After searching for so many days, Fang Yuan found an Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto that did not annex any Nine Heavens pieces!

“But this is a Transformation Dao’s Celestial Grotto, and my Transformation Dao Realm is a bit lacking.”

Great Master, Grandmaster, Great Grandmaster, Supreme Grandmaster…Transformation Dao Realm, Fang Yuan is the Grandmaster level, which is indeed a level.

The gap in Realm is not a problem, because it can be compensated with dreams.

Southern Border There are enough Transformation Dao dreams to support Fang Yuan breakthrough to Transformation Dao Great Grandmaster Realm, but it takes some twists and turns.

In addition to dreams, there is a second alternative to Transform Dao’s Realm and Fang Yuan. That is the use of the Disaster Provoking Immortal Gu, Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture, and the Reckless True Meaning in the Northern Plains’ northern ice sheet.

“The original owner of Celestial Grotto is a cultivation Transformation Dao’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal and has broken through First Myriad Tribulation.”

Rank 8 Gu Immortal crossed Myriad Tribulation three times, followed by Rank 9.

Myriad Tribulation is known as consigned to eternal damnation. For Rank 8 Gu Immortal, it is a major crisis for fall, and also an opportunity for cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds.

First Myriad Tribulation, Second Myriad Tribulation, is the watershed between the cultivation base between Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

If Fang Yuan swallowed Celestial Grotto here, the cultivation immediately rose to the level of First Myriad Tribulation, and such terrifying progress would surely make Heavenly Court misbehavior.

Historically, Duke Long and Bo Qing were all Rank 8 Gu Immortal nothing more of Second Myriad Tribulation, and the third time was Rank 9.

But Duke Long knows that he is not the material, merging Immortal Aperture and Heavenly Court in exchange for Void Orifice. And Bo Qing sprinted, and fell to the end of a fall.

“So this Beast Tribulation Celestial Grotto, since it didn’t annex the Immemorial Nine Heavens fragment, how did it get through its own Disaster and Tribulation?”

It is not easy to get through the time and time of Disaster and Tribulation by your own strength.

The original Langya Celestial Grotto, is the taboo of the Disaster and Tribulation initiative to fall from the Celestial Grotto level to Blessed Land. This is a very sensible move, and of course the way to return to Blessed Land from Celestial Grotto is extremely rare, not just which Celestial Grotto can do it.

Heavenly Image ultimate move circling and dancing, constantly sending in detective intelligence.

Fang Yuan discovered a peculiar phenomenon: the Death and Tribulation in this Celestial Grotto was very uniform and was a beast.

The beast disaster is a kind of Disaster and Tribulation. Some are Desolate Beast disasters, and some are Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

In this Celestial Grotto, Heavenly Tribulation is the Desolate Beast, Vast Tribulation is Far Ancient Desolate Beast, and Myriad Tribulation is Immemorial Desolate Beast.

“What is this? Can it limit the type of Disaster and Tribulation? If it is a beast, it is easy to target. After all, Desolate Beast is tangible, unlike rain and fog.”

With the constant exploration of Heavenly Image, Fang Yuan discovered something deeper.

He lamented: “The original Celestial Grotto is not a constraint on Disaster and Tribulation, but a change of any kind of Disaster and Tribulation into a beast. It is a great means!”

Disaster and Tribulation are varied, but during the formation of the Celestial Grotto, the Disaster and Tribulation is influenced by the Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto and will eventually change into the fierce rare beast of each and every one.

In addition to the methods of Disaster Provoking Immortal Gu and Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture for Disaster and Tribulation, Fang Yuan finally came across Third Type, which is the change of the beast!

“Any Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto, as long as it exists, is not easy. The Splendid Script Celestial Grotto that I encountered before is the case. The Beast Tribulation Celestial Grotto is even more so.”

“This is an unexpected surprise!”

“This Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto itself contains the mass and resources of the massive, and it is also a means of forming a beast disaster. This means I have to master it, and it will be useful in future transcends tribulation.”

After thinking to this point, Fang Yuan instilled White Lychee Immortal Essence into the Heavenly Image.

A group of white light spread slowly and Fang Yuan flew in.

This time, he was not obstructed by any Rank 8 Gu Immortal because there is no Rank 8 Gu Immortal in this Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto.

However, in the process of entering, the entire Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto began to vibrate, and a mysterious and majestic force, wrapped in all directions, not only affected the white light group, but also applied to Fang Yuan’s body.

“What is this?!” At first, Fang Yuan was still a bit suspicious, but soon he was ashamed.

There is a slightly weird expression on his face: “so that’s how it is, I am not here in Celestial Grotto, from the outside world, and because of its strength, it is rejected by the entire Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto, when it is done Disaster and Tribulation.”

This Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto is able to change the Disaster and Tribulation into raer beast of various levels and quantities. Now this power affects Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan said: “It is not impossible to force against this force, but I am afraid that the two will fight each other and will eventually ruin this means. Heavenly Image ultimate move, although discovering several Land of Inheritance, is the original owner’s stay. But what if there is no means of collecting and changing the beasts?”

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is still necessary to keep the Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto as it is, and not to ruin the existing key layout.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan simply boldly released the whole body protection, and then he noticed that Massive’s Transformation Dao’s temporary Dao Marks was added to him. At the same time, all of their own Dao Marks have also been transformed into Transformation Dao’s Dao Marks!

“Wonderful, wonderful! Transformation Dao maps thousands of times, and Transformation Dao marks can be changed to Dao Marks of any genre. Now this change is reversed, making Dao Marks of other genres into Transformation Dao’s Dao Marks.” Fang Yuan Like Unexpectedly, I am amazed, “This means extremely out of the ordinary, it seems to involve Transformation Dao’s highest prototype mystery! It seems that I only have to go in and out several times, let this influence be applied to myself, I will be able to comprehend this slightly The inside is essential.”

“Of course, the quickest way is to go straight to the Land of Inheritance and grab the True Inheritance inside to see if there is an original change in the beast!”

Fang Yuan’s body is changing, constantly expanding, and the whole person is also gradually unrecognizable and becomes a wild beast.

If the non-Heavenly Image ultimate move is clearly detected, there is no more repercussion for this change, and Fang Yuan will never let this influence be imposed on himself.

Hey -!

A moment later, Fang Yuan incarnation became a large rare beast of the Ox-Head Human Body. The body was broad and mountainous, the leather was tenacious like iron, the cow hair was heavy, and the cow’s nose was squirting out of the air.

The entire Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto is shaking!

Countless people looked up at the sky, and looked at Fang Yuan. After a moment of screaming, screams and shouts shook.

“Weird, rare beast!”

“There is a rare beast again!!”

“This rare beast is huge, and the momentum is different from the previous one.”

“Fast, call our War Beast Brave Warrior!”

In the anxious expectations of countless people, a War Beast Brave Warrior go on stage.

This is a middle-aged man with a cultivation base of Rank 7 Gu Immortal, but the atmosphere is a little weird.

He looks simple, looks dignified, and turns over to appear in the city.

“This huge rare beast has only been recorded once in history. Just look at it and feel the incomparable deterrent.”

He sighed in his heart, his fists clenched, and the fire of fighting intent in his eyes rose: “But for our homeland, in order to protect love and justice, I will knock down this rare beast. Come on, my War Beast – -Transformed!!!”

Middle-aged uncle loudly roared, began to shine.

A hawk cry, a silver eagle from afar, this is a Far Ancient Desolate Beast!

The body of the silver white eagle also began to shine.

The middle-aged uncle jumped up, the silver eagle swooped down, and the rays of light on the two men became more and more prosperous. Finally, the two met in the air, and the two groups of radiant collisions merged together.


Rays of light burst, an eagle first person, with two wings, as big as the city wall warrior go on stage.

The crowd suddenly cheered.

“Appeared, appeared, is our Giant Hawk Brave Warrior!”

“Go, Giant Hawk Brave Warrior, kill this big rare beast!”

“We support you, you can do it!”

In the cheers of the crowd, Giant Hawk Brave Warrior rushed to Fang Yuan.

He shouted in his heart: “I must live up to your expectations! Come, let us fight for three hundred rounds…”


A loud sound, Fang Yuan slaps in the silence and shoots Giant Hawk Brave Warrior.


Giant Hawk Brave Warrior’s body is like a meteor fall, shooting a straight line in the air, then kneeling on the ground, immediately pulled out a deep pit, smoke and dust.

“…” The crowd is dumb.

Strong vertigo, almost Giant Hawk Brave Warrior coma on the spot.

He supported it and finally overcome it with difficulty. Then he held up his arms and stood up from the pit in an inch.

“What? I… I was photographed by this rare beast?” quite a long time, Giant Hawk Brave Warrior.

Recalling the scene just after, his eyes showed a strong horror.

“Just the take action speed … foul! Such a big block, how can there be such a quick skill? This is impossible!”

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