Can not break the fake silhouette, Fang Yuan can only guess wildly, and made several unfounded choices. Vertex novel, 2+3wx

Eventually, as night fell, he looked at the pursuit of Dongfang Changfan, and the silhouette gradually became illusory and eventually dissipated, revealing a group of Gu insects inside.

Fang Yuan collected this group of Gu insects, but there is still no such image of Immortal Gu, just some Rank 5 Gu Insect, but it is contaminated with the strong aura of Immortal Gu.

“That’s lost! Just look at Pi Shuihan, but hope is not big, it is very likely that Dongfang Changfan has escaped. Hey, it’s a Legendary character, the head of the superpower, trump card this many! It is imperative to rush back to Jade Pond Blessed Land, search for the last stroke.”

Fang Yuan cleans up his feelings and immediately returns to fly back.

Along the way, he contacted Fairy Lishan and Hei Loulan, but was returned to pursue the Miniature Mountain and asked Fang Yuan to take action assistance and subsidize a lot of resources.

Fang Yuan was in a dilemma for a time.

On the one hand, Jade Pond Blessed Land, the resources are really rich, but after a long time, I am afraid it will be searched by other Demonic Path Gu Immortal. On the other hand is Miniature Mountain, if you can get Miniature Mountain…

His heart could not help but move.

The night falls completely, the cold sinks, the clouds in the night sky are dense, and the air is suppressed.

After a while, the wind swelled, the rain poured down, across the raft, lightning flashes and thunder rolls.

Dongfang Changfan sat on the floor with a pale face and no trace of blood. The body that has just been born is suffering from hundreds of places. In some places, the injuries are serious. The bones are already visible, and the dripping flesh is exposed to the air.

Dongfang Changfan has a weak breath, and the brow is tight: “I don’t want this body possession. There will be such a big change. Sure enough, go against the sky. It is to be angry with Heaven and Earth. Fortunately at the last minute, I Abandoned Miniature Mountain. Take away a part of the chase. Also discard the Immortal Gu score and use the meter to escape.”

For a time, Dongfang Changfan’s heart, there are fears, happiness, joy, heavy, grief, hatred.

The mood is very complicated. Just like the silk thread twisted into a ball.

“The injury on the body is still a small matter, not fatal. It is imperative to clear the inner danger of the body. The immortal essence, the greater part is used for the body possession. After the fierce battle has been completely consumed, the battle of will is The only choice I have to defeat these nine wills…”

Dongfang Changfan thought about it, he closed his eyes completely, and the whole person fell into a state of ignorance.

In fact. Bad circumstances also do not allow him to have other options.

He has already burned out the lights, as if he were a river, and he was drained to the bottom of the river.

In this state, you can open the chase. To escape, it is dangerous and dangerous.

At this time, if he hesitates some more, he will not fight the will. The control of this body will be taken away again.

It’s not as good as it is now, there is still background. Convert all kinds of surplus power into will arm and fight the will.

The will to fight is extremely dangerous. It doesn’t matter the cultivation base, just the will itself.

But Dongfang Changfan has no spare time at this point, only to do so.

His will, rising from the Consciousness Sea, instantly mobilized all the backgrounds to form a giant stream.

The giant stream rushes out of the Consciousness Sea, like the Heavenly River under Nine Heavens, from the height of the head, straight down. The entangled momentum, moved towards other wills in all corners of the body, pouring and smashing the past.


“With the take action, Old Thief’s will is stronger than any of us.”

“You must join hands and only have a chance to win!”

Dongfang Tribe’s eight Gu Immortals will, as well as Dongfang Yuliang’s will, unveiled the uprising and impacted Dongfang Changfan’s will.

A total of ten wills, mixed together, strangling a group.

No matter which side, there is no retreat, draws back one step is the abyss of failure, die without a burial site.

So at the beginning, it was a dead battle!

The two sides were almost even matched, but after a while, Dongfang Changfan’s will fell into the wind.

When fighting with the group, Dongfang Changfan only forced the suppression, and did not find the hardship of these wills. At this time, when I really started, I realized these wills. The stocks were as strong as steel, as strong as diamond.

One after another, I have deep hatred for Dongfang Changfan!

“Dongfang Changfan, you deceive us and betray us!”

“In order to be selfish, kill us and fulfill yourself!!”

“rigorous schemes and deep foresight, we misread you, it’s just your chess piece…”

“You let us die, don’t think too much!!”

“perish together, perish together!”

“It’s you, it hurts us, and it hurts the entire Dongfang Tribe.”

“Today, Jade Pond Blessed Land is bound to be ravaged by the crowds, and my family’s operations for thousands of years have dissipated!”


These wills shouted, sorrowful, gathered into a tide of **, counterattacked from all corners.

Dongfang Changfan’s will retreat and soon retreat to the Consciousness Sea.

The Consciousness Sea is the last base of Dongfang Changfan. Once it is broken by these wills, even Dongfang Changfan’s soul is sound and unable to return to the sky and fail completely.

“It’s so powerful, it’s amazing! These wills are mixed with death, and the betrayed by the betrayal, the most important thing is the influence of Heavenly Tribulation, with mysterious and unspeakable enhancements…”

At this moment, Dongfang Changfan felt the deep Evil Intention of Heaven and Earth.

He went against the sky, died and reborn, terrifying backlash once again let him fall to the line, falls back one step, is the abyss of failure.

But Dongfang Changfan is in danger.

On the contrary, the more dangerous the situation, the more he inspired his fighting spirit.

In his life, he went against the current, from his own Immortal Cultivation, to leading the rise of the family, overcoming the difficulties, how much pressure to withstand, and how many enemies were repulsed.

“The enemy of this time, even this Heaven and Earth, even if my body is old and dead, my soul is wilting, and I can’t let my will yield!”

Dongfang Changfan understands: the war of will, must not be discouraged, can not be relaxed, can not have the slightest shake.

Not only did he not waver, but he was more determined and fighting. Make the will battle strength soar.

This is his temperament, tenacious and unobtrusiveness. Fighting and fighting. Has been integrated into his bones.

All of a sudden, will counterattack. Flocked down from the Consciousness Sea and pushed the line forward.

Both sides use the body of Dongfang Yuliang as a battlefield.

The head of Dongfang Yuliang is the headquarters of Dongfang Changfan. Although it was previously nine wills, it almost hit the headquarters. But now it is straight down, willing to fight, the front line from the head, along the neck, has been pushed to the chest.

The will of Gu Immortals is more and more angry. Condensed to defend, like a turtle shell, firmly occupy the chest, no longer mobility.

Will fight, will fall into a stalemate.

Eight willing Gu Immortal will arch the hearts of Dongfang Yuliang, like eight thick shields, protecting him.

The total will of Dongfang Yuliang is rising.

The entire ten wills. Only Dongfang Changfan’s will and Dongfang Yuliang will continue to recover.

This is because the former body possession, the soul is living in it, and occupying the Consciousness Sea. Can continue to supplement the source of will. The latter is the original Master of this body, which is the most suitable for the body. The whole body is the nest of Dongfang Yuliang, as long as the body does not die. The will can slowly recover.

This violent and powerful will, the key to victory and defeat lies in the will of the master and disciple of Dongfang Changfan and Dongfang Yuliang.

Comparison. The Eight Great Gu Immortal will, though tough and thick. It is the rootless water, the source of no.

They saw through the key to victory and defeat and chose to sacrifice themselves to protect the will of Dongfang Changfan and keep him growing.

“Not good, I deliberately left the heavy injury on my body and did not heal. I just want to drag down the will of Dongfang Yuliang. But now, for the consumption, my will will continue to be lost, and the success will be weak. The will of Dongfang Yuliang is constantly rising.”

After thinking to this point, Dongfang Changfan is more calm and even indifferent.

He knows that if he goes on like this, there is only one death road.

For the present, only the dead will be born, the will will be infected with the will, and the will will be disintegrated from within.

This means is fierce and fierce, and the most dangerous.

“But there is no way… then come on!” Dongfang Changfan was loudly shouted, and all the wills were originally condensed together. At this moment, suddenly collapsed and turned into a river to wash the past, and the other party’s will will be swallowed in, Wrap up to live.

The mind is swaying, fighting spirits, everyone’s perseverance at this moment, forming the most direct collision.

“The killing of the enemy, can not live under the same sky!” Gu Immortals will cry.

“My Dongfang Clan, it is destroyed in your hands…” Dongfang Yuliang was angry.

Dongfang Changfan’s will is calm and cold: “As long as I survive, I can lead Dongfang Clan to rise again. Do you think that I don’t feel sad… You can remember the story in “Human Ancestor Biography”… Human Ancestor in order to get out of Ordinary Abyss, even the daughter can abandon!”

“How is he abandoning, obviously One’s Self Gu!” Dongfang Yuliang’s will rebut.

Dongfang Changfan sneer: “Who is that One’s Self Gu? That’s Human Ancestor’s One’s Self Gu! That’s the deepest thought in Human Ancestor! In order to get out of the ordinary, it’s fine to throw a wife and abandon, not to mention the family?”

“Dirty and despicable people, really look at what is dirty and mean!” Gu Immortals’s will roared in unison.

“Enough! Without Dongfang Changfan, Dongfang Clan has long since died or been annexed. Where is your today? Where is the Dongfang Clan of restore the strength and glory? I will bring you and teach you to have your present! Planting a big tree, this is my great achievement, and you! But hiding in the shade of the trees, eating the fruits of my achievements nothing more!”

These words were simply thundering and thundering, and the will of the nine shares tangled together.

The will of Gu Immortals seems to fall into the waves of the sky and can only follow the tide.

One scene after another in life, rewinding in general, quickly flashing in the heart of Dongfang Changfan’s.

In Jade Pond Blessed Land, fighting with the group of demons, the dangerous scenes of the ring…

Under Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster, stubborn resistance, but also body possession…

At the moment of death, with the ambition of not extinguishing, the sky in the field of vision is dim…

Calculate the Immortal Gu position for the major Rightse Gu Immortal and conclude the covenant…

In the gloomy great hall, sitting on his own, he has made up his mind to go against the sky, sneer: “Even if you block Longevity Gu, what can you do? Heaven wants me to die, I will go against the sky!”

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