Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Little White Heaven 锛孋loud Cover Continent 銆

鈥沧 庝箞锛宔 庝箞锛宔 one one one one ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang Onhuman Gu Immortals 銆

杩欎簺nonhuman Gu Immortal 涓纴chain塖nowman Gu Immortal Bing Yuan 锛屾湁Stoneman Gu Immortal Shi Zong 銆丼hi Shicheng 锛岃缮 chain塈nkman Gu Immortal Mo Q铆y spear

Live up to Fang Yuan鈥檚闄峰锛屽彧鍓╀笅杩椤洓浣峮onhuman Gu Immortal 銆

涓夊ぉ鍓嶏纴Fang Yuan 鎽呜劚浜咰rown Prince Feng Xian 镄勭籂缂犲悗锛屼 璁╄ Im u Immortals 濂 ソ ソ ソ 涓嬶纴寤 涓嬶纴寤 涓嬶纴寤 涓嬶纴寤 涓嬶纴寤 浠栦锷犲叆Langya School 锛岀粰浠栦 涓夊ぉ镞堕棿濂 涓夊ぉ镞堕棿濂 ソ鎯 ソ鎯 ソ鎯

粖锛屼笁澶╃殑镞堕棿宸茬粡杩囦备粖锛屼笁澶╃殑镞堕棿宸茬粡杩囦 銆

Fang Yuan鈥檚Time Dao clone 锛屽拰Langya Earth Spirit 涓€钖屾潵鍒版鍦like €

Bing Yuan and the others 鐩镐簰瀵 锛岄兘娌 锛岄兘娌 ° °

Fang Yuan Time Dao clone 蹇冧腑coldly snorted 锛岃劯涓婂嵈娴捣浜 ly 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 垏镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浠杇 one 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚 涔埚纴閮 彲浠ョ洿鎺ヨ鍑 彲浠ョ洿鎺ヨ鍑 潵銆傛垜浠兘鏄洘鍙嬶纴閮 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 鍟婏紒灏 鍟婏紒灏 畻鎴戝浠婃槸 畻鎴戝浠婃槸 畻鎴戝浠婃槸 畻鎴戝浠婃槸 畻鎴戝浠婃槸 畻鎴戝浠婃槸 Rank 8 Gu Immortal 浜嗭纴涔熶笉浼氭敼鍙桦寰卐veryone 镄勬€佸佸佸

Fang Yuan 杞‖镄嗘柦锛岀偣鏄庤嚜宸 槸 槸 Rank 8 镄勪簨瀹烇纴绗戝鍙 frame 锛岀粏缁嗗 fan forging pets 镒忓嵈寰堟 镒忓嵈寰堟 €

锲涗綅nonhuman Gu Immortal 钖 杩栾瘽锛岃劯鑹 杩栾瘽锛岃劯鑹 杩栾瘽锛岃劯鑹 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜

Fang Yuan 涔嫔墠鎸 简Thunder Ghost True Monarch 镄勪笁镙 兏 兏 ㄥ敭鍗栵纴宸 槸灏嗗 槸灏嗗 0 chain 涙嫈楂桡纴浠 onhumans reading

濡 粖浠栦 粖浠栦 锛屽垰鍒 锛屽垰鍒 锛屽垰鍒 浜咹 浜咹 aven aven aven aven aven aven aven human human human human human human human human human onhuman Gu Immortal 镄勭溂鍓嶆帴杩炴柀鏉 浜咹 aven aven aven aven aven aven aven avenや綅Rank 8 Gu Immortal 锛

Fang Yuan’s prestige has skyrocketed hundreds of times before, falling into the heart of nonhuman Gu Immortals, like a mountain in the sky.

His words before and after the war are completely different concepts.

Every word seems to be a heavy mountain, pressed against the hearts of four nonhuman Gu Immortal.

Seeing the four immortals silent, Fang Yuan also said with a smile: “I am also thinking about you. At the moment you are participating in the defense, Feng Jiuge has fled, the information leaked. According to the Heavenly Court Wisdom Dao, you will definitely be able to Calculate it. Staying with me is your best choice.”

The four nonhuman Gu Immortal looked at each other and their faces were bitter.

Fang Yuan said nothing wrong.

But once they joined Langya School, they lost their freedom.

This is totally different from the previous equality covenant.

Who would want to lose their freedom?

Fang Yuan said with a good voice, what joined Langya School? Four nonhuman Gu Immortal can understand: Now even the entire Langya School has been swallowed by Fang Yuan. The so-called Langya School is just a coverless skin. Essentially, it is to join Fang Yuan and become his subordinate!

Fang Yuan If it is Hairyman, that’s all.

The key is his Human Race Gu Immortal.

The four nonhuman Gu Immortal are certainly not willing to join a Human Race Gu Immortal.

But now the situation is very subtle and the situation is compelling.

Do not agree to Fang Yuan, I am afraid the consequences will be very bleak!

Fang Yuan clone The smile on his face gradually dissipated. He persuaded him with a faint tone: “Everyone, you think more! If I really want to be against you, killing you directly is, what resistance do you have? ”

Fang Yuan’s words are quite straight and bare, making the four nonhuman Gu Immortal look different.

They can’t refute Fang Yuan’s words.

Fang Yuan’s battle strength is definitely the Rank 8 level. With the Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, the Stoneman family still has an Immemorial Stone Dragon. What is the use?

Fang Yuan glanced and continued: “I am a Human Race Demonic Path Gu Immortal, but it is really a bad thing. Heavenly Court wants to kill me. What can I do besides resistance? You are my friends and family, I am It won’t be bad for you. After joining Langya School, we will be more closely united. If it is dispersed, Heavenly Court or Longevity Heaven will find you trouble and weaken our strength!”

Fang Yuan’s true words made the four nonhuman Gu Immortal feel a little calmer.

The Langya Earth Spirit on the side is chilling.

“Fang Yuan’s owner said it’s really the same! He obviously murdered them before, if not Master, how could the three families’ Gu Immortal die so much?”

“If I tell the truth, these four nonhuman Gu Immortal don’t know what kind of expression?”

In fact, the four nonhuman Gu Immortal are not stupid and savvy. They can lead their own ethnic groups to survive in the cracks of Human Race for so many years, showing their wisdom.

They actually doubted and guessed Fang Yuan produce, but they all put these doubts in their hearts and would never show a trace.

Today’s Fang Yuan is too strong!

The battle strength is stunned, and there is a training base for Rank 8, and the Five Regions are not to mention.

Heavenly Court has come to the fore, and it is even harder to sanction him.

Duke Long is a special case, forget about it.

In the face of such a Fang Yuan, nonhuman Gu Immortals fears at the same time, but with a hint of dependence.

“If you rely on Fang Yuan, should it be more stable than in the past?” The four nonhuman Gu Immortal have such thoughts in their hearts, only to a lesser extent.

As the saying goes The tree is so cool.

It is too dangerous to trust other Human Race Gu Immortal. But people who rely on Fang Yuan seem to work.

If they know, Fang Yuan will take the initiative to attack Central Continent in the future and attack Heavenly Court. I don’t know what it will be like.

“Since Fang Yuan is so kindly invited, my Snowman family absolutely believes in your sincerity. We will migrate to the Langya School!” After a moment of silence, Snowman Gu Immortal Bing Yuan was first promised.

The Rank 7 Gu Immortal is the great-grandmother of Fang Yuan fiancée Xue’er.

With this relationship, she is closer to Fang Yuan in her identity, and she first agreed.

With Bing Yuan breaking the deadlock, the rest of the three Gu Immortals quickly bowed and agreed to Fang Yuan, becoming a member of Langya School.

This is similar to previous lifetime.

These nonhuman Gu Immortal have joined the Langya School.

Only the previous lifetime is forced by Longevity Heaven, and they promised it very simply.

And this lifetime, is Fang Yuan personally forced, they considered three genius promised down.

The heads of the three different races agreed, and then the body of Fang Yuan went to the northern icefields and Inkman City, leaving the nonhumans left there. Oh, no, it was saved in Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Paragon Immortal Aperture, the next day.

North End of Little Northern Plains.

A pair of men and women, Gu Immortal, suspended at high altitude and overlooked the earth.

The male fairy looks common, but the eyes are dark and dark, and the Transcendent is gentle. It was the Yuan Yuan Soul Fragment that entered the former body and formed the Time Dao Rank 6 clone.

The female immortal is beautiful and beautiful. Her blue-blue hair, ice flesh, and exotic. It is the Imman’s Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan’s nominal fiancée Xue’er.

“Xue’er, I haven’t reached the body yet, I can only accompany you with clone. You won’t blame me?” Fang Yuan Time Dao clone apologizes, gently said.

Xue’er fanned his eyes wide, hurriedly said: “Fang, Beloved Fang, you can rest assured that Xue’er is the kind of girl who is not aware of it? With your clone, Xue’er is content.”

Xue’er puts his posture low.

Although Fang Yuan’s Time Dao clone is equal to her cultivation base, it is Rank 6, but Fang Yuan’s body is Rank 8’s Gu Immortal!

And now, the entire Snowman family lives in Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture. Just like her great-grandmother Bing Yuan, she is all in charge of Fang Yuan.

Time Dao clone Sees the attitude of Xue’er, can’t help but satisfactorily nod.

Xue’er asked: “I just don’t know Beloved Fang, why come with Xue’er here?”

“Hahaha, I will bring you a gift. Xue’er, look at the following.” Fang Yuan Time Dao clone said, waving his hand.

The diffuse ice and cold mist below suddenly surged to reveal the mountain and grand formation.

Xue’er’s lips are slightly open, revealing a surprised expression: “Ah, is this?”

“This is the Snow Crystal Formation, which uses an Ice Dao crystal and a large number of Ice and Snow Dao Gu insects. In the future, your Snowman family will live here.” Fang Yuan explained the situation in detail. the benefits of.

Snow Crystal Formation covers a wide range of tens of thousands of acres.

It freezes the frost chill out of the Ice Dao crystallization moment, and continuously and continuously transmits it to every inch of the surrounding area, constantly changing the surrounding environment to form an environment suitable for Snowman’s survival.

At the same time, Snow Monster will be produced, coexisting with Snowman and honing each other.

“Xue’er, you and I are engaged, and the Snowman family is closer to me than the other three. I have been thinking about these days, how to place our clansman.”

“I thought about it, tried my best to make calculations, and finally came up with this Snow Crystal Formation. With this array, our Snowman family has a wonderful living environment.”

Spoke until here, Time Dao clone looks at towards Xue’er with a gentle gaze.

Xue’er is very happy, his eyes are bright: “Beloved Fang, you really have a good heart, this is beyond the expectations of Xue’er, frankly, yesterday great-grandmother is still worried, how to arrange our Snowman family! ”

Fang Yuan chuckles and takes the opportunity to grab Xue’er’s fragrant shoulder.

Xue’er is in a stalemate.

This intimate manner is the first time for her!

Fang Yuan again started talking: “Xue’er, from now on you are the master of this grand formation. You look after our people, my Paragon Immortal Aperture is not much, the space is still big enough. A lot of development, The more people in the Snowman family, the better, and strive to be like the Hairyman family.”

Xue’er listened to this, excited and red-faced, and she choked – ly said: “Beloved Fang, I really appreciate you. I never thought that the Snowman family could one day be able to be so just on the surface. The development of honorable. I will not live up to your expectations! Great-grandmother, Bing Zhuo adults will be very excited and open when they hear about your arrangement.”

Fang Yuan took the opportunity to bring Xue’er into his arms.

This time Xue’er lovable body is not stiff, but obediently attached to Fang Yuan’s chest, full of blush.

Fang Yuan Affectionately – ly said: “In fact, the world has misunderstood me. They said that I am shameless and ruthless. In fact, they lick my Immortal Gu and the memory of rebirth. They all splashed dirty water on me, then Occupy the righteousness to blackmail and rob me.”

“My encounter is very similar to the Snowman family, so I deeply sympathize with the Snowman family and understand you.”

“Oh, actually, I didn’t do it well enough. Snow Crystal Formation lacks some Ice and Snow Dao’s Immortal Gu, and the power is not strong. There is only one Ice Dao inside, and if I can get more Ice in the future. Dao Jingjing, I must add them all here.”

Fang Yuan’s words make Xue’er felt a sweet zi zi happiness.

She said without hesitation: “Beloved Fang, you can rest assured. There are two Ice Dao crystals in our Snowman family’s stock, great-grandmother. When they hear this, they will use Immortal Gu to build our home.”

“Oh? That’s really good.” Fang Yuan was surprised to say with a smile.

Xue’er closed his eyes, his lips slightly curled up, holding Fang Yuan’s waist, sinking in happiness.

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