Immortal Gu. It is the Immortal Gu dedicated to mobility, called Sword Escape Gu.

It is shaped like a golden needle bee. Once it is motivated, the figure is turned into a sharp sword, pierce space, and worn forward.

The speed is almost comparable to the same level of Qi Escape Immortal Gu. In Bo Qing’s life, there are countless countless achievements.

When he was at Rank 7, he was in the same position as a fellow Gu Immortal. After three rounds. Gu Immortal lost and spurred Rank 7 Qi Escape Immortal Gu to flee.

Bo Qing drives Sword Escape Immortal Gu to catch up.

Although there was no killing, the distance was not opened.

Then Bo Qing spurred Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, one of the core Immortal Gus of this move, this Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

One move made the enemy’s first class fly away, and the life and death were judged.

After receiving five Immortal Gus. Fang Yuan didn’t want to end this and continued to work on Bo Qing Immortal Zombie.

Mo Yao False Intent is limited and has consumed 60% five at the moment.

“Next, I don’t know what Immortal Gu will be?” Fang Yuan is full of expectation and tension.

He is like dancing on the tip of the knife.

If Immortal Zombie Bo Qing wakes up, it will be extremely bad for him.

However, Fang Yuan already knows that Mo Yao Remnant Soul is the body that occupies the body, but it is not without any means.

With his three-inch tongue, the mouth of the lotus, and the Immortal Zombie and Remnant Soul, there is no chance.

I am afraid that Immortal Zombie Bo Qing will wake up and surpised and angry. Whenever he will not leave it to Fang Yuan, he will be directly smashed.

Fang Yuan certainly does not take the initiative to wake up Bo Qing Immortal Zombie. He will not pin his life on the reaction of others.

This time, Immortal Gu, but never seen the movement.

The longest time ever.

An hour has passed, and there is still no clue.

“don’t tell me Bo Qing Immortal Zombie, there is no Immortal Gu? This should not be possible? If only such Immortal Gu, how can it promote the entire Central Continent, formidable power and unparalleled sword light What?”

A whole hour has passed, in Fang Yuan’s hand Mo Yao False Intent, there is not much left.

He suddenly moved in his heart.

He placed a lot of mortal gu and gu formation for investigation near the bank of the Fallen Heavenly River. Suddenly, a large mortal gu, and a lot of gu formation, were pulled out continuously.

“There are other Gu Immortal coming!” Fang Yuan looked down.

Previously, Fang Yuan took immortal materials on the river and delayed it for a long time. It’s not surprising that there is Gu Immortal at the moment.

But if this Gu Immortals found the abnormality of the bottom of the river, close to Fang Yuan, then Fang Yuan was in trouble.

Fang Yuan is not worried about this Gu Immortals, but Immortal Zombie Bo Qing. After all, the outsiders don’t have Mo Yao False Intent, and they don’t know the situation. If they wake up Immortal Zombie Bo Qing and let the latter see that Fang Yuan is stealing his Immortal Gu?


The result is self-evident.

It is very likely that Fang Yuan didn’t even talk for a while, and he gave Immortal Zombie Bo Qing a smash.

“Mo Yao False Intent is almost exhausted and must be left in time. After all, on the way to leave, I have to rely on the breath to continue to cover up. So I can’t completely use the Mo Yao False Intent in front of Bo Qing Immortal Zombie.”

Fang Yuan is too close to Bo Qing.

Directly driving Fixed Immortal Travel, Immortal Gu breath will inevitably awaken Mo Yao Remnant Soul in Bo Qing, which is simply about one’s own destruction.

However, just when Fang Yuan wants to leave.

Sixth Immortal Gu, finally late, appeared in his eyes.

This Immortal Gu appearance is very simple. It’s like a bubble. Fluttering, its appearance is not good.

But the breath that it escaped, but Fang Yuan involuntarily widened his eyes.

This turned out to be a Rank 8 Sword Dao Immortal Gu!

It’s no wonder that it took a long time to hook it up.

“But what is Immortal Gu?” For a time, Fang Yuan couldn’t think of the foot of this Rank 8 Immortal Gu.

He didn’t have time to think about it.

Use the previous method immediately. Earn it to Immortal Aperture.

Leave people!

Go quickly!

This time, the harvest has been great, far exceeded Fang Yuan’s previous expectations.

It’s not enough to describe the harvest of this time.

In comparison, the harvest in the trench inheritance is much less than this time!

Next. Come to the Gu Immortal explored by Fallen Heavenly River. There will be more and more. In case Iwakened Immortal Zombie Bo Qing, hey hey…

Therefore, this place cannot be left for a long time!

The process of leaving Fallen Heavenly River’s was very smooth.

The Gu Immortal who came, with the Rank 7 cultivation base, has already digested the shock in his heart. At this moment, his attention was drawn to the battle of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering’s ferocious beast.

From time to time, there are excellent immortal materials. Surfaced. Then it was swallowed up by the surging waves.

This Gu Immortals wants to snatch these flesh and blood, but the look is hesitant and some dare not do it.

After all, this time, the best time has passed. If you want to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth, you risk a lot.

Fang Yuan distantly left the Fallen Heavenly River and relaxed.

Just as he spurred Fixed Immortal Travel, he suddenly felt a shock.

“I am remembered! This is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, I am afraid that is the Intelligent Sword Gu in the rumor!” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed with ecstasy.

“This Immortal Gu is also Bo Qing’s original creation. In the past, even his battle strength was excellent. He also suffered a lot from Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. In order to deal with Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, he created Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu. Immortal Gu is not just Sword Dao Immortal Gu, but also Wisdom Dao.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan immediately decided that he would be the first choice when he accepted these Immortal Gus in the future!

Realm of Wisdom Dao Grandmaster. Let Fang Yuan have a clear comprehension. As long as you master the Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu for its use, then Fang Yuan’s harvest will be much more than just a single Rank 8 Immortal Gu. His Wisdom Dao means, definitely by leaps and bounds, has a huge qualitative change!

After returning safely to Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Fang Yuan realized another point: “Dongfang Changfan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance, Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, Rank 6 Star Thought Ra, Rank 8 Intelligent Sword Gu, and Rank 9 Wisdom Gu… Unconsciously, my Wisdom Dao seems to be brighter. In this situation, Strength Dao and Time Dao are more helpful to me. But on the prospects, the prospect of Wisdom Dao is far wider than that of Strength Dao and Time Dao. ”

The resulting Immortal Gu was properly placed by one one after another.

A large number of Mo Yao False Intents, manufactured by Fang Yuan, used as consumables, temporarily seizing these Immortal Gus.

As long as the will does not sleep, thinking, it will consume a lot. At the beginning of the Royal Court Blessed Land, Mo Yao False Intent relied on the happy intent Immortal Gu to grow up and consume more.

Fang Yuan Although there is no happy intent Immortal Gu, but other means, it is Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, making Mo Yao False Intent, with no difficulty.

Only in this, you need mortal gu countless, divided into categories, Fang Yuan took some effort to get ready.

Not long ago, at the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River, the incident suddenly occurred, and Fang Yuan was so tight that it was too late to make Mo Yao’s will.

Recall that the harvest of this time makes Fang Yuan feel a little ridiculous!

The opportunity to steal others Immortal Gu is extremely rare.

Because under normal circumstances, Immortal Gu will also destroy itself because of the single thought head.

Fang Yuan is a big bargain for the Immortal Zombie Bo Qing. When Gu Immortal was awake, he still could snatch the Immortal Gu. In history, it seems that only Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable can be achieved.

“The prophetic dreams left by Constellation Immortal Venerable are so powerful! What are the realities of the next few poems?”

Fang Yuan thought of the cause of this huge harvest, both doubts and expectations.

The song is degraded, the hero is lonely, and it is difficult to stop the life.

Heavy Sand, the rise and fall of the ages, is not the end of the Heavenly River.


The night is long and the dream is long, ask where is the hometown?

Things change for a few springs and autumns, only Will of Heaven.

In the first two sentences, Fang Yuan knows the true meaning, but what do you predict in the last three sentences?

It was too vague and general, and Fang Yuan couldn’t guess at the same time.

Ps: Today’s second, the monthly ticket breaks 100 plus. Still old regulation, calculating the monthly ticket time is the noon 12 point. Thank you for your support, the climax… finally came. This chapter is nearing the end. Everyone is welcome to guess the story. I think this is the book “Daoist Gu”, which is different from the advantages of other books.

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