In the voice of the crowd, Fang Yuan strolled out of the Wave Listening Pavilion.

Wherever he went, the crowds were unconsciously letting go.

Although Fang Yuan is a Demonic Path gu cultivator, which makes the Righteous Path resentful, the fascination of the Refining Dao expressed by Fang Yuan has to be admired. Especially in this special environment such as Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, even in the special period, even the demonic cultivator can enter and exit the Righteous Path sect station. Gu Masters’ heart is more than usual, only one kind of refining gu on the hero Psychology.

At the gate of the Wave Listening Pavilion, several Gu Masters came from various forces, shouting loudly, selling intelligence, and the business was very hot.

“Outside the number, the latest information, the most complete transcript of the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, even the seventh game results.”

“Do you want to know the top 100 refining gu strongmen in this year’s most promising championship? Come check it out! One image, the lowest price is only fifty primevalles. The price is excellent, after the sale!”

“The famous Wisdom Dao Gu Master speculates on this Central Continent sect small scale qualifying, and the 10 Great Ancient Sects have to say the grudges! An intelligence, as long as ten primevalals! Cheap and beautiful!”

“I didn’t expect it to be so fast, there is a seventh game.” Fang Yuan hearing that, my heart moved.

But when he saw the Gu Master selling the information, that was relieved.

The Gu Master, who sells the seventh grade, wears the “Lightning Language Sect” sect costume.

Lightning Language Sect is the superpower created by Gu Immortal, which is certainly not comparable to Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects. Mei Languang, the founder of Lightning Language Sect, was originally Thunder Dao Gu Immortal of Wind and Cloud Residence. Because of the violation of the door rules, the cultivation base was abolished. Deport sect.

In order to maintain his livelihood, he was forced to transfer Information Dao. Combining the experience of Thunder Dao cultivation, we have created many unique Information Dao Gu insects. The result is actually better than before. The development is even more prosperous.

His Lightning Language Sect, after more than one hundred years of development, has jumped into the Central Continent, and is good at Information Dao’s first-class sect. Even 10 Great Ancient Sects sometimes buys information from Mei Languang.

Fang Yuan went to the Gu Master’s and threw him ten primeval stones: “Give me a copy.”

Light Master Language Sect’s Gu Master flusteredly took over the primeval stones, and fixed the look of Fang Yuan: “Ah, sir. You are the Fang Yuan!! Adults can ask Littleman, is Littleman the blessing of three lifetimes How dare you accept the money of an adult? Please take it back. This information will be sent to you free of charge.”

After that, put ten primeval stones and put them to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan faintly smiled: “Just be rewarded with you.”

Guy Master charmingly said with a smile: “That little thanks to sir reward! Adults, this is your intelligence, small representative Lightning Language Sect Thank you for purchasing this information. If you can be busy, squeeze out For a little while, accepting my interview, Lightman Language Sect, which belongs to Littleman, will also have immortal materials!”

Fang Yuan swings his hand. Take the Information Dao Gu insect from Gu Master and go straight ahead.

“Adults please go slowly.” Gu Master sees Fang Yuan refused, dare not persuade, after all, Fang Yuan is Demonic Path Rank 5 Gu. Standing in the same place, watching Fang Yuan. He did not turn until Fang Yuan disappeared into the crowd. Continue to shout loudly and sell intelligence.

Fang Yuan is walking. I will separate my mind and explore the information Dao Gu insect.

This Information Dao is awkward. Only Rank 1, refining costs are extremely low, naturally not worth mentioning.

The key is the intelligence inside, which is the value of ten primeval stones.

Fang Yuan After reviewing it, I found that there were more than 8,000 Gu Masters in the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting.

These people can pass seven contests, basically have Quasi Great Master level, of course, of which, it is not excluded that some Luck Qi is particularly good and weak.

However, the strength here is weak, but relatively speaking, it is by no means a stream of Hong Yi. Like Hong Yi, it was eliminated in the first three games.

There were a number of 100,000 people who first signed up for the Great Competition. The vast majority of these people are Central Continent Gu Master, and there are other four people from Southern Border. After seven games, there are only 8,000 people left, not even ten thousand. It shows how amazing the elimination rate is.

Among them, seven bouts in a row are among the top three, with more than 400 people.

These people are at least qualified people at the refining gu Great Master level.

Don’t look at the number of four hundred, put it in the scope of Central Continent, you can see that these people are really just a handful, standing at the top of the Refining Dao achievement pyramid.

Any genre, Great Master level characters are rare. Refining Dao is harder to learn than other genres, and there are fewer Great Masters.

Among the four hundred people, seven bouts in a row had the first Gu Master, and there were still more than 80 people.

Undoubtedly, these eighty people are the focus of the focus, the characters in the center of Fengyun.

Fang Yuan’s name is impressive.

According to the expert’s assessment, his name is only in the upper middle position.

This is also the result of Fang Yuan’s active high-profile, which shows that the competition of Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting is fierce, and various characters are emerging one after another. It is very difficult to stand out among these Refining Dao elites.

Of course, this ranking is more speculation, and does not represent the true level of refining gu.

The content of the first seven games is not enough to measure the limit of Fang Yuan’s, while Fang Yuan is mysterious. Even if you want to guess, you can’t guess. These reasons also led to Fang Yuan’s position in more than 30.

Fang Yuan took a close look at this ranking and soon found many familiar names.

Huo Gong Dragon Head, Fang Huai, Tian Minmie, Feng Jinhuang, Yu Muchun, Lu Pintian, Du Pingtan, Qu Wen… The names of these people all have a high status in Fang Yuan’s previous life memory.

There is no doubt that it is People’s Hero, arranged in a group of stars, so that Fang Yuan has a dazzling sense.

“These people are the stars of the Five Regions chaos. Some are not eye-catching now, but they will be promoted to immortals in the future. Some will reach the Remining Dao Grandmaster’s Realm in their lifetime.”

Fang Yuan gave birth to a pressure.

Fang Yuan is now Refining Dao Quasi Grandmaster, just a stone’s throw from the Grandmaster Realm. But don’t look at this step, in fact, it is very far away, and you have to have a qualitative breakthrough.

In fact, Fang Yuan wants to say Refining Dao inborn talent, which is commonplace.

Inborn talent can’t be done, it’s hard to make up for it.

Fang Yuan, through the accumulation of previous life, forcibly stepped up the Refining Dao Realm step by step, surpassing the Great Master level and reaching the level of the Quasi Grandmaster.

After more than 500 years of cultivation career, I have only cultivated to Quasi Grandmaster. Is it too wasteful?

Look at Zheng Shanchuan, young, but already Refining Dao Great Master!

Among them, the importance of inborn talent is absolutely undeniable.

But there is one more point.

Zheng Shanchuan is the Gu Master who majors in Refining Dao, and his main energy is put into it. Fang Yuan, regardless of previous life, is multi-cultivation Refining Dao. The previous life is more than three hundred years old. After two hundred years, he majored in Blood Dao, and this year majored in Strength Dao.

A major, a multi-cultivation, puts energy into the difference between heaven and earth.

Fang Yuan If you don’t major in Blood Dao and Strength Dao, I am afraid that they will not live now. He doesn’t have a good Luck Qi like Zheng Shanchuan, and he can have a Master all the way to escort.

And the genre Realm is difficult to upgrade, the more difficult it is to go up. Before dreams change the overall situation of Five Regions, to improve Realm, only rely on personal efforts to accumulate and inborn talent.

It can be said that Fang Yuan can have Realm of Refining Dao Quasi Grandmaster, which is quite difficult!

“My strength, to squeeze into the top ten of this year’s Gu Refining Grand Meeting, is somewhat difficult. To benefit from Undefeatable Inheritance, it must be at least the sixth in the final!”

Undefeatable Inheritance is Refining Dao inheritance. Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting is also small and strong. At first it was just Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects. In order to compete for Undefeatable Inheritance, the form of the interest was divided – through the reconciliation of Refining Dao, judge the win or lose, and thus for yourself, for sect Strive for the greatest benefits.

But later on, because the benefits of Undefeatable Inheritance are too great, it helps the restoration of Fate Gu, and Heavenly Court takes over.

Strictly speaking, Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects are all above-ground agents of Heavenly Court’s internal organization. Heavenly Court is the behind-the-scenes leader of 10 Great Ancient Sects. It is taken over by the boss and 10 Great Ancient Sects is only obediently accepted and actively cooperated.

With Heavenly Court pushing behind the scenes, Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting really began to make a name, and eventually spread the influence to the whole world. Nowadays, each time Gu Refining Grand Meeting will attract other four domain refining gu talents to take the initiative.

“According to previous performances, the top three in the finals are the Refining Dao Grandmaster, and even the Quasi Great Grandmaster!”

Each session of the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting has different qualities, but at least half of the top ten are the Refining Dao Grandmaster. On the Seventh, only the Gu Master of the Refining Dao Quasi Grandmaster is hung.

Sometimes there are not many talents emerging. The Refining Dao Grandmaster in the top ten is only three or four, so the Refining Dao Quasi Grandmaster can squeeze into the top six. But sometimes there are too many talents to emerge. The Refining Dao Grandmaster in the top ten can have seven or eight, so the Quasi Grandmaster who is honored to log in to the top ten is less.

Fang Yuan This conference is of low quality and the Refining Dao Grandmaster is about five people.

“My best, it’s the Blood Dao refining gu. But there aren’t many Blood Dao Gu insects at this time. To use the Blood Dao refining method is to use the Immortal Crane Sect to attack the Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s excuse again. Sixth, you must use the means!” Fang Yuan meditated, and decided inside.

Sixteen days later, Central Continent.

Anzudi Ditch, Exorcism Faction.

Exorcism Faction is a super-power, with three Gu Immortals to oversee at the top. Its sphere of influence stretches a few millions li, affecting dozens of large forces, hundreds of medium-sized forces, thousands of small forces, and countless Gu Master families as small as ants.

As one of the eighth test venues, Exorcism Faction’s sect total resident definitely has this qualification.

Thousands of Gu Masters flocked in on this day to watch the wonderful refining gu showdown. Of course, the real test site has limited space and can only accommodate more than a thousand people. More than a thousand people are naturally not common Gu Master.

However, Exorcism Faction has been properly arranged in several huge squares that accommodate common viewers. Once the eighth test begins, there will be images appearing in mid-air and synchronized.

Ps:many thanks reward, many thanks recommended tickets, many thanks monthly tickets, this period of time many thanks everyone’s support! Then there will undoubtedly be more exciting.

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