“Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation.” Fang Yuan murmured in his mouth.

He sits on top of the auspicious cloud, and the Immemorial White Heaven is empty and endless.

Actively evacuated from Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto, he actively digested the harvest of the action.

The supernatural means of the beastly sinister is the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation. After using this trick, you can add the Massive Transformation Dao mark and transform the other different genre Dao Marks into Transformation Dao marks.

This trick consumes a lot of immortal essence, but also has a lot of emotions. These emotions must be positive and bright. From this point, Fang Yuan finally understands the temperament of the War Beast Brave Warrior in the Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto.

Immortal essence Fang Yuan is not lacking. Since this period of time, although the upgrade refining Immortal Gu is huge, Fang Yuan’s has a lot of income. Especially the refining gu Late Stage, Fang Yuan has made great progress, and the consumption of refining gu has been declining. So now the balance of the Yuan X YuanX immortal essence of Fang Yuan has been quite a lot, which can support the regular battle of two Rank 8 Gu Immortal level.

Rich emotions, Fang Yuan also has. For the positive and bright standards, Fang Yuan is also easy to achieve through Wisdom Dao. His Wisdom Dao rumors are also quite impressive.

What Fang Yuan lacks is Immortal Gu.

There are four Immortal Gus that make up this trick, the most important of which is Rank 8 Immortal Gu – Flexible Transformation!

There is no doubt that this is Transformation Dao’s Immortal Gu and Life-Bound Gu, a beastly immortal. The remaining three Immortal Gus are all Rank 7.

“These Immortal Gus can be grabbed even if Heaven Spirit doesn’t contribute. Ghostly Great Thief Hand has been improved and more reliable.”

“Now only Heavenly Image ultimate move is needed to continually investigate and detect the hidden places of these Immortal Gus. I can use the Stealing Dao method to get it.”

“However, getting the entire Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto is a bit of a hassle.”

For Fang Yuan, the Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto itself is also of great value. But Heaven Spirit has the ability to destroy Celestial Grotto, and if it is used hard, it will certainly not be worth the candle.

“Even, from this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation, Gu Immortal in Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto is probably a trump card.”

Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast can use Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation, and the star conch shell can do the same. These Gu Immortal did not master Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation. The root cause is that the beastly sinister has applied this to the entire Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto. .

In other words, the entire Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto can be combined with Gu Immortal through Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation.

This will create a temporary Rank 8 battle strength!

Of course, Fang Yuan is not unsure of defeating this Rank 8, but the final loss is still to fall on Fang Yuan. Even if he wins, the Immortal Aperture of Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation will be a heavy loss.

“So, I have to make a calculation, how to restrain each other from using Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation to impede the entire Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto.”

“At the same time, use the Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move for the second Raiders.”

Heaven Spirit said that any one has only one chance to inherit the opportunity, but what is its ability to detect? Can you tell the true identity of Fang Yuan’s? According to Fang Yuan’s calculation, this possibility is small.

However, just as Fang Yuan temporarily retreated and actively calculated the law of restraint, he accidentally learned an intelligence.

This information is very important!

“Dragon Palace was born? And Heavenly Court Duke Long took the action in person, didn’t it get it? Oh, is it because the Eastern Sea’s four popular Rank 8 Gu Immortal joint action action obstructed?”

“Interesting! Now the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace is flying in the Eastern Sea’s sky, and the atmosphere is unmasked. It has already provoked heaven and earth turning upside down. Numerous forces and Gu Immortal experts are paying close attention.”

Fang Yuan has a fine eye in his eyes.

He is aware of the existence of the Dragon Palace.

In the True Inheritance, there is a clue about the Dragon Palace. But this clue is only superficial and does not involve the key. The most valuable content is: Dragon Palace stipulates that its successor must be Dragonoid identity!

Fang Yuan has survived this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, but until now, there is no good opportunity and time. Although there is the key to Bai Ningbing, it is obviously very difficult to find the Dragon Palace, which takes a lot of time and effort.

According to the previous situation, the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home is strong, but if Fang Yuan ventures to search for it, once he can’t get it, he will be killed by the attack that Heavenly Court will follow.

The gains here are large, but the risks are greater, so Fang Yuan has never taken action.

“The original Heavenly Court has been secretly searching for Dragon Palace and almost got it.”

Recognizing this, Fang Yuan can’t help but praise the four Eastern Sea Rank 8: Well done!

Without thinking longer, Fang Yuan immediately left, leaving Immemorial White Heaven and heading to the Eastern Sea.

Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto is here, will not be easily found, can be slowed down. Dragon Palace This is an emergency and must not be taken away by Heavenly Court.

This is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home and the mysterious Immortal Gu of Dream Dao!

A few days later, Eastern Sea.


In a violent explosion, Gu Immortal Shi Miao vomited blood and wandered.

Duke Long screamed, illuminating the rainbow, bursting out and hitting the front of the Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was rapidly shortening, at the crucial moment, Rong Po appeared in time and blocked it in front of Duke Long.

She was covered in Purple Qi, she was seriously injured, her body was weak, and her face was pale as paper.

Duke Long is fierce, seeing the purple poison around Rong Po, but the pupil is slightly shrunk, and the figure suddenly wraps around.

Rong Po is Poison Dao Gu Immortal. This purple gas is her signature, and even Duke Long is not willing to get contaminated.

Rong Po’s state is very poor. The battles in these days have caused her to lose a lot, especially the destruction of a core Immortal Gu, which caused her speed to drop heavily, and she was extremely passive, relying on her own tenacious will and other three Gu. The lining of Immortals, this bite the teeth perseverance to the present.

Duke Long bypasses Rong Po, which is the most sensible tactic.

Rong Po can only look at Duke Long with a look of bitterness, and there is no possibility of catching up.

The other two of the four Rank 8s are still outside of the public li.


Duke Long flew over the Dragon Palace and slammed the hand and hit the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home directly.


Immortal Gu Home fell into the sea and immediately set off huge waves.

The Dragon Palace is full of spirituality and does not fly into the air. Instead, it sneaked into the depths of the sea.

Duke Long was about to chase, suddenly he was condensed, and suddenly took action to the left.

There was nothing on his left, but the embarrassing offensive suddenly stopped and was blocked by one Gu Immortal.

Gu Immortal reveals figure, to Duke Long said with a slight smile : “It’s Duke Long Senior, I can see my disguise.”

Duke Long frowned, sneer: “Song Qiyuan, you are the Song Family dignified Revered Great Elder, Rank 8’s cultivation base, actually doing this sneak attack?”

Newcomer is Song Qiyuan.

“It seems that Eastern Sea’s Righteous Path has finally taken action. Who else, all come out.” Duke Long looked at the water under his feet, the Dragon Palace was gradually disappearing, but he did not pursue, but hovered high altitude, fighting intent stunned .

Then a moment later, there are two silhouettes of Gu Immortals appearing.

An azure robe is middle-aged, the Reved Great Elder of the Qingyue Family, Qingyue An.

An alum girl with a pocket of colorful clouds lingering around is the Hua Family Revered Great Elder, Hua Caiyun.

“Duke Long is an adult…” Hua Caiyun just spoke.

“There is too much nonsense!” Duke Long screamed and took the initiative.

Hōng hōng hōng !

After a few minutes of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the three Rightse Path Rank 8 went down.

“Duke Long is very powerful, Eastern Sea’s Righteous Path Rank 8, he can easily suppress with an enemy three!” Fang Yuan changed into a sea snake at this time, snorkeling in the seabed, the heart of the implicit shiver.

Righteous Path Rank 8 and rogue cultivator Rank 8 are usually more powerful than the former. Because they have a more complete Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, ample cultivation resources.

These three Rightse Path Rank 8 teamed up, definitely better than Rong Po, Yang Zihe, Zhang Yin, Shi Miao.

But still not the opponent of Duke Long.

Duke Long is too fierce, and until now, he has only used Transformation Dao’s means, and the most popular Qi Dao ultimate move has never been used.

From this point of view, Purple Mountain True Monarch can force Duke Long to show Qi Dao tricks, but also show the power of the former.

“Not Purple Mountain True Monarch is too weak, but Duke Long is stronger!” Fang Yuan followed the Dragon Palace and gradually got out of the battlefield.

Since Song Qiyuan, Qingyue An and the others have emerged, it has been proved that Eastern Sea’s Righteous Path has been negotiated. In Five Regions, Eastern Sea is the most resource-rich, and the number of Rank 8 Gu Immortal is also the most.

“There are only three Rightse Path Rank 8… there must be people.” Fang Yuan decided not to move.

Sure enough, he soon had two Righteous Path Rank 8s appearing to stop the Dragon Palace.

Zhang Yin, Rong Po and the others also followed, screaming and screaming, fighting blood and meeting two Righteous Path Rank 8.

The battle of seabed also broke out.

Fang Yuan quickly lurked into the sand of the seabed, waiting for a good opportunity.

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