Insanity Demon Lair, sixth layer.

The battered and exhausted madman fell on the ground, and Schemer squatted on the ground, temporarily ignoring his own injuries and giving him a cure.

It’s not that the fairy slowly opened his eyes, and he woke up. He was ignorant and immediately responded. He was very grateful and grateful: “I actually escaped, boss, you saved my life!”

Later, he asked in confusion: “How can I not see Fang Yuan? Wait, don’t tell me, did he not retreat in time?”

Schemer smiled bitterly: “No. He still stays in the seventh layer. However, he said nothing wrong when he was separated. It is too late to escape at that distance.”

It’s not that the fairy is speechless. After a long while, I sighed: “It’s also a life, I didn’t expect dignified Fang Yuan, it’s actually broken here.”

Even if Fang Yuan is so vocal, he does not think that Fang Yuan will have much hope of surviving.

Because it is not the deep knowing the terrifying power of Insanity Demon Lair!

Schemer is completely calm down, expression with a trace of quirky: “It is incredible to say, I have a mysterious feeling, I always feel that Fang Yuan can survive. Although reason tells me that there is no possibility, I can not figure out any The means he can survive. But, this is the feeling in my heart.”

“Boss, you are Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal.” Not a fairy stayed.

“Even Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, don’t tell me all the feelings are right?” Schemer shook his head with a smile. “Perhaps this is just a feeling of my departure for Fang Yuan. He is so strong, beyond you. Shocked the world, there is no way for Heavenly Court to take him. But such a character is to be damaged in Insanity Demon Lair. Hey, maybe his end is the end of your future. I have some pity.”

Not a fairy.

For a long while, Schemer spoke and broke the silence: “Go! Go back and take a rest. When the magic sound stops, we go to the seventh layer and search for Fang Yuan.”

Not a fairy nodded, although he understands that Fang Yuan is almost ten deaths without life.

He barely stood up, and his body was suddenly a beggar, and he would fall down.

Fortunately, Schemer was holding him in time.

Schemer held him, and the two men slowly moved forward while resisting the magic.

The road ahead is hidden in the darkness.

The silhouette of the two gradually merged into the darkness, and they all faltered.

They didn’t even know that Fang Yuan was not killed in the seventh layer, and there were new discoveries.

“Is this the new Dao Marks?” Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright, and the expression is quite surprising.

Among the dazzling Dao Marks waves, he began to discover some new Dao Marks.

Fang Yuan has long been a thing of the past, and all the genres of Realm have greatly improved, and inherited several Venerable True Inheritance, and the vision is wide open.

But now, he can be sure that this Dao Marks in front of him has never seen him.

This is the brand new Dao Marks!

“originally these Dao Marks are still, these new Dao Marks are too small, scattered everywhere, not eye-catching. But now the magic sounds roaring, the various Dao Marks are constantly shifting. And because Dao Marks are mutually exclusive, the same genre The Dao Marks are gradually united, which makes these new Dao Marks bigger and easier to find.”

Fang Yuan quickly summed up the reasons.

At the beginning of the magic sound, all kinds of Dao Marks were mixed, woven at random, intricate and colorful.

After the magic sound has been around for a while, the Dao Marks of various genres are condensed together to form a unified color, which is more stable than the previous clear and bright.

In front of Fang Yuan’s, a piece of Metal Dao’s Dao Marks, like golden python, wanders around. On the left hand side of Fang Yuan’s, a Soul Dao’s Dao Marks even bigger, like a black cloud, if the city wall, 泱泱 advance. At the foot of Fang Yuan’s, it was the new Dao Marks, which seemed to be a meandering stream.

Fang Yuan stopped at a slight pace and observed it carefully.

Soon, he showed amazement.

From this brand new Dao Marks, he “sees” the sword. He “smells” the battle axe. He “touches” the hammer and he “hears” the arrow…

Fang Yuan looks a little bit, Dark Dao: “This brand new Dao Marks represents a new genre. This genre is quite atmospheric, and it contains all kinds of swords attle. In the future, if someone creates it, it must be the current Sword Dao. Both Blade Dao accommodated the ingestion. The new martial art’s battle strength must be strong, and at the same time it draws on the many subtleties of Human Dao.”

But immediately, Fang Yuan shook his head slightly: “However, to create this genre, I don’t know how many generations to wait, how much time to wait.”

“Maybe someone already has the idea and background to create this genre. If he or she can see this scene, he will definitely bring him (her) great help. Or maybe there is no such idea in the world, this one The genre will always be hidden, like a treasure, buried deep in the depths of the ground, never someone will open.”

Fang Yuan has no regrets and regrets.

This situation is the normal state of Gu World.

People often say that talents are not met, and talents need Bole. In fact, an excellent genre needs talented people to discover.

Fang Yuan doesn’t want to take this to create a new genre.

The genre he is now on has already made him unable to learn. And the new genre, the time and energy required is too much, too big. He also does not have this leisure time.

Fang Yuan continues on.

Along the way, he saw a lot of new Dao Marks.

There is a Dao Marks, which is condensed into a group, full and round, and Fang Yuan seems to smell the fragrance of the vegetation, carefully smelling it, and it seems to be the smell of food.

Fang Yuan guessed, is this the rumored Pill Dao’s Dao Marks?

There is also a piece of Dao Marks, which lays down like a carpet. It is obviously the same kind of Dao Marks, but the above is the interweaving of light and shadow, sometimes like mountains and rivers, sometimes like birds and beasts.

When the other Dao Marks rushed over, the Dao Marks were like the leaves in the wind, and they were also rolled up, lightly attached to the surface of other Dao Marks torrents. It does not affect these attached heterogeneous Dao Marks, and does not let the tiny self collapse. It is wonderfully wonderful.

When Fang Yuan first saw it, he felt a slight shock: “No accident, this is Picture Dao’s Dao Marks!”

He has the heart to take this Dao Marks for himself, but now that the magic sounds roar, he has no means.

“Fáng Family has Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s inheritance and the Immortal Gu Home Thieves Den. If I use it, can I steal Dao Marks here as my own?” Fang Yuan was inspired and inspired.

Insanity Demon Lair The immortal materials here are all over the place, but they are not used.

The root of the problem is that the Dao Marks in these immortal materials are all sorts of Dao Marks.

However, immortal materials are useless, but it is not Dao Marks useless!

Fang Yuan will count on the plan and start with Fáng Dizhang. Today’s Fáng Dizhang is already his clone.

From the soul of Fáng Dizhang, Fang Yuan searched out almost all the information of Fáng Family. Of course, it includes Thieves Den.

This is indeed Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s Immortal Gu Home, but it is very fragile, because it involves Stealing Dao, Fáng Family is not good at it. Fáng Family didn’t get the full content of Immortal Gu Home when it first got it, so Fáng Family has always been difficult to fix.

Today’s Thieves Den, the only way is to use a Stealing Dao immortal materials as a primer to instantly consume Stealing Dao Dao Marks in immortal materials, and then steal the outside Dao Marks.

The stolen Dao Marks must be attached to this Stealing Dao immortal materials. In the end, this immortal materials is full of disorganized Dao Marks, and no value for use.

This is very similar to the immortal materials in Insanity Demon Lair.

Thieves Den has the ability to steal the outside Dao Marks, but there is no means to use it. This is the main reason why Fang Yuan did not find ways to bring Thieves Den to his body.

“But in this case, it is different.”

“When these same Dao Marks come together, I use Thieves Den to create the various immortal materials of the corresponding genre.”

“These immortal materials are all the same Dao Marks and should be available.”

Fang Yuan after thinking to this point, the chest is also involuntarily slightly warm.

If this method works, then he has a source of energy, manufacturing Rank 8, and even Rank 9 immortal materials!

This is a huge fortune!

Even Fang Yuan is hard to estimate.

The immortal materials produced are not only used for trade, but also for refining gu, but also comprehend the corresponding genre. For example, using these new Dao Marks, you can condense the immortal materials of Picture Dao, Pill Dao, and so on. These immortal materials have great reference for pioneering genres.

“However, the same kind of Dao Marks must be condensed, and it must be when the magic sounds raging.”

“At this time, the Immortal Move is very risky. Immortal Move is also the arrangement of Dao Marks. It is very likely that Dao Marks will be confused, Immortal Move will fail and trigger backlash.”

“Not to mention the Immortal Gu Home of the nest, I am afraid it can’t be taken directly. It is not a Paragon body. If it is taken out, it will be rejected and crushed!”

Fang Yuan calmed down.

There are still huge technical difficulties to complete his vision.

His current strong background is proud of the world, but there is no certainty.

In the end, Fang Yuan sighed, put this idea down temporarily and move on.

He began to step up.

Regardless of the torrent of Dao Marks in front, for him, it is like harmless light and shadow, such as the breeze.

Soon after, he was Dao Marks of saw Dream Dao.

Insanity Demon Lair is known as Vientiane, and Dream Dao’s Dao Marks is also included.

Fang Yuan cautiously stopped and tried it out and found that Dream Dao’s Dao Marks was equally harmless to human and animals.

This is just Dao Marks, not a dream. For the Paragon Immortal Body, it is more like a flowing immortal material.

If it is a dream, Fang Yuan will have to detour.

Fang Yuan walked straight ahead, all the way.

The magic sound was in the ear, causing some trouble for him. Fortunately, he has a good means of personal improvement. This ultimate move is very particular, and it can have long-term effects if it is motivated. Although the magic sound interferes, the long-term effects of the past have become very short. However, everything is within the limits of Fang Yuan’s.

Even if he is eroded by magic sounds, he is mad and killing, but this Jedi has no other life to threaten him.

Even if he hits the rock, the quality of the Paragon Immortal Body ensures his innocence.

Surrounded by raging colorful lights, there are no rules, sometimes like a tsunami, sometimes as a horse group, sometimes as a waterfall, sometimes as a bird, and Fang Yuan flies in it.

If Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters saw this scene, I am afraid that the chin will be shocked to fall to the ground.

This is not to subvert their Worldview, but to smash their Worldview directly!

Fang Yuan Go deep and walk to the depths of Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters Unimaginable.

When he finally got close to the entrance of the eighth layer, he snorted and slammed.

He actually saw three roads!

One road golden light is brilliant and Qi Luck is transpiration.

A road is too terrifying, killing intent is pervasive.

A road is simple and unpretentious.

Fang Yuan blinks bright light and instantly understands: “These three roads are probably Venerable’s traces, each filled with Luck Dao, Soul Dao, Earth Dao’s Dao Marks, should be respective respective Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable and Paradise Immortal Venerable !”

These three Venerables have been here!

The magic sounds are turbulent, Dao Marks is chaotic, and a horrible chaos is formed. The power is terrifying, and almost all of Gu Immortal can be wiped out, and no trace of residue will remain.

But Dao Marks on these three roads is very firm. Even with the torrents of various Dao Marks around, Dao Marks on the three roads at the moment of capricorn, rolling, and collision, are still standing still. Only occasionally the most marginal place, some Dao Marks stripped, as if it were debris.

Fang Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He knows that he owns the Paragon Immortal Body, and Dao Marks doesn’t swear, so he can come here, which is a coincidence.

But Venerable is different!

The Dao Marks on Venerable are mutually exclusive, and they are able to come here, which is the result of forcibly.

This is three Venerable’s supreme style!

Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters This and the others, talent, Realm is rare in the world, but still need to find a way to go.

Venerable is completely unnecessary.

They step on their feet and they are a supreme pathway!

It is not surprising that there is Venerable here. In fact, he has already made some predictions.

After all, Infinite Demonic Venerable is the character of Olden Antiquity Era, the third Venerable in history, second only to Genesis and Stars. His arrangement of Insanity Demon Lair has survived to this day. Although hidden, Insanity Demon’s Three Monsters can discover this secret. Why can’t others do it?

As Paragon in Gu Immortal, these Venerable each and every one Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, found that it is also sparsely normal.

Counting on the valueless inheritance, inheritance, no one found, just to leave it to yourself, it is the idea of ​​the youngster who is not deeply involved, believe oneself infallible.

People are ordinary, but everyone is also unique and unmatched. I have such an opportunity, why wouldn’t others have it?

“But why are there only three traces of Venerable’s?”

“The road left by these three Venerables, why is it only appearing near the entrance of the eighth layer?”

There are some doubts in my mind. Fang Yuan does not stop, he jumps directly into the entrance of the eighth layer.

The darkness in front of me is fleeting, a moment later, and Fang Yuan is down to earth.

“How come?” Fang Yuan stunned.

The scene of the Insanity Demon Lair eighth layer is far beyond his expectation, not the scene of the seventh layer.

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