Hey -!

Fang Yuan rare beast issued a calf, a huge body shuttled through the forest, and easily hit countless ancient trees.

“Retreat, retreat!” Elk Brave Warrior holds lance while vomiting blood, screaming at Fang Yuan and using his life to retreat for residents of Spirit Spring Forest.

But in the end, Elk Brave Warrior was twisted by Fang Yuan and died in battle.

The image ends here, and there are dozens of War Beast Brave Warrior each and every one vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger in the hall. There are men and women, old and young, all talking in a whisper, words and demeanor. All with the color of surprised and angry.

At this time, on the high platform, a skinny old man coughed twice.

There was a silence in the hall, and all the War Beast Brave Warriors looked up at the old man, showing a respectful color in their eyes.

Old man started talking : “These images you just watched, the cowhead demon that appeared at this time, after the fall, they destroyed Saint Hawk City, Azure Nether Valley and Spirit Spring Forest.”

The next one is a red-haired screamer: “War Beast King, what are we waiting for? The World War Beast Brave Warrior is almost here, waiting for you to remove this fierce devil!”

“Yeah, adults, you will order it.”

“We can’t wait.”

“The news of the devil’s head gods, we have heard that Giant Hawk Brave Warrior and Elk Brave Warrior are all dead in its hands, we have to avenge their hatred!”

Many of the War Beast Brave Warrior have been arguing that the hall is full of excitement.

Old man had to extend the palm, slowly pressed a pressure, and after the hall calmed down again, he continued: “Hey, it seems that you have not really realized the seriousness of this time beast disaster. I know, here. Everyone is a record, but this time’s rare beast is extraordinary, more accurately, if it is not handled properly, I am afraid it will bring the end of World!”

“What do you mean?”

“This rare beast is really strong, but it hasn’t been there before that there have been no monsters that have killed several War Beast Brave Warriors.”

“This rare beast is tall and has two kinds of Battle Techniques, especially the slow time Battle Technique. It’s really tricky. But it’s not impossible.”

Old man slowly shook his head, with a look of solemn and solemn color: “The strength of this cowhead demon is deep, it can be said that it is the most terrifying type of rare beast in history. You should know that the first generation War Beast How did King Brave Warrior die?”

As soon as this was said, the presence of War Beast Brave Warrior was moving.

“War Beast King, you mean…”

“No, don’t tell me this monster is that kind of level?”

War Beast King old man Slowly nodded, the tone is very heavy: “We are now in the snail great hall, the body of the original star snail rare beast. The first generation of War Beast King Brave Warrior is the strongest War Beast Brave Warrior in history However, in order to eradicate it, he paid the price of life. The head of the devil at this time is the same level as the star conch.”

The reply from old man made the audience quiet, and the needle fell to the ground and was audible.

“So.” The old man looked around all around and continued. “I mobilize everyone to act together and encircle this bullhead demon. In fact, there is not much victory. Everyone must do his best to win a chance. Please take it with you.” Awareness, go to this battle!”

“What a mortal enlightenment…” There is a whisper in the population.

“He He He.” Suddenly someone laughed out loud.

The atmosphere began to be active, and there was a similar flame burning in the eyes of War Beast Brave Warrior.

Fighting intent

“For this home, I have already had the consciousness of sacrifice!”

“Yeah, what is your life for family and friends?”

“Can’t let this bullhead demon raging again, even if it is a beautiful star conch? I believe in my fist, I believe in the big guy!”

“Yeah, believe in the power of your companions. The first generation of War Beast King was alone in the blood, but we are different, we have each other, we have comrades!”

Some people shouted, some people were shaking their arms, and their morale was constantly rising.

Old man’s face showed a happy smile, he slowly nodded: “This is good, then I will fuse the star conch shell, send you over, encircle the bullhead demon, hit it a completely unprepared! You have to remember The safety of the entire World is on your shoulders.”


The star conch shell began to oscillate.

Fang Yuan is in full swing among a wasteland.

He is still the appearance of the Ox-Head Human Body, his body is towering, his shoulders are tangled, his feet are pitted. Step by step, the giant foot stepped on the ground, making a roar of sound, echoing Heaven and Earth.

“The first generation of War Beast King should be the original owner of this Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto.”

Fang Yuan has already been affirmed.

He smashed three locations in a row and took the inheritance of the Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto original owner. These inheritances are very complete, and although they have existed for many years, they have not been taken by other War Beast Brave Warriors.

“The cultivation method that fits with War Beast is convenient and convenient, but it is not the igh of the gu cultivator. The road is only narrower and narrower, so these people can’t even detect the True Inheritance.”

“Well? Who?” Suddenly, Fang Yuan stopped and his eyes were full of vigilance.

a moment later, starlight flooding, each and every one War Beast Brave Warrior emerged and surrounded him.

“rare beast, give me death!”

“For the peace and tranquility of World, even if you are dedicated to all of me, it is a pity!”

“Everyone goes together, believe in yourself, believe in teammates, and the powerful rare beast will not be our opponent.”

The war broke out suddenly!

At the same time, the Eastern Sea is deep in the seabed somewhere.

“Master, okay! Finally no dreams have flowed out.” Feng Jinhuang looked at the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace, excitedly said.

Duke Long slightly nod.

“The hard work of these days has not been in vain. The biggest obstacle has been done. The Dragon Palace is covered by dreams. Although the framework is not chaotic, the entire Immortal Gu Home should have expired. It is a great opportunity to take action.”

Duke Long thought of it, the scene in memory suddenly came to my heart.

The red word on the hall is extremely eye-catching.

Duke Long sits in the main position, surrounded by Dragonoid.

“grandfather, grandson gives you a birthday! I wish you a blessing like Eastern Sea, Shoubi South Mountain. This is the Desolate Beast that grandson has personally hunted for you. I hope grandfather can like it.” A Dragonoid boy squatted on the floor with both hands There is a plate with a delicate little seahorse on the plate.

“This is Desolate Beast. It’s very fast and it’s hard to kill.”

“Seventh Young Master is just the Rank 6 cultivation base. It’s already very difficult to kill it. I didn’t expect to catch it!”

“I heard that Seventh Young Master was lurking in the seabed for a month and was not moving for a month. This filial piety is really touching.”

There are many people around, some of them are Human Race Gu Immortal, but most of them are Dragonoid.

These Dragonoids have Gu Immortal and mortal Gu Master, both descendants of Duke Long’s bloodline.

Duke Long is the ancestor of Dragonoid, who created the nonhuman race of Dragonoid. Rank 6 Dragonoid Gu Immortal Seventh Young Master is Duke Long’s favorite grandson.

“Well, your gift, grandfather, has been accepted.” Duke Long’s face was full of loving smiles.

Gao Peng is full of people, and his grandchildren are full of people. This kind of warmth is full of Duke Long’s heart.

but now……

Duke Long snorted and woke up.

In front of him is only the deep ice-cold sea, and the dead Dragon Palace.

No longer in the past, the warmth that once filled the heart, has already been blown away by the rain.

“Who? Come out.” Duke Long suddenly spoke, his face calm, his eyes gazing like electricity, and glanced at several places.

“It’s like Heavenly Court Duke Long, the eyes are like a torch.” An old woman smiled and emerged as a silhouette. She licked her back, her face was wrinkled deep, and her wrinkles were strange, forming the lines of purple poisonous, stretching from her face to her arms and even her body.

“Duke Long, this Immortal Gu Home, we are inevitable.” Another Gu Immortal appeared, his appearance, white robes, handsome face.

“Eastern Sea’s things, you Central Continent still want to take away? Hey.” Third Gu Immortals coldly snorted, his stout, a pair of triangular eyes flashing cold.

Finally, one Gu Immortal slowly approached Duke Long, dressed in a black robe, unable to see his face, silent, like Gloomy Soul floating and coming to Yin Qi.

“Rong Po, Yang Zihe, Shi Miao and Zhang Yin, you are all loose immortal and Demon Immortal in Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World. Is it easy to go to Rank 8? Why come to me to die?” Duke Long is surrounded by four Rank 8 Gu Immortal and is still calm.

“No need to talk nonsense, go up!” Shi Miao took the action first.

A war broke out!

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