Thunder Ghost True Monarch only feels that Heaven and Earth are upside down, the left and right are disordered, and suddenly the field of view changes suddenly.

a moment later, she disappeared into Heavenly Court and appeared in a grand formation space.

“Hmm?!” She fixed her eyes and saw that Fang Yuan was standing in front of her, and the ultimate move in her hand was ready to go.

“Fang Yuan, you are coming!!” Thunder Ghost True Monarch was immediately loudly roared, it was the enemy who saw each other.

Fang Yuan is faintly smiled: “Thunder Ghost True Monarch, I have already waited you a long time.”

Tough barely, his palm was lightly slammed and the Unrestrained Seal was shot at Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch subconsciously wants to dodge, but the superdity formation’s formidable power has long been applied to her.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch Dodge is fast, but the time it takes is very long, so the whole action seems to be a lot slower.

Surprised and angry, the look of Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

She didn’t have a dodge and was shot by Fang Yuan’s Unrestrained Seal.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch squats underneath, covered in a dark, huge armor. The style of the armor is sturdy, the corners are high, the spikes are prominent, and the lightning ray is constantly flashing. On the armor of the chest, there is a dark blue giant avatar with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. And her helmet, which is similar to a ghost, is in stark contrast to the Thunder Ghost True Monarch girl’s delicate and pretty looks.

Unrestrained Seal hits the armor of Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

Almost the next second, the surface of the Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s armor showed numerous cracks.

Then a light sound, the entire armor split into numerous pieces, the body of the Thunder Ghost True Monarch is exposed.

Fang Yuan relies on the Unrestrained Seal and the help of the entire super grand formation, which, under one click, completely smashes the maximum protection of the Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch loudly roared, actually did not dodge, but rushed to Fang Yuan.

This tactical choice is wise.

Generally speaking, ordinary people encounter such a Predicament, they must choose to withdraw and adjust, and stabilize their positions. However, in the face of Fang Yuan’s choice, it is bound to completely lose the initiative, step by step and wrong, and finally the battlefield rhythm is completely controlled by Fang Yuan.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch didn’t back down, but instead rushed back and fought with Fang Yuan.

At this moment, Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s rich combat experience and courageous temperament are unveiled!

She raided Langya Blessed Land and fell into ambush and fell into the Predicament. The contrast between the front and back did not make her lose her calmness, but it aroused infinite pride and fighting intent.

It is worthy of the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s character. Such a person never knows what it means to be discouraged, and she can’t beat her morale.

Her last move was to blast the ultimate move, which is the means of genuine’s perish together. Even if he is dead, drag the enemy into the water and see her temperament.

However, Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s counterattack, Fang Yuan has also been expected.

Fairy Ziwei is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, and Fang Yuan is of course!

As the Gu Immortal of Wisdom Dao, of course, it will count, and how can the temperament factor of Thunder Ghost True Monarch be unexpected?

As Fang Yuan said, he has already waited a long time.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Stealing Life!

After suppressing the Langya Earth Spirit, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance in Langya School naturally fell into the Fang Yuan’s hand. On the Stealing Dao Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan is based on the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Stealing Life and has developed the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Although Fang Yuan does not have Rank 8 immortal essence, he can lend it to the Langya Earth Spirit to take action. It has Long Haired immortal essence in its hands.

Stealing Life ultimate move is not exhibited by Fang Yuan, but the Langya Earth Spirit in the grand formation.

I saw a red light with a finger-thickness, and it was flashing, right in the middle of Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

The action of Thunder Ghost True Monarch came to an abrupt end.

She quickly aging, and in a blink of an eye, she changed from a fresh and lovely girl to a wrinkled old woman.

She stretched out the skinny five fingers and grabbed Fang Yuan. She opened her mouth and many of the teeth loosened and fell off: “How, how come…”

This is her last last words.

She is dead.

With a strong unwillingness and hatred.

She is old and dead, life essence is exhausted.

After her death, she still glared at her eyes and stared at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan smiled.

In the super grand formation, the four families of Gu Immortal are in vain!

“What is the situation? Is this dead?!”

“We killed Thunder Ghost True Monarch !”

“This is too easy?”

Nonhuman Gu Immortals was dumbfounded.

After a little calm down, they analyzed it.

“It’s Feng Yuan’s design.”

“Yeah, Thunder Ghost True Monarch has suffered from our calculations and has no power to fight back.”

“Although she is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, but in the hands of Fang Yuan, she completely despise the storm.”

“I finally understand why Human Race Gu Immortal shouted and killed Fang Yuan.”

Nonhuman Gu Immortals was impressed and hoped to add a lot of jealousy, fear, worship and respect to Fang Yuan’s sight.

Looking at the body of Thunder Ghost True Monarch, Fang Yuan did not have any accidents.

Although she is a Rank 8 expert, her death is not awkward.

The great thing about Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is to make a move. As long as you have the relevant information, you can exercise restraint.

Fang Yuan returned from a rebirth and knew the trump card of Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

Secondly, Fang Yuan’s efforts to improve the guardianship of Langya Blessed Land have been exhausted and added a large number of Immortal Gu. Among them is Stealing Life Immortal Gu.

Thanks to Fang Yuan’s Formation Dao, there is also Wisdom Halo. This is not what Gu Immortal can do.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s two strongest methods are the Thunder and the Soul.

So when Fang Yuan met, he used the Unrestrained Seal. This trick is to restrain the soul of Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

Without the soul armor, Thunder Ghost True Monarch was immediately suppressed by the grand formation after the death, and it was impossible to spur the explosive move.

Finally there is the Stealing Life ultimate move.

Unlike the last time I simply used Stealing Life Immortal Gu, it didn’t matter.

This time, Fang Yuan calculated Stealing Life ultimate move, only for strong enemies.

Stealing Life Immortal Gu has Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s means, which can only be used three times, and Fang Yuan can’t lift it.

Although only three chances, Fang Yuan was unhesitatingly used, giving the Thunder Ghost True Monarch a critical strike.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch battle strength is outstanding, if it is really entangled, it is a great threat to Fang Yuan to the entire Langya Blessed Land.

If the thunder is burst out, the loss can be big.

Fang Yuan simply stopped the trick, killing her directly, killing!

Heavenly Court.

Looking at the starlight giant pillar, Chen Yi couldn’t help but say, “I have also gone.”

Fairy Ziwei gave him a look, nodded.

As Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal and Constellation Chessboard, she certainly understands Chen Yi’s mood and thoughts more or less.

With the permission of Fairy Ziwei, Chen Yi can’t wait to fly to the starlight giant pillar.

“I have to take action!”

“According to the strong battle strength of Thunder Ghost True Monarch Senior, there will be fewer records later. Maybe she has killed nonhuman Gu Immortal at this time.”

“Langya Blessed Land, I am coming!”

Chen Yi is excited, and the figure is completely out of the starlight giant pillar.

a moment later, he came to Langya Blessed Land and entered the grand formation space.

“Here is Langya Blessed Land? Hmmm?!” Suddenly, Chen Yi’s body was stagnant, and the pupil was suddenly narrowed to the tip size.

The body of his saw Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

Fang Yuan here uses the super grand formation, which has Time Dao power, which delays the time flow rate.

But at Heavenly Court, the time flow rate is normal.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch went in, followed by Chen Yi immersed in the starlight giant pillar.

Fang Yuan just killed Thunder Ghost True Monarch and took her remaining souls into it. Chen Yi appeared.

“It’s quite fast.” Fang Yuan lightly smiled.

Chen Yi’s eyes glared at the body of Thunder Ghost True Monarch and shouted “Senior ?!”

Thunder Ghost True Monarch has no response.

She is dead!

“How can it like this? This is impossible!” Chen Yi is full of fighting intent and blood, like a suddenly suffering from a basin of ice water.

He was full of thought that Thunder Ghost True Monarch was killing the Quartet, killing Langya Blessed Land and flying a dog, and Fang Yuan was frustrated.

But the reality is that Thunder Ghost True Monarch is dead, and Fang Yuan is not looking like a hair, standing in front of himself and smiling!

Who can expect such a picture!

Chen Yi blinked again and again, and suddenly shouted: “Well, you are a devil, the fantasy is so realistic, the old man is almost fooled by you!”

Said, Chen Yi’s body swayed, and propped up the defensive ultimate move.

He did not rush to attack, but stayed here, guarding the black dark vortex vortex behind him.

So, a moment later Chen Yi is not realized: “Well? The power of Time Dao is affecting me!”

The defensive ultimate move is very slow.

Heavenly Court.

Fairy Ziwei calmly and calmly said to Feng Jiuge: “You go too.”

Feng Jiuge nodded, one drilled into the starlight giant pillar.

“According to the strength of Feng Jiuge’s, there is no problem with self-protection. But the only thing we rely on is the Qi Luck of Dao Protector on his body. Heavenly Court has all the means on Luck Dao, and now only use this method to restrain Fang Yuan. “”

Fairy Ziwei secretly sighed in the heart.

Feng Jiuge also sent the past, and then she is herself.

But just when Fairy Ziwei is about to leave, bang!

Starlight giant pillar self-exploding open, re-break into the star glow of the sky.

Fairy Ziwei stunned: “…”

The rest of Heavenly Court are dumbfounded: “…”

Ps: I sent the books today! Oh yeah! !

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