The gloomy trench guards the grand formation!

Southern Border The great superpowers quickly realized this fact.

Righteous Path shocks!

The dream of the glimpse of the ditch is the greatest dream set in the Southern Border except for the Roundeous Heavenly Mountain.

Any genre has its own cultivation resource.

Dreams are clearly a unique resource for Dream Dao cultivation, with the mysteries of the Dream Dao genre.

Yi Yan Immortal’s “Prophecy of Three Venerables” predicts that the ready is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Gu Immortals knows the era of the future and is the era of Dream Dao. Therefore, any super-power has attached great importance to the dream and strictly guarded it.

“It’s too fast to get rid of the grand formation. Who is taking action?”

“According to the information conveyed by Gu Immortal in the previous battle, and our after-the-fact investigation, the enemy has only one person, and it is only Rank 7 Gu Immortal.”

“Just Rank 7 Gu Immortal, can you overcome such a grand formation? And it’s so fast?”

“This is indeed awkward. Are you saying that Fang Yuan is the devil again?”

“Is not very likely? If it is Fang Yuan’s, how are the dreams in the glimpse of the ditch still left? He has a means of turning dreams into human figures.”

Unlike the previous lifetime, Fang Yuan did not take away these dreams in the gully, but deliberately left them.

This move really caused the confusion of the Southern Border Righteous Path, which well covered the face of Fang Yuan’s.

For a time, Southern Border Gu Immortal World is speculating about Gu Immortal, who broke the grand formation. Who is it?

Who has the courage to take the initiative to challenge Southern Border Righteous Path?

Who has such a means to easily break through the Super Immortal Formation?

What is the purpose of this person? Purely against Southern Border Righteous Path? Have a hatred with Righteous Path? Or… Have some research on Dream Dao that has taken advantage of the dreams inside?

Among all Southern Border Righteous Paths, the most depressing is Chi Family’s Reved Great Elder, Chi Quyou.

There is a Dark Dao in the Immortal Formation of the glimpse trench, which Chi Quyou deliberately left behind. In order to prevent future dreams from being contested, he prepared for the rain, the secret intention of the special intention.

Fang Yuan attacked the grand formation that day, he quickly noticed and hesitated for “whether or not to use this Dark Dao.”

After all, this is his dark thoughts, and if it is unexposedly exposed, it will damage his reputation in the Southern Border Righteous Path.

However, when he was not aware of it and was trying to use Dark Dao, Fang Yuan’s Refining Dao ultimate move had destroyed this ability.

Chi Quyou is depressed!

Previous lifetime, after Fang Yuan exposed his identity, Chi Quyou made up his mind and had time to secretly transfer it to the grand formation.

However, this lifetime, Fang Yuan annexed Langya Blessed Land, and the strength of the same period skyrocketed quite sharply, and did not leave enough time for Chi Quyou.

In fact, Chi Quyou had a chance, but he hesitated and didn’t grasp it.

Of course, even if he passed the Dark Dao and sent it to Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan was not afraid.

Soon, Chi Quyou was even more depressed.

Because I don’t know where I came from, there are some gossips.

It is said that all the grand formations have been broken, so fast, it is difficult for the Righteous Path to have reinforcement time, because Chi Family has a traitor!

It is because this traitor reveals the secret of grand formation, which leads to the mysterious Gu Immortal smooth sailing to capture the grand formation.

“This is a rumor! This is filthy! My Chi Family must check it out and punish those who spread rumors!” Chi Quyou responded very quickly and immediately spoke publicly to show his position.

But the rumors flowed more violently, and there were many versions, some of which were obviously nonsense, but some of them were sloppy and provoked the ignorance of Righteous Path Gu Immortals.

Chi Quyou is angry and has a chest tightness in recent days.

These rumors hit him, and the image that he managed to manage was damaged. The prestige fell very badly.

“How could my Chi Family leak information? The behind-the-scenes black hands are really sinister!” Chi Quyou has repeatedly appeared and issued a statement.

He has regretted in his heart.

I knew that this situation is not as good as it was at the beginning.

“Even if Dark Dao is exposed, he is subject to criticism. But I can also catch the mysterious enemy and take him down!” Chi Quyou is confident in himself, because in his opinion, the other party is one Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

In addition to his speculation, in addition to the evidence, Chi Quyou also has his own method of identification – if the enemy is Rank 8, it will be straightforward to appear, why bother to shrink like this, so mysterious?

Gu Immortal of some Righteous Path comforted him and expressed his belief in Chi Family.

But there are also some Rightse Path Gu Immortal, for example, Yang Family, which Chi Family has never dealt with, is very unfriendly.

“It is also a human nature to guard against self-stealing.”

“Our Yang Family lost the most! Yang Sanmu is an expert in Rank 7! He is too fast to defeat, which is extremely abnormal. It is obvious that someone has leaked detailed information.”

There is also Yang Family Gu Immortal directly accounting for Chi Quyou: “Since Chi Quyou adults say that you are innocent, the grand formations disclosed in the rumors are detailed and true. How do you explain this?”

Chi Quyou is speechless, and he is very puzzled about it.

He is still righteous and resolute, and his attitude is firm: “This does not need to be explained! Because the grand formation has the body, not only my Chi Family is familiar. To be suspicious, but the super family involved is possible.”

Say what Chi Family out of the traitor, this black pot is too big and too heavy, Chi Quyou secretly swears: even if he kills himself, he will never back!

“If there is a traitor, I must cramp his skin and break his bones every inch!” Chi Quyou cursed.

He hates the mysterious enemy, and hates it more than the Chi Family traitor that may exist!

The irony is that Chi Family really has a traitor, and this traitor is still himself!

Of course, this is the thing of Fang Yuan previous lifetime.

Even Chi Quyou doesn’t know it.

In other words, he is such a Predicament that he is actually harmed by himself.

But no matter how Chi Quyou distinguishes, how to perseverance his own position, the unfavorable rumors about Chi Family are getting more and more widespread and intensifying.

“This posture does not seem to be the enemy of the to break array. I am afraid that there are other Southern Border forces in the fight. Yang Family is definitely indispensable.”

Chi Quyou is very angry, Rao is his Rank 8 cultivation base, Formation Dao Great Grandmaster, and at the moment, this situation is also awkward and helpless.

In the rules of the game of Righteous Path, the cultivation base does not represent everything.

“For the present, only have one method, that is to catch the initiator!”

“Yes. As long as I catch him and dig out the truth, I want to shut up the Southern Border Righteous Path!”

Chi Quyou almost yelled at the exit number: 呜hu! Also I am innocent, still my fame!

If you really let him find out the real murderer, don’t know what expression he will have, what will happen.

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