Hui Fengzi and He Langzi are all staring at Fang Yuan in front of them.

At this time, Fang Yuan, a blue robes, a star glow from the wide cuffs.

He is no longer the tall and sturdy, but rather tall and straight.

His skin is not the zombie skin of green copper, but it is as white and delicate as a baby, with a hint of ruddy. The five senses have also become clear and refined, coupled with a long, smooth white hair, to escape a divergent poise and sagelike features of the happy expert.

After getting Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, the effect of the Meet Like Acquaintance ultimate move surged, making Fang Yuan look great.

“Star Form Child? I haven’t heard of it.” He Langzi frowned, his eyes faintly blinking. From the beginning to here, he felt something was wrong.

“You are Northern Plains Gu Immortal?” Hui Fengzi changed his face, and if he was leisurely, he was wary of another Rank 7 Strength Dao Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan’s big sleeves swayed and smiled: “Under the Northern Plains Gu Immortal, the district rogue cultivator, the lack of hanging teeth. Two in the Northern Plains reputation, are dignified Expert, can not compare.”

He knew He Langzi but didn’t know Hui Fengzi, but looking at the situation, He Langzi and Hui Fengzi walked side by side. According to He Langzi’s wild beast temperament, I can imagine that this Hui Fengzi definitely has no loss to He Langzi’s battle strength!

“Since I know that I am two people, you still don’t retreat quickly? If you really start your hand and die in my hands, 8∑, ww★w. It’s too unwise.” Hui Fengzi sneered a few times, his eyes were sharp. Just like a knife is projected.

Fang Yuan reluctantly smiled: “Accepted by people, loyal people. I am not good at fighting, but I have to fight with two. Please!”

His mouth is so perfunctory. In my heart, it is a slight joy.

The effect of Meet Like Acquaintance looks right.

Both of them are Rank 7 level. From the moment I appeared, I definitely used a lot of reconnaissance ultimate move.

As it stands now. Both of them have no doubts about Fang Yuan’s image.

If you find the essence of Fang Yuan’s Immortal Zombie, the temperament of He Langzi has already been smothered. Star Dao Rank 6 is already below his cultivation base, and if it is Immortal Zombie, it will make him look down again.

Of course, it is not excluded that the other party has already discovered it, but it does not move.

Hui Fengzi, He Langzi See Star Form Child in front of you, obviously only Rank 6. The cultivation base is lower than its own, but it is active. Involuntarily, both of them think of the hidden Deep Dao Gu Immortal.

This Demonic Path is a glance at Huixian, and Hui Fengzi said to He Langzi: “It’s better to take action, I keep watch for you.”

In the heart of He Langzi, there is also a taboo against the Rank 7 Strength Dao Gu Immortal who killed Xue Songzi.

“Since Hui Fengzi is watching keep watching, if the mysterious Rank 7 Strength Dao Gu Immortal in the battle suddenly sneak attack, don’t worry too much. It’s just that my heart is always inexplicable. I don’t know why. “”

He Langzi frowns, for Hui Fengzi nodded.

a moment later, he snorted and slammed to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan See this Northern Plains, the famous devil He Langzi, quickly approached. Lightly smiled.

“Teach me.” Fang Yuan’s palms are pushed forward, which is an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

I saw the moment, starlight 璀璨. A whirlpool of nebula, immediately produced. After a few breaths. Expands the volume of two or three elephants.

This nebula is spinning rapidly, making it a huge attraction.

Star Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move Nebula Grindstone !

This is the defensive ultimate move of Star Monarch Wan Xiang. Remote tricks can be drawn in and then crushed by Nebula Grindstone.

For He Langzi’s melee expert, entering Nebula Grindstone can also be a restraint figure and suffer from grinding and squeezing.

Overall, this is a very offensive defensive ultimate move.


He Langzi suddenly burst into an explosive radiance, shining brightly, and even Fang Yuan would temporarily hang down.

a moment later, rays of light scattered, showing a wolf.

This wolf is not big, even smaller than the usual wolf. But the dangerous atmosphere that emerged, let Fang Yuan eyelid jump straight.

It has no hair all over, like a wooden sculpture painted with brown paint, Yin Qi Sensen.

On the wolf’s head, mushroom-like bones grow naturally, feeling like a dark triangle hat.

In the lower edge of the hat, in the wide eyelids, it is not the sparkling eyeballs, but the two green flames are burning quietly.

Rank 7 Desolate Beast, which feeds on Soul Beast.

Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl !

After He Langzi turned into Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl, the speed was three times more than before! He seemed to be a shadow, and it was flashing in the eyes of Fang Yuan’s.

“Fast speed! My reconnaissance ultimate move, almost can’t catch!” Fang Yuan has a tight heart.

Speed ​​is an extremely important factor in any Gu Immortal battle.

Whoever is fast, often takes the initiative, between the advance and retreat, is just a thought.

The slower side wants to attack but can’t beat each other. Want to retreat, but they are running around.

He Langzi is worthy of Transformation Dao’s Northern Plains’ famous Demon Immortal. In the humanoid state, his combat power may only be Rank 6 peak.

But as soon as the change into the ferocious beast form, the combat power will skyrocket, proving that the name is not in vain’s powerful battle strength!

At this moment, Fang Yuan fell into a disadvantage and lost his initiative, but he did not panic.

Although he has the 3mm pair of real bat wings of the Strength Damor aspect of Strength Dao, he can use it, but there is no sign of use at this time.

The real batwing is the top Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, and once the Iron Crown Eagle Strength Immortal Gu happens to be launched, it can explode the mobility of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. So it is called Immortal Realm Remnant Ultimate Move.

But this mobility ultimate move, the effect is too unstable. And even if the Iron Crown Eagle Strength Immortal Gu is motivated, Fang Yuan’s is not as fast as Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl.

This Far Ancient Desolate Beast wolf can fight the Rank 7 Gu Immortal and is known for its speed and agility.

Moreover, Fang Yuan now, if he used the real batwing, he actively exposed the identity of Strength Dao Gu Immortal.

The wise man does not take it.

Fang Yuan took the initiative to become Star Dao Gu Immortal, and there were also two strong enemies to audition Star Dao, to test the results he had quietly tried in Fox Immortal Blessed Land these days!

Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl makes a sharp whistle. The speed is too fast to catch Fang Yuan, faster than lightning. In the blink of an eye, it is necessary to rush to Fang Yuan’s eyes.

Fang Yuan does not change color. Made an unexpected move by He Langzi.

He jumped and jumped into the newly-launched Nebula Grindstone.

He Langzi was supposed to bypass Nebula Grindstone and kill Fang Yuan. So whether it is psychological or physical, it is deliberately evading this Nebula Grindstone.

Fang Yuan jumped in and out, it was out of He Langzi’s estimate.


a light sound, Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl’s claws cut through Fang Yuan’s back.

Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl, the speed is too fast. Fang Yuan jumped into Nebula Grindstone even if he volleyed. He was still caught behind by He Langzi.

However, this arrest is only a hasty move, and the damage done to Fang Yuan is not great.

The Immortal Zombie itself still has the right defense.

Fang Yuan’s azure robes were drawn out of a boss’s mouth, but the back injury only hurt skin and flesh, without hurting the spine bones. When the blood is sprayed, the flesh and blood squirm, the wound quickly closes, and after a few breaths, it completely heals.

But this blood. It was sprinkled in the air, gradually changing the color, showing a few drops of Immortal Zombie blood.

“Well? This is a flaw in Meet Like Acquaintance.” Fang Yuan saw the drops of Immortal Zombie blood and his heart moved. Remember secretly.

a moment later, his long sleeves swayed, and the Immortal Zombie blood was gently gathered into the sleeves. Based in the center of Nebula Grindstone, look out at Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl outside. Long laugh invites: “Hello He Gangzi’s skill, can dare to enter the competition?”

Why is this Nebula Grindstone defensive ultimate move? Instead of attacking the ultimate move, it is here!

Fang Yuan is playing inside, Nebula Grindstone will always grind strong enemies, but there is no harm or hindrance to Fang Yuan.

Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl stared at Nebula Grindstone in front of her eyes. In the wide eyelids, a pair of green flames slammed and suddenly burned, letting Fang Yuan feel He Langzi’s rising intent.

He Langzi made a fuss, and Fang Yuan mentioned the emerging consciousness.

But a moment later, Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl suddenly turned in the direction, gave up the enemy in front of him, and went straight to the Cloud Pavilion.

“Why should I die with you?”

“My goal is to remove as many Cloud Pavilions as possible! Break the damn 12 Waves Bewitching Cloud Gu Formation!”

At this moment, He Langzi sneered in his heart.

He Langzi’s move, which directly hits Fang Yuan’s vital point, suddenly puts Fang Yuan in a dilemma.

The reason why Fang Yuan appears here is to guard the Cloud Pavilion and delay the time as much as possible.

But at this moment, He Langzi went straight to the Cloud Pavilion and abandoned Fang Yuan in front of him. It really called Fang Yuan a dilemma!

If Fang Yuan stood still, He Langzi removed the Cloud Pavilion and completed the goal and won the scheduled victory. If Fang Yuan chased out, I am afraid to powerless to defend oneself. The Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl with no change in He Langzi is fast.

Passive, Fang Yuan fell into a very passive dilemma.

Gu Immortal is Gu Immortal, fighting, the degree of difficulty is not comparable to Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

He Langzi made two attacks, the previous time bypassing Nebula Grindstone and attacking Fang Yuan. This time abandoned Fang Yuan and went straight to the Cloud Pavilion. He simply “relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers”.

“relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers” is just an allusion to the previous life Earth before Fang Yuan, but the civilization of this Gu Master World is also different, and there has been a similar wisdom summary.

The battle of Gu Immortal is full of such similar wisdom. Not only is the direct confrontation of the strength on the bright side, but also the design of each other.

Seeing Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl went straight to the Cloud Pavilion, and Fang Yuan was in Nebula Grindstone, but he was not worried, but smiled.

Star Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move Star Snake Rope !

On the edge of Nebula Grindstone, six ropes were suddenly ejected. The rope is thin and condensed by a rich dark blue starlight, and the dark blue starlight on one end of the rope condenses into a snake head.

Six ropes, like a six-soul snake, shot out like a food, then wandered around and wrapped around Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl.

“His He Langzi, where are you going? Please also enter the World War I.” On the occasion of Fang Yuan laughed heartily, Nebula Grindstone quickly twitched, and with his sudden force, Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl was pulled into the star magic disc. .

“Well? These two Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves can be matched with each other, tactical right.” For a time, even Hui Fengzi met, and both eyes burst into a severe light.

Ps: Although it is still a cold, the status is much better than the previous two days. Today, there are two more 20 points. I plan to sleep later, work overtime, and fight for normal updates tomorrow. 8 points first in the morning and 20 points second in the evening.

These two days, I really appreciate everyone’s support! Still, the words will not let the kings down! As for those “people” who are swearing and swearing, and are filthy and ironic, please leave.

This book can only make me live, why is perseverance written to this extent? Perseverance to the present? It’s because of my personal perseverance, and the feedback to all my readers who really support me. Not to write to you these “people.”

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