Crown Prince Feng Xian is not willing to wrap up with Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon, or to pursue and entangle Fang Yuan.

Crown Prince Feng Xian tried to sneak into the depths of the cold pool.

But then, in the depths of the cold pool, the second Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon was raised, and the Crown Prince Feng Xian was blocked.

“There are two Immemorial Ice Flood Dragons in the cold pool here?” Crown Prince Feng Xian and Fang Yuan were both surprised.

Crown Prince Feng Xian was furious and helpless. He was temporarily trapped.

Fang Yuan, so he got into the bottom of the cold pool and escaped the chase of Crown Prince Feng Xian.

He soon was surprised to find that there was a secret Dark Dao at the bottom of the cold pool, which could connect him.

Fang Yuan entered Dark Dao and sneaked for a while before coming to an underground cold pool.

This piece of cold pool is calm and wide, and there is a lot of coldness in it.

“It’s no wonder that there are two Immemorial Ice Flood Dragons. Oh no, it’s three!” Fang Yuan shines.

He found that there is also an Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon.

The Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon squatted on the shore of the cold pool, and when it heard the fierce battle above it, it became more and more restless.

It shook his head, snorted, and finally couldn’t stand it. He plunged into the cold pool and quickly supported the Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon of the same family.

“Three Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon, tut tut.” Fang Yuan sympathized with Crown Prince Feng Xian.

Crown Prince Feng Xian is in trouble.

Of course, Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon can’t compete with people, kill Crown Prince Feng Xian, and even die 1~2.

Crown Prince Feng Xian battle strength is very strong, because he grew up from Northern Plains, step by step to become Rank 8 Gu Immortal, record.

“But when Crown Prince Feng Xian got rid of the three Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon, I had already escaped.”

Fang Yuan got on the bank and was about to leave. Suddenly, the figure was slightly stagnation.

He found a lot of cold eggs on the shore.

Each cold egg has a size of a grinding disc, and the number of densely packed ones is hundreds of thousands.

“The original Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon is an egg guard, so don’t leave easily. Wait, what is this?”

Fang Yuan found a low stone pillar in the middle of the egg, which was gray and chilly.

“This is Rank 8 immortal materials? It’s a big piece, it’s worth it.”

Rao is Fang Yuan’s eye-high, and at the moment, his heart is also rising with a touch of joy.

At this point, he really understands why there are three Immemorial Ice Flood Dragons in this group of people.

He took the action immediately and took away the Guanghan Stone and thousands of cold eggs.

“My luck condition suppressed Crown Prince Feng Xian and this chilling group, so it was chased and killed, but it was a blessing in disguise!” Fang Yuan felt in his heart.

Crown Prince Feng Xian is not Feng Jiuge.

Without Feng Jiuge, the Dao Protector’s luck condition boycott, Fang Yuan’s luck condition immediately received a miraculous effect.

Crown Prince Feng Xian entangled Fang Yuan, but became the whole of Fang Yuan. Without him entangled in the three Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon, Fang Yuan has no such opportunity to steal such a fortune!

This is the great thing about Luck Dao! !

“I really want to thank Crown Prince Feng Xian for his cooperation.” Fang Yuan, he smashed the ground, then ignited Fixed Immortal Travel and fled.

Crown Prince Feng Xian is still fighting the three-headed Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon.

Suddenly, the three Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon obtained other cold greetings, knowing that the tricks were stolen, suddenly mad, and the eyes were red, and the coldness in the mouth did not cost the money to spit.

Strong as Crown Prince Feng Xian, I was almost beaten at the same time, constantly resisting, very embarrassed.

“What happened to these stupid snakes? Suddenly become so fierce?” Crown Prince Feng Xian felt weird.

“oh! I was delayed by these three beasts for so long, and Fang Yuan was sure to have escaped. My mission failed!” Crown Prince Feng Xian sighed in his heart.

No way, Fang Yuan didn’t fight with him at all, it was too slippery.

And Fang Yuan has a transformation Dao. In the place of Pine Tail Ridge, Crown Prince Feng Xian is extremely disadvantaged.

Fang Yuan took advantage of this huge favorite location!

Gu Immortal fights, only looks at each other’s ultimate move, Immortal Gu, etc., are all fools. The elites in Gu Immortal have always been good at adapting to local conditions, considering the Heaven and Earth environment and trying to figure out each other’s thoughts and emotions.

“Let’s come back. Fang Yuan is blackmailed, the timing of your appearance is too good, I am afraid I have already calculated your true identity.” Fairy Ziwei came over.

Crown Prince Feng Xian Silence, he is actually very reluctant, but Fairy Ziwei is right, and must not be underestimated by Fang Yuan.

When Crown Prince Feng Xian started working on Fang Yuan, it meant his identity was exposed.

“Withdraw!” Crown Prince Feng Xian gritted his teeth and flew out of the cold pool.

But the three-headed Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon is chasing after it!

“What’s wrong, these three stupid snakes are crazy? Actually still chasing me!” Crown Prince Feng Xian was very angry and encountered three beasts, which was unreasonable and entangled him.

“I really thought I couldn’t handle you?” Crown Prince Feng Xian was stirred up by Fire Qi.

Just as he was about to take action, the violent beasts rang out in the surrounding mountains, one by one Immemorial Desolate Beast revealing figure, unwillingly looking at Crown Prince Feng Xian.

They recognize the three-headed Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon, which has been a neighbor for many years.

But where did this Human Race Gu Immortal come from?

Dare to commit to Pine Tail Ridge? !

Crown Prince Feng Xian is a white face, Pine Tail Ridge is one of the Northern Plains Ten Great Ominous Land, and the Rank 8 Gu Immortal is also very cautious.

“If you don’t get it, it will lead to Beast Tide! It’s a good thing to withdraw first!” Crown Prince Feng Xian sank and quickly evacuated.

“Aiya!” He was cold and was sprayed by the Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon, covered in frost and chilled.


A muffled sound, he was smashed by the Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon, hit the back, hit him forward, so that he was so embarrassed.

The three-headed Immemorial Ice Flood Dragon was chasing after Crown Prince Feng Xian, but Crown Prince Feng Xian was stunned, no longer dare to counterattack, hard to attack, and finally vomited blood to escape Pine Tail Ridge.

Three days later.

Refining Dao grand formation roared, and the last unfavorable Dao Marks was eliminated.

“It’s finally succeeded!” Langya Earth Spirit sighed.

Fang Yuan is also spits out one mouthful of impure air, and finally it is safe.

In the past three days, Fairy Ziwei has been constantly calculating and putting a lot of pressure on Fang Yuan. Yama Emperor ultimate move Although loyal, but the consumption of Fang Yuan’s soul background.

“My soul background has fallen quite a lot compared to the previous lifetime.”

“In order to refine these unfavorable Dao Marks as soon as possible, I also lost a lot of Rank 8 immortal materials.”

“But compared to the harvest, these losses are not worth mentioning.”

Fang Yuan assessed the battle.

Until the unfavorable Dao Marks disappeared completely, Fairy Ziwei had no hesitation, and the Langya Blessed Land encirclement battle really came to an end.

There is no doubt that this battle, Fang Yuan, has won a great victory.

He is still very satisfied with himself.

Basically, the whole process of the battle was under his control and did not deviate from his calculations.

This is the advantage of rebirth!

Spring and Autumn Cicada’s is amazing.

Of course, without the support of Fang Yuan’s own ability, even if the mortal is reborn many times, it will not change the overall situation of Gu Immortal.

Essentially, Spring and Autumn Cicada is a supportive cockroach. How much can be changed when you are born again, you have to look at Gu Immortal’s personal calculation and practical ability.

“But there are some accidents in this.”

“For example, Feng Jiuge used the Cause Arrive, Effect Depart ultimate move to easily evacuate the battlefield.”

“There is another power that is not good for Dao Marks. Fairy Ziwei gives up the black dark vortex vortex, but directly estimates the position of Langya Blessed Land, which makes me caught off guard.”

This is the information that Fang Yuan previous lifetime did not reveal.

Reborn once, you can’t let Fang Yuan see all the trump cards in the enemy’s hands.

Especially in the face of Heavenly Court, the background of this enemy is too deep.

Rebirth is an advantage, but not absolute.

The enemy is not a fool, you change, and the previous lifetime is different, the enemy will adjust quickly and make different reactions.

Fairy Ziwei’s forced calculation of Langya Blessed Land and Crown Prince Feng Xian’s fight for killing is a testament to the present.

These things are not experienced by Fang Yuan previous lifetime.

Fang Yuan also considered this before the war. Therefore, he chose to resist Heavenly Court and did not plan Longevity Heaven.

In his previous lifetime Langya Earth Spirit, he requested Longevity Heaven support, which made Heavenly Court fail and Fang Yuan escaped.

After Fang Yuan suppressed the Langya Earth Spirit, there was a very attractive choice in front of him.

That is to use the previous agreement to deliberately let the Langya Earth Spirit support Longevity Heaven. Then with Langya Blessed Land as the battlefield, let Longevity Heaven and Heavenly Court two sides Gu Immortal die, and finally Fang Yuan took the opportunity to take the fisherman catches both.

But Fang Yuan thought about it and vetoed it.

Too risky!

Although once the plan is successful, the benefits are extremely amazing. But the risks are too great for Fang Yuan to bear.

Don’t forget, Spring and Autumn Cicada is still in the process of replying and can’t be used anymore.

Never underestimate your opponent!

Whether it’s Longevity Heaven or Heavenly Court, these Rank 8 experts each and every one are human and have a deep background.

A little careless, they will make a different choice from the previous lifetime, and their means are too rich. Changes affect change, and the greater the change, the more unrecognizable.

Fang Yuan’s strength is not good, can not cover the field in the two sides battle.

Therefore, Fang Yuan finally chose to rely on himself to resist Heavenly Court.

Thus, the variables are greatly reduced, and they can also suppress the scene. Although there were some accidents, it was innocuous and eventually Fang Yuan won a big victory.

Everything about Langya School belongs to Fang Yuan.

Today, three Hairyman continents, Fang Yuan, are housed in the Little Eastern Sea.

The water loss is not small, and it was collected by Fang Yuan alone to form the prototype of the Refinement Sea, which moved to the west of the Little Eastern Sea, near Little Central Continent.

Cloud Cover Continent in Langya Blessed Land, Fang Yuan moved it to Little White Heaven.

The broken Immortal Gu Home Refining Furnace of Langya School was taken away by Fang Yuan and split down to improve Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

Refining Dao grand formation is completely reserved and remains on the Cloud Cover Continent.

Luck Dao Own Luck True Inheritance, Heavenly Thief Stealing Life True Inheritance, Long Haired Refining Dao True Inheritance, and Fang Yuan will continue to study in the future.

“The three days have passed. I don’t know the few nonhuman Gu Immortal. I think about it.” Langya Earth Spirit said that he longed out the Long Haired Refining Dao grand formation.

Fang Yuan lightly snorted: “I am now Gun Immortal of Rank 8! I know that the current situation is Junjie. If they really fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness and don’t want to be merged into Langya School, then they will be removed.”

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