Langya Blessed Land, Long Haired Refining Dao grand formation.

The blood light gradually dissipated, and the Blood Dao Small Formation slowly opened, stepping out of Fang Yuan and Langya Earth Spirit in tandem.

Fang Yuan’s conspiracy has succeeded!

In the previous lifetime, the Langya Earth Spirit used to make Fairy Ziwei unprepared. The latter killed the Black Hair Earth Spirit, but it was the White Hair Earth Spirit go on stage.

Black Hair Earth Spirit is ambitious, and although she knows that Langya Blessed Land and Longevity Heaven’s are asking for help, they don’t want to use it.

After the White Hair Earth Spirit go on stage, it is crisp and straightforward, and directly asks Longevity Heaven for help.

In the end, White Hair Earth Spirit’s move led to the escape of Fang Yuan, the defeat of Heavenly Court, and the acquisition of Langya School by Longevity Heaven, which became the fisherman and had the greatest benefit.

“Now, I successfully suppressed Earth Spirit and there is no longer Longevity Heaven.” Fang Yuan glanced at the Langya Earth Spirit.

At this moment, the Langya Earth Spirit has been rotated into a Black Hair Earth Spirit under the order of Fang Yuan’s.

In order to prevent other Hairyman Gu Immortal suspicions, the Black Hair Earth Spirit is pretending to be the same as Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan deliberate spits out one mouthful of impure air : “this time Thanks to Revered Great Elder, you take action yourself, this will save the situation.”

Black Hair Earth Spirit said with a smile : “The Lord… mainly has the Refining Dao grand formation. We are still going into the battle and continue to refining gu.”

Black Hair Earth Spirit’s smile, a little whispered, but in addition to Sixth Hair, the rest of the Hairyman Gu Immortal has no suspicion.

Who can think of it, the shocking drama has already happened under their eyelid!

Fang Yuan enters Long Haired Refining Dao grand formation and continues to participate in refining Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu.

After a few hours, the Refining Dao grand formation flashed a glaring Profound Light.

Profound Light dissipates, revealing one Immortal Gu.

This scorpion is slender and long, and it looks like a centipede. It is like a red copper, and it has a metallic luster. The head of the mouth is squatting. The front pair of long beards are like smoke. There are 5,000 feet on the left and 5,000 feet on the right. There are a total of 10,000 feet.

Rank 7 Immortal Gu Ten Thousand Me !

Although Fang Yuan mainly designed to frame the Langya Earth Spirit, he did not give up the refining Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu.

Previous lifetime, Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu Formula has a success rate of up to 50%. In order to harm the Langya Earth Spirit in this life, Fang Yuan made every effort to improve the improved Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu Formula, which reduced the success rate of 50% to 40%.

He never thought about this time to give up refining Ten Thousand Me!

Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu can’t give up.

It seems that the promotion of Fang Yuan’s is not obvious, but it is actually very important.

Ten Thousand Me ultimate move is the Combine Enslavement and Strength, which is an eclectic mix of two genres. But it is very complicated, it takes a long time to brew, and it takes a lot of thoughts from Gu Immortal.

Now condensed into one Gu Insect, Fang Yuan can quickly evoke the power of the original Ten Thousand Me ultimate move in a few simple steps.

In addition to the Ten Thousand Me ultimate move itself, Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal, Ten Thousand Flood Dragon, Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons, etc., are also benefiting more or less.

In particular, Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons ultimate move, which was created by Fang Yuan previous lifetime, was near the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting. Without Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, there would be too many Gu insects, and it would take too long to brew the ultimate move. There is no real value at all!

Although Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu can’t increase the upper limit of Fang Yuan’s strength, it can lay a solid foundation for Fang Yuan and enhance its potential in many aspects.

After refining Immortal Gu came to an end, Fang Yuan then inspected the entire Langya Blessed Land and counted the prize.

Langya Blessed Land is very big, and the original owner is Old Ancestor Long Haired, one of the historical refring Dao triodes.

Old Ancestor Long Haired is a Legendary color. There are countless refining Immortal Gus in history. Even Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable and Ju Yang Immortal Venerable are looking for him to cooperate with refining gu.

Old Ancestor Long Haired is also very special. He is not Human Race, but Hairyman. Although the Hairyman life span is long, there is still a long day to go.

Old Ancestor Long Haired left Rank 8 Langya Celestial Grotto, but after years of development, Langya Celestial Grotto, under the auspices of White Hair Earth Spirit, consciously lowered grade and stepped back to Blessed Land level.

Blessed Land’s Disaster and Tribulation is much smaller than Celestial Grotto, and because of White Hair Earth Spirit, Langya Blessed Land has developed very right.

It is vast in area, far surpasses the normal Blessed Land size, and more than a lot of Celestial Grotto in space.

In terms of Time Dao, the flow rate with the outside world is generally around thirty-six. It is worth mentioning that there is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move on the tributary of Langya Blessed Land, which can adjust the flow rate of Immortal Aperture. This is the handiwork of Time Dao Great Expert, which was personally invited by Old Ancestor Long Haired.

Dao Marks, Langya Blessed Land most important Dao Marks, is Refining Dao’s Dao Marks, the number is more than the 300,000 mark! The rest of the genre of Dao Marks is dominated by Water Dao, followed by Earth Dao.

The pattern of Langya Blessed Land is four continents. They are Black Hair, Yellow Hair, White Haired Continent at sea, and Cloud Cover Continent in the air. Blessed Land is rich in resources and has a large population. There are also a small number of Gu Immortal, which is the super power of genuine!

The massive population guarantees that this is the origin of Longevity Gu.

There is no doubt that this is the world’s first Blessed Land!

Langya Earth Spirit has been suppressed by Fang Yuan, and everything here belongs to Fang Yuan.

In addition to the resources and population of Blessed Land, there are also Massive Gu Formula, ultimate move and Gu insect in the cultivation resource.

The Immortal Gu of Langya Blessed Land has a lot of inventory. For example, Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus dropped to the Rank 7 level, and Fang Yuan used to borrow one of the cores of the ultimate move, the woody Immortal Gu. There are also slaves Immortal Gu, formation plate Immortal Gu, etc. (Many Immortal Gu has been entrust for use by Hairyman Gu Immortal).

There are three major gu formations in Langya Blessed Land. The first is the Long Haired Refining Dao grand formation, the second is the Transmission Gu Formation, and the third is the Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze. Among them, the King Formation’s Transmission Formation is above the Cloud Cover Continent, and some of the nine Subsidiary Formations are distributed outside the Northern Plains, such as Grand Mound, Dragon Elephant Plains, and 100 Winds Cliff.

In addition, Langya Blessed Land has a much-deficient Immortal Gu Home – Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Refining Furnace.

There is also a hugely-made artificial Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm – Refinement Sea. Fang Yuan previous lifetime, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Attacking Langya Blessed Land, the Langya Earth Spirit relied on the refining water in the Refinement Sea to display the ultimate move, which temporarily ruled the battle.

Langya Blessed Land is rich in treasury, there are many stocks of immortal materials, and there is not much accumulation of immortal essence stones.

Finally, there are three major True Inheritances in Langya Blessed Land, namely Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, Ju Yang Own Luck True Inheritance, and Long Haired Refining Dao True Inheritance.

Rank 8 Stealing Life Immortal Gu is among Heavenly Thief True Inheritance.

At that time, Ma Hongyun got the clue of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance outside of Northern Plains. He came to Langya Blessed Land and asked Langya Earth Spirit to refine it three times.

This is also part of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance.

Fang Yuan knows all three of these True Inheritance. He was in contact with Langya Earth Spirit many years ago.

At first, in order to deal with strong enemies, he had to sell his own Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. Now the entire Langya Blessed Land has become his bag.

“There is still a little half a month left.” Fang Yuan estimated the day.

His previous lifetime is in this period of time, trying to make up for the Unrestrained Seal, trying to make up for his shortcomings in the offensive. As for defense, he already has the Adverse Current Protection Seal, so don’t worry.

The result was that the Unrestrained Seal was finally calculated a few years later.

This lifetime, he already has Unrestrained Seal, the main ultimate move is to combine Time Dao profound mystery into the battlefield of the Jurassic, and strive to have a composite Battlefield Ultimate Move.

Although the Langya Earth Spirit was suppressed, the Reaming Dao’s Realm was absolutely sufficient, but Fang Yuan was not in a hurry to swallow Langya Blessed Land.

He had already decided to take the tactical thinking of Five Boundary Mountain Range and put Langya Blessed Land into a trap, waiting for Heavenly Court and the others to hook.

First, Fang Yuan needed to lure Feng Jiuge from his body to the Fixed Immortal Travel Gu. After all, waiting for his cultivation base Rank 8, the Future Body is not working.

Secondly, direct Heavenly Court to expose the star cast ultimate move. This method is too powerful, can directly change the situation of the Five Regions war, and has a strong threat to any other super power! The ultimate investment exposed, will definitely arouse the other super forces for Heavenly Court’s crusade.

Thirdly, in advance to eradicate some Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan will never let go of any chance to weaken Heavenly Court’s.

Fourthly, Fang Yuan can also be on the hands of the Heavenly Court to kill Snowman, Stoneman, Inkman Gu Immortal in the Big Four. Then he followed the previous lifetime and took the opportunity to annex the three families remnant forces.

Tut tut, the enemy and me eat, think about it is very wonderful, isn’t that so?

Ten days later.

Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

Constellation Chessboard !

The Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home is like a fireworks that is being sprayed. Thousands of star glows are constantly ejected and shine through the entire Heavenly Court.

Starlight shines on the face of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

They are close to ten, and they are ready to go!

The one who is headed, Fairy Ziwei, looks up at the sky, and the eye of the eye is even more embarrassing than the starlight in the sky.

“I didn’t expect Wisdom Gu to be in Langya Blessed Land! As long as I got it, Constellation Chessboard would become Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home! By then, I was the world’s first Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. In the future, Heavenly Court repaired Fate Gu, almost nailed. Things.”

“Fang Yuan, I can’t wait! I have to kill you as a scum.” Thunder Ghost True Monarch secretly gritted his teeth.

Feng Jiuge Silence, calm face.

Chen Yi is very much looking forward to it.

He had previously performed poorly in the Azure Ghost Desert and did not bring Bean God Palace back.

“This time, I can’t be like that before.”

“I just joined Heavenly Court and I have to behave well.”

“This time battle is a good opportunity! Fang Yuan is stronger, only Rank 7 nothing more. Langya Blessed Land has a big name, but the interior is empty, Feng Jiuge can come and go freely, it can be seen. This time we dispatched With so many Rank 8, you can definitely go down the battle. Hey, Ziwei is too cautious.”

Chen Yi complains a little about Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei is so fanciful that the lions and rabbits also use the full force, which makes Chen Yi not so good.

In his opinion, is it possible to move two or three Rank 8 Gu Immortal and not even Langya Blessed Land?

This is not the usual Rank 8, but a member of Heavenly Court’s!


In the eyes of many of the expectations of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the star glow of the sky suddenly agglomerates to form a huge blue starlight giant pillar.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Stars!

“Depart! Takes Langya Blessed Land, Captive Fang Yuan.” Fairy Ziwei, Thunder Ghost True Monarch was the first to be intolerant and rushed directly into the starlight giant pillar.

“Fang Yuan, I am coming! You are waiting for me.” Thunder Ghost True Monarch sneered.

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