The Insanity Demon Lair seventh layer is quite broad, and it is not too big in the sense of being a fairy or a Schemer.

Because each of them walks in, they must be thoughtful, and they must always bear the test of the mutually exclusive of the massive Dao Marks.

The more difficult it is to walk, the more difficult it will be in the hearts of people.

Fang Yuan followed the normal Gu Immortal’s method of perseverance for a while, and also had a certain degree of empathy for the situation of not Xian and Schemer.

鈥淲ithout the Paragon Immortal Body, I have to pick the road. But the road is getting narrower and narrower. There are a lot of choices at the beginning, but the deeper the depth, the more rare I can choose.鈥?/p>

Fang Yuan walked for a while and stopped.

His road is broken.

The road ahead is filled with Dao Marks from other genres.

But fortunately, I have passed through the previous paragraph, and there are still roads selected by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan tracelessly looked at it, not Xian, Schemer.

The two men have been left behind by him, staying behind and walking very hard.

Similarly, the two of them are also watching Fan Yuan at all times.

Fang Yuan bit his teeth, stepping forward and moving on.

He pretended to be a tough look, stepping forward and walking forward. After a while, I finally overcome the difficulties and went to the road to fit the Dao. The face showed a touch of light.

“The mutual exclusion of Dao Marks is meaningless to me. Instead, it is a disguise performance, which takes me more effort.” Fang Yuan smiled in his heart.

It鈥檚 not a fairy, and Schemeer is far away.

Fang Yuan’s strength is still above their estimate!

Just a short distance, Fang Yuan鈥檚 journey is difficult, but the speed is still very fast. If it鈥檚 not in the same situation, I鈥檓 afraid I will vomit blood!

Next, the two men went slower and slower, and their hearts became more and more heavy.

The surrounding Dao Marks oppressed them and made them difficult. It鈥檚 not that the sin has begun to vomit blood, and Schemer has a golden and purple color.

Soon after, the two had to stop.

They reached the limit.

Fang Yuan is still walking in front, watching his demeanor, a lot more tired than before. But obviously the spare capacity is still very good.

“This Fang Yuan is a monster!”

“Oh, the other person who inherits the Venerable inheritance can beat Heavenly Court repeatedly. It is not surprising that there is such an accomplishment.”

It鈥檚 not a fairy, Schemer secretly communicates, sighs and emotions, full of helplessness.

“Then we are here at the sight of him. I have to see how far he can go!” Schemer coldly snorted.

I didn’t hesitate, and asked: “You said, will he walk out of the seventh layer and enter the eighth layer?”

鈥淗ow is this possible?鈥?Schemer immediately denied, thinking nothing. But then, he pondered then said: “This possibility is not high, to get out of the seventh layer, at least the number of 100,000 steps. We are now out of the journey, less than 10%! Fang Yuan’s is indeed powerful, but a hundred years or even Rank 7 is a rare genius in the millennium. But he is not Rank 8 after all, I even suspect that only Venerable can get out of the seventh layer and enter the eighth layer.”

“Venerable ……” is not a fairy thought, “Would we like to tell those Fanger that the Venerable has come here?”

鈥淵eah.鈥?Schemer nodded, 鈥淲ait until Fang Yuan reaches the limit, we will tell him about this after we turn around.鈥?/p>

Schemer experienced Fang Yuan’s strength, acknowledging that Fang Yuan is stronger than him. Telling Fang Yuan about this information, it may be possible to inspire Fang Yuan’s fighting spirit and interest, let him stay in Insanity Demon Lair, accompany Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters to explore here.

Fang Yuan took another step and stopped.

鈥淭his is where I last saw Schemer.鈥?Fang Yuan looked around but saw no trace.

At the beginning of this day, Dao Marks, Fang Yuan remembered that Metal Dao and Earth Dao were the main ones, but now they have completely changed.

Fang Yuan is no accident.

Because of the seventh layer here, Dao Marks will change.

Whenever the magic sound starts from the ninth layer, it will pass away, spreading from the eighth layer and the seventh layer until the first layer.

After the first layer, the magic sound is blocked by an invisible force and does not spread to the outside world to harm the innocent.

Fang Yuan continues to walk.

Schemer, not a fairy, stayed in the same place, looking at his back and watching.

When Fang Yuan unwittingly surpassed Schemer’s farthest record, the Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal also involuntarily trembled.

Despite this situation, he had already pre-saw in advance, but when he really saw this happening, his heart was still involuntarily rising and losing a huge sense of loss.

鈥淚 was surpassed.鈥?Schemer sighed deeply. 鈥淚 am the head of Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters. I have been the farthest person to explore here. I have been living here for hundreds of years and have been studying hard. I didn鈥檛 expect it to be relaxed by Fang Yuan today. Beyond.”

A kind of jealousy and even hatred, there is also a feeling of anger, bitterness, sadness, etc., which poured into his heart and made him feel mixed.

It’s not a fairy feeling, it’s much better than Schemer. After all, he is the worst performer in Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters.

Seeing the mode of Schemer, not a sigh in the heart of the fairy, I was trying to comfort him, but a moment later changed suddenly.

The magic sounds up!

“What’s the matter?” is not a fairy turn pale with fright.

Schemer is also amazed: “How can there be a magic sound at this moment?”

It鈥檚 not a fairy call: 鈥淵our previous calculations are correct, the laws of the magic sounds have been completely confused, and we can鈥檛 get accurate again. Fast, we are withdrawing! It鈥檚 too dangerous!!鈥?/p>

Schemer is already a full head cold sweat, he screams at the front of Fang Yuan, reminding: “The magic sound is coming, retreat! Exit the seventh layer to be safe.”

Fang Yuan looks back at the two of them.

These two people no longer have the hidden cultivator style of Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters, and the ants on the hot pot are rapidly retreating.

“Looking like this, it is not like deliberately framed me.” Fang Yuan brows slightly wrinkle.

It鈥檚 not Xian, Schemer. In order to gain time, it鈥檚 too late to pick a path. It can only barely look at the position and burst out.

The magic sound just started, Dao Marks here is already ready to move. Even more terrifying is that when the magic sound really roars, the seventh layer will set off the raging tsunami of Dao Marks! Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is motivated and immediately confuses. By then, even Duke Long is at risk, and as weak as a baby, the outcome of body dies and Dao disappears can’t be changed.

The seventh layer has become a dangerous place to devour everything. I am afraid that only Venerable can compete.

The madness and blame use all means, try their best, and retreat while vomiting blood.

“Fast, we are coming out!” Schemer looks at the front, and the eyes are ecstatic.

“I can’t do it!” It wasn’t a fairy but it fell to the ground.

Schemer gritted: “hold on !”

The two are close together, and Schemer ignores the danger, and it is not the fairy who will faint.

The moment of danger reveals his true feelings.

In the end, Schemer stepped forward and rushed out.

He bleeds seven times, his face is blue and white, his eyes are black and black, and he feels that his body is as heavy as lead.

He didn’t dare to stop here. The magic sound together, the seventh layer has no safe place, only to return to the sixth layer, there is hope for survival!

The magic sound began to be turbulent, and the alarm in Schemer’s heart was getting louder and louder. He gnashing teeth and tried to put the last strength into his own and the fainting is not sent to the sixth layer.

“Wait, Fang Yuan?” Before he left, he took the risk to look back.

“Hmm?!” For a moment, his eyes swelled up as if someone was boxing behind his eyes.

Schemer is shocked!

Not only did Fang Yuan not retreat, but it was even deeper than before.

“You, you, you!” Schemer was too excited to speak.

Fang Yuan heard the sound and looked back at him. He smiled lightly: “I am leaving this distance, it is already late. But I have a secret technique, and there is still a chance to survive. Exploring here will naturally endanger life. I have been mentally prepared and can do anything. Schemer Fellow Immortal, I hope we have a chance to see you again!”

Schemer is dumb, want to say Fang Yuan, you are dead, but after all, you can’t say it.

In the end, he left a sentence: “Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan, we will see you again!”

This sentence is quite profound.

On the one hand, I encourage Fang Yuan, I hope he keeps until the end, don’t give up, maybe there is a possibility of survival. On the other hand, he is also predicting himself, exploring like him, and sooner or later he will fall into the Predicament of Fang Yuan, and see you after death.

Fang Yuan pondered a bit, laughed: “This Schemer is really affectionate.”

Five hundred years of previous life, Schemer is like this, he did not want to go out of Insanity Demon Lair, but Is Not Immortal and Fat Mountain was involved in the fight in the Five Regions.

This allowed Schemer to step out of Insanity Demon Lair in order to maintain his companions.

Although he only has the Rank 7 cultivation base, the Wisdom Dao Realm is deeply rooted, causing great trouble and loss to Central Continent and Heavenly Court.

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters Although it is a hidden cultivator, there is no bloodline connection in itself, but the friendship is very deep, even more than many Rightse Path Gu Immortal.

Man is neither grass nor tree. These three people have lived here for hundreds of years, have common goals, and help each other. The ready to become a life of each other.

Fang Yuan looks at Dao Marks in front of his eyes, his posture is relaxed, it can be called serene!

Even if this Dao Marks is so turbulent, the tsunami that shakes the hustle and bustle will have no effect for him.

Paragon Immortal Body, Dao Marks is not repulsed.

Fang Yuan is more relaxed than before, because it is not Xian, Schemer has gone.

He smiled and smiled.

Look at the wave of Dao Marks, the magnificent, he tut tut praise, really the world’s first wonder!

Among the Five Regions and Two Heavens, there are many wonderful scenes, some are magnificent, some are beautiful, some are mighty, some are beautiful. Previous life In this life, Fang Yuan has traveled almost all over the world, with an open mind and rich experience, and has seen many wonders.

But now it seems that the wonders in memory are not as arrogant as Dao Marks.

“If it is in the future, I may leave inheritance, and I must record this scene and pass it on to the future.” Fang Yuan said.

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