Chi Quyou is so old, normally hosting Chi Family size and worrying about it. Dedicated to the arrival of Grand Era, it is necessary to cultivate the heirs of the device.

To be honest, Chi Quyou is not easy, and these rumors have given him eye drops!

Chi Quyou groaned with a sulking anger and anger, waiting for Fang Yuan to jump out again.

As the chief culprit of Fang Yuan, these days lived very calm, peaceful and fulfilling.

He is running his own Immortal Aperture.

Immortal Aperture is the foundation of one Gu Immortal, Immortal Aperture is not well managed, and the strong Gu Immortal is rootless duckweed.

Langya Blessed Land has been completely integrated into Paragon Immortal Aperture. After the original seal is unwrapped, it is quickly merged and annexed by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan made Langya Earth Spirit in the forefront and changed all the covenants with nonhuman Gu Immortal. The new Covenant is rigorous and binding, and defines the rights of Fang Yuan unsurpassed. The remaining nonhuman Gu Immortal are vassals and subordinates.

And stipulates that all nonhuman Immortal Aperture, after its sacrifice, must be incorporated into Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Therefore, Fang Yuan’s Paragon Celestial Grotto has added a lot of Blessed Land. These Blessed Lands are all from the bad luck child who died in the hands of Chen Yi.

Hairyman Gu Immortals was horrified, but Langya Earth Spirit had a high prestige and, with the cooperation of Sixth Hair, comforted them.

The rest of the nonhuman Gu Immortals is certainly less willing, but the strength of Fang Yuan is here, they can’t resist, they can only endure silently.

Of course, Fang Yuan, a guy of rigorous schemes and deep foresight, is playing with political wrists, and he doesn’t want much more than Wu Yong.

He also stipulated himself in the covenant: to cultivate nonhuman in the future, without any prejudice. When the Covenant came into effect, he gave many benefits to these nonhuman Gu Immortal on the spot.

Moreover, he secretly took some of the nonhuman Gu Immortal to Stone Lotus Island, allowing them to enjoy the Future Body ultimate move and broaden their horizons.

The nonhuman Gu Immortals are shocking, and they know that behind Fang Yuan, they still stand the most mysterious Red Lotus Demon Venerable in history!

This time, they have no idea of ​​rebellion!

Of course, people like Xue’er and Bing Zhuo, Fang Yuan did not let them enjoy the Future Body. Because according to the ink effect, Fang Yuan previous lifetime has killed them, they do not exist downstream of the River of Time, they have no future.

It is also very simple to deceive them. Fang Yuan tells them directly: Stone Lotus Island has limits, and Future Body ultimate move needs to continue to build up and brew.

In the covenant, they must be sincere to Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan can keep the secret.

This is of course unfair.

But under the wrist of Fang Yuan radish, these nonhuman Gu Immortal had to bow their heads.

In fact, Fang Yuan really wants to develop these nonhuman.

There are three main reasons for this.

First, the number of nonhuman is much higher, and Longevity Gu is much more productive. At this point, it is not too early for Fang Yuan to plan ahead.

Second, Fang Yuan began to try to understand Human Dao. Supporting more of Human Race and nonhuman is very helpful for him to understand Human Dao.

Third, it is related to nonhuman ethnic inheritance.

At that time, Human Race Immortal Venerable and Demon Venerable appeared one after another, suppressing and slaughtering the top ten nonhuman races. The prospect of nonhuman was bleak and desperate. Nonhuman realized that it’s not looking good, all of them united to set up ethnic inheritance, buried the best treasures of the entire race, left to future generations, and left a hope for the present.

According to nonhuman’s understanding: Fate Gu belongs to Heavenly Dao, and there is not enough damage. “Human Dao is fashionable” we recognize, but it is impossible to always “Human Dao”.

The understanding of nonhumans is certainly not a mistake, but they did not expect Constellation Immortal Venerable to be too close to the skin.

As a result, Human Race has always been popular, nonhumans are dumbfounded and have been suppressed.

However, this is very beneficial for Fang Yuan.

According to the information disclosed by Langya Earth Spirit:

When the number of nonhuman races and the number of Gu Immortal reaches a certain number, these ethnic inheritances will emerge and be directly given to nonhuman to help these nonhuman rise and grow.

In the past, nonhuman did not rise and grow, so these racial inheritance should retain the greater part.

According to the Langya Earth Spirit’s speculation, one of Hairyman’s racial inheritance is Undefeatable Blessed Land!

Undefeatable Blessed Land is at Maojiao Mountain, but Heavenly Court found it, but it was extremely difficult. The Heavenly Court, where the talents are so vast and talented, there is no way to take Undefeatable Blessed Land.

In the end, they relied on the Human Dao approach to take a different approach and intercept some of the wealth of Undefeatable Blessed Land. But there isn’t a Heavenly Court Gu Immortal that can really step into this closed Blessed Land. Nothing is known about Undefeatable Blessed Land.

Previous lifetime ,Fang Yuan Even if Maojiao Mountain is destroyed, Undefeatable Blessed Land is still intact.

As such, Undefeatable Blessed Land’s magical discover mystery can be seen, and it is speculated that the racial inheritance of the major nonhuman is mysterious and Transcendent.

This is also why, although Fang Yuan has Fixed Immortal Travel and improved the related ultimate move, it still does not go to Maojiao Mountain.

According to the memory of previous lifetime, this time period, Heavenly Court has not laid the Nine Baguenaudiers Continuous Formation in Maojiao Mountain.

But even so, Fang Yuan used the Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move to raid, and there was no good way for Undefeatable Blessed Land.

“Heavenly Court seems to have a way to destroy Undefeatable Blessed Land, but I don’t have it for the time being.”

“Even if there is, Fairy Ziwei will not be prepared here? The risk of raiding there is really too great!”

Fang Yuan gave up the idea of ​​raiding Maojiao Mountain after careful consideration.

This idea is too risky, too underestimating the IQ of the opponent, and also violates the style of Fang Yuan’s cautious behavior.

After the merger of Langya Blessed Land, Fang Yuan has gained a lot.

Without mentioning others, he has benefited a lot from intelligence.

The nonhuman race inheritance is an example that is close at hand.

Langya Blessed Land has a long history, and inheritance has been three more than 100,000 years.

How long does Fang Yuan become a fairy? Even with five hundred years of previous life, there are no six hundred years.

Langya Earth Spirit knows a lot of historical secrets. Before he is annexed, he won’t be heartbroken with Fang Yuan, but now he knows everything and says nothing.

A few days later.

Southern Border, above the river beach.

The green gleam quietly emerges, followed by the production of each and every one green bubbles.

The temperament of the Rank 7 ultimate move quickly swayed and spread to all around.

“this aura?” is guarded at the heart of the river, is one of the Chi Family’s one-rank 6 Gu Immortal, he presided over the grand formation, and soon realized the ultimate move.

But before he could act, these green bubbles would slap on their own.

Every bubble disintegrates, and there is a thick green light that spreads like a flowing water.

A large number of bubbles dissipated and replaced by a large group of rich green streams.

Ambilight, suddenly bursting out of the glaring of the rays of light, it is unsightly.

The glare came quickly and quickly. When the green light disappeared, there was no trace left, and a silhouette appeared in midair.

He is azure robe, with a crown like a jade, a tall nose and a pretty, beautiful. The skin is white like snow, the eyes are deep and deep like a lake, and a long hair falls like a waterfall to the waist, and the hair is black and bright.

Chi Family Rank 6 Gu Immortal, who is here, sees the appearance of the guest. He suddenly has a big mouth, like a sly, horrified, and cold and sweaty: “Fang Yuan?!”

Fang Yuan has fled the Thunder Ghost True Monarch and hung up her three sternum in Treasure Yellow Heaven. His fame has been pressed against Feng Jiuge and become the recognized Rank 7 number one person. It has the fighting power of Rank 8!

After the defense, Heavenly Court lost. Although Fairy Ziwei concealed the news of the death of Chen Yi and Thunder Ghost True Monarch, he took responsibility and publicized the result of the defeat of Heavenly Court invading Langya Blessed Land.

Feng Jiuge was attacked by Fang Yuan, and half of the images of Immortal Gu were stolen, and she was placed directly in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

As a result, everyone knows that Fang Yuan not only owns the Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel Gu, but also annexes Langya Blessed Land and may have mastered the means of stealing Immortal Gu!

After defeating Feng Jiuge, Fang Yuan’s momentum was consolidated and even better, and it became the talk of Gu Immortal before and after the tea.

Chi Family Rank 6 Gu Immortal See Fang Yuan This Great Demon appears, where can I stay?

“Fast, fast, fast, and faster!” He immediately ran grand formation, sent away, and fled.

Fang Yuan is still enjoying the just-being Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Cui Liuzhu.

Based on Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel, this ultimate move uses almost all of the Space Dao Immortal Gus in Fang Yuan, many Refining Dao Immortal Gus, and a large number of support mortal gus.

Fang Yuan annexed Langya Blessed Land, achieved Rank 8, Dao Marks rose, and simply Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu, could not drive him. Only when the ultimate move is built, the power can skyrocket and can barely be transmitted.

Previous lifetime, he also conceived the Space Dao ultimate move, with the core of Fixed Immortal Travel, driving the Rank 8 cultivation base.

However, there is a lot of difference between the ultimate move and the ultimate move of the previous lifetime.

The previously lifetime Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move is the Space Dao ultimate move , but this lifetime is a compositeult move of Space Dao and Refining Dao.

One of the reasons is that the Previous Life’s Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move was created by Fang Yuan after extorting the Southern Border Righteous Path and then exchanged a number of specific Space Dao Rank 7 Immortal Gu. But this lifetime, Fang Yuan has not yet ambushed Xia Cha, let alone the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal.

In the Fang Dao Immortal Gu of Fang Yuan’s hand, most of them are from the inventory of Langya Blessed Land. Rank 6 is mostly and is not systematic.

Fang Yuan simply combined with Refining Dao Immortal Gu to greatly improve it.

With the power of Refining Dao, Fang Yuan’s Refining Dao’s Dao Marks is no longer a drag on delivery.

This is the benefit of a composite extreme move.

But the compoundult move is much more difficult to calculate. Fang Yuan is a quick refinement with Quasi Supreme’s Refining Dao Realm and Wisdom Halo.

Fang Yuan keeps on the gradual overflow of thoughts in his mind.

Several hundred li range, the mountains and mountains are facing each other. Just below him is a flat land, hundreds of acres in size, with numerous smog.

Fang Yuan, a little finger, the group flies out, the momentum is fierce and mighty.

It is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ten Thousand Flood Dragon!

Fang Yuan has also become a Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, and it is quite convenient to display the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon.

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon rushed into the smoke and easily shredded the underlying grand formation.

Like the previous lifetime, Chi Family Gu Immortal, who is stationed in the grand formation, has long since ran.

Fang Yuan lightly smiled, which is in his expectation, is also one of his motives for deliberately revealing his identity.

The memory of previous lifetime, let him know the weakness of Chi Family Gu Immortal here, this lifetime attack is just emulation, the effect is still good.

Of course, Fang Yuan also had to reveal his identity.

Because he used Fixed Immortal Travel, and then he used the relevant ultimate move repeatedly, and he couldn’t help himself.

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