Fang Yuan was white clothed and landed slowly in Insanity Demon Lair.

On the ground, there are two Gu Immortals already standing for a long time, waiting for a long time.

One Gu Immortal, his face is white, black beard fluttering, loose sleeves, and the eyes are sharp and star-like, out of the ordinary, he claims to be not a fairy, specializing in Law Dao.

Another Gu Immortal, a short stature, only with Fang Yuan’s knees, a pair of small eyes and fine eyes, is the Schemer, specializing in Wisdom Dao.

Today, Fang Yuan is no longer the same, guarding the war, the River of Time war twice, and stepping on Heavenly Court. During the period, a large group of Gu Immortal of the Southern Border Righteous Path was captured, including two Rank 8! Not long ago, there was news from Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World that Fang Yuan was on the power of Qi Sea Old Ancestor, resisting Duke Long and taking away the Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace.

On the most powerful contemporary, limelight’s most powerful Demonic Path Gu Immortal, non-Fang Yuan.

“Two Fellow Immortal, we met again.” After Fang Yuan landed, he first gave a gift and smiled, and his attitude was very polite.

Schemer, not a Xian, is a gift.

It’s not said with a smile : “After the last time, I heard that the real identity of Brother Liu is Ancient Moon’s Fang Yuan, which really surprised me and my Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters. This time Fellow Immortal can come, there will be Breakthrough The current means of bottleneck, I have already looked at it.”

Fang Yuan, in the capacity of Liu Guanyi, entered into a madness, and like Chu Du, became a member of Insanity Demon Lair.

Therefore, it is not a fairy called Fang Yuan for Brother Liu.

For Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters, the face of Fang Yuan’s has not changed, because the appearance of Liu Guanyi was the appearance of Fang Yuan Paragon Immortal Body.

“How can I not see Fat Hill Immortal?” Fang Yuan asked.

“When he last explored the seventh layer, he seemed to be aware of it and is now retreating,” Schemer replied.

“This is the case.” Fang Yuan laughed, and my heart was clear.

This is Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters in defense!

At first, he was dressed as Liu Guanyi, and the battle strength was not strong. Today, Fang Yuan has improved rapidly. The world recognizes that Fang Yuan has only the Rank 7 cultivation base, but the battle strength can be used against Rank 8. Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters naturally has to worry about Fang Yuan, preventing him from taking action suddenly, and they are poisonous hands on them.

After all, Fang Yuan is the biggest devil in the modern age. His temperament is fierce. Don’t look at the way he is now laughed. It is really a murderer who does not blink and eats people.

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters Although he has lived in Insanity Demon Lair for a long time, he is not stupid. In particular, Schemer, the head of Three Monsters, has had quite a lot of performance in Fang Yuan’s five hundred years of previous life, which made Heavenly Court suffer a lot.

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters is jealous of Fang Yuan, so the fat mountain does not appear, but hides one side.

It is very likely that his retreat is just an excuse for nothing more. In the past, Fang Yuan was mad and suddenly started to attack them! As long as there is always one person in Three Monsters, there is no worry that Fang Yuan has been exhausted.

“Not only that, I am afraid that Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters has some means to start. So always keep one person out.” Fang Yuan kept thinking.

Fang Yuan has signed a maddening covenant, but the covenant has long been solved by him.

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters also has an extreme move that doesn’t care, and can completely ignore the madness.

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters Taboo Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan is not very likely to start.

At least I don’t want to do it now.

“Speaking, I am coming to Insanity Demon Lair this time, it is the third time. I hope it will be rewarded!” Fang Yuan’s most important goal of this trip is Infinite True Inheritance.

In the near future, Heavenly Court will definitely organize Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting in order to repair Fate Gu.

By that time, there will be a vast Five Regions Gu Immortal battle!

In this battle, Fang Yuan, despite its strength, cannot control the situation. Any one of the Venerable means can subvert the original situation with no difficulty.

At this point, Fang Yuan has seen it very well in the previous lifetime.

The best example is Duke Long.

Duke Long is strong, no one can compete, but under Venerable’s means, it is not enough to see. Infinite Demonic Venerable takes a big action and binds him to a single step for a long time. In the end, under the Lotus Lotus Immortal Venerable’s approach, Duke Long was relieved and regained his freedom.

Fang Yuan also planned before: this lifetime, he not only has to actively grow his own strength, but also collect some Venerable True Inheritance. If it can trigger the Venerable means, it will be the best support for destroying the Fate Gu’s plan!

And the most reliable clue is here – Insanity Demon Lair!

The timing of Fang Yuan’s selection is just right.

Your current battle strength has been strengthened a lot. Although the surface is only the Rank 7 cultivation base, it has actually been promoted to Rank 8. Even if Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters is not good for itself, he can quickly counterattack and lose his life.

And after a while, Bing Saichuan in Longevity Heaven will wake up. His wake up, for Longevity Heaven, has a great influence on the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world.

At that time, Fang Yuan came in again to Northern Plains. If there was any big noise, I would have to face Longevity Heaven, the leader of Bing Saichuan, and it would be difficult to end.

Instead of leading the way to the front, Schemer accompanied him at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan With the second strange, go deep into Insanity Demon Lair.

Insanity Demon Lair is divided into 9-Layer.

The first layer is the outermost layer, that is Fang Yuan.

The second layer is a hot rocky beach.

Third layer, misty, ferocious beast hidden, and fog, very dangerous.


Every layer has a very different environment. Every once in a while, magic sounds are transmitted from the deepest ninth layer, radiating the entire Insanity Demon Lair 9-Layer.

During the magic sound, everything is crazy, and it is smashed and chaotic.

The deeper the depth, the stronger the magic sound.

However, relying on Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters to calculate the power, but it is able to effectively resist the power of a part of the magic sound.

Fang Yuan did not use this method. Before he came here, he improved on the basis of the original, and it was effective and it was an optimized version.

After all, his current Law Dao Realm, also reached the extent of the Great Grandmaster.

Between the magic sounds, it has a great impact on the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Because the magic sound itself is chaotic Dao Marks, the mind is unclear, falling into madness is only a side effect nothing more.

Three immortals all the way down, the route bends around, finally reaching the seventh layer, that is the third layer.

At the end of the arrival of Fang Yuan, it was here.

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters has also stopped here for hundreds of years. Just because they got into bottleneck and couldn’t breakthrough, they have absorbed Chu Du and Fang Yuan.

But they also gained a lot.

Among the 7-Layer they explored, there is a legacy of Infinite Demonic Venerable.

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters got all sorts of clues, painstakingly researched, and calculated, and roughly figured out the last layer. Although they have never been in.

Fang Yuan’s vision is dazzling.

On the stone, the mud within the earth, the grass is glittering. Various colors, colorful.

This is Dao Mark’s Light.

When Dao Marks is rich to a certain extent, it will naturally bloom with such a splendid brilliance.

In this seventh layer, every piece of soil, every stone wall, is the immortal materials of Quasi Rank 9! However, it is a pity that these Dao Marks are insane and unusable.

“Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan, you please first.” Schemer humbly said.

“Since the last failure, I have had a lot of reflections and a lot of experience.” Fang Yuan laughed, stepping forward and walking ahead.

Schemer and Immortal look at each other and enter, walking side by side with Fang Yuan.

Recently this period of time, Fang Yuan is so powerful, but how much strength does he really have?

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters has no bottom and is the best observation opportunity. Schemer, not Xian, is focused on Fang Yuan’s body.

Fang Yuan walked away.

Former 10 steps, leisurely,

20 steps, he is easy.

30 steps, he began to look dignified.

40 steps, he gradually gasped for breath.

50 steps, he is exhausted.

More than sixty steps, Fang Yuan paused and gasped.

Schemer looked towards not a fairy, not a fairy and a look at towards Schemer, both of them were shocked by the saw in the eyes of the other party.

To walk here, you need to overcome the massive Dao Marks rejection. Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters The farthest limit is tens of thousands of steps, but they are stop and go, intermittent. If you go down like Fang Yuan, you will have at most four 50 steps nothing more.

“Terifying is that Fang Yuan has gone more than sixty steps, obviously not using all his strength, or is more than enough!”

“This score alone has exceeded me and three. But where is his limit?”

It’s not a fairy, and there’s a lot of thought in Schemer’s mind.

But in fact, Fang Yuan owns the Paragon Immortal Body, which is completely unrejected by any Dao Marks. All the fatigue is disguised and played by him.

Fang Yuan would rather perform because it is also shocking the Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters and can also be Tibetan.

Fang Yuan is cautious and likes to be hidden. The cards that can’t be displayed will never be easily displayed.

“It’s really Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan.”

“Yeah, yeah, so strong, let me wait for three people.”

Fang Yuan raised his eyes: “Two don’t have to be self-sufficient, I have been born many times, with many memories. Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters has a loud name and has their own wonderful means. I also admire.”

It’s not Xian, and Schemeer is in the heart.

Fang Yuan is very good. You can understand it as a kind of praise, but it can also be understood as a kind of warning. I am born again, know your means, don’t be against me!

Three immortals then go forward.

The deeper, the harder it is, the more stressful it is.

“The next journey, relying on Dao Marks and their respective genres, will save a lot of effort, Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan, let’s take a break.” Not Immortal Dao.

He chose to go to the left, where there are more Law Dao Dao Marks. And he is specializing in Law Dao.

Soon after, Schemer also said goodbye, he chose a more path of Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks.

Fang Yuan can of course walk straight, but he did not do this, but chose Tibetan Mastiff and carefully selected the path.

The madness and the second fairy saw this scene in their eyes, and they all thought about it.

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