“You killed each other one Gu Immortal? Good!” Fang Yuan just got out of the body of the topaz lion, and the voice of Langya Earth Spirit came from the ear. ∮

Fang Yuan’s first thought was: It seems that there are quite a lot of Sound Dao’s Dao Marks in this Langya Blessed Land.

The Langya Earth Spirit sound transmission is so convenient that neither the Fox Immortal Earth Spirit nor the Star Form Earth Spirit has this capability. It can be seen that there are a large number of Sound Dao’s Dao Marks in Langya Blessed Land.

For Fang Yuan, who could kill Xue Songzi, Earth Spirit was surprised and said three good words.

This is the other side’s attack, the first time to reduce staff!

“Fang Yuan kid, I didn’t expect you to calculate Immortal Gu Formula outstanding, and the battle is unambiguous.” This joint, Langya Earth Spirit is not amazed.

“He He He.” Fang Yuan also laughed. When he smiled, Xue Songzi’s meat and bones had just landed on the ground.

For this record, Fang Yuan is also quite satisfied.

The topaz lion at the foot is dying, and Fang Yuan is used as a chess piece to deal with Xue Songzi and receive a wonderful effect.

In this battle, Fang Yuan only used the Meet Like Acquaintance, the strength of the Strength Dao, and consumed very little. But killing Xue Songzi, the battle is huge.

At the point of Fang Yuan, it is profoundly understood that all wars are only a continuation of economic contradictions.

In other words, fighting and war are like doing business, what you pay for, what you get, and you have an account.

Fang Yuan Why is the heart more satisfied? It is because of this war he paid very little. But it is huge. In the words of business, it is to be small. I made a big profit!

Xue Songzi has Immortal Gu in hand and a complete Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. If Fang Yuan appeared directly in the battle, maybe he played dozens of rounds and couldn’t pick up the other side.

Here, Xue Songzi can only use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Although Fang Yuan can use mortal gu, but with the power of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, I have to use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to resist it?

As a result, the loss of Green Grape Immortal Essence is great.

Immortal essence is huge, and Xue Songzi is not necessarily dead. Gu Immortal, who might have come to support, instead has to retreat from Fang Yuan.

But Gu Immortal’s fight is not a trick for you. I am a rigid model of a move, but full of conspiracy calculations.

Fang Yuan had previously speculated that Xue Songzi, a member of the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, was weak and I was afraid that it was just a marginal figure in the invasion of Gu Immortal.

It is also speculated that Xue Songzi has Immortal Dao Gu insect.

Most importantly, Fang Yuan also knows that Xue Songzi was in the last Royal Court battle. What have you done? Xue Songzi For the cravings of Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan knows it. Therefore, with no difficulty, it was inferred that Xue Songzi first got the way to Immortal Gu and his psychology.

As the saying goes. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.

Xue Songzi knows nothing about Fang Yuan, and is a marginal figure. It seems that he did not get the warning from Qin Baisheng.

If it is Qin Baisheng. Tell Xue Songzi in advance that Gu Immortal is here in the Cloud Pavilion. Then Xue Songzi won’t be so careless.

More terrible is. Previously, the intruder liked a hot knife through butter and overturned many Cloud Pavilion array cores. Also killed a lot of Desolate Beast. In every battle, Qin Baisheng will send a message to the members and announce it again.

Qin Baisheng’s move is understandable. Because Gu Immortal is scattered, look around for the array core. The white mist makes it easy for Gu Immortals produce to feel solitary and morale.

Xue Songzi heard the announcement over and over again, only feeling like a hot knife through butter. He died in Fang Yuan’s hand, and there are also reasons for arrogance.

In contrast, Fang Yuan, insidious and deceitful, has no intentions, and the advantage is great.

Of course, he may also guess the inaccuracy, after all, just guess nothing more.

But in fact, he took the heart of Xue Songzi very well. Also very sinisterly hidden in the body of the topaz lion.

Xue Songzi also has the Immortal Dao reconnaissance ultimate move, which is going back and forth to sweep the topaz lions back and forth, no less than three times. What he was afraid of was that if there was a Immortal Dao wild donkey in the topaz lion, it suddenly broke out and beat him completely unprepared, then he was ravaged.

Xue Songzi didn’t find any Immortal Gu, which made him more careless.

Fang Yuan’s Meet Like Acquaintance, played an extremely important role in this process. If he does not use this ultimate move to hide himself, even if he is hiding in the body of the topaz lion, he will be detected by Xue Songzi.

Such a kind of situation has caused this amazing result.

Gu Immortal is a dragon and phoenix among men. If Xue Songzi is not careless, with his strength at this time, he can completely compete with Fang Yuan. Even if it falls in the wind, it will be possible to resist perseverance for a while.

Unfortunately, he met Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan has a memory of previous life. It is good to say that it is wisdom. If it is not good, it is sinister and deceitful. He can use all his strengths to the extreme and exert several times the effect.

“Langya Earth Spirit, I killed Xue Songzi this time, how do you reward me? Xue Songzi’s Immortal Aperture is annihilated, although everything in the Immortal Aperture is also ruined, but his Dao Marks can be yours. Blessed Land.” Fang Yuan asked with a smile.

“Hahaha, let’s just say, there will be a big prize after the war. I hope you will keep this Cloud Pavilion. Mo Tansang has been seriously injured and died. His Cloud Pavilion has fallen. The soul of Xue Songzi in your hands needs to be searched. Take a look at the bottom of this group of people.” Earth Spirit responded immediately.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are slightly congested.

He took Gu Immortal’s soul, not once. Before Taibai Blessed Land, Taibai Yunsheng could not see the flaws. But to Langya Blessed Land, it was exposed to the eyes of Langya Earth Spirit.

As for the loss of Mo Tansang, it is normal to do so, but it does not miss Fang Yuan’s estimate.

“Xue Songzi is dead.” Qin Baisheng stood in the ruins of the Cloud Pavilion, suddenly his body shook, started talking.

“What? He has the Immortal Gu that you lent him, and a complete set of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, how could it suddenly die?” Hei Cheng next to him was startled.

The death of Xue Songzi caused Hei Cheng’s pressure to soar.

Among the Shadow Sect’s people, Hei Cheng is a Rank 7. But the battle strength is weak. And Xue Songzi is a natural ally.

And Hei Cheng is worried about more than this Blessed Land. There are also mysterious “comrades in arms” around me.

“He is in the middle of the calculation.” Qin Baisheng thought about a few breaths, and his eyes showed a good man. “The frontal battle, unless it is the Rank 8 Gu Immortal take action, then Xue Songzi will always be perseverance for a while. There is absolutely no Rank 8 Gu Immortal in this Langya Blessed Land. So the biggest possibility left is that Xue Songzi found a Cloud Pavilion, or other important things, he did not report his discovery for the rewards before the war. I also got the new Immortal Gu, I want to try my hand. The result is that the psychology is caught by the other party and the design is framed. At the right time, Xue Songzi was killed.”

Hei Cheng took a sigh of cold air: “Then his opponent is probably not very simple, and he can calculate Xue Songzi to death.”

That is to say, Hei Cheng is also more jealous of Qin Baisheng.

This Qin Baisheng is really a civil and military, and the strength is super-exclusive. Just by the district, you can analyze the head between the breath. On the calculation of conspiracy, it seems to be even better.

“Maybe I cherish the limited number of means of communication. This lesson is to be learned.” Qin Baisheng sighed with a sigh. Immediately another laugh, “But fortunately, we have dismantled the eight Cloud Pavilions, which has given me a deep understanding of the Cloud Pavilion array core. I have created a Mortal Realm Ultimate Move that guides us to the rest of the Cloud Pavilion. Here, to get this Mortal Realm Ultimate Move out, you have to use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to escort.”

“I can actually create Mortal Realm Ultimate Move temporarily? What kind of Realm is he?” Hei Cheng was in amazement.

Qin Baisheng began to sound transmission to others, and his summon mysterious black robe Gu Immortal rushed to his side. For his continued continued use of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move escort. It can be seen that Qin Baisheng does not actually trust Hei Cheng.

He ordered Hui Fengzi and He Langzi to rush to the location of Xue Songzi fallen.

Qin Baisheng loaned Xue Songzi Immortal Gu. But I also took the opportunity to plant the Immortal Dao on Xue Songzi. Can track reconnaissance.

This matter does not hide Xue Songzi.

Because Qin Baisheng spoke out of Immortal Gu, “If I don’t plant the tracking method on you, you borrow my Immortal Gu. What if you run?”

He also used the words of Immortal Gu to Xue Songzi after the war.

Therefore, Xue Songzi was originally a smiling smile, and took the initiative to let Qin Baisheng plant the tracking method.

With the right direction, He Langzi and Hui Fengzi quickly rushed to the fall of Xue Songzi.

Seeing a pool of bloody meat on the ground, He Langzi disdainfully coldly snorted: “It’s waste.”

Hui Fengzi flew down and scouted again. After no trap, he cautiously observed the unrecognizable body of Xue Songzi.

Soon, his eyes were dignified and he found: “It’s hard to do. The other side seems to have Strength Dao ultimate move, and Xue Songzi is dead under this trick. This is a strong move, and the formidable power is extremely strong!”

Hui Fengzi’s analysis is correct.

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Me is no longer the same.

The core Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu, although unbearable, has three strengths: the Self Strength Immortal Gu, the Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, and the Pulling Water Immortal Gu.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is a perfect combination of three Strength Dao Immortal Gus, is rare.

He Langzi is skeptical of Hui Fengzi’s words. In fact, he has a deep alert to Human Race Gu Immortal.

He also flew down, standing next to the body of Xue Songzi, his head suddenly turned into a wolf head, wandering faintly, flashing green light, and scanning several times in succession. At the same time, the wolf nose sniffs and seems to smell something important.

Soon, He Langzi’s face is not very good-looking, said solemnly: “Strength Dao Rank 7, really rare, don’t tell me is Tyrant Immortal?”

Immediately he said: “In any case, first remove the Cloud Pavilion.”

He Langzi is a wild beast, and he goes straight.

Hui Fengzi nodded, his eyes were carefully observed, fearing that there was a terrifying expert of Strength Dao Rank 7, lurking near him.

“Two brothers, come fast. Deaf Star Form Child, is going over this cloud Pavilion. Haven’t asked for two big names yet?” Fang Yuan flew out of the Cloud Pavilion.

“Be careful. This is a Star Dao Rank 6 Gu Immortal.” Hui Fengzi quickly sent to He Langzi sound transmission.

He Langzi silently nodded.

He knows the meaning of Hui Fengzi’s words, and the other party is likely to be two Gu Immortals. It is said that Xue Songzi is the result of the death of these two people!

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