“generally speaking, the huge beast of such a huge size should be arrogant and arrogant, and it is impossible to have such agile speed!”

Giant Hawk Brave Warrior got up from the deep pit, the full head was cold sweat, and suddenly the inspiration flashed, thinking of a possibility: “Wait a minute, could it be that just took action, it is this rare beast Battle Technique ?”

He looked up to Fang Yuan, who had been incarnation into the Ox-Head Human Body’s monster, and the huge shadow shrouded the Giant Hawk Brave Warrior.

In the heart of Giant Hawk Brave Warrior, the courage to fight again is slowly recovering.

“You have Battle Technique, I also have Battle Technique! Your Battle Technique, I already know it, but my Battle Technique, you stupid big head is not clear.”

“Nothing wrong, as long as I grasp the opportunity in battle, I must have the possibility of victory!”

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Giant Hawk Brave Warrior are shining with hope.

“He stood up, he stood up!”

“Nothing wrong, how could Giant Hawk Brave Warrior be knocked down at once?”

“Giant Hawk Brave Warrior, let us believe in you!”

Seeing the Giant Hawk Brave Warrior standing up, the city that was still dead in the last second, suddenly burst into the cheers of the sky.

A hawk cry screams.

Giant Hawk Brave Warrior suddenly stunned the wings behind him, rose again and flew up the sky.

“You have Battle Technique, I also have Battle Technique!rare beast, see, my Battle Technique – Silver Phantom!” Giant Hawk Brave Warrior shouted.

a moment later, his figure suddenly changed, splitting six phantoms, vivid and lifelike, looking at the original and no difference. For a time, the true and false Giant Hawk Brave Warrior hovered over the head of Fang Yuan’s and surrounded Fang Yuan.

The sound of the waves in the city suddenly reached another height!

“Look, it’s the Silver Phantom Battle Technique of Giant Hawk Brave Warrior!”

“He finally showed it out, look! The big rare beast seems to look at it, I don’t know which one to start with.”

“The chance of victory is in front of you. Go up, kill the big rare beast.”

“Ahhhhh…Giant Hawk Brave Warrior is really handsome!”

Giant Hawk Brave Warrior listens to people’s cheers and keep it up, which gives him extra courage and fighting spirit.

But he still calms down in his heart: “I must cherish this opportunity, I must make a hit, even if I can’t kill this rare beast, I must reinvent it. After all, Battle Technique will consume a lot of physical energy, and it can’t be continuous. Secondary reminder!”

“So, even if this rare beast is strong, the Battle Technique can’t be used frequently. I use the phantom to tuck it constantly, exhausting its physical strength, making it lose, even maybe, physical strength. There are very few left, I can still catch it!”

Giant Hawk Brave Warrior actually wants to catch Fang Yuan, although Fang Yuan can’t detect his psychology, but the Giant Hawk Brave Warrior’s tactics are clear at a glance.

One after another Giant Hawk Brave Warrior fluttered around Fang Yuan, and sometimes he swooped down at both ends, stretching out sharp claws and squats and attacking Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan does not dodge or evade, standing in the same place, these Giant Hawk Brave Warrior are phantoms, the attack has no substance, and it falls into the eyes of Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, and he smiled: “This Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto interesting.”

First, the mortal and Gu Immortal of Gu Immortal are interesting.

Very harmonious.

It’s completely different from the Five Regions, the versatile people in the Five Regions, Gu Immortal aloof and remote. The Gu Immortal here is the Guardian of the mortal, and the most important thing is that he is very keen on the responsibility of this protection.

From this point, Fang Yuan is like some of the taste of the saw land.

But this is not surprising.

Every Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto is a self-contained World. If there is less communication with the outside of the Five Regions, it will form a different social structure and cognition, and have a unique style.

Secondly, the battle and cultivation of Gu Master and Gu Immortal are also interesting.

For example, the former Fang Yuan’s opponent is a combination of the Far Ancient Desolate Beast and the silver eagle, thus forming a battle form of human and animal form.

This is obviously a means of Transformation Dao’s, and the advantages are very obvious.

Normal Gu Immortal, which consumes immortal essence, motivates Immortal Gu or Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to fight. But here, Gu Immortal only needs to fit a Desolate Beast to have the Battle Technique.

The so-called Battle Technique is the inborn talent of some Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast. Just like the Superior Heavenly Eagle that Fang Yuan once owned, it can penetrate the Immortal Aperture freely.

This inborn talent ability, known here as the Battle Technique, does not require the consumption of immortal essence, but it can greatly deplete physical strength, and even pay other costs, such as part of the body or life span.

Whether it is Battle Technique, Immortal Gu or Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the essence is all – Tao.

Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast, etc., because of the accumulation of strong Dao Marks and the specific Dao Marks division, will have inborn talent, that is Battle Technique.

Immortal Gu itself is the Grand Dao’s fragment, which represents a point in the Heaven and Earth rule.

Not to mention Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, often with a small number of Immortal Gu, a large number of mortal gu, which is the combination of Dao Marks and Grand Dao’s fragment, and then through some wonderful steps to achieve some better power efficiency.

In fact, the earliest Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is that Gu Immortals has referenced some of the Dao Marks on Desolate Beast, which gradually evolved and explored.

“The Gu Immortal here, combined with the Desolate Beast and the Far Ancient Desolate Beast, will be able to display the inborn talent of the Desolate Beast. It does not require hard work to refining what Immortal Gu, and it also saves the painfultaking cultivation of Immortal Realm. The risks and costs of Ultimate Move.”

This advantage is very prominent!

Because Immortal Gu is so rare, Immortal Gu is unique, and each Immortal Gu is unique and unmatched.

But there are many Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast. Even the Superior Heavenly Eagle, the Immemorial Desolate Beast, is in groups.

Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast, which have inborn talent, are often stupid because of lack of wisdom and spirituality. But when they were combined with Gu Immortal, Gu Immortal had their inborn talent, and they also had the wisdom of Gu Immortal. The combination of the two, a stable win-win approach, cleverly compensates for the shortcomings of both sides!

“But this method is cultivated, but it is not flexible enough. When you call it, there is only one card. Inborn talent is too monotonous, it is easy to be restrained, and there are many weak points.” Fang Yuan also saw the drawbacks.

“But overall, the excellence of this method is still too great, surpassing by far. Once promoted, it must be popular in Five Regions!”

“Fortunately, my previous life does not have this method, otherwise my memory will be the same.”

Because this method is simply the only way to mass-produce Gu Immortal battle strength, although it can’t change the high-level battle strength showdown, it is enough to change the situation.

There are a lot of Rank 6 Gu Immortal in the Five Regions, and there is no one Immortal Gu in your hands!

And these people are precisely the largest number of people in Gu Immortal World in each domain.

Imagine that there is no such method in a domain, and this method is mastered by a domain. Once it is fully operational, the Gu Immortal fight in the middle and lower layers is of course the great odds of success with this method.

“Synthesis is not really a new means, but it has always been difficult to prosper. The biggest difficulty lies in the mutual exclusion between Dao Marks.”

“But in this Celestial Grotto, there is a way to turn other Dao Marks into Transformation Dao marks!”

“So, Gu Immortal and Desolate Beast can be mechanically combined with each other. After all, this means of integration is consistent with the means of beasting.”

Estimated here, Fang Yuan would like to get this Transformation Dao’s means.

“I still have something to do, and the flies should stop wēng wēng wēng.” After the heart sighed, Fang Yuan spurred Time Dao.

His current Time Dao ultimate move is no longer the same!

Giant Hawk Brave Warrior was still testing, and suddenly he was shocked to find that the time around him was slow.

“This!? Time has become so slow! How is it possible?!” Giant Hawk Brave Warrior was completely shocked.

He is actually more confident about his speed, but the problem is that time is affected, and his speed is impossible to play!

“Let’s end.” Fang Yuan slowly extended the palm, ten fingers open, slowly explored, and then firmly grasped the two eagle wings of the Giant Hawk Brave Warrior.

“Damn, damn it! Hurry, fast!!” Giant Hawk Brave Warrior snarls in his heart, but he tries his best to fly, and only flies a tiny distance.

Pū chī !

a moment later , Fang Yuan arms suddenly forcefully, immediately tear off the two wings of Giant Hawk Brave Warrior!

“Ah-!” Giant Hawk Brave Warrior was distorted and sore. At the wound behind him, the blood was like a fountain, and it spouted wildly.

“Giant Hawk Brave Warrior !!!”

“Do not–!”

Countless people in the city pool screamed, fear and horror replaced the previous squatting intent, some people fainted on the spot, and some people closed their eyes directly.

Fang Yuan slowly put both hands on the mind of Giant Hawk Brave Warrior.

Giant Hawk Brave Warrior madly jumps at this moment, he fully sensed the death of the strong aura!

“Is this the Battle Technique?”

“The slowdown is really terrifying’s Battle Technique.”

“But… even if I am killed here, I am also valuable. At least, I have explored the details of it!”

Thinking of this, Giant Hawk Brave Warrior screamed: “Monster! Even if you kill me, what can you do? There are many War Beast Brave Warriors to kill you, you will die…”


Fang Yuan handsed heavily to the middle, and Giant Hawk Brave Warrior’s head was like a watermelon falling to the ground, broken into slag, white red and skull fragments mixed together.

Fang Yuan releases his hands.


The head of the Giant Hawk Brave Warrior, without a head, hit the ground and set off a small amount of smoke.

Fang Yuan looked towards the city.

His physique is too large, and the towering city wall is only under his knees. He looked calm, but the face of the bullhead made countless people fear. The white clouds are on his shoulders, this is sunny Heaven Qi, the bright sun shines down, and his huge shadow is deeply covered in everyone’s heart.

The Human Mountain Human Sea in the city, but no one is pronounced.

A dead city.

Fang Yuan took the pace and slowly walked to the city.

a moment later, the city seems to be exploding, countless people began to scream and start to run wild, like a headless fly.

Looking down from the sky, these mortals in Fang Yuan’s vision are like a group of ants piled up along the four city gates of the city.

Fang Yuan did not pay attention to them, and went straight to the city.


His calf bone hit the city wall, and the entire city wall collapsed.

He walked on the streets of the city, and the wide streets were expanded by 5~6 times and covered by Fang Yuan’s footboard.

The houses are like small cartons, and they are smashed and smashed by Fang Yuan. Of course, some mortals of bad luck are directly stepped on by Fang Yuan to become bolognese.

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