“Fast chase!” The demons are not willing to fly together, chasing after.

But the Jade Pond Blessed Land portal snapped up, with only a small portion of Gu Immortal trailing behind it, and the remaining greater part had to change course and fly out through the original hole.

When they fly out of Jade Pond Blessed Land, although they can also see Dongfang Changfan’s silhouette, they are already far away.

Everyone is like a meteor, breaking through the sky and pulling out the harsh sound of whistling.

The assaults the senses, everyone showed their mobility means, but they were so high and wide, they looked at each other and gradually opened their distance.

Fang Yuan is wearing a black robe, but with six wings, the occasional speed is skyrocketing, which is what motivates the Iron Crown Eagle Strength Gu.

But even so, there is a gap with other people, and it is gradually falling behind and becoming the second echelon.

Among the first echelons are Dongfang Changfan, Old Monarch Can Yang, Miniature Mountain, and Scholar Zi Zai, Zhou Qian, Fairy Lishan, and Peacock Flying Immortal He Ruo.

In the second echelon, there are Pi Shuihan, Hei Loulan, Fang Yuan, Lu Qingming, Qie Shimin, Divine Monarch Tian Du.

As for the Half-Moon Savage Master, Zhu Zhan, Shi Hou and the others, they have long been far away, and they can’t see their silhouette. There is no third echelon at all.

After flying for a quarter of an hour, Old Monarch Can Yang gave a deep sigh, and said to Dongfang Changfan solely with sound transmission: “I have blocked at least three people, such as Scholar Zi Zai, and you pass me the last method. Don’t play tricks again. My patience has bottomed out. You know, there is also Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal in my door. With the content I get, it is enough to infer the final step, just to spend time, energy and financial resources that’s all.”

Dongfang Changfan was silent for a long while, not afraid of Old Monarch Can Yang, afraid that he would deal with himself, he had to pass the body possession method to him.

Old Monarch Can Yang got what he wanted and didn’t miss the contract. He returned to the battle and stopped Scholar Zi Zai, Lu Qingming, and Peacock Flying Immortal He Ruo.

Other Demon Immortal bypassed the battle group and chased after it.

After another chase, Zhou Qian fell.

“I am not willing! I have two major mobilities Immortal Rank ultimate move, but the moment is immortal essence is not enough!!” He growled, unwilling, but he could only look at the crowd and quickly go.

In a short while, Divine Monarch Tian Du also showed up and sighed: “Everyone also fights, but I can’t do anything about it.”

If you can’t kill Dongfang Changfan, it must be annoying.

When Divine Monarch Tian Du fell, the brow was locked.

“Brother Fang, I am not good. Thank you for helping me, to the point. You leave quickly, I lead them!” Flying for a while, Dongfang Changfan was exhausted and secretly transmitted to Littleman Gu Immortal.

Littleman Gu Immortal was overjoyed and hesitated: “Do you really want me to go? But the covenant we signed has not been lifted…”

Dongfang Changfan interrupted him and threw Miniature Mountain directly: “Brother Fang, don’t say more, everything is precious!”

“Miniature Mountain !!” Fairy Lishan immediately folded in direction and caught the Miniature Mountain.

Miniature Mountain, a sly, turned into a cyan light, fled to the left.

At the same time, Dongfang Changfan swept away the previous exhaustion, speeding up 30% and continuing to flee.

The two are separated, which makes the demon behind him hesitate.

Fairy Lishan did not hesitate to pursue Miniature Mountain. Compared to the hard bone Dongfang Changfan, Littleman Gu Immortal on Miniature Mountain is weaker, and Miniature Mountain is more in her interest.

Before leaving, she also asked for help from Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan sound transmission.

After all, it is very difficult for a person to catch the Miniature Mountain. If someone asks for help, it is much easier.

Hei Loulan did not hesitate to follow Fairy Lishan immediately. Fang Yuan refused categorically and pursued Dongfang Changfan.

As a result , Fang Yuan, Pi Shuihan, Qie Shimin chasing Dongfang Changfan, Hei Loulan, Fairy Lishan chasing Miniature Mountain.

Regardless of Fairy Lishan, Dongfang Changfan succeeded in using the Miniature Mountain to lead two strong enemies, and the speed soared, and soon he was able to distance himself from behind.

Pi Shuihan anxious, to Qie Shimin shouted: “Don’t you get the captives out?”

Qie Shimin’s mobility ultimate move was actually a War Chariot, with the Immortal Gu breath. He sat on the War Chariot, his face gloomy, and he certainly retained many of the Oriental Gu Master prisoners, in order to kill Dongfang Changfan in the final stage.

But now, the situation has caused him to use it in advance.

“Old Thief Dongfang, your clansman is in my hands, just fight a little, escape can’t escape.” Qie Shimin said, he pressed the Gu Master in his hand and immediately took another one.

Dongfang Changfan hehe sneered, still boring and flying forward.

Qie Shimin pinched the thirteenth captive and finally made Dongfang Changfan make a mistake, calling Fang Yuan and the others a short distance.

However, Dongfang Changfan repressed the inner danger, and after controlling the body, he flew again and opened the distance.

The two sides were stalemate in this way, shortened for a while, and opened for a while.

A few times along the way also counted a few Gu Immortals, or Demonic Path, or Righteous Path, some blocked, some chased, some simply retired, do not want to mix this drowning.

After half an hour, there are still only Dongfang Changfan, Fang Yuan, Pi Shuihan and Qie Shimin.

“old man is not dead this time, there must be a thick report!” Dongfang Changfan has opened a lot of distance, fleeing soon, laughed heartily.

Fang Yuan and the others, but full of gloomy.

Their three chasing soldiers, the speed is only the second echelon, and Dongfang Changfan has skyrocketed by a few percent, and it can’t catch up.

And the longer the time dragged, the more favorable it is to Dongfang Changfan. He gradually suppressed the inner danger, and how many Dongfang Clansmen killed by Qie Shimin, and the number of turnovers of Dongfang Changfan’s was getting less and less.

“What to do?” Pi Shuihan, Fang Yuan, and Qie Shimin looked at each other and saw an anxious and expecting look.

“two, if there is a means, please let it out, otherwise it will be late.” Qie Shimin said.

Fang Yuan and Pi Shuihan shook their heads.

These four people are in a state of exhaustion, one after another immortal essence should be cherished. If there is a means, it has already been used.

Shortly Dongfang Changfan will open them, and the three chasing soldiers will inevitably reveal a strong disappointing expression.

But at this time, Dongfang Changfan lost control again, Dongfang Yuliang’s voice was roaring, and the speed was rapidly dropping drop.

Fang Yuan and the others Surprise, Qie Shimin Daxie: “Sure enough, I am perseverance, but I am still effective! Kill, kill him, and Soul Search is not too late.”

Fang Yuan and the others were eagerly approaching, but at this moment, Dongfang Changfan’s face changed dramatically, revealing a hint of conspiracy.

“Not good, there is fraud!” Fang Yuan quickly retreated, but has been late to dodge!

But seeing a star glow, it was very fast, rubbing Fang Yuan’s shoulder and shooting the eyebrows of Qie Shimin on War Chariot.

Qie Shimin’s face is solidified with an incredible expression.

a moment later, his head exploded, War Chariot disintegrated, powerlessly fell.

Whether it is Fang Yuan or Pi Shuihan, they are all shocked by a cold sweat. Today, Dongfang Changfan has such an amazing trump card!

Really deep and unmeasurable! !

“Catch up again, Qie Shimin is the role model for both of you!” Dongfang Changfan laughed heartily, flee again.

Just he lost control, it turned out to be just his performance, a trap!

Qie Shimin, who is Enslave Dao Gu Immortal, is weak, but chasing after killing, and having a paralysis, she was killed by a blow.

“Catch! He is bluffing!” Pi Shuihan gawked, reacted.

Fang Yuan is also chasing after him: “I am afraid that he has been really poor.”

Although the tone is positive, Fang Yuan is not convinced.

For other Gu Immortal, I am afraid it is. But for Dongfang Changfan, Old Thief, it is not allowed.

When Qie Shimin died, there was no more captive to seduce Dongfang Changfan.

This is a very bad bad news.

If you stop, plunder Qie Shimin’s Immortal Aperture and Immortal Gu, then time is too late, it will let Dongfang Changfan escape easily.

To be honest, although I continue to pursue, Fang Yuan and Pi Shuihan have little hope in mind.

But soon, things turned around.

Dongfang Changfan’s speed actually slowed down.

His speed is 30% lower than the previous one!

This time, let Fang Yuan and Pi Shuihan saw hope.

“Sure enough, his speed has skyrocketed and there are limits.”

“Think about it, that’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. If it’s been motivated, why didn’t he start early?”

“Maybe his immortal essence is being consumed.”

Fang Yuan and Pi Shuihan exchanged ideas and decided to join forces and never give Dongfang Changfan any chance to escape.

The two of them are also worried that the internal strife between them is at the closest to the success, but it is defeated.

But shortly gradually approached Dongfang Changfan, the latter is a figure, divided a figure, became two Dongfang Changfan.

“This?!” Fang Yuan was shocked.

Pi Shuihan is screaming: “Not good, I have heard that Dongfang Changfan has a photo Immortal Gu in his hand. I didn’t expect it to be true!”

The two figures are the same, exactly the same, no difference, and separate directions.

No matter how the two people use reconnaissance means behind them, they are less likely to be flawed.

No way, Fang Yuan and Pi Shuihan can only chase after each other.

As a result, Fang Yuan has not been chasing for a long time. I saw that Dongfang Changfan also split a figure and flew to the left.

Fang Yuan is happy and worried.

It seems that he should be right, but I did not expect this Old Thief Dongfang to be able to separate the silhouette.

Fang Yuan quickly took out the Oriental Gu Master prisoner from the Immortal Aperture, so he shouted: “Dongfang Changfan, I want to kill your clansman again!”

Fang Yuan used Strength Dao’s giant hand to hit the gathering point and pinched a lot of Dongfang Clansmen. In the process, he left a more eye-catching, secretly hidden in the Immortal Aperture many prisoners.

But the two Dongfang Changfan, who turned a deaf ear, let Fang Yuan hope to fail.

He couldn’t tell, and he could only bite his teeth and randomly choose the one on the left and continue to chase it.

This road pursued, and after a while, Dongfang Changfan differentiated into a silhouette, moving towards two directions.

Fang Yuan inwardly shouted is not good, how can it be good to go on like this?

However, my immortal essence is almost exhausted, the strength of the Strength Dao giant is slow, and the common Mortal Realm Ultimate Move does not touch Dongfang Changfan’s clothes. r1152

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