The blue sky is like a wash, and the white clouds are like snow.

Autumn grassland, sound of the wind whistling. Under the sun, the grass is undulating, and a wave of golden is set off.

Surrounded by this wave, there is a huge lacquered Hei Cheng pool.

If you take a bird’s eye view from a high altitude, the city is large in layout and rigorous in structure.

The outer city wall, like the use of each and every one huge stone to build Lei, black as ink, the surface of the stone is raining and blowing, marking the vicissitudes of time.

The entire city wall is a regular hexagon, which stands on the grassland. The city wall has a circumference of more than two hundred miles, a height of nearly ten zhang, and a thick feet, and a majestic height. Ordinary people stand on the grassland, and they can see a dark giant beast far away, lingering in the lush grasslands. Standing close, you have to look up at the towering city wall and the huge city gate.

Each corner of the city wall has a tower for the archery hole densely packed.

Everyever every li, there is a wide road to the city.

There is also a very secret Tibetan cave in the city wall.

For mortals, the city wall alone is impregnable. In the battle of Northern Plains’ Royal Court, this majestic city wall also resisted the Gu Master army for more than a dozen times and never collapsed.

Crossing the city wall is the bustling World in the city.

In this city, there are more than eight 100,000 populations, all of them Gu Master.

The streets in the city are horizontal and vertical, with shops, palaces and houses. The traffic is soaring and flowing. The voice is full of people and prosperity.

A special case is that Inkman is firmly in the majority of the urban population.

Walking in the streets, Human Race is rare, and Inkman is everywhere.

This is a city that belongs to Inkman.

It is unique in Northern Plains and even in the Five Regions!

This is the city of Inkman!

Hong long long ……

The dull loud noise came suddenly, and then a violent earthquake followed, and suddenly broke the peace and order in the city.

“what happened?”

“Is the land cracked? From the beginning in recent years, there have been rumors that the earth will suddenly crack open, forming a huge trench, which can reach the center of the earth!”



For a time, the city was in chaos, and countless mortals were running around, rushing, and the chickens flew.

In the smoke and toss, most of the houses and city walls of the entire Inkman City emit a halo.

Subsequently, Inkman City slowly took off and went up to the sky.

“My mother! Inkman city fly, fly up?!”

“don’t tell me The rumor is true? Is this Inkman city really a Mortal Gu Home?”

“My God! This big Mortal Gu Home is just unheard of!”

Everyone is shocked and shocked.

Just then, an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move flew out and scattered into the sky, covering the entire Inkman city.

“Sleep, sleep for a while.” Fang Yuan smiled and hung in the clouds.

Standing next to him is an Inkman male fairy.

He is the Inkman city lord, the king of the Northern Plains Inkman, and the Rank 6 Gu Immortal Mo Tansang.

He is also one of the only two Gu Immortals in Inkman City.

Under Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao Immortal Move, the people of Inkman City fell into deep sleep, and the entire city was quiet.

The Inkman City became smaller and smaller, and after a while, it was successfully drilled into Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture.

“This Inkman City has a population of eight more than 100,000, which was created by the year of Inkman Legendary Gu Immortal Yi Yan Immortal and has grown to this day.”

“Central Continent has the first city of Human Race, Sovereign City, and my Inkman city is equivalent to a small half of Sovereign City.”

Fang Yuan recruited Inkman Gu Immortal and certainly won’t let go of this Inkman’s biggest foundation.

“From now on, you are still the city lord of Inkman City. Try to develop and cultivate more Inkman Gu Immortal. My Paragon Immortal Aperture space is wide enough to let you show your talent.” Fang Yuan smiled at Mo Tansang Road .

Mo Tansang was so excited that he immediately bowed to Fang Yuan: “Mo Tansang is willing to assist Fang Yuan adults and do their best to manage Inkman City.”

“Well, you go in too.” Fang Yuan smiled.

Mo Tansang obediently drilled into Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture.

He followed Inkman City and landed directly in the Little Western Desert.

Fang Yuan has already chosen the address.

Askman fell, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the sleeping people began to wake up. Mo Tansang regular and thorough issued orders to preside over the overall situation and maintain the stability of Inkman City.

Mo Tansang’s mood is actually very complicated. In the face of Fang Yuan, he did not dare to have the slightest impudent.

Mo Tansang has been in contact with Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan at that time was only the Rank 6 cultivation base. Mo Tansang also sold Taibai Yunsheng and gave the latter nine Cloud Ring Mortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Nowadays, Taibai Yunsheng is no longer alive, and Fang Yuan has a Rank 8 cultivation base, a terrifying battle strength, and a record of Hehe, which makes him unable to resent a heart.

Fang Yuan came to receive Inkman City, and Mo Tansang was informed in advance that the whole process was actively coordinated.

Fang Yuan is laughed in the heart.

“Mo Tansang is a personal talent.”

“I remember five hundred years of previous life, this person leader Inkman City, cultivated a number of Inkman Gu Immortal, and Ma Hongyun equal cooperation. Taking advantage of the Five Regions chaos, not only up their own cultivation base, but also Inkman city Expanded hundreds of places, distributed Northern Plains!”

“With him in charge of Inkman City, there is no hostile force in the Little Western Desert, and the development prospects are bright.”

Mo Tansang is a full-fledged male. Not only is it unique, it is decisive, and it can be stretched, not to be underestimated.

Just give him a chance, he can turn over and even create a miracle.

It can be said that he is a small one, Wu Yong. Just because of nonhuman identity, without a good cultivation environment, until now the situation is very difficult.

Just give him a platform, his development will never be like this.

Fang Yuan 骞 笉鎷呭 笉鎷呭 笉鎷呭 笉鎷呭. 澶э纴Key rudder

杩欐槸expert 忥纴涔熸槸 忥纴涔熸槸Fang Yuan鈥檚镊﹄俊銆

Tan 畻 Tan Mo Tansang 鍐嶅浣曟垚闀匡纴Fang Yuan 涔熺浉淇¤嚜宸辫兘澶熼┚椹粬锛屾 鍒 粬锛岃浠栦 粬锛岃浠栦 粬锛岃浠栦 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 鐢ㄣ 鐢ㄣ €

鍏跺疄杩佸緳Inkman 鍩庤 umbrella chain 夎澶氶闄╃殑銆

Emerald 笉瀹欻 eavenly Court 鏂 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 涔埚煁浼忋 傛垨 傛垨 呰 呰 呰 呰 呰 呰 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 鍙傛垬 Inkman Gu Immortal 镄勮窡鑴 纴灏槸鏉ヨ嚜浜嶪 槸鏉ヨ嚜浜嶪 nkman 鍩庯纴闾d箞蹇呭畾浼氭兂鍒癋ang Yuan 浼 浼  Inkman 鍩庝笅 嬨 嬨

Thus 锛屽摢镐旽eavenly Court 鏂 溃 do do not act 锛屽彧瑕丗airy Ziwei 灏呜 umbrella 涓秷鎭憡鐭ongevity Heaven 锛孡ongevity Heaven take action Fang Yuan 涔熶 夊ぇ楹荤 夊ぇ楹荤Storage

Yuan垢杩愮殑鏄纴Fang Yuan 銮峰缑浜咺nkman 鍩庯纴涓€鍒回兘寰堥『渚匡纴骞舵病链変粈涔坰all tricks 鍑虹幇銆

Fang Yuan 綋杩呴 熸挙绂 熸挙绂 屼粬镄凾 屼粬镄凾 屼粬镄凾 屼粬镄凾 Dae clone 鍒栾缮鍦↙ angya Earth Spirit 韬 銆 銆

Long Haired Refining Dao grand formation 姝e 湪杩愯 湪杩愯 褰

Langya Earth Spirit 浜茶嚜manipulates grand formation 锛屽Fang Yuan clone 姹囨姤阆掳细鈥滃啀杩囦竴涓湀镄勬椂闂达纴鐞呯悐 chain簮镄剆eal 灏辫兘鍏ㄩ瑙瑙i櫎浜嗐€傗€

Fang Yuan clone slightly nod 锛岃瀵熺潃grand formation 銆

姣忎竴涓狪mmortal Aperture folding lessed Land 杩樻槸鍐ぉ锛岄兘浼氭湁涓€涓狪mmortal Aperture chain 簮銆

Immortal Aperture chain 涓狪€涓狪mmortal Aperture 镄勬牴鍩恒佹牴佹牴 chain

鍙戝睍Immortal Aperture 锛屽 骞跺叾浠朓mmortal Aperture 锛岄兘浼 argon. 澶mmortal Aperture chain

Immortal Aperture chain key 呰鎶 皟鍑 mm 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 mm mm mm mm mm 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 潵锛屽ソ涓嶅鏄撶粡钀ヨ捣鏉ョ殑 锛 锛 锛 Im岀┖闂 悗缂╋纴鍏冩皵绋 钖勶纴涓囩墿鍑嬮浂銆

Immortal Aperture chain ssence spring 锛孏u Immortal 镄刬mmortal essence 灏 槸浠嶪mmortal Aperture chain 簮涓哜镵氲€€

鐞呯悐Immortal Aperture originally 鏄疪ank 8 镄凛elestial Grotto 锛孖mmortal Aperture 簮涔冩槸涔硍hite 镄勪竴锲€

Old Ancestor Long Haired 姝诲悗锛岀悈鐞奌eaven Spirit X 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 鎶楄 X X X X NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM硶銆

Heaven Spirit 锷ㄧ敤浜嗕竴璁癛efining Dao ultimate move 锛屽皢鐞呯悐 chain簮seal 璧锋潵锛岄檷钀戒竴涓眰绾э纴鍙樻垚 chain ed 镄凴ank 7 chain 簮銆

鐞呯悐Heaven Spirit 锲犳涔熻穼钀 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃 垚浜哃

涓嶈 姝 姝 e洜濡傛锛岀悈鐞奍mmortal Aperture 姝ゅ悗闱 镄凞 镄凞 isaster and Tribulation 閮 閮 閮 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 X X X X 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴

Fang Yuan 粖镄凴 粖镄凴ank 8 锛屽彧鏄吉 Rank 8 銆侱ao Marks 瑙勬ā鏄笂铡讳 锛屼絾鏄疘mmortal Aperture Chain 簮杩 彧鏄湵绾 (2) 湰婧愩€

鍙湁褰撶悈鐞婃湰婧愬交搴曡 灏侊纴杩灏侊纴杩 灏侊纴杩 鎴愪 鎴愪 锏絉 ank 8 chain 簮锛屽啀璁〧 ang Yuan 钖炲苟铻嶅悎钖庯纴 嶈兘鎴愪 嶈兘鎴愪Negative ank 8 Gu Immortal 锛孖mmortal Aperture 鏅嫔崌 Celestial Grotto 锛屼骇鍑篟ank 8 White Lychee Immortal Essence 銆

杩欑涓诲姩seal chain 簮锛岄檷浣嶪mmortal Aperture 绛夌骇镄勬 娈碉纴闱炲 娈碉纴闱炲 铡夊锛屾剰涔夋洿鏄瀬鍏堕 铡夊锛屾剰涔夋洿鏄瀬鍏堕 澶э紒

鍜屽 镞 Im Im u Immortal 澶 鏁 鏁 鏁 兘姝讳簬 兘姝讳簬 兘姝讳簬 兘姝讳簬 兘姝讳簬 兘姝讳簬 兘姝讳簬 emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon emon涔嬩笅锛岀暀涓婩ox Immortal Blessed Land 銆

Im 绉嶆 绉嶆 Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Sore Dao Marks 锛屼笉镐曡嚜宸辫窡涓崭笂Disaster and Tribulation 镄勮妭濂忋€

Fang Yuan 寰楀埌杩欎 嬫锛岄潪 嬫锛岄潪 嬫锛岄潪 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃 禐浜哃

浣哃angya Earth Spirit 鍗村憡璇変粬锛气沧垜鍙槸妯沧垜鍙槸妯沧垜鍙槸妯豢鈥檚all 锛屾湰浣撴槸浠嶩eavenly Thief Demonic Venerable Gallium umbrella pendant娈碉纴Key孒eavenly Thief Demonic Venerable 鏄垯浠嶪nfinite Demonic Venerable 镄刬nheritance 涓幏鍙栨潵镄勩€傝 Umbrella 涓猽ltimate move 镄勫师鐗堜箖鏄疞aw Da Da ultimate move 锛屽悕涓 榙 榙 榙 榙 榙 榙 榙 榙 榙 榙 悗鏉 悗鏉 悗鏉 悗鏉 悗鏉 垚 垚 垚 垚 垚 垚 垚 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖 鈥榖€傛垜鍙﹄笉杩囨槸灏嗗叾傛垜鍙﹄笉杩囨槸灏嗗叾鎴愪RefRefining Dao 锛屽畲鍏ㄧО涓崭笂浠€涔堟敼鑹垨Key呬紭鍖栵纴鍙槸绮楀姡镄勬ā浠裤傛墍浠ヤ篃镞犻闱(二)敼钖嶅瓧锛岀储镐镐皢鍓崭袱皢鍓崭袱呯殑钖岖钖堣捣鏉ワ纴绉钖堣捣鏉ワ纴绉钖堣捣鏉ワ纴绉箣涓箣涓斺斺摅Back one step boundless oceans, vast skies 銆傗€

Fang Yuan hearing that 锛屾劅鎱ㄤ笉宸诧纴娌°C兂鍒 涓 涓 涓 涓 娈 娈 潵澶 潵澶 潵澶 潵澶 潵澶 潵澶

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move 摅€摅raws back one step boundless oceans, vast skies 锛

寰堟槑鏄 寰堟槑鏄 鎷涘彧鏄痵 鎷涘彧鏄痵 port or or or mmortal Aperture 锛屽苟镞犱笣姣敾浼愬▉鑳 € €

浣嗗畠鍗 槸鏋佸叾瀹炵敤锛屼 槸鏋佸叾瀹炵敤锛屼 槸鏋佸叾瀹炵敤锛屼 珮寰楄 珮寰楄 珮寰楄 珮寰楄 珮寰楄 Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Gu Immortal World 锛孏u Immortal 忕粷瀵 忕粷瀵 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 鏆 Im Im Im

浠庤 涓﹄ 涓﹄ Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan In finite Infinite Demonic Venerable 銆丠 eavenly Thief Demonic Venerable 鈥檚 嶆儏鍜屽 嶆儏鍜屽 澶 澶

Chain 変 杩欎 嬫锛孖 finite finite nfinite Demonic Venerable 銆丠 eavenly Thief Demonic Venerable 瀹屽叏鍙 瀹屽叏鍙 浠庡鍦皌 ranscends tribulation acne Dao Marks 銆

Mort 嬫宸茬粡 Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im锛岃€屽彉寰楁屽彉寰楁鍒冩湁浣欙纴鍒冩湁浣欙纴鍒冩湁浣欙纴

鈥滈偅涔圛nfinite Demonic Venerable 銆丠eavenly Thief Demonic Venerable 瀹屽叏鍙 瀹屽叏鍙 become become a Venerable 涔嫔墠锛屽 绉 鍑篟 鍑篟 ank 9 Dao Marks 浜嗐€傗€卤ang Yuan 褰撴椂璇翠简杩欎箞涓€鍙ャ€

浣哃angya Earth Spirit 鍗村憡璇変粬锛气淢淢淢锛 浣犲お灏忕灖铡嗕唬Venerable 浜嗐€傛牴鎹瓾eavenly Thief Demonic Venerable 浜 彛杩 锛孖 nfinite Demonic Venerable鍦c/ou Master鈥檚镞跺鈥檚镞跺欙纴灏欙纴灏嫢嫢変 Jan Immortal level 镄凞ao Marks 銆傜瓑浠栨垚灏卢ank 6 锛屾檵鍗囨垚浠欙纴韬笂镄凞ao Marks宸茬粡 chain塕ank 8 peak 镄勫眰娆’ 銆傗€

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