Immemorial White Heaven , Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto.

“Niutou, eat your grandfather!” A Golden Hair Violent Ape growled, wrapped in wind and thunder, and killed Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan stood still, quietly at golden hair Violent Ape approaching, until the other party rushed to his face, his hand was slightly lifted.


a moment later, the right hand just lifted from the knee position, suddenly appeared before the chest.

Throw a punch.

A very ordinary movement, but in the state of Fang Yuan, it is terrifying.

Golden Hair Violent Ape also felt an unparalleled power in the future, and he flew back directly.


After crossing a short arc in midair, Golden Hair Violent Ape squatted on a mountain, and immediately the earth and stone rolled, and large rocks fell and buried him.

“What kind of terrifying power is this, even Jin Hao is not its opponent!”

“This kind of power is matched with this speed, I have never seen it before… It really is the big rare beast of the beautiful star conch!”

In addition to the buried gold plaque, there are still some War Beast Brave Warrior lying on the battlefield. At this moment, I saw the end of the Golden Jubilee.

“Everyone wants to cheer up! This is obviously a Battle Technique, and it will consume a lot of energy when used more.” One of the Ears of War Beast Brave Warrior, Elegant Thunder Lion.

The War Beast Brave Warriors, who were sent by War Beast King Brave Warrior, have been defeated by Fang Yuan by the greater part, but there are still five who maintain a certain amount of battle strength.

This is the strongest five in War Beast Brave Warrior!

The two lions, the Elegant Thunder Lion and the Doro lion, the former is the lion head, mastering the strength of Thunder and Lightning, which is the head of the lion and has great resilience.

A river otter, as huge as a mountain, is called a stone scorpion. When two huge shells are opened, you can spit out countless meteor-like flying stones.

A rhinoceros of the same size, like a steel cast, is called a steel rush.

In the end, it is a rare body-sized pocket butterfly, which is only the size of an adult’s fist, and the human-shaped butterfly wing can promote extremely intense freezing.

“Hey, big stupid cow, you fall into trap.” I don’t know when, the delicate frost butterfly Arrived Fang Yuan’s head.

The frozen gas rushed out, covering Fang Yuan’s head and shoulders, and then spread quickly down.


The steel screamed and screamed, rushing to Fang Yuan with four hooves, and shaking the mountain for a while.

“Taste a new Battle Technique!” The stone suddenly sprang up and exploded at an alarming speed, and then came to the front of Fang Yuan.

Two pieces of shells are opened, and the stone shackles firmly hold the entire lower body of Fang Yuan’s.

a moment later, the steel rushed to Fang Yuan to the ground.

The frozen gas will freeze Fang Yuan’s arms and cover a large piece of dark blue mysterious ice.

“Just now!” Elegant Thunder Lion, Dorothy Lion, left and right, simultaneous attack Fang Yuan’s head.

“Dead!” Five people screamed together, fighting intent arrogant, reaching peak.


The violent explosion, the incomparable air waves, the five War Beast Brave Warrior is like a small wooden board in the hurricane, each spit blood, blown away by the waves.

In the smoke, a shadow of as huge as a mountain gradually emerges.

Fang Yuan stood quietly, looked at the five War Beast Brave Warriors who were lying on the ground and wanted to struggle, and then continued on.

砰, 砰, 砰…

Every step he took, he trembled around the ground and left a huge footprint.


“do not go……”

“Take it, stop it!”

War Beast Brave Warrior were fiercely trying to get up, but in the end only the Elegant Thunder Lion barely stood up.

“It’s Elegant Thunder Lion!”

“keep it up, be sure to stop this rare beast!”

Elegant Thunder Lion rushed to Fang Yuan again with fear. His eyes were full of light: “If you want to kill your life, you will step on my body.”


No one can see how Fang Yuan took action. They only saw the Elegant Thunder Lion being kicked back at a faster speed.

The huge lion’s torso plowed the ground and wiped out a gully with a width of nearly ten zhang, which stopped.

Elegant Thunder Lion passed out and there was no movement.

Fang Yuan continues on.

He started to be very measured and left these people a life. Unlike the invasion of this place, after receiving multiple inheritances in succession, the mentality has changed. At this point in his opinion, everything in this Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto will be his property. This of course includes these War Beast Brave Warrior.

“There is the last Land of Inheritance. Once I receive the inheritance from this place, I can combine all the inheritance content to get the complete content.”

Soon, Fang Yuan arrived in front of the star conch.

The star conch is Immemorial Desolate Beast, but in front of Fang Yuan is just the body of a star conch.

Once the beasts of the beasts were hit hard by the counter-star conch, this is a fatal wound that is difficult to heal. At the time of his death, he left inheritance and made the star conch a final inheritance location.

“The bullhead demon, the old man has already waited for you a long time.” This generation of War Beast King Brave Warrior stood at the top of the star conch, looks at Fang Yuan.

He is already very old, and compared with Fang Yuan’s figure, it is an ant.

But in the eyes of the ants, there is a burning flame.

Starlight suddenly shines, covering the body of the old man from the star conch.

After a few breaths, starlight greatly rises, and the eyes of the people can’t open.

After the starlight dissipated, a giant with heavy armor stood in front of Fang Yuan’s, only a little shorter than Fang Yuan.

“Oh? It turns out that this method is not limited to living things, even the body of Immemorial Desolate Beast can be used!” Fang Yuan was surprised.

No matter what, he will understand.

This Transformation Dao’s approach is rooted in Dao Marks, not a difference between life and death.

Although the star conch died, its shell body still has the massive Star Dao’s Dao Marks, which gives the old man a place to use.

“This should be the biggest trump card of Celestial Grotto here, but unfortunately, even a live star conch, I have to hate in front of me. What’s more, after a long time of death, Star Dao’s Dao Marks lost a small body? ”

Fang Yuan sneered in his heart and killed the giant star.

Although the battle was fierce, the result was not unexpected by Fang Yuan.

In the devastated battlefield, Fang Yuan still stood proudly, and the star giant fell to the ground and was dying.

“There is no hope…” During the battle, the other War Beast Brave Warriors who came to support were kneels down on the ground, and their faces were pale.

The starlight shines, and the star giant once again differentiates this generation of War Beast King Brave Warrior, and a cracked star conch.

Fang Yuan investigated a lot, and discovered the mystery hidden in the star conch.

He laughed and suddenly said: “Heaven Spirit, you still can’t come out?”


All War Beast Brave Warrior stayed and was shocked.

“I, I, I, I just had what?”

“The big rare beast spoke, it actually speaks people?!”

“I am too old, I am going to die, so is there an auditory hallucination?” This generation of War Beast King old man is dull.

But a moment later, the scene made them even more surprised.

The Heaven Spirit carries the September Immortal Gus and slowly comes to Fang Yuan’s.

Heaven Spirit is like a Qilin cub, it speaks loudly, and the sound is crisp like a child: “External Gu Immortal, although you are hered and provided with various inheritance, but it is not fully recognized. You kill innocent, arrogant Although the strength is strong, I can only get the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move of my body. As for the inheritance rights of Immortal Gu and this Celestial Grotto, don’t think about it.”

“Oh?” Fang Yuan gave a meaningful laugh.

Qilin cub looks serious: “I know what you think, if you use strong, I can’t beat you. But I can make Immortal Gu self-exploding, make Celestial Grotto self-destruct, let you all in vain. ”

Fang Yuan is silent.

The Qilin cub in front of him was very determined, which made him feel a little tricky. Like the Earth Spirit, Heaven Spirit doesn’t lie.

Immortal Gu left by the beastly sinister, where Fang Yuan could not detect it.

The Blood Light Suppressing Spirit is an ultimate move. For the sake of hierarchy, it is not enough for the Celestial Grotto Heaven Spirit to be forformable power.

“so that’s how it is , the War Beast Brave Warrior here is part of the inheritance itself. I understand the mind of the beastly immortal.” For a long time, Fang Yuan suddenly spoke.

“You understand that it is too late. There is only one chance for anyone. But you are not empty-handed this time. According to the layout of the body, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move will give you.” Heaven Spirit already has the meaning of a guest.

After getting these Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, Fang Yuan did not stay or take advantage of it. He followed the Immortal Aperture Portal opened by Heaven Spirit and left the Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto.

Eastern Sea.

The battle of the five Rank 8 Gu Immortal, always Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering!

Surging forward with great momentum on the sea, stunned waves, black clouds rolling, thunder and lightning. In the seabed, there is a sneak peek, and Poison Dao, Water Dao, and Soul Dao have all kinds of swearing methods, and have killed all the lives of the world.

“There are still other means to show it out.” Duke Long is still indifferent.

Feng Jinhuang followed him, unscathed, and safe. Only her face at the moment is still full of shock. After all is the first time so close, witnessing the battle between Rank 8 Gu Immortal, which opened her eyes.

Rong Po, Yang Zihe and the others are each one, looking or dignified, or suffering.

After really fighting, they only tasted Duke Long. Although Duke Long is only one person and has a Feng Jinhuang drag bottle, the four Eastern Sea Rank 8 have been pushed into the air since the start of the war. Although the Four Immortals took the action, they never changed the situation. Until now, they have been defeated!

“He already has the strength of Quasi Rank 9, unless Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable is born, he can’t clean him!”

“So powerful, it’s just Heavenly Court, it’s Duke Long…”

The morale of Rong Po, Yang Zihe and the others has fallen to a low point.

“It’s abhorrent. We tried Dragon Palace for so long, but it was finally gone by Heavenly Court.”

“Hey, let’s go. We are not Duke Long’s opponents, and we are defending each other. We can’t work together. What’s the point of staying here?”

Seeing things can not be done, said to withdraw and withdraw, four Eastern Sea Rank 8 have retreated, in a wink, disappeared into the sky.

Duke Long is not catching up.

His purpose has always been the Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace, which has never changed the primary and secondary.

“Dragon Palace has been eroded by dreams and has fallen apart. I don’t know how much remains? How much has the core Immortal Gu lost?”

Duke Long sighed and began taking action to collect the Dragon Palace.


a moment later, a sudden change occurs.

The Dragon Palace suddenly shines and flies away.

Duke Long stayed in place and couldn’t stop it. He looked at the flying Dragon Palace. There was a trace of blood in his mouth. The eyes were shocked: “Dragon Palace is completely intact. Not only that, but there is a Dream Dao in its core Immortal Gu. Immortal Gu !”

“Hahaha, Duke Long, this time See how you fight with us!” Four Eastern Sea Rank 8 went back.

Duke Long’s face sank.

Things got into trouble.

He was trapped, and the Dragon Palace flew out, and it was full of breath, which would surely stir the Eastern Sea!

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