Langya Earth Spirit sighed and continued: “each Venerable is an invincible character, talented, inborn talent, and can’t judge them with any common sense. This underestimation is ignorant for ourselves. They are insults!”

Fang Yuan nodded, he can’t help but recall the battle of previous lifetime.

Every Venerable’s take action can easily change the big picture and overturn all the efforts of Gu Immortal.

Think about how powerful Duke Long is, but with Venerable means, there is no power to resist at all!

“In terms of Dao Marks, the difference between the scales of Rank 8 and Rank 9 Dao Marks is not that great. But in fact, the gap between Rank 8 and Rank 9 Gu Immortal is huge and desperate, it’s entirely because of people and people. Different.”

“Gu are the true essences of Heaven and Earth, Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways. There is no invincible Gu insect or ultimate move, only invincible characters…”

“Think about Infinite Demonic Venerable. When he is Rank 6, Dao Marks has the scale of Rank 8. So when he becomes Rank 9, how big is Dao Marks?”

Fang Yuan feels that she can’t estimate.

Everything’s routine, common sense, is not applicable to Venerable.

Red Lotus Demon Venerable can be reborn infinitely, Infinite Demonic Venerable many Dao Marks is shocking, Constellation Immortal Venerable calculation Heaven and Earth influence history…

These Venerables are all inextricable.

At least for now, this is the case for Fang Yuan.

In fact, in the battle of defending, Fang Yuan killed Thunder Ghost True Monarch and Chen Yi and snatched Feng Jiuge’s Fixed Immortal Travel Gu. But what is the real biggest outcome?

It is a means of consuming the Original Lotus Immortal Venerable’s –

Cause Arrive, Effect Depart ultimate move !

Previous life, Chen Yi is relying on this trick, defying Undefeatable Blessed Land, and winning the critical time, let Fang Yuan, Wu Yong, Bing Saichuan and the others forcibly stop, missed the last chance to turn over.

“Now I have consumed Cause Arrive, Effect Depart ultimate move in advance, but who knows how many of these Venerable’s means!”

“Maybe because of the impact of my rebirth, it will trigger more Venerable means.”

“With the advantage of rebirth alone, I will continue to accumulate, I will be stronger than the previous lifetime. However, it is still very uninsured. Who knows if there will be a Venerable’s means at a critical moment?”

“If you want to destroy Fate Gu, you can’t just take care of yourself and you have to collect some Venerable’s means.”

Fang Yuan is constantly thinking about planning.

A few days later.

Southern Border, the glimpse of the trench.

It used to be the Shadow Sect’s camp and was occupied by Fang Yuan. Later, Southern Border Gu Immortal teamed up and surrounded, Fang Yuan self-exploded a large number of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, forming a dream, successfully delaying the time, and finally to escape.

Thus there are a lot of dreams left here, and Southern Border Gu Immortal has arranged grand formation here to watch and study the dreams.

Fang Yuan quietly arrived near.

He ignited a Refining Dao ultimate move, which immediately caused heavy rain and spilled over the grand formation of Southern Border Gu Immortal.

The grand formation works to resist drizzle.

“Who is attacking me?”

“hmph, we have this grand formation!”

“Yes, anyone who wants to Raiders here is a delusion.”

The Southern Border Gu Immortal, which is guarded here, mainly consists of Yang Sanmu, Chi Qiu and Xia Fan. They are attacked by mysterious attacks and they are immediately vigilant.

Soon, they easily discovered Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan didn’t hide the meaning of figure. In fact, he played such an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and the breath continued to spurt out, and he couldn’t hide it.

The only thing that Fang Yuan has seen is Wu Yong.

However, Fang Yuan used the Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move to change his appearance.

If it is the true face, don’t you scare the Gu Immortal who guards here?

“It’s one Rank 7 Gu Immortal! But I don’t know who it is, his breath belongs to Southern Border, which should be the Gu Immortal of the hidden cultivator.” In the grand formation, Xia Fan can’t tell the true face of Fang Yuan’s, guessing the way. .

At this time, the source of this 已经 has been completely unblocked, annexed by Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan became the real Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

But he deliberately changed, still pretend to be Rank 7 breath.

His Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move was greatly improved during the last time of the previous lifetime. Now Southern Border Gu Immortal has no way of discovering the truth.

In order to prevent the ink effect from increasing and to maintain his own rebirth, Fang Yuan chose to be the same as the previous lifetime, still attacking the Immortal Formation here.

At the same time, hide your own Rank 8 cultivation base, one is to guard against Heavenly Court, and the other is to easily seduce Southern Border Gu Immortal.

According to the memory of previous lifetime, this will continue, and Southern Border Gu Immortal will team up to kill Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan If the Rank 8 cultivation base is exposed, it is definitely not just Xia Cha, a Rank 8 Gu Immortal is involved in the pursuit.

Fang Yuan, of course, wants to show the enemy weak!

The drizzle fluttered, and soon it expanded into large accumulations of rain and penetrated into the grand formation.

In the array, Chi Qiu is slightly discolored: “What is this Refining Dao ultimate move? It is actually possible to refine our grand formation! This will not work.”

Fang Yuan annexed Langya Blessed Land, assured Long Haired Refining Dao True Inheritance, and a large number of Immortal Gu.

Among them, there are three Rank 8 Immortal Gu, which are Water Refining, Refining and Upgrade refining.

The three Immortal Gus are Refining Dao Gu insects. They are simply used, without any lethality, just the nature of support.

Among them, the strong Immortal Gu can directly refine others Immortal Gu, originally the core of the Refine Furnace Immortal Gu Home, but was snatched away when the Shadow Sect invaded. This game of Race 8’s Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus was also damaged, falling after the war fell the Rank 7 level.

Rank 8 upgrade refining Immortal Gu has always been at the heart of Long Haired Refining Dao grand formation.

The Rank 8 Water Refining Immortal Gu is hidden in the water. Until now, Langya Earth Spirit uses this and other support Gu insects to form Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which converts Refining Dao and Water Dao’s Dao Marks from Langya Blessed Land into water.

The plan of Langya Earth Spirit is to accumulate these refining waters to a certain extent and form the Refinement Sea!

The Refinement Sea is a man-made Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. Once you become a fairy, you can replenish yourself.

This is a very large plan, the consumption of Refining Dao’s Dao Marks, financial resources, energy and time are extremely large.

After Fang Yuan annexed Langya Blessed Land, he immediately put the plan wisely and took out the Water Refining Immortal Gu.

The ultimate move used by Fang Yuan is based on the Rank 8 Water Refining Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan took a lot of Gu insect support and covered the Rank 8 breath, pretend to be Rank 7.

This is also a weak tactic to show the enemy.

“No, this Rank 7 ultimate move, how can we get rid of our grand formation.” Chi Qiu with a proud tone said.

This grand formation is the Chi Family laying, Chi Qiu is Chi Family Gu Immortal, naturally has a arrogance, and is confident in his own Immortal Formation.

“Look, grand formation is working on its own. Without us taking action, we can perfectly restrain the enemy and let the Refining Dao ultimate move come back.” Chi Qiu smiled.

However, soon, the smile on Chi Qiu’s face disappeared.

The grand formation has changed several times, but no matter how it changes, it doesn’t matter how Refining Dao ultimate move. The precipitation of the previous Rank has become heavy rain.

The heavy rain was eroded extremely severely.

From time to time, Gu Immortal reported that his tone and look were very anxious. Because a lot of mortal gu are in the rain, they are refined by the enemy.

However, this grand formation initial stage can only run on its own, and Gu Immortal has no ability to operate.

This is the Southern Border Gu Immortal’s lesson from the Battle of Heavenly Mountain Dreams. In order to prevent the infiltration of the likes of Fang Yuan, the situation of the discovered Immortal Formation reappears, and the special intention is arranged like this.

Chi Qiu is helpless, jaw clenches, with an incredible expression: “How is it possible? What is this Refining Dao ultimate move, my family’s grand formation is useless?!”

Chi Qiu is just stunned.

In general, Refining Dao does not have such an advantage for Formation Dao.

However, the appearance of Fang Yuan’s Formation Dao is also extremely outstanding!

And more importantly, Fang Yuan is also very familiar with this guardian grand formation.

Despite the previous lifetime, this grand formation did cause a lot of trouble for Fang Yuan, but then Fang Yuan was forced to seduce and Chi Quyou compromised. Chi Quyou became the biggest traitor of Southern Border, and informed the details of this grand formation. Yuan.

Chi Qiu This poor child will never think that his grand formation is transparent and the bottom is completely exposed. And as a traitor, it is still his home’s Reved Great Elder!

Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated, not to mention Fang Yuan is still the Rank 8 ultimate move.

In a short while, the Southern Border Gu Immortals in the grand formation, like the ants in the hot pot, rushed straight.

“What to do? What to do! The speed of the other party’s refine is getting faster and faster!”

“Who is he? With such an extreme move, it’s no wonder that he has the confidence to take the initiative to attack.”

“The speed of the opponent’s refine Gu insect is getting faster and faster, we can’t keep up with his speed. At the last moment, even if we can achieve the grand formation, I am afraid it is already late.” Chi Qiu wiped the cold sweat on his head.

“Formation Dao really didn’t work.” Xia Fan coldly snorted, in exchange for Chi Qiu’s contempt.

Xia Fan doesn’t care, look at towards Yang Sanmu, suggested: “It’s imperative that we send Gu Immortal out, interfere with the enemy’s extreme move, change Gu insect for us, restore grand formation for time.”

He is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal and has the responsibility to make a plan.

Yang Sanmu nodded, as a leader, he must stand up at this time: “That will be played by me, and I will be tempted.”

Fang Yuan is mysterious, but Yang Sanmu is also very strong.

He is Soul Dao Gu Immortal and is a well-known expert in Southern Border Rank 7. The refraction Dao genre has the advantage of refining gu, and other aspects are weaker than the usual genre.

Xia Fan is delighted: “Maybe the sheep brother will kill the enemy directly and set the battle.”

Yang Sanmu gave him a glance and flew out of the grand formation.

He took the initiative to find Fang Yuan: “Come on!”

“Eh!” Yang Sanmu defeated.

“How can it like this strong?” Yang Sanmu was captured.

After a while, the grand formation was broken by Fang Yuan. Although the grand formation has a transfer arrangement, Fang Yuan takes the Refining Dao method and directly refines it, first destroying the transfer capability of the grand formation.

Gu Immortal, who was guarded in the grand formation, did not run away, and was captured by Fang Yuan.

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