Fang Yuan went to the front to help, and cooperated with Fairy Lishan to block Old Monarch Can Yang.

Fang Yuan is the Immortal Zombie, not afraid of Life Chasing Fire, and the Strength Dao phantom army in his Immortal Aperture is very hot.

For a moment of fierce fighting, Fang Yuan could not help but secretly heartache.

It turned out that he rushed the Giant Dao giant, not much immortal essence. Because of the strength of Strength Dao, the strength of the Strength Dao phantom is combined through countless Group Strength Gus.

Fundamentally, each Strength Dao giant is just 100,000 Strength Dao phantom in the take action.

The Strength Dao phantom has long been condensed with immortal essence and stored in Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture.

But now Life Chasing Fire traces the source and directly burns Strength Dao phantom. Standing to this day, Fang Yuan has previously produced the Strength Dao phantom army, which has lost almost done. At this time, it is necessary to regenerate, but it takes a lot of Green Grape Immortal Essence.

“This battle is going on, it’s too expensive, no! The fairy is blocking you first, I have a plan.” After a moment of fighting, Fang Yuan suddenly sounded and retreated.

Fairy Lishan heard this, and there was a horrible impulse in my heart.

Fighting to this day, still remember to hang immortal essence loss? I haven’t been able to take care of the old lady. She even dared not think about the loss of immortal essence.

In the battle against the sea, in order to gain time, she began to promote the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and now and the old Monarch Can Yang battle, the loss is even more dramatic.

Fang Yuan also remember to hang the immortal essence loss? At first glance, you are fishing the most!

Seeing that Fang Yuan pulled away, the expressions of the demons varied. There have been turmoil.

“How did he fly again?” Scholar Zi Zai was busy asking Fairy Lishan, who can now determine the true identity of Fairy Lishan. Fang Yuan is not a bird at all, he looks directly at Fairy Lishan. This is undoubtedly more effective.

Fairy Lishan was angry and fierce, and he was firmly replied: “He said that the fierce battle is going on, immortal essence is too expensive, and there is a strategy to implement.”

Also remember to hang immortal essence loss? I don’t know how much loss!

Demonic Qi got angry and rose, some eyes were red, and some nostrils were big. Panting.

Scholar Zi Zai was so angry that his body was shaking.

Speaking of it, even Fairy Lishan and the others. Also have plunder. The entire Demonic Path group, which belongs to his Scholar Zi Zai, is the least and the least. I didn’t find a resource at all!

Dongfang Changfan immediately felt the pressure surged and the danger was alive.

The language of Fang Yuan. The tempered sub-consciously vented anger to his body.

For a time, Dongfang Changfan held the Miniature Mountain cover all sides, and he was created dozens of places, battered and exhausted.

Fang Yuan said before, not a proverb.

He went straight to a deep pool.

It turned out that the two sides fought fiercely and unconsciously shifted the battlefield to another place. Fang Yuan found that at the foot of the deep pool, there are many Dongfang Clan’s clansman hidden, obviously. This is a gathering point.

“Dongfang Changfan, I want to make you pro-shortly, your clansmans are dying in front of your eyes! Hahaha!”

Fang Yuan’s laughter. A Strong Dao giant slammed down.

How does the mortal arrangement be the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move?

The masks that were held up in an instant were layered, but under the heavy strike of Strong Dao’s crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, they simply failed to withstand a second and completely collapsed.

Strength Dao’s giant hand was photographed in the palm of his hand. A loud bang, the ground fell deep.

Many bad luck mortal Gu Master. It was instantly pressed into a meat sauce.

The mortal Gu Master at the edge was smashed by a strong palm, and fled, screaming for help, and no fighting spirit.

Strength Dao’s giant hand quickly lifted off, leaving a bloody handprint on the ground.

“My clansman! My loved ones! I want to protect them!!” Dongfang Changfan saw this, lost control again, and the voice became clearer.

Dongfang Changfan was in a bad mood, but could not stop it.

This is the will of Dongfang Yuliang!

The biggest inner danger! !

The eyes of the demons were fine, and they set off a fierce offensive. Dongfang Yuliang Regardless of disregard, the fit is directed to the bottom, and the heart of rescue is extremely urgent.

“Damn! Damn!” The death crisis approached, and surnamed Fang Littleman Gu Immortal continued to drink. Because of the covenant, he had to fly Miniature Mountain and float on the head of Dongfang Yuliang to withstand the attack.

In the offensive of the demons, Miniature Mountain trembled violently, and countless tiny gravel all around.

“Dongfang Changfan, I can be miserable by you!” Littleman Gu Immortal was unwilling and angry.

Fang Yuan saw that the plan was effective, and laughed, deliberately slowing down the speed, chasing the remaining Dongfang Clansmen and attracting Dongfang Yuliang.

However, Dongfang Yuliang flew halfway and was suppressed, allowing Dongfang Changfan to regain control.

Dongfang Changfan suddenly found out that although he was seriously injured in several places, but the surrounding area was very empty, only a few Gu Immortals were chasing after him, and it was promising to break out and meet with Old Monarch Can Yang!

It turned out that Dongfang Yuliang, regardless of life and death, ventured out and let Miniature Mountain take the offensive at a terrible price.

It’s a horrible thing to let go of the dead, but it gives him an opportunity.

“You idiots, I have never created an opportunity in battle for you. You guys actually ran out?” Fang Yuan pointed at the nose of the demons.

Scholar Zi Zai and the others, the heart is anxious and angry, and there is a lot of thought and Fang Yuan care, they are roaring:

“Catch up!”

“Don’t ask him to run!!”

For a time, the fierce battle became a chase.

Dongfang Changfan fled, trying to highlight the encirclement, rushing out is boundless oceans, vast skies, but unfortunately the devils live and die, faintly surrounded.

On the other side, Old Monarch Can Yang attempted to meet Dongfang Changfan, but was caught by Fairy Lishan and blocked the route.

For a time, the two sides were like a group of headless flies, flying in the air.

The messy flying trajectory actually reflects Gu Immortals’ solid flying background. These Gu Immortal, at least the Flight Great Master!

The mortal Gu Master has no energy and time to practice flying, but Gu Immortal has it.

Flying is also a very practical means of advancing and retreating. Basically, Gu Immortal will practice a lot and master the depths.

“Fast, kill the Eastern Gu Master and let him make a mistake!” Scholar Zi Zai shouted.

Fang Yuan has already done it again. He used the Giant Dao giant hand to pick up a group of Eastern Gu Masters, threatened loudly, and then one after another pinched to death. The method was cruel and violent, which has caused Dongfang Changfan to lose control many times.

However, the number of Dong Gu Masters is limited, and Dongfang Changfan is still alive.

At this time someone was shouted: “Qie Shimin, Qie Shimin had previously captured a lot of Dongfang Clansmen and wanted to take it as a slave sale!”

Qie Shimin is furious, this is his hard search resource!

“Qie Shimin !!” Scholar Zi Zai hurriedly shouted as he pursued.

“You make sacrifices, and we will compensate you twice after the war!” Pi Shuihan tone gloomy.

Qie Shimin was willing to refuse, but as soon as Pi Shuihan had already killed his red eyes, his heart trembled: “Good!”

He immediately took out many Oriental Gu Masters from Immortal Aperture and killed them in front of Dongfang Changfan’s, causing the rest of the will to be extremely angry and debut.

The rest of the East, Gu Immortal will also be that’s all, the key is the will of Dongfang Yuliang.

He is also a mortal Rank 5, and he is deeper and deeper with clansman. Every time his will breaks through, he brings huge troubles to Dongfang Changfan, Miniature Mountain and Old Monarch Can Yang.

Time passed quickly in the fierce battle, and Fairy Lishan couldn’t stop Old Monarch Can Yang and let them succeed.

However, a number of Demonic Path Gu Immortal, relying on Dongfang Changfan’s frequent mistakes, has accumulated a huge advantage.

The battle has been set!

The Miniature Mountain was bombed and cracked completely spread, even in the flying, it continued to sag down the rocks. Old Monarch Can Yang In order to look after Dongfang Changfan, he did not know how many offensives, the scars were all over the body, and the beards were stained with blood.

This embarrassment is the most depressing glimpse of his life.

In the battle, I repeatedly asked Dongfang Changfan the last body possession method. But where does Dongfang Changfan dare to tell him?

Just tell him that Old Monarch Can Yang is running!

Dongfang Clan is only working with Immortal Crane Sect nothing more. Body possession is the biggest bargaining chip.

“Retreat, this place can’t be left for a long time!” Old Monarch Can Yang sighed, to Dongfang Changfan sound transmission.

“Let’s stay in the green hills without burning wood…” Littleman Gu Immortal was afraid that Dongfang Changfan would be hard-working.

Dongfang Changfan smiled: “Two thought I was the kind of person who didn’t know the current affairs? Let’s withdraw!”

He looked at Jade Pond Blessed Land with a blank look, filled with hatred and roar, but full of decisions!

A moment’s gains and losses can’t be counted, and you can retreat as a true hero.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan came to laugh: “It is another gathering point of Dongfang Tribe, Dongfang Changfan, you are optimistic, I want to kill!!”

“Shameless traitor, dare to bully me!” Dongfang Changfan left the anger, Wan Dafei flying suddenly.

Fang Yuan saw his power, he was laughed, he didn’t pick it up, and immediately didge.

But this million-way flying star did not chase him, but turned a corner and went straight down, bombing at the gathering point of Dongfang Clan’s.

The Dongfang Clansmen, who was hiding, was killed in an instant, and no one survived.

“This -!” For a time, even Demonic Path Gu Immortal, was also shocked by Dongfang Changfan’s very ruthless.

“Rather than letting you threaten me, it’s better to take advantage of the self-sacrifice!Dongfang Clansmen’s souls, you listen, my Dongfang Changfan will definitely avenge you. Today’s hatred, I will be thousands of times Return to these Demonic Path thieves!” Dongfang Changfan shed tears, painful mournfully wails.

Hearing his stern mournfully wails, Rao is a daring Demonic Path, and also involuntarily feels cold in the bottom of his heart.

“If you let this Wisdom Dao number one person escape, the day will deal with me…” The Demon Heart is jealous, and the eyes of the killing intent have skyrocketed several times.

Up to now, both sides are almost exhausted and consume a lot.

The cause was only a dispute of interests, but both sides were red-eyed and could not stop, and now they have established deep hatred, can not live under the same sky.

“Go!” Dongfang Changfan suddenly rose up and suddenly opened the door of Jade Pond Blessed Land and fled.

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