This is one of the seven most famous natural wonders of the Western Desert, with the number of 100,000 sand dunes moving. ● It looks like a brush from God, brushing more than half of the Western Desert and brushing a curve. On the curve of this fixed dune migration, there is no oasis without ferocious beast without rocks, only yellow sand. Unstoppable, even the Rank 8 Gu Immortal is powerless.

In the Western Desert, the huge dune group of these mobilities, named Wondrous Shifting Dune, reveals the helplessness and confusion of the Western Desert Human Race facing the natural Heaven’s Might.

“Wondrous Shifting Dune…” Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes and flew straight toward the sand dunes.

He covered the figure and crossed the ground from the high ground, but no one noticed it.

Xiao Family’s Gu Immortals are fighting in the Wondrous Shifting Dune. Of course, this is only the periphery, and the Gu Immortals in the inner center are also difficult to explore.

Their opponents are three huge Hidden Sand Spider Queens, all of which are Desolate Beast.

Hidden Sand Spider Queen In the windy winds of the wind, the huge body of as huge as a mountain continues to produce the Hidden Sand Spider group.

However, the Xiao Family Gu Immortal side is also regular and thorough.

As the leader, Xiao Huchi took the lead and screamed and immersed himself in the thrill of fighting.

Xiao Shirang sighed, sound transmission In the past: “Head collar, the fire is almost the same, the effect of training has been achieved, let the family’s Gu Master army first withdraw.”

“You don’t say, I forgot! It’s up to you, Hahaha, the three heads of Hidden Sand Spider Queen are also down more than half. It’s time to catch them.” Xiao Huchi laughed three times and was about to take action. Suddenly, my eyes narrowed and I shouted to the left. “Who?!”


But see a giant hand. Breaking through the sand, the momentum is extremely strong. Grab a Hidden Sand Spider Queen directly.

Xiao Huchi sees the corner of the eye, but the timing of the giant hand is just right. The Hidden Sand Spider Queen was forced to retreat by Xiao Family Gu Immortals, and the giant hand grabbed it from the back side, as if the Hidden Sand Spider Queen walking right into a trap.

“Be bold! Dare to make a move on my Xiao Family!!”

“The thief, even want to seize the fruits of our labor, can not be forgiven!”

“take action, take this person together, I Xiao Huchi want to see, who is so daring!”

Xiao Family Gu Immortal just wants to take an angry take action, and actually find another seven Strong Dao giants from the sand.

Hōng hōng hōng !

Intense confrontation. The five Xiao Family’s Rank 6 Gu Immortal were all thrilled.

Only Xiao Huchi, Xiao Shirang, two Rank 7, and two giants fight for birds of a feather.

“This is Rank 7 battle strength !”

“Newcomer is very strong, and the two leaders are angry with take action. They all use signature ultimate move, but they haven’t done anything!!”

“The other party seems to have done his best. This Strength Dao ultimate move I saw it for the first time. Who is this person?”

For a time, the face of Xiao Family Gu Immortals showed a dignified color.

“Everyone doesn’t have to be nervous. There is no Evil Intention underneath. Look.” Fang Yuan flew slowly, and he showed his face with a real smile.

Everyone looked at Rank 1 and saw the Desolate Beast Hidden Sand Spider Queen. Has been swayed by the giants of Strength Dao, painful mournfully wails, struggled.

“This is alive…”

“This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move really strong !”

Xiao Huchi and Xiao Shirang looked at each other. I have seen the vigilance in each other’s eyes.

If you let them take action, it can’t be done so easily. Otherwise, Xiao Family will not send so many Gu Immortal. Participate in the capture of Hidden Sand Spider Queen.

Fang Yuan can do this, and it is because of the timing. Hidden Sand Spider Queen has a lot of physical strength. Secondly, because the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal has a second core Immortal Gu Picking Mountain, the formidable power is enhanced, and the Earth Dao Desolate Beast, Hidden Sand Spider Queen, has restraint effect.

Fang Yuan will take the Hidden Sand Spider Queen and take it to Xiao Family Gu Immortal.

“Who is you? What is your intention?” I noticed Fang Yuan’s goodwill, Xiao Huchi solemnly asked.

Fang Yuan hehe smiled: “Under the Western Desert, the nameless rogue cultivator, until now, it is not hidden. It was not until recently that it became the Immortal Zombie. This is the enter the world. This time it appears, it wants to be with your noble clan. Be a long-term trade. Don’t know everyone, interested in the Eternal Hate Spider group?”

“Oh? Eternal Hate Spider?” Xiao Family Gu Immortals heard this and felt happy.

Xiao Family owns Immortal Gu Home Thousand Miles Silk Corridor, “Wanli” is just a general term, and the entire Immortal Gu Home is just a few miles long.

This Immortal Gu Home is extremely special, as long as the spider mortal gu is enough, it can be laid out and built anywhere. If you look at it from a high altitude, it is like a giant big spider net covering the Western Desert.

In this Thousand Miles Silk Corridor, the ground is silky smooth. Anything that is transported in the gallery will have an extremely rapid increase in speed.

Xiao Family is one of the richest forces in the Western Desert superpower. The reason for most important is that Xiao Family owns the Thousand Miles Silk Corridor.

Any Immortal Gu Home is a combination of protection, attack, transfer, cure, investigation and so on.

Whether it is 88 Floors True Yang Building, Close Water High Stage, Supervising Heaven Tower, Red Demon Boat, Mysterious Ice House, etc. Immortal Gu Home, all the same, is called War Fortress.

Xiao Family is laying around the Thousand Miles Silk Corridor, allowing the merchants to circulate in the market. But there is one thing, the operation of the Thousand Miles Silk Corridor will consume a lot of spider mortal gu.

Thousand Miles Silk Corridor is the economic lifeblood of Xiao Family, so Xiao Family collects the massive spider mortal gu every year to maintain the Thousand Miles Silk Corridor.

This time, Xiao Huchi, Xiao Shirang led the team to catch Hidden Sand Spider Queen, just to catch the family headquarters, raise it up, every time, put its blood, cut its flesh, gather the family Gu Master, refining in large quantities Spider mortal gu.

Although Xiao Family operates on its own and meets some of the needs, there is still a gap, and it is necessary to purchase a large number of spider mortal gu from the market.

And the larger the number of spider mortal gu, the more species, the better the laying and operation of the Thousand Miles Silk Corridor.

Xiao Family, of course, Gu Immortal is of course interested, Xiao Huchi immediately solemnly asked: “How many Eternal Hate Spider do you have, how do you trade?”

Fang Yuan laughed and reported a number, and the light of joy in Xiao Huchi’s eyes flashed.

Fang Yuan added: “I can provide you with so many spider mortal gu every month.”

Xiao Huchi is happy.

“As for how to trade…” Fang Yuan pondered then said, “Is your Thousand Miles Silk Corridor not the best way? Give me a node token near here, I will be on the 30th of each month. Come to the node on time, put in the goods, and take the money.”

“So how do you sell your goods?” Xiao Shirang interjected.

“No hurry.” Fang Yuan waved his hand. “Everyone first looks at the quality of the goods and then talks about the price.”

Fang Yuan gave a sample and was very satisfied with Xiao Family Gu Immortals.

These Eternal Hate Spiders are from the Northern Plains super power Dongfang Clan’s handiwork, and Xiao Family Gu Immortal is strange if it is not satisfied.

Fang Yuan immediately quoted.

After a bargain, the two sides set the price and completed the first transaction on the spot. The payment was first paid by Xiao Huchi for the family, and Fang Yuan also got a node token.

After the transaction was completed, he also stayed and turned away.

Xiao Huchi group of people , returning to Xiao Family headquarters, immediately reported the matter to Xiao Family’s Reved Great Elder.

Revered Great Elder After learning about this, slowly nodded: “The little right that Xiaohu did this time, this task will do double calculation.”

Xiao Huchi said solemnly: “It’s just an adult, this person appears suddenly. Rank 6 Immortal Zombie, but there is Rank 7 battle strength! Does the adult know his origin?”

Revered Great Elder smiles disapprovingly: “The Western Desert is vast, naturally there are many Gu Immortal that can’t live without it. This is not something I can understand. Immortal Zombie can’t produce immortal essence, it is not strange to be forced to be born. If you are sincere in doing business, then continue to cooperate and see. My family will always have a need for the spider mortal gu. If the cooperation is pleasant, you may wish to award him the Xiao Family transaction token.”

“Adult, don’t we investigate him?”

Revered Great Elder thought for a moment, pondered then said: “I know what you mean, since the other party can supply for a long time, there must be other Blessed Land. Um… a little investigation can not be used to treat the ordinary Immortal Zombie Attitude is against him. It is imperative to compete with Dong Family to seize the market in the northwest. Thousand Miles Silk Corridor should be laid out as soon as possible.”

“I understand, Revered Great Elder.” Xiao Huchi sees Revered Great Elder, closing his eyes and raising his mind, and immediately convinced him, respectfully, and silently retreat.

A few days later.

Central Continent, the floating riverside, Wave Listening Pavilion.

As a large-scale Wave Listening Pavilion, it is a semi-hidden sect, but it is a city.

This is one of the venues for the seventh of Gu Refining Grand Meeting.

At this point, another round of trials has just ended.

There were many arguments in the audience, and they were amazed again and again, and countless eyes were concentrated on Fang Yuan’s body.

Fang Yuan wearing a black robe, with a mask on her face, is still dressed before, silent, and slowly walks off.

Many people’s eyes are slowly mobility with him. Others will be shocked and stare at the rankings on the wall.

At this time, the first name was engraved with Fang Yuan’s name!

“Demonic Path gu cultivator Fang Yuan won the first place for the seventh time in a row! It’s amazing, it’s amazing, it’s at least the performance of the Great Master!”

“According to his strong strength, he went to Gu Refining Grand Meeting’s most famous nightmare, the eighth, and there is a big hope to pass.”

“When can I have this strength?” In the crowd, Hong Yi looked at the back of Fang Yuan and wanted to be happy. I don’t know why, others dislike the style of Fang Yuan’s demonic cultivator. Hong Yi is the Myriad Life Academy disciple of Righteous Path sect, but she is not disgusted with Fang Yuan from the bottom of her heart.

Hong Yi Although Luck Dao right has great potential, but the ability is too sparse, it was eliminated in the second game.

“You said, will Fang Yuan go all the way to the finals?”

“Youngster, now I want the finals? He He He, too early!”

“right, Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, I don’t know how many dragon snakes, the water inside is too deep and deep. The previous seven games, but only a small half of the race. The essence and the wonderful, all behind Gu Refining Grand Meeting Half of the schedule.”

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