Although the aggressive move is extremely powerful, it is an ultimate move that affects the strategic balance of the Five Regions. But as long as it is a trick, there will be shortcomings and weaknesses.

Fang Yuan knows a lot about the star cast, but he knows the key point.

The star vote ultimate move requires an introduction.

This introduction is a part of the unfavorable Dao Marks left by Feng Jiuge after the last invasion of Langya Blessed Land.

Previous lifetime, this part of the disadvantage Dao Marks suddenly formed a black dark vortex vortex, put Chen Yi, Thunder Ghost True Monarch, Feng Jiuge, Fairy Ziwei into it.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan and Langya Earth Spirit responded promptly and quickly took action, destroying the black dark vortex vortex, which prevented the subsequent invasion of more Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

This lifetime Fang Yuan is naturally born to know the exact position of the black dark vortex vortex forming.

Therefore, after actively improving the guardian grand formation of Langya Blessed Land, it is convenient to cover it with the Formation Dao space.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch took the lead, and Fang Yuan and the others, who had been involved for a long time, went straight to death.

Chen Yi second place rushed out of the dark dark vortex vortex, and Fang Yuan had no extra time to brew the Unrestrained Seal, which was temporarily deadlocked.

The third place is Feng Jiuge.

He is the target of Fang Yuan most important!

Because the Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel Gu is in his hands!

As for the fourth place, it is likely to be Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal and is also in charge of Constellation Chessboard. If Duke Long is a Heavenly Court’s consciousness leader and a morale guarantee, then Fairy Ziwei is Heavenly Court’s brain, the decision maker.

Of course, she is very important, but if Fang Yuan kills her, it will not be effective.


Because there are too many sleeping Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal in Heavenly Court, and one of Fairy Ziwei died, there will be a second place to wake up. Why did Fairy Ziwei wake up? It wasn’t because Heavenly Court’s Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Supervising Heaven Tower Lord was dead, so Fairy Ziwei woke up to take over the position of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord.

Fairy Ziwei If she is a Constellation Chessboard, then Fang Yuan has an interest in murdering her.

But unfortunately, the Constellation Chessboard needs to maintain the star cast, and it has to stay at Heavenly Court.

Fang Yuan has a combat experience of previous lifetime, and this secret is already calculated.

In terms of the situation, it is better to leave Fairy Ziwei with a life for Fang Yuan. Because you know and your enemy, and you will never be defeated, Fang Yuan is more familiar with Fairy Ziwei, which is good for Fang Yuan. If Fang Yuan killed her, she would exchange for a strange Heavenly Court Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, which would reduce her rebirth for Fang Yuan.

Of course, there is one of the most critical reasons – Fairy Ziwei’s battle strength is strong, although the previous life Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, Fang Yuan’s battle strength surpassed her. But now, Fang Yuan has not yet reached the Rank 8 cultivation base, and there is a big gap between the last period of the battle strength and the previous lifetime.

If you put Fairy Ziwei in, Heavenly Court’s side has three Rank 8 battle strengths. Fang Yuan has a Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, a super grand formation, an Immemorial Stone Dragon and himself. The battle will be very intense and the situation is likely to get out of hand.

Don’t forget, Chen Yi has the back of Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable’s!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Cause Arrive, Effect Depart, in the key role of previous lifetime worked, Fang Yuan is impressed and will never be ignored.

Coupled with Fang Yuan has already suppressed the Langya Earth Spirit, the entire Langya Blessed Land is his private property. Of course he will try to reduce losses as much as possible.

So, he is ahead of the previous lifetime and destroys the black dark vortex vortex.

Heavenly Court has Gu Immortal dumbfounded, while Langya Blessed Land is Feng Jiuge and Chen Yi look at each other in dismay.

“This is totally different from the plan!”

“The star vote failed, leaving us only a few singles.”

“Langya Blessed Land is ready, and their response is too timely.”

“At the moment, there is only defensive delay, and wait until the star vote continues move to continue!”

Chen Yi and Feng Jiuge communicated quickly.

The two of them are suspended in the grand formation space, backed by their backs, cuddling each other.

Feng Jiuge added: “Right, Thunder Ghost True Monarch Senior?”

Chen Yi rolled his throat and hesitated. He still didn’t tell Feng Jiuge what he had seen before. He said: “I don’t know. I don’t see the silhouette of Thunder Ghost True Monarch when I come.”

Feng Jiuge nodded: “I am afraid that the reggae Senior is making a good effort and rushing too hard. It is cut out. If we meet her, it would be best.”

Chen Yi always has an unpredictable hunch in her heart, but at this time he is not convenient to say that it affects morale. He has to say: “I look at it. How sinister and sinister Fang Yuan is, how can we easily let us join? Maybe the Thunder Ghost True Monarch is already entangled by other forces.”

Feng Jiuge is more optimistic than Chen Yi, he laughed: “Chen Yi adults, in fact, our battle strength is good enough. I can resist Rank 8 Gu Immortal, barely count as Rank 8 battle strength. Plus you and Thunder Ghost True Monarch Senior, that is the three Rank 8 battle strength. It is very difficult to come to Langya Blessed Land to resist our offensive. Maybe we can attack Langya Blessed Land by relying on us.”

Chen Yi laughed, strong consciousness: “Feng Laodi is right. But if the situation is urgent, beyond expectations, you still have to find the opportunity to use Fixed Immortal Travel to withdraw.”

Feng Jiuge took a deep look at Chen Yi and thought that Chen Yi this person’s mood seemed to change.

Feng Jiuge saw with his own eyes that Chen Yi was eager to enter, and he couldn’t wait to prove his way. How did you get here, just suffered some setbacks, and the consciousness of the gas was sluggishly dropped down?

“Chen Yi used to be the Revered Great Elder of Origin Lotus School, but it seems that the days of high weight are no longer brave. It is no wonder that when he was in Western Desert’s, the mission failed, and tired Heavenly Court lost Bean God Palace.”

Feng Jiuge has some look down on Chen Yi. He did not know that at Fang Yuan previous lifetime, his relationship with Chen Yi was quite right. Especially after he used the half-destiny Song to save Chen Yi’s life.

The two quickly communicated, all in a flash.

Fang Yuan has certainly started.

But this time, he is not in a hurry to take action himself, but hides the figure.

The replacement for him is Immemorial Stone Dragon, as well as the Lang Ancient Earth Spirit and the Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze!

Feng Jiuge and Chen Yi teamed up against the enemy.

A few rounds down, no one else can live without it.

But Chen Yi and Feng Jiuge are always frowning.

“Immemorial Stone Dragon is the most rough skin and thick flesh, but the danger is the bottom. The Gu Immortal fighting consciousness in Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze is not very strong.”

“Yeah, the most important thing is Fang Yuan. He hasn’t appeared. Is it going to fight with Thunder Ghost True Monarch, or is it hidden to deal with us?”

“In addition to this, there is this grand formation!”

“It is very difficult to break this grand formation first, otherwise it will always be trapped in this grand formation space.”

Chen Yi and Feng Jiuge together, the formation suddenly changed.

Feng Jiuge began to brew the ultimate move, and Chen Yi was guarding.

Chen Yi resisted the attack of Immemorial Stone Dragon and Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze by one person. Feng Jiuge saved the ultimate move and launched Farewell Song.

But the previous lifetime, this Farewell Song will not work, this lifetime effect is even worse.

How could Fang Yuan miss the Farewell Song ultimate move?

Chen Yi and Feng Jiuge did not attack. Instead, they let Fang Yuan seize the opportunity and suddenly took action to separate Chen Yi from Feng Jiuge.

Then, the super grand formation suddenly worked, opening up two spaces and completely separating Chen Yi and Feng Jiuge.

Heavenly Court.

The star glow of the sky is reuniting.

Fairy Ziwei is now full head sweat, is fully urging, regaining momentum, brewing star vote ultimate move.

However, the star vote ultimate move is not so easy to re-apply.

This is a very powerful recruit, capable of transmitting Rank 8 Gu Immortal, which is undoubtedly a strategic level. For this reason, the cost of the urging is also great, not only the mass consumption of Rank 8 immortal essence, but also a lot of brewing time, complicated and varied steps. There is no deep Wisdom Dao rumor, it can’t be used completely.

“If we succeeded in this operation, we would regain Wisdom Gu. With Wisdom Gu, urging the star to vote on the ultimate move became a no difficulty thing, and it would never be as troublesome as it is now!” Fairy Ziwei sighed.

Gu Immortal next to her laughed: “Ziwei adults, even if we don’t go, the three who traveled alone have the strength to take down Langya Blessed Land.”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals has a relaxed look and a relaxed atmosphere.

Fairy Ziwei was a bit sad, and his brows were awkward and he felt something wrong.

“Yeah, Feng Jiuge is a great talent. Although it is Rank 7, it can compete with Rank 8. He has experience in invading Langya Blessed Land, and this time will be more familiar. Even if it is not good, it will make Langya Blessed Land set fire to him. He also has Life Armor Immortal Gu, and there is absolutely no problem with self-protection,” analyzed Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, alongside Fairy Ziwei.

Langya Blessed Land.


Feng Jiuge was shocked and vomited, and he fled in the grand formation space.

Fang Yuan smiled and chased the past.

Feng Jiuge still has a horrifying color on his face: “My Gu insect is indeed the disappearance of unfathomable mystery! How can it like this? This means should be the means of Stealing Dao. Just don’t know if this is Fang Yuan take Action, or the power of this super grand formation?”

Ghostly Great Thief Hand has been used several times in a row, but it is different from previous lifetime.

Fang Yuan just stole a lot of mortal gu and a Sound Dao Immortal Gu.

“Compared to the previous lifetime, my Luck Qi is very low.” Fang Yuan also has some helplessness.

The higher his cultivation base, the more powerful the Spring and Autumn Cicada needs to reproduce, and the repercussion is much heavier than before.

Before the war, Fang Yuan used the Soul Burst and other means, but still did not reach the Luck Dao level of the previous lifetime.

“Although I also harvested Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Own Luck True Inheritance, but the ultimate move and Immortal Gu Formula in True Inheritance are comprehensive, and the Immortal Gu of Luck Dao is very rare. Therefore, I have never stolen Fixed Immortal. Travel Gu.”

Fang Yuan Unfortunately, Feng Jiuge is extremely dignified.

“The other party has the ability to directly steal Immortal Gu! The situation is really serious! Even if I have Life Armor Immortal Gu, I may be stolen directly.”

“don’t tell me Do you want to go directly to Fixed Immortal Travel Gu? Leave Chen Yi…”

Feng Jiuge is hesitant.

the other side.

Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortal added: “Beyond Feng Jiuge, Chen Yi is a dignified and positive Rank 8 Gu Immortal. He is the former Revered Great Elder of Origin Lotus School. He has a lot of experience in life. He is still contemporary. Origin Lotus has a powerful Wood Dao approach. Chen Yi is old and strong, and is the most stable and reliable, and will surely stand firm and control the battle.”

Langya Blessed Land, super grand formation.

Chen Yi is sweaty, and the color of her face can’t be concealed.

“Damn!” he cursed in his heart. After the super grand formation separated him from Feng Jiuge, the enemies who fought with him disappeared.

The grand formation works to form a layered labyrinth, which is a phantom and traps Chen Yi.

Chen Yi constantly investigates and breaks through, but the maze and illusion seem endless.

“Hurry, hurry up!”

“I have to break through here as soon as possible and join Feng Jiuge.”

“How can it be like this! Why is it like this?!”

Chen Yi is specializing in Wood Dao, and his accomplishment on Formation Dao is not profound.

Chen Yi’s fighting style is not in the attack, but in the end. Both the giant wood cage and the Karma Divine Tree are so styled.

Previous lifetime Chen Yi to oversee Nine Baguenaudiers Continuous Formation, for the sake of Wu Yong, Fang Yuan and the others, but now he is tortured by Fang Yuan using the Super Immortal Formation.

This is exactly the tactics that Fang Yuan took after he became familiar with Chen Yi.

Heavenly Court.

“I also know that you are right, but I don’t know why, my uneasiness is getting more and more intense.” Fairy Ziwei sighed.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal next to her indulged: “Not at all. Even if Feng Jiuge and Chen Yi fall into the trap, Thunder Ghost True Monarch Senior is a real expert! She is saddened by Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Legendary! The reason why Fang Yuan slipped away was because of Boundary Wall. This time in Langya Blessed Land, she can play real strength! He He He, I am afraid that Gu Immortal is now in her hands, one The slap has not been counted. What about Fang Yuan’s take action? It will only be chased by Thunder Ghost True Monarch!”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal said that there is confidence and confidence in the tone.

Langya Blessed Land, grand formation space.

Fang Yuan pursues Feng Jiuge while facing Remnant Soul Soul Search of Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

He actually did two things at once !

No way, the advantage is too great.

Ghostly Great Thief Hand has been used many times, although the Fixed Immortal Travel Gu has not been stolen, but Feng Jiuge’s Sound Dao Immortal Gu has been won by Fang Yuan.

Feng Jiuge’s strength is greatly reduced, and there are not many injuries on his body.

Fang Yuan is dominated by Ghostly Great Thief Hand, and other offensives are just a small fight, maintaining the advantage of nothing more.

Unrestrained Seal Nothing is used.

Fire Armor Immortal Gu was inspired by the fear of serious injury to Feng Jiuge.

After the Life Armor Immortal Gu is launched, it has a positioning effect that allows Fairy Ziwei to sense the precise position.

Previous lifetime Fang Yuan just ate this loss!

After the fire of Life Armor Immortal Gu, Fairy Ziwei quickly cracked the battlefield of the Jurassic.

This lifetime, how can such a mistake Fang Yuan be able to commit again?

“Oh? Sure enough, there are many Gu Immortal plans to invade Langya Blessed Land.”

Fang Yuan Soul Search got a lot of information.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s cultivation content is valuable, but it has been placed by Fang Yuan. The situation of Heavenly Court’s is worthy of Fang Yuan’s attention.

Fang Yuan Wisdom Dao has emerged in an endless stream, and soon there is a calculation: “So, the ultimate move of the star cast can still be reused. I have to hurry and solve the battle here.”

“There is no way! If you drag it down, Immortal Gu, such as Fixed Immortal Travel and Life First Grade, will be stolen by Fang Yuan.” Feng Jiuge looked so grim that he finally made the decision to start the Fixed Immortal Travel Gu.

“Think of beauty!” Fang Yuan sneered, motivating Immortal Gu Suppressing Space.

Suppressing Space Immortal Gu !

This Immortal Gu is his special intention to go to the Southern Border trench to capture the Immortal Gu from the drill bit.

There are of course many ways to refrain from Fixing Immortal Travel, but after Fang Yuan is born again, there are only two possibilities.

The first is Locking Space Immortal Gu and the second is Suppressing Space Immortal Gu.

Locking Space Immortal Gu is the control of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Liu Hao. The previous life Fang Yuan ambushes Gu Immortal, such as Southern Border Xia Cha, and captures Liu Hao.

It is a pity that the Locking Space Immortal Gu on Liu Hao was self-destructive and Fang Yuan did not succeed.

As for the Suppressing Space Immortal Gu, it is owned by Gu Immortal Luo Ran of Luo Family.

Previous lifetime, Wu Yong led the South Union Gu Immortal to attack Nine Baguenaudiers Continuous Formation, and Luo Ran made a contribution with the Suppressing Space Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan wants to find the Locking Space Immortal Gu, it is very difficult, because the time is too early, and now others are still in the Northern Plains Langya Blessed Land, have not yet swayed the Southern Border, stirred up the anger and attracted the Southern Border such as Xia Cha Gu Immortal pursues the soldiers. Without Wu Yong’s request for help from Fairy Ziwei, naturally there is no such thing as Liu Hao.

But Suppressing Space Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan, with the information of previous lifetime, found that he can succeed.

Locking Space Immortal Gu Marks the position, even if Fixed Immortal Travel is successful, Gu Immortal will only be sent to the location marked by Locking Space Gu.

Suppressing Space Immortal Gu is a space within a certain range of repression, making the Space Dao approach difficult to work.

Suppressing Space Immortal Gu is also Rank 7 and is restraining Rank 7 Immortal Gu Fixed Immortal Travel.

Feng Jiuge startedled for this. I didn’t expect Fang Yuan to be so thorough.

a moment later , Feng Jiuge face suddenly white.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

Fang Yuan laughed, feeling in my heart: “It’s not easy, I finally stole the Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu.”

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