Fang Zheng and another Elder of Immortal Crane Sect led more than a dozen disciplines into the competition. ¤

Off the field, is the voice of wēng wēng wēng. More than a thousand Gu Masters sat on the high platform around all while waiting for the start of the eighth test, while whispering.

But because of the large number of people, even the tiniest conversations, together, have become very noisy.

“It’s Elder and Disciple of Immortal Crane Sect.” As soon as I saw Fang Zheng, the surrounding Gu Masters involuntarily stopped looking at them, and the voice of the argument could not help but be depressed.

Relative to the size of the forces, Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, it is like the feeling of the emperor in the civilians.

“The youngster is wearing the clothes of Immortal Crane Sect Elder. Am I not mistaken?”

“Small voice, he is Rank 5 Gu Master, breath genuine!”

“Make a fuss about nothing, Gu insect to maintain youthful looks is not…”

“Look at that, it’s the discipline and Elder of the Myriad Dragon Dock.”

a moment later, everyone’s eyes were immediately attracted to another group of people.

This group of Gu Master’s is twice as many as the Immortal Crane Sect. There are four Elders, and there are quite a few disciple discs in the discipline.

“Myriad Dragon Dock…” Elder of Immortal Crane Sect saw, can’t help but gaze.

The Myriad Dragon Dock in 10 Great Ancient Sects has recently produced limelight. The reason is all in Evildoer Xiong Lei.

Evildoer Xiong Lei, although only Rank 6 Gu Immortal, but the battle strength is excellent.

Retired for more than two years, comprehend out Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Thunder God Child. Then broke through and walked Central Continent, challenging Gu Immortal all the way. Most of the victory, rarely tied. There are few failures.

Evildoer Xiong Lei The more victorious, the stronger the momentum. Because of the relationship between betting fight, I also got a lot of money, which led to the number of Thunder God Child in my hands, but it has not lost or increased. Now there are three heads!

Evildoer Xiong Lei has had an impressive record of fight to a draw Rank 7 Gu Immortal before Thunder God Child.

Now with three Thunder God Child, the battle strength has skyrocketed and even surpassed the general Rank 7 Gu Immortal. In his challenging record, many of the Rank 7 Gu Immortal were defeated in his hands.

Take the Rank 6 cultivation base. It’s quite rare to beat Rank 7 Gu Immortal. Particularly commendable is that Evildoer Xiong Lei has repeatedly defeated Rank 7 Gu Immortal again and again, and for a time there is no limelight, and the sect Myriad Dragon Dock is also famous.

Even the entire Central Continent Gu Immortal World began to be faintly recognized – Evildoer Xiong Lei is the location of the contemporary Central Continent Rank 6 battle strength number one person. And Myriad Dragon Dock Some of the militant Elder is more excited, directly calling out Evildoer Xiong Lei is the next Shi Lei, the next Feng Jiuge’s slogan.

Evildoer Xiong Lei After hearing it. I immediately replied: “Shi Lei is also that’s all, Feng Jiuge is not what I can match. In the future, I will say less!”

Under the slogan, Shi Lei can still be called.

Immortal Monkey King Shi Lei is the Rank 7 Gu Immortal of War Immortal Sect, and the battle strength is outstanding. But it has always been firmly pressed by Feng Jiuge and cannot be turned over.

Feng Jiuge This metamorphosis is rare for thousands of years. Central Continent Ten Sects has been beaten by him, and he is respectful and fearful.

A series of challenges to victory. It fueled the arrogance of Evildoer Xiong Lei and began to publicly call Shi Lei.

War Immortal Sect is naturally extremely unscrupulous. However, Shi Lei, who is temperamental and violent, is silently kept silent.

As a result, but more to increase the momentum of Myriad Dragon Dock, I feel that Shi Lei faced Evildoer Xiong Lei, has no courage to grasp, when it was coward.

Of course, as long as you are familiar with all kinds of people, you know the name of Evildoer Xiong Lei, but it is the test of War Immortal Sect by Myriad Dragon Dock. War Immortal Sect discovered Starry Sky Celestial Grotto and discovered the dream of Constellation Immortal Venerable, which has been secretly managed. Because all around to extract Gu Immortal battle strength, this big move has been faintly noticed by other Nine Sects.

But the secret behind these is often only known at the Gu Immortal level.

So the Elder disciple of the Myriad Dragon Dock, when it comes to the Fang Zheng group of people, looks quite arrogant.

“Oh, it’s the people of Immortal Crane Sect.”

“He He He, what are you doing this time? How did you see your Elder fail?”

“It’s no use, our Dragon Head adult of Myriad Dragon Dock must be the last winner, no doubt!”

Gurias of Myriad Dragon Dock, as soon as it opens, sneers.

The competition between Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects is particularly fierce and the two sides do not deal with it.

In particular, the Immortal Crane Sect has been weak for a long time, and the strong Myriad Dragon Dock is even more contemptuous of the Immortal Crane Sect.

Immortal Crane Sect’s disciples were not stunned, but they retorted, silent and a group of people in the Myriad Dragon Dock, and finally sat in the arranged position.

“Hey, a bunch of cockroaches.” Some people disdain.

Some people even laughed: “Hahaha, it really is the style of Immortal Crane Sect.”

Immortal Crane Sect group of people, his face is even more ugly.

Bystanders see this and give birth to many doubts. Someone asks: “Immortal Crane Sect and Myriad Dragon Dock are both 10 Great Ancient Sects. Why is Myriad Dragon Dock so arrogant?”

Someone immediately replied: “The 10 Great Ancient Sects also have strengths and weaknesses. The Immortal Crane Sect is weaker than the Myriad Dragon Dock, which is basically recognized. In addition, the Myriad Dragon Dock is participating in this game. It’s too strong, it’s the Refining Dao Gu Master called Huo Gong Dragon Head!”

“What? Huo Gong Dragon Head turned out to be the Gu Master of Myriad Dragon Dock. Isn’t he a rogue cultivator?”

“hey hey, haven’t you seen the information dug out by Lightning Language Sect? This Huo Gong Dragon Head broke the door rules in the early years and was swept away by Myriad Dragon Dock. This time to participate in Gu Refining Grand Meeting is to win the rankings. Return to Myriad Dragon Dock!”

“So that’s how it is. It is said that the Huo Gong Dragon Head, who already has the Remining Dao Grandmaster’s Realm!, is also eager to return to the Myriad Dragon Dock. The appeal of Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects is huge. what……”

On the Immortal Crane Sect side, Fang Zheng and his peer Elder are also quietly discussing.

Fang Zheng asked: “I don’t know how much it might be, how can Myster’s Yandang Elder win?”

Fang Zheng refining gu The strength is not good, and it is hard to pass the training and pass four questions. Successful registration. The result was in the first round and it was eliminated.

Fortunately, such a Great Competition. It is the most public test, can’t help but any outsider to watch.

Fang Zheng is also Immortal Crane Sect Elder. Identity can be described as nobly. This time, Yandeng Elder entered the competition. He ate the other party’s dishes. In public and in private, he came over to watch and cheered on Yandeng Elder.

Fang Zheng asked, the Immortal Crane Sect Elder sitting beside him was wrinkled again and sighed – ly said: “Fang Zheng Elder, you know our scholastic Elder, majoring in Flame Dao,Refining Dao is only multi-cultivation nothing more. The other party, Huo Gong Dragon Head, is majoring in Refining Dao, multi-cultivation Flame Dao. The difference is big.”

Fang Zheng still doesn’t quite understand, and asks: “Even so, according to Yan Ding’s refining gu, the top three should be is possible.”

“oh!” Immortal Crane Sect Elder shook his head and smiled. “Fang Zheng Elder, you don’t know, Gu Refining Grand Meeting has passed Game 7, and the subsequent system is a cruel elimination system for single winners. This huge Exorcism Faction in front of you. Compared to the test field. Only one Gu Master can win and advance to the next game.”

“What? It turned out to be like this!” Fang Zheng was shocked. After a few breaths, he reacted. In the end, the experience of frustration is much more, and my mind is changing. “Since the opponent is so strong, why isn’t Yantang Elder going to another test venue? This Gu Refining Grand Meeting does not prohibit the contestants from chaos.”

“Fang Zheng Elder, it’s right for you to think so. After all, it can be further. It is also a tactical victory to make some retreats. But unfortunately, other test sites also have refining gu expert. And… arrange the Yandang Elder in Here is also the decision of the Immortal Crane Sect high-rise.” At the end, Immortal Crane Sect Elder deliberately lowered the voice and said quietly.

Fang Zheng was shocked. If he didn’t understand it at this time, he was a fool!

“Is the original Immortal Crane Sect high-level has already used the Elder of Yantang as a discard, the purpose is to test the ability of Huo Gong Dragon Head?”

In the meantime, he thought of Master Reverend Heavenly Crane. He once analyzed with him – Yandang Elder was isolated in Immortal Crane Sect, so I asked you to drink and want to form a political alliance with you.

“Is it because I was isolated, so I was chosen to be abandoned… I am afraid that Elder is full of unwillingness. If I was used as a deserter?”

In the thought of this, Fang Zheng’s mind suddenly appeared in his blood pool, full of fresh blood vine vines.


The nightmare memory reappears, Fang Zheng can’t help but shocked, suck in a breath of cold air.

“What happened to you?” Elder, who was next to him, asked with concern.

“Nothing.” Fang Zheng reached out and wiped his forehead. For a time, the palm of his hand was covered with a thin layer of cold sweat.

He didn’t dare to think too much, and his heart was flustered and embarrassed.

At this time, the sound of the same side Elder rang in his ear: “The contestants are one after another, and the contest is about to begin.”

Fang Zheng quickly looked up and saw more than a hundred Gu Masters, slowly entering the field.

Fang Zheng soon discovered the Elder of Immortal Crane Sect, who was expressionless, but his eyes were filled with indignation and helplessness.

The Huo Gong Dragon Head in a red robe is a look of arrogance, all around, and does not conceal disdain and disdain for the surrounding competitors.

“A group of weak chickens, I won this time. Come on soon.” Huo Gong Dragon Head did not care, laughed heartily, openly urged Exorcism Faction to host Elder.

Around the Refining Dao Gu Master, but dare not rebel, taken in the power of Huo Gong Dragon Head. Even the Elder of Immortal Crane Sect’s Yantang is clenching his fists and his face is angry intent.

“Myriad Dragon Dock will win! Win!!”

“Huo Gong Dragon Head, adults will win!”

A group of people at Myriad Dragon Dock, like chicken blood, exclaimed excitedly. The situation is arrogant, the surrounding viewers can only sit still, silently at this happen.

“Damn, it’s so awful!” Fang Zheng is a teenager temperament, biting his mouth, and his heart is angry. “I hate my strength. I hope that at this time, someone can appear, defeat this Huo Gong Dragon Head and put Myriad Dragon Dock’s arrogance of this group of people is going on.”

As if it should be hoped with his heart, a silhouette quietly appeared. At first it was not noticeable, but when he set foot on the field, countless eyes were immediately bet.

Black robe.


Rank 5 demonic cultivator ……

It is Fang Yuan!

Why is he here?

The whole audience was quiet, and suddenly it was a big bang.

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