Star Snake Rope with Nebula Grindstone will have a surge in formidable power. 鈮ragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl Even if it is Far Ancient Desolate Beast, but not good at strength, He Langzi has not changed the perfection of 10%. Therefore, under the drag of the six-way Star Snake Rope, she struggled and was eventually pulled back by Fang Yuan.

He Langzi was trapped inside Nebula Grindstone, and countless starlights hit him, grinding his wolf body, making him skin and flesh tighten, and the pressure increased.

At the same time, the six-way Star Snake Rope wraps around the body of the Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl, continually shrinking, and soon dents, embedded in the body of Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl.

He Langzi couldn’t even open the wolf mouth, only felt that a stretch of Strength Dao was grinding and the bones began to creak.

He Langzi is in danger, and the thoughts in his mind are like lightning flashing: “I have changed the speed of Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl, but the defense and strength are insufficient. And this person, the soul background is strong, just I used Fragrant Witch. Yin Raptor Wofl’s changes caught him, and he was just like no one! It can be seen that Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl’s attack on the wounded soul has little effect on him.”

For a moment, He Langzi has figured it out.

Although the wolf’s mouth was tied up by ropes, it did not prevent He Langzi from using Gu insect to scream at Fang Yuan: “Since you want to courting death, then I will fulfill you!”

Tough barely fell, lightning ray riots.

A large number of thunders lasing all directions.

Hong long long !

One after another lightning thunder ball, violently exploding.

Fang Yuan’s six-way Star Snake Rope, was submerged in the lightning bomb, first broken and then annihilated.

He Langzi got the freedom to bathe in the lightning ray. Looking up and shouting.

Awoo 鈥斺€?

After a few breaths, the lightning ray fades away. Wolf howl is also gradually stopped.

It appeared in the original place, but it was not Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl. It’s a Thunder Glow giant wolf!

This is also Far Ancient Desolate Beast, Rank 7 battle strength.

The giant wolf is as big as a figure, covered in blue fur, and the tip of the wolf is transformed into a strange blue crystal, emitting a slight electric light.

Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl The savage and thin, Thunder Glow giant wolf is powerful.

“As soon as I was so fast, I turned Dao Marks into Thunder Dao! It should be the thunder and lightning flash, I don’t know what Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, there is such a miracle.”

Fang Yuan pupils are miniature. Keep this precious intelligence in your heart.

Next time, if he is playing against He Langzi, Fang Yuan will try to destroy the just Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and let He Langzi Shape Transformation fail.

This time, even if it is.

He Langzi should not leave this opportunity to Fang Yuan.

Moreover, Fang Yuan knows that the outcome of this war will be defeated, but the longer the delay, the better.

After the other is two are Rank 7 Gu Immortal, the long-awaited expert. It is also a native of Northern Plains, with more combat power than the other four domains.

Fang Yuan is only the Rank 6 Star Dao cultivation base. This time Fang Yuan mainly wants to use the actual combat to test Meet Like Acquaintance. And a lot of Star Dao ultimate move.

After a while.


A loud bang, the lightning light column skyrocketed, breaking the precarious Nebula Grindstone.

Fang Yuan is a blue robes, and there are many runs. There are countless wounds on the body.

Fortunately, this is a damage caused by lightning, and the wound is black. No blood spilled, but also helped Fang Yuan to cover up the flaws.

Thunder Glow giant wolf screamed smugly. The mouth spoke: “Not Battlefield Ultimate Move, just want to sleep in me? Hey. You are too naive, die for me!”

Finished, widely opens mouth, spit out a lightning column.

The electric column aggressively slammed to Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan was full of blue color, and the eyes were brightly flashed. It was still maintaining a leisurely manner: “hehe, it is not easy to think of me.”

Said, Fang Yuan’s body shocked, suddenly turned into six silhouette, flew out, let the electric column shot an empty.

Star Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move – Six Illusory Star Bodies !

“One body turns into six, which one is the real body?” Hui Fengzi is an intuitive warfare, because there is no hidden action in the secret of the Strength Dao Gu Immortal.

Six silhouettes in the air draw a path of blue starlight tail, surrounded by Thunder Glow giant wolf, simultaneous take action.

For a time, starlight was swaying and countless Mortal Realm Ultimate Move slammed into Thunder Glow giant wolf.

He Langzi propped up the protection and fought against Fang Yuan’s indiscriminate bombing.

But he worked hard, and after successfully killing a Fang Yuan phantom, he immediately produced another phantom clone.

He Langzi attacked and attacked a total of eight Fang Yuan phantom stars. The result was not rich, but the Fang Yuan phantom star was born, and there was a constant endless!

Still six Fang Yuan, has been surrounded by Thunder Glow giant wolf, constantly bombing.

He Langzi can’t help but a big headache.

Here, he can only use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move protection, consuming Rank 7 immortal essence. The other party only uses Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, which consumes primeval essence.

This is a loss, he suffered a lot!

However, he can’t help but defend, and the flesh can’t eat the indiscriminate bombing.

He cast an attack, but Fang Yuan’s Six Illusory Star Bodies was alive and kicking. For a time, Fang Yuan took the initiative for the first time and pulled the scene back.

At this time, the test is He Langzi’s means of reconnaissance.

“Oh, this Thunder Glow giant wolf is awesome, but not good at reconnaissance. The speed is not good, even if I want to attack the Cloud Pavilion, I will be stopped by the other party. Don’t tell me I have to change back to Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl?”

He Langzi secretly gritted his teeth.

Transformation Dao’s gu cultivator, usually within a certain period of time, the number of changes is limited.

This is because the change was successful and Dao Marks changed. Change to other life, the previous Dao Marks will remain, Transformation Dao’s Gu Immortal will need to wash the body with the corresponding Gu insect, wash the remaining Dao Marks imprint, otherwise it is very harmful.

Before He Langzi, he was able to quickly change from Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl to Thunder Glow giant wolf because of the use of Thunder Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move.

This move is not only a Star Snake Rope attacking the surrounding restraint, but the focus is on destroying Soul Dao’s Dao Marks on He Langzi.

Therefore, He Langzi was able to quickly transform into a Thunder Glow giant wolf at a moment later.

But He Langzi wants to quickly change from Thunder Glow giant wolf to Fragrant Witch Yin Raptor Wofl, but there is no similar Soul Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Uncommon is very expensive, and it is very difficult to calculate.

He Langzi is also a person with a fortuitous encounter. Otherwise, with his rogue cultivator status alone, there will be no current achievements. It is a pity that he got some inheritance. They are quite broken.

Unlike Xue Songzi, who was just dead, from the Bin Baisheng side, the complete Snow Dao inheritance , each and every one of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, rotates.

Not like the current Fang Yuan, the complete Star Dao inheritance from Star Monarch Wan Xiang, Star Snake Rope, Nebula Grindstone, and Six Illusory Star Bodies are all based on star mark, starlight, and star bud Immortal Gus. Use smooth.

Hei Loulan tried every means to get the Mortal Realm Ultimate Move Self Strength giant phantom. Transformed to the Immortal Dao level. She has a ready-made foundation and can’t live or die.

Fang Yuan has Strength Dao Grandmaster Realm and Wisdom Halo support. I don’t dare to try it out to calculate other Strength Dao Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. It is not unsuccessful, but it consumes too much energy and time.

He Langzi doesn’t have a Wisdom Dao background and wants to calculate the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move that suits you.

Of course, with the strength of He Langzi, it is hard to beat Fang Yuan’s offensive. Slowly wipe out Thunder Dao’s Dao Marks, it’s not that it cannot be done. After all, the cultivation base is there, and Fang Yuan’s strength does not have him.

But as the matter stands, time has dragged on for quite a while.

Just when He Langzi hesitated. Hui Fengzi suddenly took action.

Fang Yuan was stopped and surprised to see a green feather floating on top of his head.

“When is the trick? What is this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Actually found my true body?” Fang Yuan was amazed.

Hui Fengzi started using the Immortal Rank to detect the ultimate move when Fang Yuan showed the Six Illusory Star Bodies. After scouting Fang Yuan’s real body. He immediately marked it with another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Although Hui Fengzi was on the sidelines, he guarded the secretly latent Dao Gu Immortal. But it does not mean that he will not take action.

Fang Yuan one against two, and both strong enemies are Rank 7 Gu Immortal, the disadvantage is too great.

Fang Yuan’s real exposure, suddenly provoked the exact pursuit of Thunder Glow giant wolf.

Forced, Fang Yuan reminded Nebula Grindstone to resist himself.

But the Thunder Glow giant wolf is the Far Ancient Desolate Beast level, and the thunder and lightning, several Nebula Grindstone were destroyed.

Fang Yuan quickly mobilized the other five stars to interfere with He Langzi.

If He Langzi is Far Ancient Desolate Beast, I am afraid it will be attracted to attention. However, some of his spirituality and wisdom, regardless of the interference of these stars, ignored the sight of Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan gradually became passive, and Nebula Grindstone was once again pierced by the electric post. Behind the electric pole, the Thunder Glow giant wolf followed.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Star Shift !

Fang Yuan flashed in the stars, and the whole person disappeared in the same place, appearing on the other side, just replacing one of the Six Illusory Star Bodies.

This is the mobility ultimate move documented in Star Monarch Wan Xiang inheritance, which allows Fang Yuan to disappear at any time, replacing one of the locations of Six Illusory Star Bodies.

After the replacement, the original phantom star disappeared, and there were only four phantom stars in addition to the real body of Fang Yuan.

But immediately, Fang Yuan thought of a move, and then produced a phantom star, standing by his side. The number of phantom stars in the field once again reached the maximum amount.

For a time, He Langzi’s changing Thunder Glow giant wolf had a big mouth and was unable to close.

Hui Fengzi’s eyes also sluggish a time of breathing.

Star Shift and Six Illusory Star Bodies These two Immortal Rank ultimate move are closely matched and seem to have a little shameless meaning. The two experts, Hui Fengzi and He Langzi, are quite speechless.

Unless there is a method of restraint or a solution to one of the two Star Dao ultimate moves, Fang Yuan at the moment is really a bit difficult.

Unfortunately, regardless of Hui Fengzi or He Langzi, there is no means of restraint. To solve an unfamiliar Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, you need a strong Wisdom Dao background, and it’s not a one-night event.

However, just as Fang Yuan and He Langzi were in a stalemate, Hui Fengzi finally made up his mind and suddenly started.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Wind Escape!

He was a clear breeze and suddenly disappeared in place.

a moment later, he appeared at the Cloud Pavilion and then suddenly opened the mouth.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – the dead wind blade!

The wind blade spit from Hui Fengzi’s mouth, squatting on the top of the Cloud Pavilion.

The Cloud Pavilion only supports a breathing time, and it is split in half by the sharp wind blade!

“Wind Escape? Today’s Northern Plains’ first mobility ultimate move! He is Hui Fengzi!” In an instant, Fang Yuan recognized Hui Fengzi’s identity and called Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Earth Spirit appeared on the ground, grabbed Fang Yuan’s arm, and slammed it, disappearing in place.

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